Consumer reviews and reports on scam companies, bad products and services
Reagardsale Ripofff Scam Scammer Thieves Zhaoyang District,Beijing China
19th of Apr, 2013 by User605401
Merchandise was chosen online,a total cost with taxes + shipping was sent by email.The total amount was paid,and paid through Western Union,which was then acknowledged & confirmed by email.3 days later,another email was sent advising me that The Chinese Customs have possession of the merchandise & that THEY REQUIRE additional fees totaling $390.00 as a "Tariff" & then that I have 5 days to pay or I lose both my money + the merchandise.I requested a refund,but they refused saying that because they no longer have physical possession of the merchandise and,therefore,cannot do anything unless and until I pay the "Tariff".Because they were NOT honest from the beginning,I was too reluctant to pay anything else as they would then also come up with another story asking for even more money after that,so I did not pay anything more as they'd most likely also keep that,too.They no longer return or acknowledge my emails nor respond to me on their website after I login.It seems very apparent to me that the company claims that other customers have cheated them that they now require to have payment by Western Union or Money Gram because they know that once the money is sent and received it's then too late to be able to get any refund at all and Western Union will not refund anyone at all no matter what.This is what Regardsale depends on-customers not knowing in advance and trusting them only to learn the hard way.It's now been 2 years since and so far,at this time,nobody is will to help.I have called their office by phone respectfully requesting a refund and they tell me to call back and ask for a certain person who seems to never be there which is a kind way of saying "go away now that we have your money".I have tried many avenues to resolve this and never get anywhere.If you send them any amount of money then consider it as a gift to them because you'll never gain anything from it or receive any refunds.DO NOT DO BUSINESS/SEND THEM ANY AMOUNT OF MONEY FOR ANYTHING BECAUSE YOU WILL LOSE IT-100% OF IT!

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