Consumer reviews and reports on scam companies, bad products and services
Ragsamatazz Cattery Gayla Pavolich
posting false accusations against me
19th of May, 2011 by tigerbabyblue
I responded to a add in eBay Classifieds pets, for Pure Breed Mink Ragdoll Cats, the add started with: CFA Registered Ragdoll Cats for Sale. After several e-mail convesations with Jeanine Saviano I decided to buy a Mink Ragdoll cat from her as a breeder. I asked her several times if the Cat was a Registered pure Breed, and she assured me that it was, and even sent me photo's of it, so I paid her $1338.00 dollars for the cat and had it flown to me. When it arrived I noticed right away there wasn't any papers on the carrier or anywhere in the carrier, so I e-mailed her and she started to act dumb like she didn't know what I was even talking about, bottom line is I found out that none of her Cats are even Registered, and she does not even have a Cattery Registered with CFA. Everything sshe told me was a big fat lie! she will not give me back the money I paid her, and basicly told me to sue her.

People beware of her, she has ads all over the internet, on oodel, eBay and other sites. I also just recently found out that the cat she sent to me isn't even the same cat that she sent me photo's of. Watch out for her!! she uses the e-mail of Tigerbabyblue.

Complaintboard removed all of her false accusatiions, she filed with the BBB who closed in my favor, she filed with paypal who closed in my favor.

She knew the cat was not registered which is why she was only sold for $1,000...registered cats with breeding rights are more like $4,000
5062 days ago by Tigerbabyblue
This lady is a religious wacko that sent me an email that god told her to forgive me as well as that in the future we will all be implanted with little trackers that will either let us in to heaven or not and that everything we buy is coded with 666. she is a sicko
5062 days ago by Tigerbabyblue
Here is her complaint from the BBB closed in my favor

COMPLAINT ACTIVITY REPORT Case # 226952 Better Business Bureau of Central New England, Inc.

Consumer Info: Pavolich, Mrs. Gayla Business Info: Lil One's Land
1737 Kentuck Road
Danville, VA 24540
434 250-6590 434 250-6590 508 943-2047

Location Involved: (Same as above)

Consumer's Original Complaint :
False Advertising! Lying to public about product.
merchandise not as described.
On 12-22-2010, I paid Jeanine Saviano for a Pure Breed Mink Ragdoll Cat, I found her on a classified Ad from The add said CFA Registered Cattery, and then went on to say she had Ragdoll Kittens for sale, she had photos of the cat on the ad, so I e-mailed her and we began to disscuss me buying one of her cats as a breeder. I have a Business which is a Cattery: (Rags-a-matazz Cattery) and was looking to buy a female for my cattery, she asked me if I would be interested in a Mink Ragdoll, and I said yes, so she told me she would sell it to me for $1, 000.00 and also $338.00 to have it flown to me in Virginia. I asked her several times if it was a Registered Cat and did it come with papers? and she said yes, so I trusted her and bought the cat paying for it thru Paypal. about a week later I got the envelope in the mail from her, the papers were suppose to be in it, but there was nothing but a record from the vet of some shots it had been given, there weren't any papers from CFA, or any Registration papers at all, so I began to e-mail her asking where the papers were? and she acted really dumb like she didn't know what I was talking about! and she admitted to me on line that she thought that just because she had a license with CFA, she tought that every cat she had was automaticly a Registered cat, I have fought with her for 4 days on line trying to get my money back, but she will not budge. Please help me or tell me what to do? Thanks You very much!! Sincerely, Gayla Pavolich.

Consumer's Desired Resolution:
My money back, and she can have back the merchandise.

BBB Processing

01/05/2011 web BBB Complaint Received by BBB
01/10/2011 NN BBB Complaint Reviewed by BBB Operator
01/10/2011 Otto EMAIL Send Acknowledgement to Consumer
01/10/2011 Otto MAIL Inform Business of Complaint
01/15/2011 WEB BBB RECEIVE BUSINESS RESPONSE : first off I am NOT a business..I breed my family pets as a hobby.
I never said the kittens were cfa registered kittens, I said that I am a cfa registered cattery which only means that as a cattery I comply with their guidelines of keeping the cats healthy, etc.
if you look at the cfa website you will notice that there is an option to register as a cattery or register a litter of kittens: I ONLY registered as a cattery and I told her that and sent her a copy of my cfa cattery registration. she is the one that confused the 2 and she already filed a complaint with paypal and they found in my favor as my ad says cfa registered cattery not cfa registered cats/kittens. then I received an email stating the following email from her:
If I don't get the $500.00 of my money back I'm hiring an attorney in your state to go after you, and once I give him a retainer fee, there will be no going back!
and no more dealing with you!! because the only way at that point to get back my money is to go all the way through with it to court, and then win, and I will you'll will not only have to pay me the money I spent on the cat, but you will have to pay my Attorney fee's too!

And it doesn't matter if you said (CFA Registered Cattery) or (CFA Registered Ragdolls) it is still misleading the public who reads the ad cause it means the same thing!

___________________________________________________then I received this email from her:
Ya know something Jeanine,

Our Lord and savior Jesus Christ is coming to get his Bride the Church and all who are ready to go home with him, will be leaving this world, and going home! but all who are dishonest and immoral, all slanders, murders, thieves and the unrighteous will be left behind to go through 7 years of hell on earth.

You think the world trade center was bad! wait until the whole entire earth go's thru something just as bad, there will be volcanic eruptions, earth quakes, asteroids, nuclear war, floods, diseases that there is no cure for, famine and it won't be just in Africa it will be world wide, pestilence.
And worst of all the Anti Christ, the mark of the beast is already set up, the bar code that is on every single product we buy, the code that you scan at the super market like self check out at walmart, that code is divided up by a code that is 666, the mark of the beast, those little lines on all products that are sold is a code that is used by all merchants, it's a code that only the computer can read and decipher, and this is the system that the Anti Christ will use to keep track of everybody on this whole intire earth, it's already set up, it's called the Nano Chip or the Bio chip, it is smaller than a grain of rice and all they have to do is insert it in a syringe and shoot it right under your skin, just like the Bible says. and anyone who takes this mark will not go to heaven, they will most defiantly go straight to hell. so in your future, after you miss the Rapture, don't take the mark of the beast!! Oh! but I forgot to tell you that if you don't take the mark of the beast, you will not be able to buy or sale or have a job or bank account, so if you think life is hard now, you better shape up and act right because God knows every single little thing you do or say!

God told me to send you this letter, and let you know he is watcching you.
then I received this from her:

I believe God has told me to forgive you, as he has forgiven us and sent his son to die for us, it should have been us up there on that cross, but he took our place, so we must do the same thing for our fellow man down here on this earth.
I was just about to write you last Monday and tell you this very thing, but then I listened to to many voice here on this earth telling me not to forgive you and to go after you and don't let you get away with it, and I made a mistake, but thank God he is the God of second chances and I know he wants me to let it go, so I am.

His word also tells us that if we live our lives to please him he will restore all that the devil steals from me, pressed down, measured forth and running over, as his word declares. He gave me Romans chapter 12 and told me to read it, and it speaks about forgiveness so I chose to forgive you, so I just wanted to let you know I did not hire an attorney, and I'm not going to, but I do want to say one more thing to you, don't do this again to anyone, you absolutely know now that your cats are not registered, and Gods word tells us...and I quote "Vengeance is mine, thus saith the Lord" and he will take vengeance on you if you continue to cheat and lie to people.

I hope the best for you and your family, and want you to know that turning to God and trusting him would be the wisest thing you could ever do in your life, if you don't believe he exists, what would you have to loose just to ask him if he is real, ask him to reveal himself to you if he truly does exists and I absolutely guarantee you he will. Gayla
then she filed a complaint with me with and I asked her to remove it because she was wrong for mistaking a cfa registry and a cfa kitten(this same exact complaint) and I asked her if she would please remove the complaint as she was wrong and I have yet another email from her stating that she would remove the complaint and I havent heard from her since.
here is her email saying she would remove the complaint:
Hey Jeanine,

Sorry but I'm not intrested in a tabby, I've read about them and I don't
think they sell vry well. I'll go and see if I can take the complaint off. Gayla
I have all these emails saved. Please close this as this lady is crazy, I even offered to take the cat back and she would only send her back if I paid her the $1, 338 plus an additional $338 that she paid to have the cat shipped to her to begin with.
The most important thing here is that she has tried to file a complaint everywhere and has had no luck: oh yea and she said that she would hire a lawyer and sue me..Ill attach that email as well then she writes me again and says she didnt hire an attorney as god told her to "forgive me"
Too late, I've already hired a attorney near you in webster, MA you'll be hearing from him soon. I meant it Jeanine.

From: Jeanine Saviano <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]
Sent: Wed, January 5, 2011 1:02:50 PM
can you get the cat to the vet and send me a copy of the certificate showing its ok for her to fly today? We are expecting a storm on Friday, id like to get this done with asap. I need proof though that she will pass the vet.
the above shows I offered to take the cat back and then she tells me that she has already hired an attorney
then 2 days later she says:
I just wanted to let you know I did not hire an attorney, and I'm not going to, but I do want to say one more thing to you, don't do this again to anyone, you absolutely know now that your cats are not registered, and Gods word tells us...and I quote "Vengeance is mine, thus saith the Lord" and he will take vengeance on you if you continue to cheat and lie to people.
I have all the actual emails if you need them as well as a copy from paypal closing their case in my favor.
Im sure you will too once you realize shes a nut case asided from the fact that im NOT EVEN A BUSINESS. I have no business license.
Here's a copy of one of my ad's showing that I breed as a hobby only, I am not a business:
I would appreciate if this case is closed immediately.
01/15/2011 BBB MORE INFO RECEIVED FROM THE BUSINESS : here is where I offer to take the cat back which I did from the beginning:
OK, I'll check it out.
From: Jeanine Saviano <[email protected]>
To: Gayla Pavolich <[email protected]>
Sent: Mon, January 3, 2011 4:11:01 PM
Subject: RE:
its an airport sorry bout called tf greene in rhode island. its alot closer the other one is about 2 hours away
Date: Mon, 3 Jan 2011 13:09:50 -0800
From: [email protected]
Subject: Re:
To: [email protected]
Jeanine, I had an important phone call I had to take, what is TF in Rhode Island?
From: Jeanine Saviano <[email protected]>
To: Gayla Pavolich <[email protected]>
Sent: Mon, January 3, 2011 3:35:14 PM
When will you be able to ship her and can you try to get her into TF green in Rhode Island instead? temp controlled cargo
then she changed her mind and said she wasnt sending her back unless I paid her the additional $300 when I told her no thats when she started with the threats to sue me and report me to you guys, etc.
When the cat was shipped to her, she was pregnant from my male..I offered to take the cat back still in her pregnant state, she wanted to wait until she had the babies but then she would be sending her back in a different state of which she was sent. If the cat was still pregnant I would take her back for the amount she paid for her but once she has her babies she would make out on the profit of all of the babies.
this is her email stating so:
OK, here is what I feel the Lord would have us to work out, I do want to send her back to you because I am trying to build my Cattery Business and I want 4 females, but I want them registered of course, I wish there was some way to work this out for me to keep her because she is a very sweet kitty, but sadly there just isn't anyway to get her registered. But this is what I am willing to do if you are... I don't feel that I should have to take the loss on the shipping, it will not be Tax detectable because I'm not keeping her, and it wasn't my mistake to start with, to be continued...
but if you will send me the $500.00 dollars this Friday I can put that towards the balance of what I need to get back and I think I know of a way that neither of us will have to get stuck on the shipping, and here is how.

She is most defiantly PG. she really shows now, my guess is that she will give birth before the end of this month, so why don't I keep her until the babies are born, they usually have 4 there first time, sometimes only 3, anyways ~ I can use my website and eBay and a few other classified ads to try to sale them as is with out papers, I will word the ad like you did...that they are for pets only and not for breeding, and we can try to get $300.00 each since they don't have any papers, and if we can't get that much maybe at least $200.00 each, my daughter thinks we could get at least $200.00 to $250.00 without papers, anyways that would pay for the shipping and even some of the rest of the debt, and then I will have the money to send her back. Anyways after the babies are sold I think that will take care of it all, as far as the money is concerned.
So you better be right about being able to sell them without papers cause that's hard for me to believe, as long as they sell that will fix all of this, and I will be the one doing all the hard work and you will be the one getting the profit out of this mess, so I think that I am being very generous in all this, like I said I wish it had worked out like I thought it was going to because allot of my apprehension over buying her in the first place was her temperament, but she is a very sweet kitty.
Anyways then when you get her back, you can try to sell her and start buying cats that do have papers, you will make way more money! I absolutely guarantee it. let me know what you think? Gail
I am not getting a non pregnant cat back that was sent there pregnant from my male. I have sent her 4 emails asking her to remove the complaints and she is completely ignoring me, she hasnt even contacted me again to see if I would like the cat back PREGNANT
01/19/2011 BBB MORE INFO RECEIVED FROM THE BUSINESS : Still no word from Gayla when I offered yet again to take the cat back. At this point this case needs to be closed in my favor and she needs to keep the cat
In her own words she said by me saying CFA cattery and CFA kittens its the same thing. Which its not you can be CFA cattery which just means you agree to a VOLUNTARY CODE OF ETHICS not that you need to register each cat or litter.
this email was sent to her on 1.15.11
To [email protected]
From: Jeanine Saviano =^**^= ([email protected])
Sent: Sat 1/15/11 4:02 PM
To: [email protected]
Is Armani still pregnant? I told you I was still willing to take her back pregnant but I wasn't waiting til she has them to take her back and you're not even responding to me. Jeanine Saviano =^**^=
At this point the cat she has that she received pregnant is either no longer pregnant or is too pregnant to be flown.
01/19/2011 NN BBB COMPLAINT JUDGED TO BE INVALID DUE TO INSUFFICIENT : Business provided documentation showing that consumer had not given BBB full and sufficient info about case. This complaint will be closed as INVALID.
01/19/2011 Otto EMAIL SEND NOTICE OF INVALID TO CONSUMER-ADDRESS : Business provided documentation showing that consumer had not given BBB full and sufficient info about case. This complaint will be closed as INVALID.
Original business response:
first off I am NOT a business..I breed my family pets as a hobby.
I never said the kittens were cfa registered kittens, I said that I am a cfa registered cattery which only means that as a cattery I comply with their guidelines of keeping the cats healthy, etc.
if you look at the cfa website you will notice that there is an option to register as a cattery or register a litter of kittens: I ONLY registered as a cattery and I told her that and sent her a copy of my cfa cattery registration. she is the one that confused the 2 and she already filed a complaint with paypal and they found in my favor as my ad says cfa registered cattery not cfa registered cats/kittens. then I received an email stating the following email from her:
If I don't get the $500.00 of my money back I'm hiring an attorney in your state to go after you, and once I give him a retainer fee, there will be no going back!
and no more dealing with you!! because the only way at that point to get back my money is to go all the way through with it to court, and then win, and I will you'll will not only have to pay me the money I spent on the cat, but you will have to pay my Attorney fee's too!

And it doesn't matter if you said (CFA Registered Cattery) or (CFA Registered Ragdolls) it is still misleading the public who reads the ad cause it means the same thing!

___________________________________________________then I received this email from her:
Ya know something Jeanine,

Our Lord and savior Jesus Christ is coming to get his Bride the Church and all who are ready to go home with him, will be leaving this world, and going home! but all who are dishonest and immoral, all slanders, murders, thieves and the unrighteous will be left behind to go through 7 years of hell on earth.

You think the world trade center was bad! wait until the whole entire earth go's thru something just as bad, there will be volcanic eruptions, earth quakes, asteroids, nuclear war, floods, diseases that there is no cure for, famine and it won't be just in Africa it will be world wide, pestilence.
And worst of all the Anti Christ, the mark of the beast is already set up, the bar code that is on every single product we buy, the code that you scan at the super market like self check out at walmart, that code is divided up by a code that is 666, the mark of the beast, those little lines on all products that are sold is a code that is used by all merchants, it's a code that only the computer can read and decipher, and this is the system that the Anti Christ will use to keep track of everybody on this whole intire earth, it's already set up, it's called the Nano Chip or the Bio chip, it is smaller than a grain of rice and all they have to do is insert it in a syringe and shoot it right under your skin, just like the Bible says. and anyone who takes this mark will not go to heaven, they will most defiantly go straight to hell. so in your future, after you miss the Rapture, don't take the mark of the beast!! Oh! but I forgot to tell you that if you don't take the mark of the beast, you will not be able to buy or sale or have a job or bank account, so if you think life is hard now, you better shape up and act right because God knows every single little thing you do or say!

God told me to send you this letter, and let you know he is watcching you.
then I received this from her:

I believe God has told me to forgive you, as he has forgiven us and sent his son to die for us, it should have been us up there on that cross, but he took our place, so we must do the same thing for our fellow man down here on this earth.
I was just about to write you last Monday and tell you this very thing, but then I listened to to many voice here on this earth telling me not to forgive you and to go after you and don't let you get away with it, and I made a mistake, but thank God he is the God of second chances and I know he wants me to let it go, so I am.

His word also tells us that if we live our lives to please him he will restore all that the devil steals from me, pressed down, measured forth and running over, as his word declares. He gave me Romans chapter 12 and told me to read it, and it speaks about forgiveness so I chose to forgive you, so I just wanted to let you know I did not hire an attorney, and I'm not going to, but I do want to say one more thing to you, don't do this again to anyone, you absolutely know now that your cats are not registered, and Gods word tells us...and I quote "Vengeance is mine, thus saith the Lord" and he will take vengeance on you if you continue to cheat and lie to people.

I hope the best for you and your family, and want you to know that turning to God and trusting him would be the wisest thing you could ever do in your life, if you don't believe he exists, what would you have to loose just to ask him if he is real, ask him to reveal himself to you if he truly does exists and I absolutely guarantee you he will. Gayla
then she filed a complaint with me with and I asked her to remove it because she was wrong for mistaking a cfa registry and a cfa kitten(this same exact complaint) and I asked her if she would please remove the complaint as she was wrong and I have yet another email from her stating that she would remove the complaint and I havent heard from her since.
here is her email saying she would remove the complaint:
Hey Jeanine,

Sorry but I'm not intrested in a tabby, I've read about them and I don't
think they sell vry well. I'll go and see if I can take the complaint off. Gayla
I have all these emails saved. Please close this as this lady is crazy, I even offered to take the cat back and she would only send her back if I paid her the $1, 338 plus an additional $338 that she paid to have the cat shipped to her to begin with.
The most important thing here is that she has tried to file a complaint everywhere and has had no luck: oh yea and she said that she would hire a lawyer and sue me..Ill attach that email as well then she writes me again and says she didnt hire an attorney as god told her to "forgive me"
Too late, I've already hired a attorney near you in webster, MA you'll be hearing from him soon. I meant it Jeanine.

From: Jeanine Saviano <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]
Sent: Wed, January 5, 2011 1:02:50 PM
can you get the cat to the vet and send me a copy of the certificate showing its ok for her to fly today? We are expecting a storm on Friday, id like to get this done with asap. I need proof though that she will pass the vet.
the above shows I offered to take the cat back and then she tells me that she has already hired an attorney
then 2 days later she says:
I just wanted to let you know I did not hire an attorney, and I'm not going to, but I do want to say one more thing to you, don't do this again to anyone, you absolutely know now that your cats are not registered, and Gods word tells us...and I quote "Vengeance is mine, thus saith the Lord" and he will take vengeance on you if you continue to cheat and lie to people.
01/19/2011 Otto BBB Case Closed as INVALID
4983 days ago by Tonya278
A similar thing happened to us. We came to her for a Male rag doll and she sold us a female! I found this out 3 weeks later when I had to take her to the vets get her final shots that she was a female. I called her and told her and she acted like it was a big surprise and she had no idea. I then told her that I wanted to return the cat for a male and she said "what the difference between a male and a female once you spay theme". The long conversation back and forth ended with her saying "I will pray over this." Beware of this breeder and her scams!

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