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River Falls Hospital
Sexual abuse and sexual assault
20th of Sep, 2011 by Dornhuf
Run for your lives the surgion docters, baby docters and nurses and other hospital staff are sex offenders and to make it worse they r sexually offending pregnant women and pregnant teens.

I was brutally sexually abused and sexually assualted by a surgion docter named Dr.Hallman or Kevin Hallman. they had me facing the open windows to the hallways. i asked if they could cover the windows but they said no. i was in there waiting for a C-section because i was pregnant.
The stupid two Docters were like 20 minutes late i had to lay there on the table pregnant waiting for the stupid docters.

Keep in mind this was my first C-Section, first baby and first time being pregnant. I had no fucking clue what they were going to do to me in the operating room. They forced a C-Section on me because after i got sexually abused and sexually assaulted infront of ten people in the room and facing the open windows to the hallways i didn't want the C-Section any more.

-_-this is so fucked up what they did to me i had many thoughts about committing suicide after i came home from the stupid Psyche ward. also keep in mind that i am only 19 years old!!! The Docter that sexually abused me and sexually assaulted me deliveratley called human services and a law enforcement officer.
So they took my newborn infant away for no reason and had me sent to a psyche ward for no reason. At the Hospital.

Dr. Greg Miller wrongfully accused me of being physically agressive towards him hence why i got sent to a psyche ward in White Hall WI. -_- i only yelled at him to get out of the room which u can't blame me because he sexually abused me and sexually assaulted me infront of a whole lot of people!

LOL U know if u r going to sexually offend some one at least give them some privacy and don't do it infront of people!!! or on camera! -YIKES!-

Dr.Miller and some nurses called human services on me because they were accusing me of possible at risk of maltreating my little baby boy. which is fucked up and not true because i had a pump at home and i had a whole lot of healthy breast milk.

My baby was born 7 lbs and 15 oz he was a healthy plump baby! i eat good when i was pregnant with him and i aint or wasn't fat either. HOW THE FUCK COULD U ACCUSE ME OF POSSIBLE MALTREATMENT!!!



Greg Miller addmitted in court that i never had any physical contact with him. so on a further note like everyone knows this the stupid court system is curupted and the judge still had me sent away because there were alot of people against me wrongfully accusing me of shit and they were trying to hurt me in any way they could so i would look like a fool and cover it up that they sexually abused me and sexually assaulted me.

U know when i moved back to minnesota to my home town i grew up in i was strongly thinking about committing suicide. i was going to go drown my self in the lake. i steped in the water deap up to my neck. i tried to go under but the water was so heavy and sufficating that it scared me. and the water was to cold. so i got scared and just stood in the lake with water up to my neck and started crying. i cried for about five minutes. this happen end of september 2010

For some reason i got scared and changed my mind about commiting suicide.

Thats all i can think about is my lil baby boy every damb day every hour every minute every secound every nano secound of the day. i have fucking nightmares people are trying to hurt me and i have night mares about abandenment!!!

I'm severlly psychalogocally injured by this abuse! i haven't seen my baby in three months. he is now five months old. the stupid procacuder and social worker is doing every thing they can to stop me from seeing my baby. and getting him back in my full custody.

Well after i strickly told the docter not to uncover my naked body in the operating room he came in there and vigerously gab the blue sheet blanket that was covering my naked body and i was already paralized from the waist down so i had little controle over what they were doing to me. the docter knew i did not want to be uncovered and he deliveratly forced me to lye on the table mostly but naked for like three minutes which left to me like a full hour or 30 minutes!!! and i was screaming and crying and told them to give me my covers back! but every ten fucking people in the room were ignoring me and pretending there was nothing wrong so i had ten people in the room pramoting the sexual assault and sexual abuse. they were all in on it! i came to the hospital by my self so i had no one to protect me. and i expressed my concerns about being uncovered in the operating room to the surgion, docter and nurse. and they all lyed to me saying i would not be uncovered.

on a really sad note if they would of been honest with me and told me what they do to u in the operating room i would of said no to the c-section and would of had a vaginal birth like dr.miller wanted me to. and to make things worse they had no one talk to me before got sent to the operting room explaining to what was going to happen like their suppost to.

DR.Miller, dr.Hallmon and Nurse Julie all put me in arms way and put my baby in danger!!!


thats what they did to women in the hollocaust they took their baby's away from mothers and killed them. but in the modern day to day there was no killing at the hospital but i kindof wish there was because me and the baby is better off dead.

Foster care system are severly abusive to kids especially social workers. my poor little boy is going to get hurt. he already did get hurt in a sence, at the hospital by being brutally taking away from his birth mom and being abused while he was still in my stomach. can some one say seperation anxiety for the near future of my son. or reattatchment disorders!!

I already found a attorney who is going to help me sue them but my attorney wants me to speak with a psycholochist to proove i was psychologically injured by the abuse at the hospital.

One of the nurses were toutching my food with their bare dirty hands and harrassed me when i was changing the baby's diaper just because i had the door shut. isn't that fucked up. that nurse is fucking retarded.

I need a man to go beat the shit out of all of them that hurt me and the baby!!!

the baby's daddy is from the military so u know how that goes he is very garded and only cares about him self and doesn't care about other people getting hurt. He has alot of militery complexes and i hate it. i wish i would of knowen him before he got sent away.

this is going to sound really sad but he was forced by the stupid court system to be sent to the military because he got put in a bad situation and he had three choices keep fighting it and saying he was inascent, go to jail or prison for awhile or go to the fuking retarded military for 4 years. I hate him and his attorney he could of fucking died and i would of never met him. -CRYS- but he did tell me he is never going back to the military ever again!! which was a relief for me i was glad to here that and it's really sad he told me it was the biggest mistake he has ever made to go to the military. which i agree and don't blame him. i hate the military but i don't hate him because it wasn't his fault that he went. he was only 18years old and now he is 25 and he finally got out when he was 24 years old and thats when he met me. it's really sad he through his young adult hood away. at 18 to 25 years old u r suppost to be having fun not going to the military being sexually abused and killing people and being beat up in the training and shit like that.

He He hence why i got pregnant he is so good in bed LOL TEEHEE!!!

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