I am another victim of Pressler and Pressler. This company is run by obviously disbarred attorneys who were undoubtedly disbarred due to ethics violations. They are totally unethical. They came after me for an old medical bill that I could not pay in full at the time of billing. Since then they have siezed my bank account, garnisheed my wages and done every dirty thing they could possibly do to a person.
What people may not realize is that in New Jersey, when someone files a complaint against a defendent in court, that person is automatically judged guilty until proven innocent. It is common practice for corporations like Pressler and Pressler to file complaints against their victims and get automatic judgments without their victim ever being given the chance to defend themselves. I have seen this not only in my case but in others' cases as well. People have no rights in New Jersey and Judges are appointed, so they have no interest in protecting people's rights, only in protecting the rights and privileges of their benefactors that provided them with their prestigious posts. Usually this involves input from corporations such as Pressler and Pressler.
Another thing I have learned about Pressler and Pressler is that when they send their victims a threatening letter saying they are going to take them to court, garnishee their wages, etc. unless their victim calls them to make "payment arrangements" within a 5-10 day time frame, they have already done what they threaten to do. They have already gotten their judgment and order to do exactly what they threaten. They have no intention of ever letting their victim make any kind of payment arrangements. If their victim tries to call them and makesuch arrangements, the receptionist simply sends the caller to a dead extension that just rings and rings, no voicemail, nothing.
One such "attorney" Ralph Gulko is always at the heart of these gross civil rights violations. Legitimate attorneys despise Pressler and Pressler because they are constantly violating people's civil rights, every chance they get, and the courts help them do it. The only way to get rid of them is to file for Bankruptcy, and even then they would object and possibly get their way as far as getting no discharge of the debt they claim their victim owes. Companies like Pressler and Pressler do not deserve to be in business, but as long as they are paying off whoever they need to, they are allowed to continue their totally unethical practices and violate people's civil rights without interference. The New Jersey court system is by no means For the People.