LeisureDays RV Kingston, Ontario |
Being Lied to and Dishonest and Arrogant and very Poor Customer Service |
9th of Aug, 2011 by shemas |
1) We bought the camper end of Aug 09 from Leisuredays RV Port Perry, and Ziad (manager) kept the camper in his lot the Port Perry Leisure Days for Sept/Oct at the end of Oct he put the camper in storage just behind Leisure Days in Port Perry for the Winter as my husband was out of the country Sept/Oct. Ziad agreed for us to pick up the camper the next May 2010 where we could inspect it, and give us an orientation on how to use the camper. Also when we bought the camper we found the door lock not working and Ziad said not to worry he would have the lock fixed.
2) In Feb of the 2010 we got a letter from head office in Ottawa saying that Port Perry was closed and if we had any issues to contact Kingston.
3) We had to go all the way to Kingston Leisure Days RV 1st week of May 2010 for the orientation on how to use the camper (as the Port Perry Location was closed) Trip #1.
4) The camper was in storage until 3rd week May 2010 when we pick it up but did not use it until June 2010 camping and found issues with the camper. We contacted Kingston Leisure Days RV and I spoke to Debbie (1st service person) at the service first and emailed her the list of defects. Then spoke to Ian Kerr (manager) who asked that I email you with the issues (Which I did on June 29th) and once he heard back from you he would get the Service to fix the defects Also find attached my email correspondence with you. I mentioned to Debbie that I was using the camp for the July long weekend and would drop the camper off after that.
5) We dropped off the camper mid July at the Kingston Leisure Days RV (prior to which I had a conversation with Ian and stated I would bring my camper in mid July 2010 and leave it there for the whole of Aug 2010 to have the issues fixed which was well within the warranty period) I did drop the camper at Kingston Mid July 2010. The service desk now had a new service person Tim, (2nd Service person) and he agreed to do all that was required replace the right awning, order a new mattress and fix the issues that were mentioned earlier in my email and I could pick up the camper for the Long Weekend in Sept. 2010. Trip #2
6) Prior to picking up the camper the long weekend of Sept 2010, I spoke to Tim who assured me that the camper was fixed up and he would leave the camper in the front lot for us to pick up there would only be a Sales Person at the desk in case we needed to speak to anyone as it was the long weekend and they closed at 6:00pm. We got to Kingston at 5:00 pm nobody was around and the front door was locked. We picked up our camper (noticed that the right brake lights on the camper were not working when we left Leisure Day Kingston) and went to Sandbanks for the long weekend. On opening the camper to set up, we found that none of the issues were addressed (even the awning was not replaced as Tim mentioned he had done that) and the front door lock still did not work. We were so upset that we called the next day. Sat. and spoke to a Sales Person Nick. He said that they were so busy that they did not have the time to fix our camper and apologized for the inconvenience caused. We called again on Sat and were told to drop off the camper after our trip (as we were at Sandbanks an 1hrs drive from Kingston Leisure Days )and they would do what was required to fix the issues. Trip #3
7) After returning back to Oshawa we spoke to Ian Kerr (mgr) again who said to leave the camper with them over the fall/winter so they could fix the issues and we could pick it up in Spring of 2011. I also spoke to Tim on my return to Oshawa as he was not working over the long weekend. Tim told me that Ian Kerr had told him not to do any repairs (Jul/Aug 2010) with the camper as we were going to trade it in for another model (this was not true as Ian wanted a lot more money from us for a trade in, and I told Ian to please fix the issues on my Palomino and return my camper to me). I spoke to Tim again and told him we were not trading in and the issues needed to be fixed and I wanted my camper back in the Spring of 2011 and he agreed to this and also spoke to Ian about this.
8) On May 18th 2011 I called Tim to check and see if everything had been done and he confirmed that the issues were resolved and I could pick up at any time. I told him I was out of town for the last two weeks in May and would come 1st week of June 2011 to pick up the camper. Just prior to going over I called Kingston Leisure Days RV to confirm that my camper was ready for pick up and all the outstanding issues were completed and this time I got Sue (the 3rd New Service Person) who told me that Tim had left the company and she did not know the history. I asked to speak to Ian and he said he would check and call me back to see to see if everything had been done. He called be back later on June 6th at 3:53 pm and told me that he found the service guy who worked on my camper and everything was done. I told Ian that before I picked up the camper I would open the camper at LeisuredaysRV Kingston and check to see if everything was done. I did not want to come on another wasted trip.
9) We went to Kingston again on June 8th picked up the camper, opened it to see if everything was ok and NO IT WASNT FIXED. Everything was the same state as we left it in July 2010. I was so upset and furious at the way we were being pushed around and treated (we did everything that we were supposed to do). Informed of all the deficiencies within the warranty period which the Kingston Service Dept. did nothing to deal with it. And finally being told very callously by Ian that if we wanted to get things fixed, we would have to pay for it. Also if we wanted any results we should sue the company to get results (he mentioned this suing twice)!!!. Trip #4
- I have never received such bad customer service from any company that I have purchase anything for all the years that I am in Canada
- We paid $9500/- for the camper and got a defective unit given to us. We were okay with the deficiencies being fixed and that would restore out faith in the company; but no, we had to make Four Wasted Trips to Kingston, taking Time off, Fuel up and down and mileage put on our van.
- The unapologetic and dont care attitude service that we got from Ian Kerr, yourself and the run-around that we had to go thru.
- Blatant disregard for warranty obligations when a new product is bought.
- All Ian Kerr kept saying several times, that was this was not his issue, he should not have to deal with the fallout and issues from Port Perry closure (and there were quite a few I was told by Debbie) and it should not have been sent to Kingston to resolve.
We have complied with your request (see your communications exchanged with me )
- To Address our issues within the warranty period (which we did July/Aug 2010)
- Charlene (the owners) were also willing to find us a service area closer to my home to fix the deficiencies (which did not happen) and we travelled to Kingston to have these deficiencies fixed (but Kingston Leisure Days RV did not honour and fix the issues)
- The only thing that was done: the wrong size awning was replaced. The door lock still does not work and none of the other issues as listed above have been addressed.
- As a Customer this is the worst experience I have had - dealing with Leisure Days to have my issues resolved after buying a camper from your Port Perry location. |
Leisure Days of Winnipeg are the biggest crooks that i know of just like the one in Kingston Ontario.I guess all Leisure Days trailer sales are all together to RIP off customers.I know of 2 people in Thompson Manitoba got the once over.One guy bought a 5th wheel and took it home, then noticed that the wall looked funny.He pushed on it and it was spongy, he opened it up and it was all water damage.Another guy bought a 5th wheel and got it home the fridge didnt work, they were to send the fridge to him and a installer would put it in.Never happened he got the fridge and had to put it in himself.Leisure Days still owe him for the install (June/11) now Jan/12.Another person i know from Saskatchewan bought a 5th wheel from them had to get in southern Ontario.They picked up there Durango got it to the camp site and the fridge was barely working, and the air conditioning hardley worked.The roof vent was broke, trim inside kept falling off, hot water tank would not keep working on electric or gas.They left souhern Ontario and headed to northern Ontario they were not even 40kms out and blew a tire.Finally made it to Sault Ste, Marie Ontario set up and one afternoon we noticed that the fiberglass had 2 big bubbles in it.Then they went to use the blow up matress nad it was a piece of junk, wouldnt hold air.They went and got a replacement at Canadian tire.Then they left to head to Newfoundland blew another tire, they called the Winnipeg office and were told to get all 4 replaced and they would get reimburst.They had to fight with them in Winnipeg to get the money.They made it sound like it was such big deal, as if they should not give them there money back.I was there when that went down.Then they got fed up with the trailer and traded it in for another one, different 5th wheel and here no tv in it no recliner chairs.And to top it off one of the storage doors had a big dent in it, along with the fiberglass was cracked.And the salesman said they had a big wind storm and a pop up trailer got blown into it.I said no way a tent trailer caused that damage that high up.More like one of there employess backed into it with a forklift.They were to have the trilaer done with repairs and till this date they are not done.July/11 and now Jan/12.My wife and i were going to trade our 5th wheel in for one of there campers and im GLAD to say we didnt.I wouldnt trust any of these Leisure Days trailer sales for anything.Stay away far away from them, unless you dont mind getting ripped off.No wonder they say they can beat any bodys price.Eveyone of there trailers in my opion are factory rejects.they were also told that the acklel was bent and thats why the tires blow. also the slide outs dont work on battery and the sofe has a big rip in it. they told her the company stoped making that trailer and they would have to put a sofe from the brick in it, she said no way . she bought this trailer in aug. and it is now jan and they still havent done any of the work on it and she has to make the payments every month. ple4ase do not deal with these people, the man that had the water damage discoverd the walls were full of mold, these are all brand new trailers. |
It is always interesting when someone will gladly mention a person's name and post slanderous comments about that person and then neglect to identify themselves. These comments were posted by Sherry Mason of Oshawa. While it is true that Ms. Mason purchased a Palomino tent trailer from our Port Perry store she is fast and free with the truth after that point. Our Head Office contacted all Port Perry clients announcing the closure of the store and informing them that the closest Leisure Days was in Kingston. When I first spoke with Ms. Mason, and her husband Mike Mason, I explained to them that we were not a Palomino dealer but we would try and handle any warranty issues that they may have. I also explained to them that the closest Palomino dealer to them was Camping In Style in Brooklin, Ontario, 5.3 miles from Oshawa. They elected to bring their trailer to Kingston. While we are all owned by the same corporate group all stores operate independently and are often in competition with each other. We do not all carry the same manufacturers nor do we spend one dealerships dollars fixing another dealership"s mistakes. We did in fact do all work covered by warranty like replacing the awning. When it was explained to Ms. Mason that work not covered by warranty would be paid for by her not us she became upset and abusive. It was at this point that she threatened to get a lawyer. I told her that if that was how she felt that it was certainly within her rights to do so. I find it surprising to see the way that she has tried to turn these comments back onto me. Any decision not to invest the stores money appeasing Ms. Mason was made by our Head Office, not by me. I work six and sometimes seven days a week all summer long and make a conscious effort to treat every customer fairly and with empathy and I can produce a list of over 500 customers that can attest to the good and fair service that this dealership delivers. While I can certainly understand Ms. Mason's unhappiness I am not prepared to let her post these slanderous comments about our dealership without setting things straight. Like any story there are always two sides. Anyone that would like to know more aobut our Service department, store policies or customer satisfaction results can contact me personally.
Ian Kerr
General Manager
Leisure Days RV Centre Kingston
866-919-5777 |
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