Robyn Mancell |
Robyn Mancell Robyn Mancell the self proclaimed |
11th of Jul, 2011 by User784689 |
I first heard of Robyn Mancell from my Mother. My Mother met her when she got involved in a travel business called World Ventures. My mother had retired from the school system and was looking for things to keep her busy. She got very involved with World Ventures and spent a lot of time with Robyn. Real estate was on fire at the time, and Robyn owned some rental properties in Ohio. She introduced my Mother to a woman named Trishia that had a company called The Lords Business Systems, Inc. My Mother naively sent $95,000.00 to Trishia to purchase a property for her in Ohio. Somehow this transaction fell through so Robyn offered my Mother an alternative investment. It was a four unit apartment complex that she wanted to renovate and convert to condominiums. She told my Mother that she owned this property free and clear and that it was worth $100,000.00. She asked my mother to become an equal partner with her by giving her the $95,000.00 to do the construction work on the building. The plan was to renovate the building using my Mother's money, convert it to condos, sell the condos and split the profit. I knew the details of this deal because I am a general contractor and my mother wanted me and my brother to do the work on the project. Robyn had also agreed to give my Mother $1200.00 per month until the construction work began. This $1200.00 was going to come from the rents Robyn was currently collecting on the four units and interest from my Mother's $95,000.00 which would be sitting in the bank until needed for the renovations. I later found out that only one of these $1200 payments was ever paid. My brother and I were busy with other projects so my Mothers project with Robyn was on hold. In January of 2008 my Mother fell and broke her hip. I went to the hospital to see her. This is where I met Robyn for the first time. My Mother later had complications with her surgery and was in a coma. Robyn was at the hospital all of the time as if she were a close family friend. Eventually my Mother passed away. Of course Robyn was at the funeral. My mothers estate went in to probate. My brothers and I waited for Robyn to come forward and offer to give us back the money my Mother had given to her or offer us the same deal she had with my Mother. Several months went by with Robyn not saying a word. My brothers and I finally had the executor of my Mother's estate approach Robyn and tell her to give back the money. Robyn said of course and made a date to pay it back. She claimed she needed her broker to liquidate one of her accounts to retrieve the cash. The payment date came and went. This went on for several more months with Robyn promising to pay the money by such and such date and then not following through. Eventually my Mothers estate was ready to settle but could not because of this outstanding payment. My brothers and I were forced to sign a new agreement with Robyn and put her on a payment schedule to pay back the money in order for the estate to settle. We met Robyn in a coffee shop outside Fontana to discuss the details. This is when we got to ask her a lot of questions. We found out that she did not actually own the property out right as she had told my Mother. She had a mortgage on it. We also found out at this time that she let it go into foreclosure because she claims she couldn't keep the units rented. We also found out that she no longer had any of the $95,000.00 that my Mother had given her and that no renovations had ever been done. We were in shock. She kept saying I am sorry, but I promise I will pay back every penny. We found it very hard to believe that all of the money was gone. She basically committed fraud, by telling my Mother she owned the property out right. She also apparently embezzled the money my Mother had given her for renovations and had apparently spent it on her own personal expenses. We put her on a very reasonable re-payment plan of $200 per month. She also promised to pay back bigger chunks of the debt when she got other money she was expecting in the future. The entire debt was supposed to be paid back by Sept. of 2011. To this date she has not made even one of the $200 payments. She has not responded to a letter from our attorney or made one single phone call to us. This woman calls herself the " Authentic Truth Coach" on her Facebook page. Check out this link that I also recently found It is an article about Robyn in an on line magazine dated 4/11/2011. She is quoted as saying "I really do believe I'm just as or even more beautiful now as ever. I'm running my own business and enjoying being authentic in every thing I do. There's a peace that comes with loving everything about yourself." When I saw this article I about threw up my lunch. We are considering filing a law suit against her but she will probably just file for bankruptcy. My next move is to contact the I.R.S. because I am pretty sure she did not claim this money as income on her tax return. I believe that is called tax evasion. Good Luck Robyn. Its still not to late for you to pay back the money, but time is running out. You know how to reach us.
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