RE?MAX Kings reality |
RE?MAX Kings reality Inc. brokage Kanwaljit Channe explained in punjabi that sign here to represent you because you dont know english. but got me sig |
15th of May, 2011 by User781151 |
i have been tricked into signing buyer agreement form by mr kanwaljit channe working with Remax Kings Reality Inc. he became friends to me when i was livinf next to his house in 2010. he volunteered to help me as a friend to look for a house. he did not explain that we have to give him any commision. he was helping u friend. He asked me and my wife (who do not read or write english ) to sign buyer agreement fprms. when we asked ,'what it is for'? He said , "dont worry just sign, it is just a formailty which gives me the authority to talk on your behalf to the sellers and part of my work ethic and for Insurance purpose. we were sitting in his car when he asked us sign. we told him that let me show these papers to my friend who knows English. He said I am your friend so trust me. He showed us few houses which we di not like. One day i saw some houses being build by builders. I phoned my friend Kanwaljit Channe. he came to the location and said go ahead and buy. It is a nice house. he told me to write a cheque immidiately and give it to the builder. He did not say anything about his commission. Now after 6 months he end a letter through a Lawyer for $9500. 2.5% as commission and HST. Seller make money not buyer. If he wants should go to the Builder from whom i bought the house, he made some money not me. I just got into accident and lost my job. I am finding difficult in paying my monthly mortgage payments as my just started working at minimum wages and soon going to be laid off. On top of that he send me letter from a lawyer. this is happening a lot in Indian community where Real estate agents are taking advantage of people who do not know english and trust people for what they are saying verbally. It has to be stopped. Remax Kings reality should take action against their people who are doing this kind of fraud and ripping off people . Not only Real estate people but Insurance agents too. I need help or else I am in big trouble. No job, but mortgage and a family to feed. Please help. |
Lets have a look at your story, , first of all you said you dont know english..but after reading this story i dont have any doubts in your english skills.
2nd you are admitting you saw houses with him...that means he worked for you, even he showed you only one house, but i'm sure he showed many. so he deserved to get paid obviously. WOULD YOU LIKE TO WORK WITHOUT PAY????
In todays world even your own son wouldnt work free for you. i know that and you know that too.
I bought many houses in last 30 years of my life and before starting looking at houses i signed buyer agency every single time..IF YOU DIDNT WANT TO SIGN BUYER AGENCY, THAT MEANS YOU WERE NOT LOYAL TO SOMEONE WHO WAS SPENDING HIS TIME(MEANS WORKING FOR YOU). AND YOU HAD INTENTIONS TO CHEAT HIM. WHICH YOU DID FINALLY by not buying thru him.
Do you think Realtors just show houses to buyer just for FUN?? Or you go to work just for fun and dont expect any pay cheque??
and there is not limit of houses that if someone showed you 50 or 100 houses only then that person deserve commission. I bought my last house only after looking at 2 houses in total.But for you it means my Realtor didnt deserve full or any commission.
you get what you pay for.. so you tried to cheat a person who was doing his proper job and now look at yourself ...who is being laid off...who is having difficulties making mortgage payments?? And LOYALTY is one of the biggest problem in Indian community.You Indian people want everybody to work for you FOR FREE... |
Oh my just trying to find out why, why in my job I get lied to and used by so many people of a certain culture! I do tons of business and have more loyal customers than I can imagine but certain ones seem to never be loyal. They lie and expect you to work for free. I am so sick of it. It truly breaks my heart when I go so out of my way to help them and do right by them, and is not returned. Why can so many people be this way??!! It is not what I learned growing up in America! |
1. Just because the post is in English does not verify that the poster can fully read, write, or otherwise understand English. They could have got help with the post.
2. This is a valid complaint. It appears that this agent (Kanwaljit Channe) was able to befriend User781151 and slyly get him to sign an agreement without notifying him of the necessary fees/commission (regardless of who finds the house!)
3. By definition "commission" is remuneration for products SOLD. User781151 had found the house through his own efforts. This was another opportunity for Kanwaljit Channe to inform User781151 of the significant commission/fee if he were to get involved. Or at least reduce the fees considering that he didn't find the house.. after all "He said I am your friend so trust me."
4. Unfortunately, this scenario is all too common. Just because an agent is from the same country/religion/background does not mean they are working in your best interest. If you find others who have been a victim of this agent, you may be able to gather evidence and file a complaint. At the very least you can inform others in your community to be very careful in doing real estate dealings with him.
Is this the agent in question? |
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