Richard Roehm fake group home bribes residents Santa Ana, California |
12th of Mar, 2010 by User111315 |
This man is operating a FAKE group home in two 1-bedroom condos at the Riviera complex in French Park, Santa Ana. He has too many people in too little space (4 in each condo with very little space to walk though either unit). He shouts at everyone with his voice for every little thing, even though everyone is Deaf and not capable of understanding spoken words except two people: his girlfriend, and some dude named Rex. Mr. Roehm DOES know sign language but refuses to use it with most people, even those who DO understand sign language. He only signs to other Deaf when they fail to lipread him. With his own girlfriend, who is functionally blind, he refuses to sign even though she CAN understand sign language by feeling the signs, same as I can. I was tired of being treated like a misbehaving five-year-old. I was 25 1/2 when I lived in his mother's condo, which he lies and claims to own. He even opens the tax bill for that condo, when it's clearly addressed to his mother, NOT him. He made me buy my own food. If I wished to eat with the larger group in HIS condo, I had to buy them food. Because he would not give me keys to both units, or even a key to the mailbox, I did not have access to the whole group home. In a group home, all utilities and food are supposed to be included in a flat rent price. And that's the only chunk of money he's supposed to get every month. After I left, he made me pay an additional month of rent just so that he'd return my personal property. I feel very bad for Mr. Roehm's girlfriend, Beth. She is my best friend of 3 years. She feels deeply regretful for when she began to treat me the way he does by repeating his lines to me. I do NOT want her in trouble, but I DO want the entire rest of his agency shut down and everyone moved out of his "group home" by authorities. I am DeafBlind myself. My other DeafBlind friends all hope Mr. Roehm gets arrested someday, & so do I. He even has the nerve to harass the Medicaid departments of other states about covering cochlear implants, which no one needs and no one should want.
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