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Penny E
Penny E. Hoffland pennymusicMAma, Penny Enggrav, Published false child abuse accusations, telephone numbers & addresses EAU CLAIRE, Wisconsin
11th of Jul, 2011 by User933990
Where are Penny E. Hoffland's friends? Where is Penny E. Hoffland's family?
Where are Penny E. Hoffland's colleagues? Why has no one intervened and stopped her ridiculous behavior? What is it about
Richard Norton that triggers such women? Penny E. Hoffland Related links This apparently disturbed woman, Penny E. Hoffland, of 4733 PUTTOR DR EAU CLAIRE, WI 54701 (715) 833-0201, has been posting insults, slander and libel about Richard Norton and several other persons on YouTube since the spring of 2008. She has made several hundred comments ranging from insults poorly
formulated written in partially capital letters to serious and malicious libel. On Monday the 06th of October Penny E. Hoffland from her YouTube channel; published two bulletins to approximately 60 other YouTube channels. These bulletins are public and viewable by anyone viewing the recipient's channel. (She changed the name on her channel from Penny E. Hoffland to P. Enggrav. (Her channel pennymusicMAma was recently closed but frozentroll and her husbands channel johnhoffland still exist.) "Bulletin
Date:Mon 06
Oct 2008 13:34:46 PDT
Subject:ConvictedChild Abuser NORTON & Affair with another woman,Signe Body: An Informed source has told me that RICHARDNORTON is a Convicted Child Abuser & having an affair with Henriks's Signe..In addition he intimidates decent people, destrroys Channels with his cat 'groupies', makes Fraudulent Channels & hurts kind people with his Lies, deletes Positive comments & makes up Negative ones, also deletes All the vitriole of his 'cat fans' to make others look bad, Attacks friends of good people & is YT ABUSER.Report him for Abuse & Harassment" And another Bulletin about 25 minutes later: "Bulletin
Date:Mon 06 Oct 2008 13:59:47 PDT
Subject:A 3rd FALSE CHANNEL by RICHARDNORTON & his 'cat groupies' Body: Please BEWARE that RICHARDNORTON thinks he can get away with anything-all powerful... HE & his cronies have made another FAKE CHANNEL called 'CRAPPIECAPI' to hurt me & my little dog"Capi". They even send ou comments, claiming they are from 'CRAPPIE CAPI "- THIS IS YOU TUBE ABUSE. REPORT HIM & his accomplices. I know it is him because he got into my mail & called us both"CRAPPY".REPORT ABUSE." The following are some of the channels that received the bulletin: Majellasweet HeidiW101 jendeana ardenHK sisterlead02 peace2pits sto9joe iconostar LoveKassandra1 horseluvin11 dinastein44 CodeGeronimo Puggykisses Musicmakesusmile aldrin051088 EnchantinGoddessSoul WtfZim SADDOG45 Beanscot OettingerCroat SealAngel DianeDi Bogzos Shedano LoveKassandra1 Ttag pushpa2424 carmenclinvep Kuramochi0214 Charlenerice NedNickerson2008 Lennhart Justenjoytube Animaldefenders ParadiseEarth1 Itweb Heollin Vyplilmama AdvaitSarkar Hskyart LaiYouttitham DoggyTV Bluesnacional piaui2005 kjmix1 adamkieslowski tizianajole HermanHanauer ItsLiikeThat rnv09 tazviolin tribute2elegance AJMusicgirl According to Penny E. Hoffland Richard was having an illicit affair with a Danish woman. The name address and telephone number of Richard Norton, the Danish woman and her alleged other boyfriend were published on YouTube. The purpose was to make the boyfriend aware in hopes this would harm Richard in some way. pennymusicMAma "Sorry, Neil , but I was sent here blocked from all the others , Informatiion by a legimate group
that has been investigating RICHARD NORTON & his cohorts. I was given Henrilks address, phone@ & emails of Henrik & Sign of Denmark. If you want it PM me." pennymusicMAma "I have been given the True information by those who have been investigating RN. And have the video of his disgusting cheating &Henrik & Signes Address, Phone# & E-mails I was given it all, plus confirmation of RNs child abuse conviction. You went after me & said I hated Neil. Not True. I like him as a
friend." Richard Norton says he complained about Penny E. Hoffland's activities to YouTube through different means a total of 6 times but was ignored. He made a video about this back in 2008. Here is an example of 2 comments Penny has left on Elin Skjoldakers YouTube channel in Norway. pennymusicMAma (2 years ago) "Please STOP RICHARD NORTON & changed user names: Venniey, Caleacat,12armywife & the rest of RN's cat"groupies"for ALL of THEIR ABUSE,THREATS,DAMAGE & LIES + FRAUD channels,unmentional profanities & foul speak in their agregious comments. Also, personal Video ATTACKS......." pennymusicMAma (2 years ago) "RICHARDNORTON is a Subsbcriber & friend of your Account. How can I TRUSt YOU??????? He has done so much damage with his Lies, Harrassment, Threats & invading personl Info. - phoning me at 3:14-3: 24 with MAD calls & Warning E-mails. He had repeated Lies about me & has a new Personal Attack video against me & my Albino, called ''Confession' - Clever for an Evil that Inbreeds Bengal cats & makes huge profit from selling them to ignorants, many get sick & die." On Elin's video " Kos i sofakroken" Penny posted the following: "Two of you Siamese kitties appear to be Albino. I am not sure, however they have the markings of pink nose, pure white hair & sky- blue eyes.RN HATES ALBINOS. Please see my rescued,abused pure Pekingese Albino. Loving & Healthy now with me. Watch this Peke run! (He was locked in a cage for 1&1/2 years - never let out & couldn't walk when rescued.) I was led to him in 12/01 & now he's so HAPPY!" pennymusicMAma 2 years ago "Elin Skjoldaker was a dear friend of Richard Norton and a fellow member of his cat club. She bred Siamese cats. Elin died of cancer on the 8th of October 2008. Unfortunately she was too sick to tell what her password was. It is not possible to delete Pennys comment or close down Elins YouTube account." Here are just a few examples of messages Penny E. Hoffland has posted on YouTube: pennymusicMAma has replied to your comment on Goodbye Goldie: "REPLY RICHARD NORTON. She posted the TRUTH about You & there is more you will pay for. Biding our time with tangible Evidence for what YOU have done to Destroy, HARRASS, LIE, THREAT,INBREED & Canada... Penny left you & your'bengal' clique long ago. YOU ARE THE
LIAR & have posted a Personal ATTACK." pennymusicMAma has made a comment on Goodbye Goldie: "DELETE THIS NORTON,too. YOU & your Bengal 'groupies' are USING SWEET GOLDIE as a forum for YOUR HATE & Thers'. I Initially posted Kind comments of Comfort, which YOU deleted & called upon 'them' to attack me. YOU TUBE IS WATCHING & 'OTHERS'... Who Know YOU are an ABUSER. Already documented & Printed for evidence." pennymusicMAma has made a comment on Haifa and The Evil Eye of Camilla:
"Your 'subtle reference' to me mean nothing. I do NOT have Blue eyes. However You are in BIG TROUBLE NOW with all of your CRIMES!" pennymusicMAma has replied to your comment on Goodbye Goldie:
"RICHARDNORTON: Nothing but Vitriole, LIES & False Attacks from your sick mouth. Pitty the Kitties." pennymusicMAma has made a comment on Goodbye Goldie:
"Once again, my Kind Peaceful Comment was deleted by NORTON. Peace, anyway. Thank you for scaring 2 Dear Freinds, RICHARDNORTON!! They have NOT left me, but consider you HATEFUL." pennymusicMAma has replied to your comment on Goodbye Goldie:
"RN:YOU made her change her user name, count thisone, too, you Liar. YOU made the CRAPPY CAPIFRAUD Channel. YOU HAVE BEEN REPORTED to THOSE WHO KNOW the TRUTH ABOUT YOU & OTHERS INVESTIGATING YOU. Add this to your FALSE Count. I do Not Care about Your LIES, CALLS & 3 THREATS AT 3:14-3:24
AM,AM,AM!!! with MAD THREATENING PHONE CALLS & Constant HARASSMENT of not only me, but my dear FRIENDS Who Love me, pray for you." pennymusicMAma has made a comment on Goodbye Goldie:
"PEACE to you & all of RICHARDNORTON's cohorts." pennymusicMAma has made a comment on WHY DID THEY KILL MY CAT?: "YOUTUBE did NOT KILL GOLDIE. I do not know why they deleted it , however it came back, before I joined YT." pennymusicMAma has replied to your comment on Goodbye Goldie: "Once again, YOU deleted my Kind Comment. Only YOU,RICARDNoRTON & your Bengal Clique thugs call my Beautiful "Capi" by that heinous/hatefulname-crappy. Documented & printed. You will delete this, also Liar, but there are so many on to you & your Evil ways." pennymusicMAma has made a comment on Behave yourself!:
"There is NO CRAPPYCAPI, a Fraud Channel created for Richard Norton ,by someone like NewJerseyAbuser. It was Suspended, rightfully ,& reflects the HATE of RN & his Lying 'cronies'." Richard Norton was not the only one that was the object of Penny E. Hoffland's insults and belligerent conduct. One person wrote: As tempting as it is to engage these people in conversation, I would personally block this pennymusicMAma channel and not put up with the comments. There is definitely something wrong with whoever posts comments like that. Her remarks on the Goldie video make no sense and she's pulling other YouTubers into pointless conversations. Don't give people like her the satisfaction of disrupting your channel. It may be 'fair' to leave even bad comments up, but it's your channel. Ignore her, block, delete. Many of these comments were posted on the video "Goodby Goldie". On the 20th of august 2008 Richard Norton posted the following text in the video description: I have been curious about pennymusicMAmas strange behavior. I thought for a long time she was playing the role of a confused, disturbed, nave and offensive person for entertainment. Many people get pleasure out of being offensive with impunity. Playing the role of a confused or offensive person can actually be quite funny. The video Monty Python - The man who is alternately rude and polite is an example of this somewhat special kind of humor. Sometimes it can have bad consequences. On one of my videos Agatha's kittens 01.06.2008 a Norwegian woman, mortzara, wrote a comment in Norwegian. She was recovering from hip replacement surgery. It was not possible for mortzara to view videos on the computer at the hospital recovery ward. A translation of her comment is as follows: Well, Im still sitting here without Java or Flash. But, I will be back soon! Have been to training and physiotherapy, and Im going to have a walk later. Im getting better day by day, even though I had to cross Norway by plane Wednesday and Thursday. Im really looking forward to get home to a PC that's working properly so I can look at a lot of cat videos! (Im staying at a recreation center recovering from a hip replacement.) pennymusicMAma's reply:
REPLY mortzara: SHUT YOU BIG MOUTH! This upset Mortzara enough that she stayed away from YouTube for a time. This is a pity because it can be very boring to be bedridden recovering from a hip replacement operation. pennymusicMAma of course, had no way of knowing the damage she was inflicting was beyond what is ordinary. My video Goodbye Goldie is a sad video. It is about the life and death of Goldie. Many people cry when they see it. pennymusicMAma has chosen that video as an arena for her Monty Python like shenanigans. As of the 20th of august 2008 I count 35 comments by her on that video. Most of her comments are irrelevant nonsense and threats. Her choice of precisely this video for this hyperactive behavior causes me to abandon the hypotheses that she is doing this for fun and entertainment. I dont like blocking people but I am indeed considering that step. Norton 2008 Here is a message to Vennie from a former friend of Penny E. Hoffland. Message to Vennie Yancy, April 2011: Hello Maybe you know me because I was a friend of pennymusicMAma. well I must tell you that relation is finished. but I Wish to know (If you wish to tell me) how this trouble starts, I had a very bad experience with her, she suddenly starts to attacked me & I had to block her as a friend. But Is the time I cannot understand how begun all of this.. excuse my english, I'm still learnimg, Have a nice day Vennie Yancy's reply: Hello! I could send you all the comments Penny has made on several Channels, full of capital letters, misspelled words and lots of ranting about harassment but let me briefly explain. Richard Norton is a Bengal cat Breeder and has posted many lovely videos of his cats. He was very popular, had many friends and subscribers, including Penny.
One of Richard's cats died after an extended illness, this is a couple of years ago. Penny at some point felt that she had been offended. Numerous other commenters tried to assure her that she misunderstood, that no one had been rude. She just got more crazy, for lack of a better word and she went an a rampage of wild accusing comments on various videos and channels. A woman, named Sherri, who lives in Canada, took advantage of Penny.
This Sherri had a very bad crush on Richard and was very angry when Richard did not want to be more than friends. A terrible vendetta began. This Sherri told Penny terrible lies about Richard, that he
was a convicted child abuser, for example. Penny actually sent out a bulletin to all her friends about that! You probably received it, long ago. It was a total lie, made up by Sherri. If Richard lived in
the USA, Penny would have been charged with slander. It was very bad.
Penny started making crazy comments about me and other YouTube users. Paranoid thoughts. Then she started posting using a Channel John Hoffland, who was her husband. I do not know if she
created the channel or if he did originally, but she started pretending to be him. All those comments were mispelled, half written in capital letters, just like Penny wrote. She actually posted using that channel after her husband died. Her husband was a good journalist, he certainly never wrote the comments, and certainly not after his death. I believe Penny is seriously psychologically disturbed. She appears to be either drunk or really out of it. She may be on heavy meds.
I am sorry she attacked
you, she is seriously not in her right mind. You are better off to stay clear of her. I am very thankful she closed her YouTube account. It is possible that her son Lukas is involving himself and trying to help her.
Venniey Former friend'a
response.................... Re: Hello Yes, she suddenly got crazy, she starts to tell I was hurt her in some way, but she was thew one who were attacking over & over again, unfortunately, Lukas think she is a good person, but she need a psychiatrist, thank you for your time, I think like you I'm better without Penny in my life...
You can count with a friend in me if you like & I sorry for blocked your channel, I'm, regreted, have an excellent day & God Bless you Last words:
Yes I though she was my friend & she hurt me a lot, But well the life give us experiences to live in difertent way, thank you for your time The occasion for updating and reposting the video: "Repost of a video YouTube complaint #7 Child abuse bulletin 2008" is the following posted 21. January 2011 anonymously by Penny E. Hoffland.: "Richard Hector Norton is a Psychopath and staulker, from Norway. Operates a kitten-mill. He Slandered and posted Libel on Google: against John and Penny Hoffland, Honored, Respectable citizens of the U.S. His Nefarious activities increased after Penny's husband, a renowned U.S. News Journalist suddenly died. He posted their Private Information on the web, with incorrect information. He bragged about the death of Mrs. (Penny) Hoffland's Husband. He continued to Harass her." The end of the video is a bit outdated. However there are examples at the end of Penny E. Hoffland using her husband's YouTube channel,, to post criminal libel about Richard Norton. Her husband, John Hoffland, was a well-known and highly respected News Director at a Wisconsin TV station WEAU.
Penny E. Hoffland is apparently under the impression that using her husband's name will somehow increase the credibility of her malicious libel. John Hoffland passed away July 4, 2009. It is sad how his wife Penney sullies his legacy on the internet. Penny has been married many years to a prominent News Director that has received awards for outstanding service to broadcast journalism. It is hard to understand how it is even possible for Penny to lack even the most rudimentary knowledge of responsible, professional journalism. Where are Penny E. Hoffland's friends?
Where is Penny E. Hoffland's family?
Where are Penny E. Hoffland's colleagues?
Why has no one intervened and stopped her ridiculous behavior?
What is it about Richard Norton that triggers such women? (Please.
Don't pee on my leg and tell me it's raining.) M.L.

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