Consumer reviews and reports on scam companies, bad products and services
Prestige Gold Buyers
Prestige Gold Buyers BEWARE!!!!!! My experience is a sure mirror of the ones already posted and I still have not received a check nor my gold back. I
7th of Aug, 2011 by User449750
Dana - South Carolina I called and spoke to Craig to verified this company's policies and terms prior to ordering a kit from Prestige Gold Buyers. I had received their offer though I ordered the kit on May 18, 2011 and received confirmation on May 26, 2011 that I should be receiving the kit any day now. The kit arrived within two days of this date. I called again spoke to Craig in June to verify that they had received my gold (SHOULD HAVE BEEN A RED FLAG...HOW MANY TIMES HAVE YOU CALLED A COMPANY AND GOT THE SAME CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE TWICE WITHIN A FEW DAYS???) and to confirm the policies and procedures and how long it would take to process a check once my gold was received. I was told that I would have a check within 14 days or sooner from the date of receipt of my gold. I am in SC and this company is located in Florida. A two to three day mail timeframe. I called again July 1, 2011 and guess who answered? YEP....Craig!!!! The same representative that I had originally spoke to twice previously. I thought then, something is not right but I had already sent in my gold and was at their mercy! I explained of what he had told me their policies and procedures were and that I had not received my check and I had waited 30 days. He advised that a check had been cut and mailed out on June 28, 2011 (NOT WITHIN TWO WEEKS FROM RECEIVING MY GOLD AS PER THEIR POLICIES AND PROCEDURES) and to give it two weeks to arrive. I explained that I was in SC and I should have it in a few days. I called again July 15, 2011 and again I got Craig!!! He advised me again that the check had been sent out on June 28, 2011. I advised him that I had not received it and that they needed to stop payment on that check and issue another. He said he would email Danielle in Accounting to contact me. I provided my cell phone number and my email address for contact. Craig proceeded to advise me that they had encountered issues with someone stealing these checks prior to arrival, but that Danielle would contact me to resolve this issue. July 29, 2011....still no contact from Accounting or anyone at this company and no check has arrived. I called again...Again, I got Craig!!!!! I advised Craig that I was not happy and that I no longer believed his stories. That if a check had truly been cut on June 28, 20011 that I would have received it before July 4th or a day or two after at the latest due to the fact that I lived in SC and this was a 2-3 day mailing timeframe from anywhere in Florida. Craig proceeded to tell me this time that due to the overwhelming shipments sent in by's advertisements, they were severely backed up. I explained to him that this was not an issue on my account as I had been advised over the last month in previous calls to their company that my check had been mailed out and that Accounting had been supposedly notified twice but yet I had not heard from them yet. He said he would email Danielle again and have her contact me. I continued my conversation by explaining all that had been told to me over the past month and something wasn't adding up and that I expected a call within 48 hours. I called again July 28, 2011....This time I spoke to John. I'm thinking I might get the TRUTH this time! John advised that he could see Craig's notes and that he had emailed Danielle twice. I explained again all that I had been told and that I had not received any calls or emails from Danielle or anyone else at this company and that I wanted resolution. He said he would send Danielle another email have her contact me immediately. Today....August 8, 2011....still no contact from Danielle or anyone in Accounting......still NO CHECK! I called again....It's John again! He advised that he had sent Accounting an email and I explained AGAIN THAT THEY HAD NOT CONTACTED ME. I asked if he could see any further notes since our last conversation and he confirmed that there were none. I asked to speak to Accounting. He stated that they are just a call center for Prestige Gold Buyers and are not located in the same building and could only email Accounting about my account. He told me to email them myself. The email address provided was . I have sent an email to this email address giving them 5 business days to respond or else I am contacting the Better Business Bureau. After checking with the Better Business Bureau today, I see 37 pending complaints and two resolved complaints and that the Better Business Bureau has scored them a "D" and dropped them! My next step is to contact to get a complaint in with them, but I'm not sure how far I will get as I see that they have also removed them from their advertisements due to overwhelming complaints. I think after reading all the reviews from this site, there are enough individuals to file suite! If you are a lawyer out there and would like to make some money, contact us anyway you can and let's go after this company. I feel that they are scamming individuals with no intentions of ever sending out a check or returning the gold. If you have not submitted your gold.....DON'T! You will never see it again nor will you get a check for it!!!!
4818 days ago by Bruizerboy
I hear ya. They are nothing but scan artists. I have also been dealing with them for months. I have talked to John and Skip. I have been told EXACTLY the same stories as you. I have contacted Danielle through email and she only answered me back once!! What a joke. It is amazing how our stories are almost identical. What can we do?? I am at my wits end.
4817 days ago by Steven304
Interesting comment. I sent my gold in over a month ago and received a payment promptly, approx. 12 days after I sent it in. Nothing but good service on my end, perhaps it was just a mishap with shipping or delivery time, we all know that can happen, right?

I actually got a good amount of $ for my gold as well, could I have gotten more from a pawn show, perhaps, but I didn't want to have to deal with that. I give Prestige Gold Buyers an A for the service. I even spoke with Craig myself and he was very kind and courteous and explained all the details to me.

- Steven
4811 days ago by Hopenjoey
I emailed the company with the subject line "Contacting BBB and Attorney General" and provided my information. Suddenly they were IMMEDIATELY emailing me back and offering to pay me via paypal, even though they had been ignoring all my other emails. I did get paid, but I think it's only because I threatened to contact the Attorney General. Here's a link to the BBB in their area, with their profile. Good luck!
4811 days ago by Hopenjoey forgot the link :)
4810 days ago by Cmoye1
I'm with all of the others who are trying to get their gold back from this scam of a company. Looks like we all have taken for a BIG ride. No checks, no gold back, NO NOTHING...I think we should all turn them in to someone. Here in Houston, we have a "citizen's complait dept." which is on M, Tu, & Wed. at the noon news on channel 26 FOX.

Hey, thanks for the link to the Attorney Generals office. Everybody needs to complain to them. Thanks again. That's what I am going to do.
4795 days ago by Channing179
I also got Prestige Gold's name from an Inboxdollar's e-mail. Be sure to contact Inboxdollars about the
fraudulent company that they are sending out e-mails about. I did, and Inboxdollars said they would not
send out any more e-mails about Prestige Gold. I certainly hope not.
4790 days ago by Cybergent
I sent them an e-mail with the subjecy "Turning in to BBB andAttorney General" after waiting months for my gold or my money and the only response I received was through BBB. They sent an e-mail saying they would send me a paypal payment if I sent them an e-mail requesting it. Guess what? The e-mail was sent back as undeliverable no matter how many times I tried.
4790 days ago by Cybergent
Prestige gold buyers is a scam! Watch Out!
4784 days ago by [email protected]
I sent my return pkg. back on May 9, 2011, did, t hear anything for a month on June 9 I called they knew nothing yet. I called again on July 21 talked to John he said they were swamped with the Inbox deal still heard nothing called again on Sept 9 and they said they were selling the company what a scam
4748 days ago by Islandgirl
i also send my gold in to prestige gold in july and called and email several time...spoke to john, craig and tim and to no avail. i got my email form My Points and i did inform them about this scam company, i did not have a lot of gold but at the end of the day they are nothing but scam artist, to steven you probably work for the company so you would say whatever...anyway what goes around comes around and payback's bitch, they will get theirs eventually
4733 days ago by Sheldius
I have been trying to get my money since June 8th, and guess what --------- I finally did. I had contacted the Florida Attorney General about them and was informed that the company was closed but issuing "refunds" and I should expect a response. I hadn't been getting replies to my customer service emails since I forwarded my AG emails on to prestige.

I waited another three weeks and then emailed customer service again (saying I was confirming my address) just to see if it still went through. 5 days later I got my $400 on 1/4 ounce total pure gold. Check was cut 10/4, so they may be holding on to them in hopes that people don't contact them one more time.

I'd say try again - what do you have more to lose?
4733 days ago by Sheldius
I have been trying to get my money since June 8th, and guess what --------- I finally did. I had contacted the Florida Attorney General about them and was informed that the company was closed but issuing "refunds" and I should expect a response. I hadn't been getting replies to my customer service emails since I forwarded my AG emails on to prestige.

I waited another three weeks and then emailed customer service again (saying I was confirming my address) just to see if it still went through. 5 days later I got my $400 on 1/4 ounce total pure gold. Check was cut 10/4, so they may be holding on to them in hopes that people don't contact them one more time.

I'd say try again - what do you have more to lose?

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