Consumer reviews and reports on scam companies, bad products and services
Sam Binicki
Sam Binicki Beware of puppy mill/puppy broker Sherwood Park, Alberta Canada
19th of May, 2011 by User869137
Beware of puppy mills and puppy brokers - do not deal with a woman named Sam Binicki - she lives in Strathcona County in the area of Baseline Road and the Ardrossan Road. She is a puppy broker and sells unhealthy pups to unsuspecting victims. A friend of mine had her heart broken when her new little puppy suddenly died only a month or so after she'd adopted him. The autopsy shows a congenital defect, and now this monster of a woman is even trying to deny it was one of her dogs! She sells mostly Yorkies - or any small breed she can get her hands on. She has numerous complaints against her - we've even discovered a CTV television special in 2008 about her - and many complaints on line spanning through the years since then! The Alberta SPCA has her on their radar, but so far there is nothing they can do as there is no law against puppy mills in Alberta, and she keeps any dogs on her property locked up where no one can see what kind of conditions they are living in. PLEASE - do not buy a dog from anyone unless you see their breeder's license AND they are open and honest and let you see the parents of the puppy! Better yet - adopt from an animal rescue - you'll save money and take one more step towards eliminating homeless animals in our area. Please share this with everyone you know - this woman needs to be put out of business. When I asked for her breeder's license she literally laughed at me and hung up on me! She thinks she's got it made and she cares nothing about the dogs she is abusing.
5023 days ago by 2ditto
Samyra Marcondes, Puppy Broker and Puppy Mill owner
We got conned by a woman and it cost us not only HUGE heartache, but also $3000 in vet cost and loss of yorkie lives.  We bought a puppy from a woman in the Edmonton area who offered to meet us at Leduc.  It was stupid of us, but apparently this woman has conned very many people and has no regard for the animals that she brokers.  The little puppy we bought was thin, so we nearly didn't buy her. She was beautiful, though, and we realized on our way home that she was not well.  She poured out diarrhea and when we called her, the person was unreasonable and spoke like a crazy person.  She was going by the name of Sam Binicki at the time, but I have since seen other alias' - Samira, Samyre, Samyra, Sam Marcondes . . . .
We called the vet clinic on the health card only to find out that the vet on the card didn't work there anymore, and that she wasn't allowed in their clinic!!
After numerous trips to the vet, it turned out that the puppy was full of round worms, coccidia and giarrdia.  Because we had another female puppy and also a gorgeous registered male puppy at the time, they both caught the disease and it was spread through our house and yard.  Coccidia and giarrdia stay in the ground until enough heat from the sun can thoroughly dry out the parasites and kill them.  We bought the puppy in Nov. 2007 and were not rid of the diseases until late in the summer of 2008. 
Samyra, or whatever her name is, got $600 cash from us.  We lost three yorkies, two which were our beloved pets as well as $3000 in bills.  I see that today, yes TODAY, she is still advertising puppies on in the Edmonton, Alberta area. 
If you see her ads, please report it to Kijiji and also to the Alberta SPCA.  I see on the blogs that she was investigated by the Edmonton News, reporters took a video of her puppy mill, and yet this woman is still free to use and abuse dogs!!  If you haven't seen the video, PLEASE watch it!!!
I have tried calling the authorities and they are not taking action on the woman.  I have no actual proof that she runs a puppy mill and is a puppy broker, but from the reports and number of ads listed, as well as personal experience, she is not caring for the animals - only using them to make a buck. There are laws to protect animals, but it is not easy to convict all the people who break those laws.  Although, if you watch the video clip it's pretty obvious!!
I have learned that she lives somewhere on Baseline Rd. Ardrossan, AB T8E 1J3. According to the ad she presently has on (Strathcona County) her phone number is (780) 922-7555.
I learned the HARD way - meet the parents before you purchase a puppy!!  Even then, there are a lot of scams, so it's best if you can find a breeder that is referred by people whom have purchased puppies and are happy with their dogs. 
If you are able to assist in finding out exactly where Samyra is housing her dogs and can give me directions, I would appreciate it. I have gone to great lengths to expose this puppy mill, as the animals are terribly neglected, and I’ve read numerous reports about her selling puppies that are ill. I have reported this to the Alberta SPCA three times, to the Strathcona MLA, and am contacting as many animal protection groups as I can to stop this woman from her unscrupulous practices.
5020 days ago by Trueeyes
I bought a few dogs from Samyra and they are the best in the west.
5020 days ago by Trueeyes
Actually the 2 adds above were posted by the same person, - another breeder .
Sells yorkshire terrier under the email address [email protected] and also runs a boarding kennel which was shut down because of Parvo in 2010. Barbee, or laurie JC or Pepper444U are all the same person posting lies and slanders in different sites. Her location is windfield - Alberta, she operates under the phone number 780-682 2461. Check ripp off and all the scam reporter in this site about her poor business.
5010 days ago by Loveanimals
QUOTE~ > I bought a few dogs from Samyra and they are the best in the west.

Trueeyes, You bought a few dogs from her and they are the best in the west???????

So let me ask you this:
If you truly bought dogs which I think we can safely assume you DID NOT, why are you digging up these websites about her?

When a person buys a dog and is happy with the purchase of that dog they do not come onto websites to spread the news... THey call the REPUTABLE BREEDER and tell them how the dog is and tell them how pleased they are that they bought a dog and were lucky enough to have found such a wonderful person who really puts in time, effort, love and a lot of thought when it comes to raising dogs.

So maybe you are Sam, maybe you are her daughter or her son, or a friend who obviously doesnt care about animals either, Either way we can see that you are in support of animal cruelty, abuse, neglect and rippping off and misleading people into giving you money for sick dying or unhealthy diseased animals.

5010 days ago by Loveanimals
Trueeyes I know now exactly who you are now. Didnt take me long to figure it out either.
You also support the sale of unhealthy dogs and are right along side Samyra Marcondes.
you two pass dogs back and forth-
5001 days ago by Anonymousid
This woman goes by Samyra Marcondes, Sam Binick, Samyre Binicki and Oliva Palito just to name a few of her names, that she uses to sell puppies.I did not post the ads above.

She wrote this untruth about me.

Actually the 2 adds above were posted by the same person, - another breeder .
Sells Yorkshire terrier under the email address [email protected] and also runs a boarding kennel which was shut down because of Parvo in 2010. Barbee, or Laurie JC or Pepper444U are all the same person posting lies and slanders in different sites. Her location is windfield - Alberta, she operates under the phone number 780-682 2461. Check ripp off and all the scam reporter in this site about her poor business.

I do have references and I was never shut down.I have never had parvo on my property.I have vet references about my dogs and my kennel.This woman does not even know me but does not like the truth that I print, about what to watch for when buying a puppy.She has slandered and harassed me and I am to the point that I will seek further action.How can she explain this CTV report, if she is so honest ?
4997 days ago by 2ditto
June 30th, 2011
I fell in love with a picture of a yorkie puppy on Kijiji and wanted him very much, just to love. Instead, I ended up with a dead puppy and a huge vet bill - thanks to Samyra Marcondes. Today I googled to see if anyone else had filed any complaints against Samyra (Binicki) Marcondes, and am very angry to read all the terrible lies she has written about people she knows nothing about! I hope that Barbee sues her for the malicious slander she has written - ALL TOTAL LIES!!! Samyra calls herself "Trueeyes" - how quaint, when it is so obvious that she is a COMPULSIVE LIAR!!! "Big-lies" would be much more suitable, Samyra!! You aren't fooling ANYONE!!

I know for a FACT that Barbee, Laurie, JC and Pepper444 are ALL DIFFERENT PEOPLE who think that you are an abusive, horrible person who continually neglects the health of your dogs, spreading parasites, bacteria and disease. Don't forget Johnathan, 2ditto, Cindy, Marriane, Josie, Karen, well the list just goes on and on, doesn't it?

I didn't realize the ENORMOUS number of puppies you sell each month, year after year!! I don't know how you can live with yourself, knowing how many people you have sold sick puppies to. It is so low, so despicable and disgusting that it makes me feel ill thinking about what you put those poor puppies through.

I firmly believe ALL your vet cards are forged, as I've seen some of them. You even have the nerve to BRAG that you haven't taken a dog to a vet in twelve years!!! I was told by a very reliable source that YOU WERE BANNED FROM SPRUCE GROVE VET CLINIC, Samyra - YEARS AGO (Hmm, would that be twelve years ago by chance??) because of your shady, irresponsible business practises and causing so many complaints by using your fake "Spruce Grove vet" cards. You did that to me - sold me a diseased puppy with a fake vet card - and I've heard others say how you obviously used 'white-out' to make a "blank" vet card. YOU HAVE PERSONALLY ADMITTED that you get your vet cards made up at Staples!!

The more I look into the complaints made about you, Samyra, the more the pieces of the puzzle fit together! You purchase puppies cheap from disreputable breeders and resell them at twice the price. You are a "Puppy Broker" - no wonder your puppies end up getting giardia, parvo and coccidia. Those infectious diseases live in your soil and keep re-infecting each puppy that you have. Alone, each of these illnesses is dangerous, but together they are LETHAL!! No wonder so many people hate you!! All those poor puppies that you expose to terrible diseases and parasites! Sickening, disgusting and so very cruel. How can you live with yourself??? Is it really worth the money you rake in???

I have SEEN the shed in your back yard where you keep your dogs locked up. I can't understand why the Humane Society hasn't taken them all away!! You run a filthy puppy mill!! I think you must be terribly sick in the head to be so cruel to those dogs and not even pay a few cents to worm your puppies before selling them. Also, I wonder where you get the pictures you use to advertise your puppies?? Do you "borrow" them from people's web sites?? They certainly aren't the same puppies that you pass off as "health checked by a veterinarian." And why is it that you don't have your own web site?? Anyone who is a reputable breeder has a website to show their animals because they are proud of the quality of puppies they produce. I guess that explains why you don't have a web site.

If you get your puppies checked by a veterinarian, why would your health cards be faked??? No veterinarian would say that your puppies are healthy, because they are NOT!!! You must have SO MANY dogs locked up in that shed to produce the number of puppies you have for sale week after week without end. I'd like to see your 2.5 pound male yorkie that you "claim" to have!! You never let people see him - he's probably a 12 pound mutt!! If you were an honest person without anything to hide, you would let people into your house to see the parents of the puppies you sell. You also wouldn't have to keep your sheds padlocked, with a blind covering the tiny window. You love to call people 'scammers and liars' – how rich - now that's the pot calling the kettle black!! You lie more than anyone I've ever met!!

Samyra, you have OBVIOUSLY scammed so many people that you are paranoid - YOU are the one with all the alias names!! All those people you have named are NOT the same person. You have so many enemies from your dishonest practices who would all just LOVE to see you thrown in jail and have your dogs taken away. It blows me away how you have slandered Barbee when you know absolutely NOTHING about her - you haven't even met her. Ever. You are totally clueless and just ranting like a lunatic.
You have abused and neglected a plethora of dogs for many, many years and should not be allowed to ever own another animal again for as long as you live. You will get exactly what you deserve - hopefully sooner rather than later. You can slander and threaten me all you want - I have nothing to hide and have only told the truth.
4997 days ago by Anonymousid
We are all with you 2ditto, in regards to Samyra Marcondes, Sam Binick, Samyre Binicki and Oliva Palito.The list just keeps growing longer and longer with complaints.Everything you have said is so true but not just by you and I.

I have had people tell me stories and then say that they don't want to be involved with Samyra because of her attitude.Well attitude or not, I think that this woman has to be stopped hurting people and the poor innocent puppies, that she handles.

With people like this operating as brokers and puppy mills, who knows what is going to happen to the good breeders? We have to stop her and the sooner the better.

She will be at it now, that she is going to sue, well she'll have lots of people to take on.

Anyone that has a complaint or story about Samyra Marcondes, Sam Binick, Samyre Binicki and Oliva Palito may get ahold of me.You can find my phone number on the kennel that Samyra is complaining about.Maybe her own ad, will be the finish of her.
4997 days ago by 2ditto
Yes, I agree that she's obviously her own worst enemy!! Let's hope that she gets shut down sooner rather than later!! I find it so sad that the ASPCA and RCMP have turned a blind eye to her underhanded business practices for so MANY years, abusing defenseless animals. One woman told me that she "found a garbage bag thrown in the ditch near Samyra's house that was MOVING!!" She retrieved the bag to find two border collie puppies inside!! Apparently nobody would purchase the pups so she threw them into the ditch!! Maybe the bylaw officer told her she couldn't have so many dogs - I can't fathom anyone doing such a horrible act!

However, I know SAMYRA HAS NO CONSCIENCE after what I have experienced with her. She advertises her puppies as being "healthy" and "checked by a veterinarian" with a "health guaranty" - from experience I know that once the money changes hands, that is the END of her taking responsibility. IF YOU TRY TO CONTACT HER REGARDING THE PUPPY YOU HAVE PURCHASED, SHE SAYS SHE NEVER SOLD A DOG AND HANGS UP. And she calls herself "trueeyes" - how perverse!!
4875 days ago by Ireland
[email protected]
This is the email address she uses now. Telling ME that I had "Mental Diahhrea" for not buying one of her puppies. Blames me for wasting her time when she's the one that said she would get off work early. I told her Im not buying a pup that has diahhrea and poop on it. Now she is trying to rehome a 8 month old Yorkie and Im affraid this 8 month old Yorkie has already mothered the last liter.
4797 days ago by Loveanimals
Disgusting.. Poor Dogs & Puppies. :(
4796 days ago by Littleangel
We also bought a little Yorkie from this woman on Dec. 22, 2011. Our little girl started to get sick on Christmas Eve and by Boxing Day we had to bring her to the vet for an emergency visit. The vet diagnosed her with Parvo Virus and kept her on Intravenous for 4 days. We nursed her at home giving her up to 5 needles a day, feeding her with a syringe every 2 hours and force feeding her water every hour. Unfortunately our little angel passed away on Jan. 2 after fighting so hard to stay alive. It broke our hearts. When we told "Sam" that our puppy was ill she called our vet and argued with her that our puppy could not have gotten Parvo Virus from her home even though it has a 5 to 10 day incubation period. Needless to say "Sam" will not give us our $1000 back and will not answer our phone calls. She is a disgraceful woman who is selling sick and dying puppies and she doesn't care as long as she has her money. She is still right at this moment selling puppies on Kijiji and god only knows where else she has her ads. Someone needs to stop this woman from selling these poor little puppies!!!
4750 days ago by Yorkie Parti
I am sorry that you have come to this site. It is filled with grief and reports of people's wrong-doing.
I have heard so many heart-wrenching stories written by people scammed by people who are not animal-lovers, but resell animals strictly to make a profit. We went through hell dealing with "Sam" in 2008, which still haunts us years later. We decided it would be best to adopt from a "Humane Society" but again, there are many people who are running scams in that department as well. It is sickening to realize what humans are capable of doing to God's creatures.

It has become obvious that Samyra goes by multiple alias names, and not only runs a puppy mill behind her house in a huge quonset, but also is a puppy broker. There are numerous puppy mills in the Edmonton area, who sell puppies cheap to Samyra so that she can sell them at a profit. Most - nearly all - of the dogs purchased from Samyra are infected with very dangerous viruses/diseases which indicates that her facility is infected with these diseases and perpetuated to each litter of puppies she takes in and sells. She has a medication, ie Chlorpalm, which is a heavy duty antibiotic which will pick the puppy up for several hours to cover the symptoms the puppy is suffering from. If you did manage to purchase a dog from Samyra that did not cost you a fortune in vet bills only to die, you can count your lucky stars!! Most of the puppies have multiple serious illnesses, which is why it is impossible to get them diagnosed and treated early enough to save them from going through the torture of terrible diarrhea and vomiting from parvo and giarrdia. She has been reported to the ASPCA and if she is charged, changes her name and keeps selling diseased puppies. She advertises on Kijiji and has others helping her to make an enormous profit off of these poor little animals. Her dogs are kept in horrible conditions and suffer from worms and coccidia as well as the parvo and giarrdia. We only bought the puppy from her because she showed us PROOF that the puppy had been checked and deemed healthy by a veterinarian the previous day. What we didn't realize (a person does not realize the terrible things people like Samyra will do for money), was that the vet card was forged. The ASPCA and the RCMP are negligent in thoroughly investigating the conditions of these poor animals and bringing this evil person to justice. She should never be allowed to own an animal, as she is very heartless and cruel. If you see an adorable puppy on Kijiji, be very careful whom you are speaking to do - this woman is very spiteful and uses pictures on her ads that are different from the puppy you will be offered. She is sweet as sugar until she has your money and then she goes totally ballistic. There is NO PROTECTION for animals that are being used strictly for making money. If you think buying from a 'rescue' society is the answer, think again. Some of these places pick up dogs from off the street, or even go so far as to STEAL people's precious pets to sell for a profit. If you want to bring a new member into your family, be certain that you check out the people you are purchasing from. Get references from their vet clinic, look at the parents of the puppy. The diseases that you can bring home are very dangerous and can infect other animals and even your children. Please be very certain that you are purchasing from an honest, reputable breeder.
I wish you every success in finding the perfect companion for your family. If you have to pay a bit more from a reputable breeder, in the long run it is by far the best bet. You want to make sure that the parents are genetically healthy so that your animal won't have defects in later years. Two or three hundred more spent on a healthy puppy is a wise investment in the long run.

By the way, "True eyes" is just another of Samyra's alias names. She has used every name you could imagine, ie: "Olive Oil" and "for-your-information." Do not purchase a dog without seeing the parents, and the home the dog came from. McDonald's parking lot - just not a good idea. Actions speak louder than words.
I wish you well in finding an excellent caring breeder, and when you do please tell your friends & veterinarian.
Yorkie parti, Caroline, Alberta, Canada
4744 days ago by SICK OF ONLINE ABUSE
YORKIE PARTI wrote by a scam bag name Maryanne Wray, also know as Caroline HOG.
This woman is despicable liar, a THIEF, was kick off from KIJIJI>CA - Edmonton site- like totally BANISHED for posting lies and defamation. MARYANNE WRAY we had enough of your lies.
You were let go from the school you worked as assistance FOR MENTAL ISSUES, your husband had so many bankruptcy and you lie saying he is a Paramedic...YOU ARE A FRAUD and a CRIMINAL!!!
You use names as 2ditto, little angel, loveanimals, anonymousid and other other RIDICULUYOS NAME THAT CAN ONLY CAME FROM YOUR SICK MIND!!
You are a 2 legged BITCH !!
I am going to give you what you deserve. I am going to expose YOU for the SHIT you are...Everyone will know where you live and all the deceiving you have done for the last 2 years.
ALL of you guys are back yard breeders, YOU OWN MONEY TO EVERYONE!!
4743 days ago by End The Lies!!
maryanne Wray, leaves in Caroline- Alberta, her phone number is 403- 722 3544, she raises yorkies, and same other crosses. As well she buys and sells horses, unfortunately stolen.

MARYANNE WRAY from Caroline is a canaille woman, a drunker, a thief, a liar and of course lots her job in several schools for serious mental issues!!
Don't believe everything you see on line or YOU ALREADY GOT SCAM...maryanne knows that so she as a professional crooked comes online and creates all this deceiving typically in order to gain some personal advantage ...She has done this criminal acts at her place or work ( was fired), at website like ( was banished) she also done this to her personal family ( ask her sister in BC area- she is stage show home).
Maryanne Wray raises very poor yorkie puppies in a trailer in the Village ( hamlet) of Caroline- Alberta and she is absolutely lying to get same personal advantage. Very unscrupulous old lady!
People be aware, this woman is a liar!!

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