Consumer reviews and reports on scam companies, bad products and services
Paradise Canyon Vacations - Winnipeg- $10,000 Scam - N-T
Paradise Canyon Vacations - Winnipeg- $10,000 Scam - N-T
16th of May, 2012 by sam1antha_fox40
Paradise Canyon Vacations - Winnipeg- $10,000 Scam - N-T

1021 Court Ave., Winnipeg, Manitoba

NOEL CELL NUMBER 204-229-6527
OFFICE NUMBER 204-453-8142

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- Noel can sniff Gaga's aka Sega’s Panties

Now that Paradise Canyon Vacation is on line on the internet scam sites.
Employees like Allbladerss and gaga come out of the wood word to protect
their jobs, Especially Gaga aka Sega trying to slander innocent workers,
whom she accuses of going on line telling the truth, that Paradise Canyon
Vacation don't tell you till the salesman arrives at your home that it’s
$10,000 to $15,000 for the travel membership, and tell you completely
different at the presentations. Noel fired a whole bunch of people like
he does every other week, "cleaning house" as he says, Noel has pissed
off many if not hundreds of ex employees including his own Filipino
people. So who is Gaga aka Sega to accuse of going on line you skank.
Allgallbalderss and gaga aka Sega you can both go and eat the shit out of
Paradise Canyon toilets call centre, because your both a piece of shit like
the rest of them, gaga aka Sega is the biggest turd of them all slandering
other employees but gaga aka Sega didn’t mention that Noel the manager said
it was ok for employees to sell stolen Xbox, playstaion games as long as
employees got good prices, funny how gaga left that part out Gaga you enjoy
trying to scam innocent people out of $10,000 dollars, next time you two are
on the phone, just tell the truth and tell the people its $3,500 down not
refundable, and $50 a month for 20 years oh and don't forgot the lengthy
contract they got to sign, Allgallbladerss when you can do this, then you can
tell people to eat your shit, till then you and Gaga keep licking the urinals
at Paradise Canyon Vacation call centre. Gaga it’s easy to talk trash about
others, when Noel is paying you to protect his sales, so don't give us the
bull shit you came on your own to shit on employees, by the way Gaga aka Sega
that smell you talk about was not the worker riding his bike to work he brought
fresh clothes with him, that smell was of dead fish coming from your panties,
go and see a doctor for yeast infection you skank, or better still have a bake
sale don't forget to invite Dave, Noel's right hand man who sometimes uses his
left to the bake sale Dave just loves fish smelling cream pies.

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- Noel slanders employees

Noel posted the malicious mean lying post against our cousin posing
as "Gaga" aka Sega on an ex female employee who says she
worked for Paradise canyon Vacation call center for 3 months, yet
funny doesn't leave her real name; a real ex employee would not be
afraid to leave their real name, this is either Noel or someone he
paid to go online.Yes Paradise canyon vacation is $10,000 to $15,000
to join which they don’t tell you until the salesman arrives at your
house, completely contradictory from what is said at the free
presentations. It is $3,500 down non refundable and $40 t0 $60 per
month for 20 years and let’s not forget the lengthy contract you have
to sign. Noel was aware for years about stolen Xbox, play station and
pc games and movies being sold by Loren and stolen sports jerseys by
Rob valued at $200 selling for $40 to $60, when approached about the
stolen DVDs and Xbox games he said it was ok as long as employees
get good prices. Now what kind of business allows for stolen goods
to be sold on company property. As for the employees, yes there are
very rich people including government employees, including Ozzie an
MTS, Winnipeg Osbourne sales rep, whose been buying Robs sports
jerseys at the rate of 1 per week, and Dave his right hand man who
sometimes uses his left is one of Loren’s biggest customers. Whatever
Noel said about our cousin is all lies to protect Paradise Canyon
Vacation, check out trip advisor to read the truth about Paradise
Canyon Vacation. Noel is now paying his employees to protect his sales.
Noel impersonating as "Gaga" aka Sega on calls people mental
yet he approves of stolen goods in the call centre. and calling people
losers when Noel fires his own Filipino people, he is supposed to look
after his own people not crap on them. All Noel has written or has paid
one so called "Gaga" aka Sega to write is all lies. The truth is Noel
tried to steal our cousin’s antivirus which he lent Noel for one night
because Noel asked to use it, for 3 weeks Noel said he was too busy or
"I didn't get around to it" then our cousin asked Dave his assistant
or Noel's right hand man who sometimes uses his left to please ask for
it back, since then Noel has treated our cousin like crap, and eventually
fired him all because he asked for his software back, then he accused our
cousin of writing things on line and told our cousin that the police
will be waiting at his home when he gets home, this was all threats and
lies, the police station was not aware and said the internet was free
freedom of speech. Paradise canyon Vacation is like a revolving door
employees come and go every day, hundreds if not thousands of employees
have quit from that call centre. Noel I'm sure has fired thousands of
people, yet he blames our cousin all because he asked for his software
back, and because he didn't let Noel intimidate him by trying to steal
his software. Noel even calls the police on employees, a scare tactic.
Is this the kind of company you want your want one of your friends or
family members working for. This employee who wrote the blog is more
than likely Noel himself posing a "Gaga" aka Sega a past female
employee to slander our cousin and try to protect his sales. Now another
ex employee Abby, who is working for The Minor Volleyball Association in
Winnipeg tells us how Noel is getting Dave to do his dirty work for him,
Dave is Noel's right hand man who sometimes uses his left wants to go to
our cousins house, not enough 3 harassing phone calls during supper time,
seems they love to harass people during supper. What is next harass ex
employees at their jobs, Dave just worry about harassing callers and use
your scare tactics on them to make them cough up $10,000 to $15,000 for
your travel memberships which your tele marketers lie and say is free
till the salesman arrives at their homes.

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- Paradise Canyon Vacations to buy Tiger Wood's Juniper Estate

Tiger Woods will soon be selling his Juniper Estate to Paradise
Canyon Vacations so that it can be turned into time share. With
Tiger Woods golf career at an all time low at 44 in rankings.
Paradise canyon Vacation will be giving Tiger Woods 30% share
of membership fees, with being scammed sorry paying $10,000 to
$15,000 to receive nothing more than a membership, and travel
prices just as cheap or cheaper if they shopped around. That
would give Tiger Woods a good $3,000 to $5,000 per membership.
Could this mean that Nike and Paradise Canyon Vacation may
soon merge, will we soon be seeing PCV on sneakers along with
the Nike swoosh. The good news is that we may soon hear the
pitter patter of tiny little feet at Juniper Estate,[no Elin
is not having another cub], as families rush to move in for
their time share vacations with their little ones.

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- Tiger Woods to Promote Paradise Canyon Vacations &
Golf Resort

Tiger Woods to Promote Paradise Canyon Vacations &
Golf Resort, seeing how Tiger Woods is spiraling downhill with
his golf career, Tiger Woods has dropped a further six places
to 44th in the world golf rankings and he may soon have to
sell his Juniper Estate to purchase new golf clubs and a Gucci
golf bag. As the spokes person for Paradise Canyon Vacations
and Golf Resort Tiger Woods can rest assured that he can
afford to travel to all his tournaments at net prices. So the
next time you pick up your phone and the display reads
tele marketer from Paradise Canyon Vacations, and you hear a
"GROWL" big cat roar. It may just be Tiger Woods asking you to
come to a presentation and fork over $10,000 for a membership
so he can pay for his wife Elin Nordegren child support.

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- Paradise Canyon Vacation to change it's name

Oct 26, 2011 we have the inside scoop, from an ex female
Paradise Canyon Vacation employee from the Winnipeg call
center, who told our family that Paradise cvanyon vacation
is thinking of changing its name becuase of all the internet
posts, better news still she told us that they changed their
name twice before. Isnt that would tele solutions does, change
their name every few months,isn't this something that scam
companies only do, to continue scamming people, look at Edna,
she uses Ella, Jenna and Britney so people dont catch on to her.
Help us to help others, warn others that Paradise canyon vacation
will be changing their name, just like Tele solutions the magazine
company does every few months,but the presentations will still be
an hour, and the 2 free night hotel stay and dinner for two should
remain the same. they are getting desperate and want to scam people
out of $10,000, be aware and dont beleive any vacation offers over
the phone.

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Welcome to the Paradise Canyon Vacation Official Scam site, this is what all you
angry members who been scammed $10,000 to $15,000 have been asking for, and for
all you people who lost your gas and time attending a supposedly free presentation
and not receiving your free gifts. Let us not forget the thousands of people having
thier dinner interrupted by these annoying tele marketers. Come join us and read
the over 100 posts, see the over 40 news breaking stories and pictures on
scam report. Have fun and play poker against Dave, Noel's right hand man
who sometimes uses his left, Wendy been calling you too much then play poke Wendy
the Horrible Penguin, but careful she may fight back. See and watch Tom Mabe
take on Paradise Canyon Vacation tele marketers. All these stories, news and
entertainmnet plus it wont cost no $3,500 down and no $40 to $60 per month for
20 years either. Don't forget to sign our guest book and tell us in your own
words why you think Paradise Canyon Vacation sucks.

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- Points incentive and bonus

Membership cost is $10,000 to $15,000

The sales bonus figures is from the actual employee hand book

1st sale = $25 dollars....$10,000/$25 = 0.25 or 1/4 of 1 percent

2nd sale = $50 dollars....$10.000/$75 = 0.75 or 3/4 of 1 percent

3rd sale = $100 dollars...$10,000/$175 = $175 or 1.75%

4th sale = $150 dollars...$10,000/$325 = $325 or 3.25%

5th sale = $200 dollars...$10,000/$525 = $525 or 5.25%

Now lets break this down another way, so you can see that Paradise
Canyon Vacation even scams its own employees

1st sale $10,000 = $25 = 0.25% or 1/4 of 1 percent

2nd sale $20,000 = $75 = 0.325% or 1/3 of 1 percent

3rd sale $30,000 = $175 = 0.583% or 6/10 of 1 percent

4th sale $40,000 = $325 = 0.8125% or 8/10 of 1 percent

5th sale $50,000 = $525 = 1.05% or 1.05%

Noel the manager has said that in all the years in business he
has only seen 1 person hit 5 sales. Out of 25 call agents 3 sales
on a pay cheque happens for 1 person every 3 months. It is set up
to pay as little as possible as less often as possible.

The presentation sales man sales bonus

6 sales of $10,000 = $10,000 or $1,666 per sale = 16.6%

[Paradise Canyon Vacation advertises $15/hour on the job bank]

This is from the actual employee guide book

Sales Bonus

TSRs are paid a base wage of $10 per hour plus bonuses
At any time a TSR achieves 10 qualified bookings [couples]
in a shift, he or she is paid $15/hour for that shift
-there are 4 sales people who can get 10 bookings,
and that is maybe 1-2 per week, out of those 4 people
the manager gives 2 of them easy expo and rebook sheets

-now this is completely different than what is posted on the
job banks where it states $15/hour for 24 hours [sometimes 20]

Paradise Canyon Scam - Tele Marketer Points Bonus Incentive

Paradise Canyon Vacation even runs the call centre like a time share
company using a points system, members receive enough points every year
to stay for 2 weeks only at one of their resorts. Here is the actual
points bonus incentive from the employee handbook

Points Bonus Incentive

A qualified expo attendee is worth one point

Any TSR rthat reaches 20 points or more 2 months in a row, their base
salary go up to $12 per hour

After achieving the base wage of $12 per hour and you do not reach 20
points again two months in a row, the base wage go back down to $10
per hour

When you fail to have any qualified expo attendee for every expos,
your employment relationship with our company is re-evaluated

Here is the actual sales bonus ioncentive from the employee handbook

Sales Bonuses

Tsrs are paid a base wage of $10 per hour plus bonuses
At any time a Tsr achieves 10 qualified bookings [couples]
in a shift, he or she is paid $15/hour for that shift

-now this is completely different than what is posted on the job banks
where it states $15/hour for 24 hours [sometimes 20]

Even the presentation is run the same way, here is a quote from someone
on trip advisor that attended the presentation and met with the salesman

Senior Member

Joined: Jan 2007
Location: Manchester to Alberta, but now beautiful Nova Scotia!

Just to close this off (and in case anyone else gets a call from them in
the future), we had the sale guy round this evening.

Turns out that you have to put down a minimum of $3500 before you can
even use the services.... which is completely in contrast to what was
explained in the presentation originally.

Suffice to say he was told to sling his 'ook.

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- Pssst wanna buy a stolen laptop for $100

Where else but at Paradise Canyon Vacation call centre can you buy a
brand new stolen laptop for $100 still in the box. It happened with
a tele marketer called Sega, who used to come in everyday dressed
like she was a model walking down the runway. Rather than going to
the store to buy a new laptop she took advantage of Paradise Canyon
vacation employee benefits, and purchased a brand new stolen laptop
for $100, off one of the tele marketers, a big fat guy who was going
to the gym everyday so said Dave, Noel's right hand man who sometimes
uses his left. When Noel the manager was confronted about Loren selling
stolen Xbox and DVD movies, Noel said it was ok as long as employees got
good prices Not only can Sega buy stolen brand new laptops still in
the box, she can also buy Xbox, play station, pc games and DVD movies from
Loren, are his stolen movies any good, ask Dave Noel's right hand man who
sometimes uses his left, Dave is Loren's biggest customer. Stolen laptops
Xbox games and movies is not all that Paradise Canyon Employees benefits
entitles them too, they can also purchase stolen $200 sports jerseys from
Rob for $40, ask Ozzie an MTS Osbourne Winnipeg call centre employee,
he's been buying stolen sports jerseys one of every week for months, and
wears his stolen jerseys with pride. You too can receive employee enefits
and buy stolen laptops, Xbox games, DVD movies and stolen sports jerseys,
all you need is a desire to lie to people about free presentations and
scam people out of $10,000 for memberships.

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- Psst wanna buy some stolen sports jerseys

Along with scamming people out of $10,000 and lying
about free presentations and 2 free gifts. Paradise
Canyon Vacation tele-marketers can get sports jerseys
valued at $200 for $40 to $60, thanks to Rob a tele
marketer in the call centre who has been for years
moon lighting selling stolen jerseys. Is the quality
good? Well just ask Ozzie a tall black man from MTS
on Osbourne in Winnipeg, Noels pet tele marketer
who along with Tyler also gets very easy expo sheets
while the rest of the workers have calls 5 times as
hard. Ozzie has been buying stolen jerseys at the rate
of 1 a week and is very proud to wear his hot jerseys,
Ozzie can afford to buy one very week because he brags
how he's making $20 an hour and his girlfriend is
making $35, you think with that kind of money he would
buy store bought sport jerseys. Just goes to show where
your money goes when you pay your MTS bill. As for Paradise
Canyon Vacation, they give it the thumbs up, because when
Noel was approached about the situation he said it was ok
that Loren sells stolen Xbox, play station, pc games and movies
as long as the employees get good prices. Is this where the
$10,000 membership fee goes, to pay crooked employees. Dave,
Noels right hand man who sometimes uses his left is
Loren's best customer. If this is the how the call centre
is running I hate to see the 1 hour presentations.

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- Pssst wanna buy some stolen Xbox games

Along with scamming people out of $10,000 and lying
about free presentations and 2 free gifts. Paradise
Canyon Vacation tele-marketers can get net prices
on all their favorite Xbox, play station and wi games,
not to mention DVD, HD and blue ray movies. All thanks to
Loren one of their top bookers. When Loren is not
behind bars and at work, he is selling Xbox games and pc
games to his top buyer, Dave who is Noels right hand man
and sometimes he uses his left. Paradise Canyon gives
all this the thumbs up, because when Noel was approached
concerning the situation he said "it's ok as long as
employees get good prices", now would you join and
pay $10,000 membership if the employees and right hand
man are all buying stolen DVDs. They should be offering
these DVD movies and Xbox games at the presentations at
employee prices, along with the dinner for 2 and the 2
free hotel night stay.

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- Rebooking presentations

People are starting to get wise to Paradise Canyon
Vacation and realizing that they are not getting the
free gifts as promised. Lately Noel has Tyler ,
Catherines son and his little pet which he protects
with the easy call sheets, expos and rebooks.
Rebooks are people who didn't show up for the presentation
and only Tyler his favorite little brown noser and pet
gets those. EWveryone else gets the very hard call sheets.
Tyler even brown noses the callers and it makes the rest of
us tele marketers sick to our stomachs just listening to him
suck up on the phone. The fact that Tyler is doing rebooks
shows that people are starting to think "if it's too good to
be true",
Noel has even told us that there were presentations where no
one showed up or only 2 couples or less. If this continues
and people start getting wise to this scam, Paradise canyon
Vacation may soon close down or change names, and Noel has
already mentioned changing the company name. The service aka
membership fee is $10,000 to $15,000 which you won't find out
till the salesman gets to your house, completely different
from what is said at the presentation.Save yourself the gas
and time, the year I worked there only one lady got the free
2 night hotel stay and that would have cost her few hundred
in airfare to fly from Alberta to Florida to use it, and many
unhappy callers who didn't even receive any of the free 2 gifts.

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- Right hand man meets left hand woman

It seems that Dave , Noel's right hand man who sometimes uses
his left has met the perfect woman, Abby form the Minor Volleyball
Association in Winnipeg, she is Lukes right hand girl who sometimes
uses her left.They have so much in common like calling people trying
to get money,the Minor Volleyball Association calls businesses to try
and collect $200 for a child or $300 for a team, and like Paradise
Canyon Vacation you have nothing to show for it.Abby has told us that
Dave her new man, is threatening to visit ex employees at home becuase
the internet posts are effecting his sales, maybe if Noel didnt fire
so many people "clean house" as he calls it, he wouldn't have so many
unhappy ,angry employees including his own Filipino people which he has
been crapping on like Brian who was with him for 4 years. With what she
has learned from Dave on scamming people, Im sure she will bring these
new techniques to the Minor Volleyball Association. Also Abby has told
us that her right hand man Dave, told her the inside scoop that Paradise
Canyon Vacation may soon be changing its name due to poor leads. Don't
trust The Minor Volleyball Association if thier right hand girl who
sometimes uses her left is connected with Paradise canyon Vacation, you
know what thye say "birds of a feather flock together", and these 2 birds
are definitely vultures.Thank God the people are catching on to travel scams.

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- Rising Urinal

Reading urinal rises to the occasion

Reading urinal
Now you see it... now you don't

The company's first rising urinal is to make its ascent in the hallway of Paradise Canyon Vacation

The Urilift is a tardis-like unit containing three urinals.

Cleverly hidden during the day under the tiles, disguised as a manhole cover it can be raised using
a hydraulic system operated by remote control on Noel's desk. Widely used in Manitoba, the invention
is designed to be used at night to stop tele marketers using desks and garbage pails as toilets.
Hopefully this facility will encourage men to walk an extra couple of yards to relieve themselves
It is visible, easily accessible and hygienic, and is located between Noels desk and the
presentation room in the heart of the call center
Dave, Noel's right hand man who sometimes uses his left, said he was thrilled that Paradise canyon
vacation Call center was the first place
in the country to install the technology.
Paradise Canyon vacation is famous for many things like scamming members out of $10,000 but never
before have we been noted for our innovative sanitary facilities."
Manager Noel said there was a serious reason for installing the device.
Paradise Canyon Vacation thriving night-time calling and economy brings many benefits but the result
of some men's unhygienic behaviour is not one of them.
"Hopefully this facility will encourage the male tele marketers to walk an extra couple
of yards to relieve themselves."

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- Robin Hood??????????

The story of Robin Hood was stealing from the rich to give to the poor,
but at Paradise Canyon it's backwards, instead Paradise Canyon steals
from the poor, seniors and average low income people to give to the rich
the salesmen and tele marketers. When you drive into paradise Canyon
Vacations tele marketing office, it is like walking into a new car show
room all the tele marketers all have expensive brand new cars. There is
hardly a car under $35,000, except for Edna aka Jenna, Ella and now
Britney she is driving a brand new gm, all the other tele marketers
have more reliable Toyotas All the tele marketers are rich, like Ozzie
an MTS employee from Osbourne Winnipeg location, he just bought a big
new house, his girlfriend is making $35 an hour and Ozzie is making $20
an hour, yet he comes to Paradise Canyon to scam poor seniors, then
there is the government social workers like Darcy who’s driving a
$40,000 Toyota and Ms Soldier making at least $25 both an hour or not
more ripping off seniors and low income people trying to con them out
of $10,000 for a supposedly free presentation. Government social
workers should not be trying to scam seniors and lying about a free
presentation which costs thousands of dollars. Then we have Paul aka
Sinder who pretends to be poor, and is too afraid to leave Paradise
Canyon Vacation for a real job, but has no problem flying to India
and back. Don't let Paradise Canyon scam you out of your hard earned
money, we all can't be as rich as these tele marketers.

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- protecting Paradise Canyon Vacation?

Is Paradise Canyon Vacation paying is protecting Paradise Canyon Vacation
and allowing them to keep on scamming people for
$10,000 to $15,000, for travel services people
can get just as cheap or cheaper if they shop
around, is allowing Gaga from Paradise
Canyon Vacation in Winnipeg call centre to slander
employees with mean malicious lies, yes you "GAGA"
aka Sega to protect their scam sales, Gaga why
didn't you mention that for years Rob and Loren have
been selling stolen Xbox, play station pc games and
blue ray movies along with stolen sports jerseys,
and by the way Gaga aka Sega the person you’re
slandering Mike our family and cousin when he
questioned Noel about the stolen Xbox games being
sold by Loren, Noel told our cousin it was alright
as long as employees got good prices, Gaga aka Sega
you like to slander our cousin Mike but like to
leave out employees buying and selling stolen goods. `
Is this what is about slandering employees,
instead of posting corporate is the only
web site that has taken down virtually all complaints
about Paradise Canyon Vacation, only allowing other
employees to post malicious lies like skanks named
"Gaga" aka Sega, is not supposed to take down
complaints or ban people from posting complaints, is being paid by paradise canyon vacation to
ban anyone from posting complaints and remove complaints. is a scam if this how how they run their web
site, and "gaga' aka Sega the 3 month employee
who is all talk but can’t leave her real name, Gaga aka
Sega how much did Noel pay you to protect his sales. and gaga AKA Sega keep on licking the urinals at
Paradise canyon Vacation call centre, and while your at it
have a free lunch eating in the toilet bowls on employee
turd, because you are what you eat, your both turds
hiding the truth.

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- Sega aint no Lady Gaga

- Allgallbladerss eat gaga's aka Sega’a shit

Now that Paradise Canyon Vacation is on line on the internet scam sites.
Employees like Allbladerss and gaga aka Sega come out of the wood word
to protect their jobs, Especially Gaga aka Sega trying to slander
innocent workers whom she accuses of going on line telling the truth,
Noel fired a whole bunch of people like he does every other week,
"cleaning house" as he says, Noel has pissed off many if not hundreds
of ex employees including his own Filipno people. Allgallbalderss and
gaga aka Sega you can both go and eat the shit out of Paradise Canyon
toilets call centre, because your both a piece of shit like the rest
of them, gaga is the biggest turd of them all slandering other employees
but gaga aka Sega didn’t mention that Noel the manager said it was ok for
employees to sell stolen xbox, playstaion games as long as employees got
good prices, funny how gaga aka Sega left that part out . Gaga aka Sega
you bought that stolen brand new laptop with the box and all for $100 from
that fat guy who works out at the gym everyday for $100, who are you to
call eople losers and mental when you yourself is buying stolen laptops at
work .Gaga aka Sega you enjoy trying to scam innocent people out of $10000
dollars, next time you two are on the phone, just tell the truth and tell
the people its $3, 500 down not refundable, and $50 a month for 20 years
oh and don't forgot the lengthy contract they got to sign, Allgallbladerss
when you can do this, then you can tell people to eat your shit, till then
you and Gaga aka Sega keep licking the urinals at Paradise canyon Vacation
call centre. Sega you came to work for 3 months along with your skinny
anorexic sister who hasn’t eaten in months, dressed up like a fat over weight
model walking down or should we say crashing down a jumbo 7474 runway, but to
be a model Gaga aka Sega you need to lose 100 pounds off your big fat ass.

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- Gaga aka Sega has crabs or is that dinner for 2

Now that the truth comes out about Paradise Canyon Vacation employees selling stolen Xbox,
play station pc games and blue ray movies, the employees like Gaga aka Sega come out of
the wood word to protect their jobs, Gaga aka Sega you can go and eat the shit out of
Paradise Canyon toilets call centre, because you’re a piece of shit like the rest of
them, I sat next to this person you’re trying to slander and he was a perfect gentleman,
and even though he rode to work, he changed his clothes and brought spare clothes, as for
mental the only mental people is you for protecting Paradise Canyon Vacation it's funny
Gaga aka Sega how you didn’t mention the stolen sports jerseys and stolen Xbox games and
blue ray movies and when our cousin's bike seat was stolen he mentioned to Noel about
Loren selling stolen movies and Xbox games and Noel the manager told our cousin it was
ok as long as employees got good prices, Gaga aka Sega why did you leave out employees
selling and buying stolen goods Gaga aka Sega how much did Noel pay you to slander our
cousin, or is Gaga really Noel impersonating an employee to try and save his company
and sales Gaga aka Sega you can lick my ass and let me crap in your mouth, look at you
trying to scam innocent people out of $10,000 dollars, next time you’re on the phone ,
just tell the truth and tell the people its $3,500 down not refundable, and $50 a month
for 20 years oh and don't forgot the lengthy contract they got to sign, when you can do
this, then you can talk shit about people, till then keep licking the urinals at Paradise
Canyon Vacation call centre. You didn’t quit gaga Noel fired your ass because you couldn’t
produce bookings, and Gaga aka Sega those ants in the ladies bathroom floor, those are not ants,
those were your crabs, were those crabs the free dinner for two you were offering callers on the
phone to attend the free presentation, Gaga aka Sega go see a doctor you skank.

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- Noel can sniff Gaga's aka Sega’s Panties

Now that Paradise Canyon Vacation is on line on the internet scam sites. Employees like Allbladerss and gaga
come out of the wood word to protect their jobs, Especially Gaga aka Sega trying to slander innocent workers,
whom she accuses of going on line telling the truth, that Paradise Canyon Vacation don't tell you till the
salesman arrives at your home that it’s $10,000 to $15,000 for the travel membership, and tell you completely
different at the presentations. Noel fired a whole bunch of people like he does every other week,
"cleaning house" as he says, Noel has pissed off many if not hundreds of ex employees including his own Filipino
people. So who is Gaga aka Sega to accuse of going on line you skank.
Allgallbalderss and gaga aka Sega you can both go and eat the shit out of Paradise Canyon toilets call centre,
because your both a piece of shit like the rest of them, gaga aka Sega is the biggest turd of them all
slandering other employees but gaga aka Sega didn’t mention that Noel the manager said it was ok for employees
to sell stolen Xbox, playstaion games as long as employees got good prices, funny how gaga left that part out
Gaga you enjoy trying to scam innocent people out of $10,000 dollars, next time you two are on the phone, just
tell the truth and tell the people its $3,500 down not refundable, and $50 a month for 20 years oh and don't
forgot the lengthy contract they got to sign, Allgallbladerss when you can do this, then you can tell people
to eat your shit, till then you and Gaga keep licking the urinals at Paradise Canyon Vacation call centre.
Gaga it’s easy to talk trash about others, when Noel is paying you to protect his sales, so don't give us the
bull shit you came on your own to shit on employees, by the way Gaga aka Sega that smell you talk about was not
the worker riding his bike to work he brought fresh clothes with him, that smell was of dead fish coming from
your panties, go and see a doctor for yeast infection you skank, or better still have a bake sale don't forget
to invite Dave, Noel's right hand man who sometimes uses his left to the bake sale Dave just loves
fish smelling cream pies.

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- Noel slanders employees

Noel posted the malicious mean lying post against our cousin posing
as "Gaga" aka Sega on an ex female employee who says she
worked for Paradise canyon Vacation call center for 3 months, yet
funny doesn't leave her real name; a real ex employee would not be
afraid to leave their real name, this is either Noel or someone he
paid to go online.Yes Paradise canyon vacation is $10,000 to $15,000
to join which they don’t tell you until the salesman arrives at your
house, completely contradictory from what is said at the free
presentations. It is $3,500 down non refundable and $40 t0 $60 per
month for 20 years and let’s not forget the lengthy contract you have
to sign. Noel was aware for years about stolen Xbox, play station and
pc games and movies being sold by Loren and stolen sports jerseys by
Rob valued at $200 selling for $40 to $60, when approached about the
stolen DVDs and Xbox games he said it was ok as long as employees
get good prices. Now what kind of business allows for stolen goods
to be sold on company property. As for the employees, yes there are
very rich people including government employees, including Ozzie an
MTS, Winnipeg Osbourne sales rep, whose been buying Robs sports
jerseys at the rate of 1 per week, and Dave his right hand man who
sometimes uses his left is one of Loren’s biggest customers. Whatever
Noel said about our cousin is all lies to protect Paradise Canyon
Vacation, check out trip advisor to read the truth about Paradise
Canyon Vacation. Noel is now paying his employees to protect his sales.
Noel impersonating as "Gaga" aka Sega on calls people mental
yet he approves of stolen goods in the call centre. and calling people
losers when Noel fires his own Filipino people, he is supposed to look
after his own people not crap on them. All Noel has written or has paid
one so called "Gaga" aka Sega to write is all lies. The truth is Noel
tried to steal our cousin’s antivirus which he lent Noel for one night
because Noel asked to use it, for 3 weeks Noel said he was too busy or
"I didn't get around to it" then our cousin asked Dave his assistant
or Noel's right hand man who sometimes uses his left to please ask for
it back, since then Noel has treated our cousin like crap, and eventually
fired him all because he asked for his software back, then he accused our
cousin of writing things on line and told our cousin that the police
will be waiting at his home when he gets home, this was all threats and
lies, the police station was not aware and said the internet was free
freedom of speech. Paradise canyon Vacation is like a revolving door
employees come and go every day, hundreds if not thousands of employees
have quit from that call centre. Noel I'm sure has fired thousands of
people, yet he blames our cousin all because he asked for his software
back, and because he didn't let Noel intimidate him by trying to steal
his software. Noel even calls the police on employees, a scare tactic.
Is this the kind of company you want your want one of your friends or
family members working for. This employee who wrote the blog is more
than likely Noel himself posing a "Gaga" aka Sega a past female
employee to slander our cousin and try to protect his sales. Now another
ex employee Abby, who is working for The Minor Volleyball Association in
Winnipeg tells us how Noel is getting Dave to do his dirty work for him,
Dave is Noel's right hand man who sometimes uses his left wants to go to
our cousins house, not enough 3 harassing phone calls during supper time,
seems they love to harass people during supper. What is next harass ex
employees at their jobs, Dave just worry about harassing callers and use
your scare tactics on them to make them cough up $10,000 to $15,000 for
your travel memberships which your tele marketers lie and say is free
till the salesman arrives at their homes.

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- is paying

Is Paradise Canyon Vacation paying is protecting Paradise Canyon Vacation
and allowing them to keep on scamming people for
$10,000 to $15,000, for travel services people
can get just as cheap or cheaper if they shop
around, is allowing Gaga from Paradise
Canyon Vacation in Winnipeg call centre to slander
employees with mean malicious lies, yes you "GAGA"
aka Sega to protect their scam sales, Gaga why
didn't you mention that for years Rob and Loren have
been selling stolen Xbox, play station pc games and
blue ray movies along with stolen sports jerseys,
and by the way Gaga aka Sega the person you’re
slandering Mike our family and cousin when he
questioned Noel about the stolen Xbox games being
sold by Loren, Noel told our cousin it was alright
as long as employees got good prices, Gaga aka Sega
you like to slander our cousin Mike but like to
leave out employees buying and selling stolen goods. `
Is this what is about slandering employees,
instead of posting corporate is the only
web site that has taken down virtually all complaints
about Paradise Canyon Vacation, only allowing other
employees to post malicious lies like skanks named
"Gaga" aka Sega, is not supposed to take down
complaints or ban people from posting complaints, is being paid by paradise canyon vacation to
ban anyone from posting complaints and remove complaints. is a scam if this how how they run their web
site, and "gaga' aka Sega the 3 month employee
who is all talk but can’t leave her real name, Gaga aka
Sega how much did Noel pay you to protect his sales. and gaga AKA Sega keep on licking the urinals at
Paradise canyon Vacation call centre, and while your at it
have a free lunch eating in the toilet bowls on employee
turd, because you are what you eat, your both turds
hiding the truth.

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-Seven wonders of Dave

Dave, Noel's right hand man who sometimes uses his left is also
like his manager Mr. Poatatoe head, who appears to be nice at first
but will back stab employees to make himself look good for Noel,
Dave can be found in the call centre sitting next to his jail bird
buddy Loren who sells stolen xbox , playstaion, wii pc games and
blue ray movies, and of course Dave is Loren's biggest customer,
Noel when approached about the stolen xbox games said it was
alright as long as employees got good prices.


- Dave Breeding Turkeys

Dave, Noel's right hand man who sometimes
uses his left is now enjoying the outdoors
chasing male turkeys while doing his imitation
turkey mating call. To help supplement his
income Dave has been helping turkeys to breed,
since he's been saving his right hand to assist
Noel, why not make extra money using his left
hand to save the turkey population. so next time
your having a family thanks giving dinner and your
about to say grace before carving the turkey say a
little prayer and thank Dave for without his left
hand there would be no turkey on the table, and if
Paradise canyon Vacation calls during supper tell
the caller to tell Dave that you got better things
to do with your right hand than write them a cheque
for $10,000.

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- Dave harasses ex-employees

Thursday October 20, 2011 - 6:25pm , 2011 our cousin receives not one
but 2 calls from Dave trying to disguise himself as "James", Noel's
right hand man who sometimes uses his left, trying to question our
cousin about internet blogs. *57 was used and the number traced to
the police station, and the call was more than likely made from
Paradise canyon Vacation call center, during working hours. It's
not enough that Noel tried to use scare tactics and tell our cousin
that the police will be wafting when he gets home the night he went
to pick up his final cheque, our family called the police station and
Noel lied, the police said the internet is free speech. Noel fired
thousands of people even his own Filipino people, Dave go and harass
Noel's Filipino people, we are not Filipinos, Dave go and call Brian
since he was the one who said in the meeting that Noel was protecting
some people who had less sales than him, Brian was angry about being
fired, and he is Filipino who worked with Noel for 4 years. Is this
the kind of company you want to hand over $10,000 to $15,000 for a
travel membership, a company who harasses employees after firing
them, Noel could have given our cousin trade show sheets but he was
out to fire our cousin, for asking Dave to get his antivirus program
back, Noel was very pissed the night he returned the borrowed software,
he hasn't talked to our cousin since and kept shitting on him, that’s
the thanks you get for borrowing your boss who asked for the software,
never trust anyone from work, especially your boss. If this is how they
treat their employees just imagine how they treat their members. Don't
let Dave or Noel get your hard earned money, you will get nothing for
your $10,000 and it is $3,500 not refundable and $40 to $60 a month for
20 years and the prices are no cheaper than other travel agents or if
you shopped around for yourself.
Again October 21, 2011 7:28pm Dave calls back trying to use scare tactics
This time Dave clears his throat not knowing what to say, we believe he
was drunk putting back a few cold ones. Again *57 was used and the number
traced, keep harassing our cousin Dave we will keep tracking and tracing
your calls. This is Paradise Canyon Vacation harassing ex employees, they
got nothing better to do with their time the bunch of mafia.

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- Dave right hand man with 2 left feet

Noel has a right hand man named Dave who sometimes uses his
left. Some of us worked with Dave before at Tele Solutions,
where 1/2 of the closing supervisors collecting credit card
information had served jail time, and this is where Dave
came from, and he seems to blend right in very nicely with
his prison tattoos. Our cousin used to work with Dave on
Saturday mornings at Tele Solutions and he remembers Dave
coming in to work drunk like a skunk, and got many leads
but once he sobered up he couldn’t do nothing, useless as
tits on bull. Dave comes in to work every other week with
a black eye from bar fights, or misses days here and there
when he's on a drinking binge. Is this the best that Noel
can do for a right hand man who sometimes uses his left.
If this is the quality of supervisors we can imagine the
quality of the salesmen at the presentations, the sales
pitch should be
"leave your money at home but bring a case of two four".

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- Dave still Harasses ex employees

6:10pm , October 24, 2011, Dave ,Noel's right hand man who sometimes uses his
left ,is still harassing our cousin and again *57 was used to trace the call
to the police, doesn't the employees at Paradise Canyon Vacation have nothing
better to do than thier supervisor to call and harass ex employees and with
scare tactics and saying "you better quit that internet shit" , Dave get a
real job like working in a tattoo parlor and get real tatto not home made
prison tattoos, Noel fired many Filipinos and Brian was very upset go and
call Brian, leave innocent people alone. I hope people reading this will
think twice about giving Paradise Canyon Vacation $10,000 to $15,000 for
nothing more than a membership for prices no cheaper than if they shopped
around. For your information they don't tell you its $10,000 till the
salesman gets to your home, don't beleive the "you can't buy nothing at the
presentation, it's strictly information only, and leave your money at home"
There are better things you can do with $10,p000 to $15,000 than let Paradise
Canyon Vacation scam you out of it.

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- Dave tells Abby he wants to harass employee at home

We found out today Oct 26, 2011 that a Abby an ex female employee of
Paradise Canyon Vacation in Winnipeg now working for Minor Volleyball
Association in Winnipeg as their right hand woman who sometimes
uses her left, worked and quit the same week of Oct 16-22, 2011 told
Abby told our family that Dave, Noel's right hand man who sometimes
uses his left was threatening to go to our cousin's house, this is
beyond harassment, Noel fired alot of people, and some people are
fighting back on line, letting the truth be known. Right now
Dave is harassing our cousin with 3 phone calls , all 3 calls *57 was
pressed and the call traced back to the Winnipeg police department.
If Dave, Noel's right hand man who sometimes uses his left comes around
our cousin's house, our family will call his parole officer, and Dave can
go back to prison and get a few more home made oops prison made tattoos.

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- Right hand man meets left hand woman

It seems that Dave , Noel's right hand man who sometimes uses
his left has met the perfect woman, Abby form the Minor Volleyball
Association in Winnipeg, she is Lukes right hand girl who sometimes
uses her left.They have so much in common like calling people trying
to get money,the Minor Volleyball Association calls businesses to try
and collect $200 for a child or $300 for a team, and like Paradise
Canyon Vacation you have nothing to show for it.Abby has told us that
Dave her new man, is threatening to visit ex employees at home becuase
the internet posts are effecting his sales, maybe if Noel didnt fire
so many people "clean house" as he calls it, he wouldn't have so many
unhappy ,angry employees including his own Filipino people which he has
been crapping on like Brian who was with him for 4 years. With what she
has learned from Dave on scamming people, Im sure she will bring these
new techniques to the Minor Volleyball Association. Also Abby has told
us that her right hand man Dave, told her the inside scoop that Paradise
Canyon Vacation may soon be changing its name due to poor leads. Don't
trust The Minor Volleyball Association if thier right hand girl who
sometimes uses her left is connected with Paradise canyon Vacation, you
know what thye say "birds of a feather flock together", and these 2 birds
are definitely vultures.Thank God the people are catching on to travel scams.

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- Is Abby from The Volleyball Association Dave's woman

That is the question we all have been asking at the Paradise Canyon
Vacation call center in Winnipeg. Abby came to us from The winnipeg
Volleyball Association and like Dave, who is Noel's right hand man
who sometimes uses his left, Abby is Luke's right hand girl who
sometimes uses her left also. Like dave she also likes to show off
her tattoos, unfortunately Noel had to let Abby go along with hundreds
of other tele marketers this year,the joke at Paradise canyon vacation
is that human resources is a revolving door, employees come and go
like Walmart shoppers. "thank you for shopping Walmart or is that
tahnk you for dropping into Paradise canyon Vacation", We would like
to thank Abby for informing us that Noel may soon be changing the name
of Paradise canyon vacation like he has done twicew before like Abby
has told us. Wait isn't this what scam companies do every few months
after people catch on to them. Than you Abby for getting us the inside
scoop from your new man Dave, lastly Abby has told us how Dave wants to
go and harass ex employees at home for going on line and warning people
about Paradise canyon Vacation, isn't this what the mafia does pay a
visit to your home.

- For your entertainment please check out these pictures

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- Shady Employees

Not only do Paradise Canyon Vacation tele marketers
lie to people on the phone trying to convince them that
the 1 hour presentations are free, When actually the
membership is $10,000 to $15,000, $3,500 down not refundable
and $40 to $60 a month for the next 20 years.
"you can’t buy anything at the presentation, it is strictly
information only, I’m not calling to sell you anything,
leave your money at home and right off the hop let me assure
you I’m not calling to sell you anything" and the famous
"bring your wife or travel partner so nothing is lost in
the translation", they know that people who come alone will
tell the salesman "I got to talk
4665 days ago by Jkdgwe
2012Sorching summer comes, in order to thank everyone, characteristic, novel style, varieties, low price and good quality, and the low sale price. Thank everyone

==== ( ) =====

==== ( ) =====

$33 True Religion jeans, Ed Hardy jeans, LV, Coogi jeans, Affliction jeans

$30 Air Jordan shoes, Shox shoes, Gucci, LV shoes

50%Discount winter fashion :Sandle, t-shirt, caps, jerseys, handbag and brand watches!!!

$15 Ed Hardy, LV, Gucci Bikini

$15 Polo, Ed Hardy, Gucci, LV, Lacoste T-shirts

$25 Coach, Gucci, LV, Prada, Juicy, Chanel handbag,

$10 Gucci, Ed Hardy sunglasses

$9 New Era caps.

give you the unexpected harvest

==== ( ) =====

==== ( ) =====

==== ( ) =====

==== ( ) =====

==== ( ) =====

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