Consumer Payday Loans Western Union Payday Scam-Harassment seattle, Washington |
13th of Dec, 2011 by User947233 |
I received numerous calls from this payday loan company telling me i was approved for a loan up to 1500 dollars. I finally said ok and continued the process. Once they finish confirming my application they gave me the number to Frank Johnson the financial advisor to complete my loan. He was not available upon calling, so he contacted me back. everything was going well, i told him i only needed 700 dollars. He then suggested that i take the 1500 and pay back in monthly installments. I declined the 1500 and went with the 700 at the end of the conversation he then told me i would have to wire 110 dollars in order to receive the 700. I then opted out of the transaction and declined, hangin up the phone. The following day i received another call from this company. this time they had another method for me to receive my money. This time they were going to add the funds to one of my debit cards i had on file through an electronic tranfer. It was fishy because they wanted me to go online and access his personal account and wire myself the money. i proceeded to go along with this but felt very uncomfortable and stopped. He began to press the issue so i hung up the phone. He then proceeded to call me back to back wanting to finish the procedure. I kept hanging up the phone, then he stopped calling. A few hours later i received another call from someone saying i won a federal grant and they had the same scam going on. I received three of these calls from different people. It is my belief they all are affilliated. I am very concerned in this matter because i dont know if my information was compromised in the matter or if he was accessing someone elses account in order to try and pay me. Either way i believe they need to be stopped, there is no telling how many people are being HAD by these representitves. |
The new address that they are using is 200 Indeoent Ave. Southway Washington, DC2020 and the name they are using is Consumer payday loan. The email address is consumer [email protected]. Please be very careful with these people. But they didn`t get me, he told me that I was too educated for him . |
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