Wow! Finally! After all these years! I found a place and forum to vent about "the Pingry experience"! Hopefully, my post can save future prospective students from suffering horrors there as I did. How? By not attending there at all!
I was actually in the very first class of girls, in 1974. My parents had the best of intentions, I'm sure. I was a gifted student, and had spent 9 happy and productive years in the public school system. I was about to enter high school, and had lived a very sheltered and priviledged life. My parents feared that my entrance into high school would expose me to drugs, alcohol and numerous bad influences.For some reason, they thought that if I went to a "fine school" (as my mother called it), like Pingry, I would not have been exposed to such things, and therefore, not partake in them. How sad it was that they didn't trust my resolve as a person to never go near any of that poison no matter how available it would be to me anywhere! How naive of them to think that it wouldnt be available at a "fine school" like Pingry. Like I said, I know they meant well.
In the late 70's, the ONLY kids I knew that did not partake in drugs or alcohol were me and my best friend at Pingry.(She and I are still great friends)Everyone else we knew had seemingly unlimited access and interest to both. I quickly established myself as a social outcastat this snobatorium.This is just the beginning of the problems there.
I can't completely blame the students because of the "apple and the tree" theory, and the poor little darlings probably didn't realize how obnoxious they were. But what can we say about the staff? After reading many other posts on this site, it appears that things haven't changed at all. My misery included sexual harrasment by male teachers, which I was too afraid to report, along with constant ridicule by a few others, who I hope are long since dead. While I NEVER once, even to this day had a beer or any illegal drug, my misery at Pingry led me to a long stint on a Psychiatrist's couch and a longtime relationship with Prozac! Additionally, the hostility and pressure there were SO UNBEARABLE that I ate myself into oblivian! I gained so much weight and even though a slight 5'3'" in height, I ballooned up to over 200 pounds! In fact one miserable kid there decided that "Ballon" would be a good nickname for me! The teachers heard it and NEVER said or did anything about it. (I did eventually get my sweet revenge EVENTUALLY, and years late wcen I got out of that hell, after somehow graduating, I actually became a model!)
As to the person who posted fear of children being driven to suicide by being in that horrible, self-esteem zapping prison, they are not AT ALL OFF BASE! In fact, in 1976, 1 of my classmates actually killed his entire family and then himself! We had an english paper due at the end of a particular week, and he was so insistant with the teacher that he be allowed to turn it in a day early! I couldn't understand why at the time. He obviously knew all along where the depths of his depression and mental illness were taking him that evening.
Parents, PLEASE, if you love your children, let them thrive in a public school as I did with my own. There is no need to expose your children to this nonsense, and have them come out feeling one of rwo extremes,; either that they are inferior to all others, or better than all others. Neither of which is true. Let them be NORMAL, PLEASE!
My kids thank me for not putting them through that hell packed experience. My father died in 1998, and even though I graduated there in 1977, he STILL asked me the year that he died if I ever forgave him for sending me to Pingry!
Yes, Daddy, I did. I know you only wanted the best for me. Sadly the best for me would have been to let me enjoy a normal life in public school. There is Nothing normal about the "Pingry Experience" fpr me or for anyone else in my opinion. |