ripoffreport Ryan A. Nashbridges, Ryan Nashbridges, SCAM, Fraud, Scam Artist, Ripoff, Overall Scumbag, Laguna Niguel, Orange County. Internet |
21st of Nov, 2011 by User374195 |
Ryan A. Nashbridges, Ryan Nashbridges, SCAM, Fraud, Scam Artist, Ripoff, Overall Scumbag, Laguna Niguel, Orange County. Aka; Ryan A. Nashbridges, Ryan Nashbridges, Ryan A Bridges, Ryan N. Bridges December 15, 2010, The U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) today announced that it filed a civil complaint against defendants Ryan A. Nassbridges of Laguna Niguel, Calif., and American Bullion Exchange ABEX, Corp. (ABEX Corp) and American Bullion Exchange, LLC (ABEX LLC) http://www.cftc.gov/PressRoom/PressReleases/pr5955-10 Ryan Nassbridges also allegedly used misappropriated participant funds to pay approximately $586,100 in mortgage payments, approximately $305,000 in credit card payments, approximately $90,100 in car payments and more than $157,700 in cash withdrawals, according to the complaint. He fraudulently operated a commodity pool and defrauded at least 80 individuals of approximately $5.5 million dollars. Nashbridges has scammed millions throughout his career. Judgement: The district court held a hearing on the motion on December 14, 2009. Although Nassbridges was given six weeks to prepare for the hearing, he failed to appear. Accordingly, the district court deemed Ryan Nashbridges non-appearance as consent to granting the motion, and it entered a judgment in favor of Murrays for $1,546,523 plus costs of suit. http://www3.ce9.uscourts.gov/web/bap.nsf/5545345442653770882578ED005F3F5B/$file/Nassbridges+Memorandum+10-1451.pdf?openelement If you’ve been approached by Ryan Nashbrides, get a ride in his 740 BMW, have a nice meal at his house, all of which were paid for by investors with a misappropriation of funds as outlined in legal documents. According to documents his wife Bita Nashbridges is intimately involved in his schemes. $1.4 million was diverted to Bita Nashbridges Nashbidges aks Bridges claims Congressional Medal of Distinction, bestowed by President George W. Bush – FRAUD! Nashbridges aka Bridges claims 2005 Businessman of Year – FRAUD! Ryan Nassbridges There is NO JOY greater than FORGIVENESS (Nashbridges Photo here) Additional Research: http://docs.justia.com/cases/federal/district-courts/california/cacdce/8:2010cv01876/489295/83/0.pdf?1317104818 http://docs.justia.com/cases/federal/district-courts/california/cacdce/8:2010cv01876/489295/82/0.pdf?1317104962 http://docs.justia.com/cases/federal/district-courts/california/cacdce/8:2010cv01876/489295/90/0.pdf?1319008458 Additional Fraud and Scam Ryan A Nashbridges, Ryan Nashbridges companies Title: U.S. COMMODITY FUTURES TRADING COMMISSION v. AMERICAN BULLION EXCHANGE ABEX, CORP., AMERICAN BULLION EXCHANGE, LLC, and RYAN A. NASSBRIDGES (RYAN NASHBRIDGES), Defendants, and AMERICAN PREFERRED COMMODITIES APC CORP., R.E. LLOYD COMMODITIES GROUP HOLDING, LLC, and BITA J. NASSBRIDGES Photos of Nashbridges |
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