Consumer reviews and reports on scam companies, bad products and services
Paradise Canyon Vacation-Noel the owner calls police on workers
selling stolen goods on company property is ok by Noel
16th of May, 2012 by saaam1antha_fox40
Noel told our cousin that was ok for employees to sell stolen goods as long as employees got good prices,
and Loren was selling stolen xbox games and dvds movies to Dave, Noel's right hand man who uses his left
Rob was selling stolen sports jerseys to Ozzie an MTS employee from Osbourne, not once did Rob ever give a receipt for the jerseys, and Sega bought a new laptop still in the box for $100, most likely stolen and Noel did not question the stolen laptop, everyday our cousin saw workers exchanging money as if selling drugs
everything our cousin posted is the truth, and Noel even called the police for our cousin speaking out and letting people know, but the police said it was freedom of speech

Paradise Canyon Vacations - Winnipeg- $10,000 Scam -D-I

1021 Court Ave., Winnipeg, Manitoba

NOEL CELL NUMBER 204-229-6527
OFFICE NUMBER 204-453-8142

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- Dont cry for me Argentina

Performed by Abby, Minor Volleyball Association
right hand girl who sometimes uses her left
and who was also employed with Paradise Canyon
Vacation in October 2011 for a week.

Dont cry for me Paradise canyon Vacation

It wont be easy to give up $10,000, I'll think your travel service is strange
When the salesman will try to explain the $3,500 non refundable deposit and how I will feel
That they will need my $40 to $60 a month for 20 years and love after all that they've done

You won't believe me that travel prices are no cheaper if you shop around
All you will see is a salesman at a presentation you once knew
Although he's dressed up to the nines
At sixes and sevens he will still lie to you

I had to let the presentation happen, I had to see if there was a change
Couldn't stay all my life not traveling and down at heel
Looking out of the window contemplating about writng out that cheque for $10,000,
with promises of soon being in the sun

So I chose the freedom plus 20 year $15,000 membership
Running, flying around, hotels and spas trying everything new
But nothing about Paradise Canyon Vacation impressed me at all
I never expected it to


Don't cry for me Paradise canyon Vacation
The truth is I never left you $10,000
All through my wild days you kept calling during supper
My mad existence made only worse with your presentations
I kept my promise not to become one of your travel members
And if Don't keep your distance, I will call the BBB

And as for fortune you tried to scam from me, and as for fame you promised
I never invited them or your salesman in
Though it seemed to the world that the travel membership is not what I desired

They are illusions just like your phony salesmen
The travel savings are not the solutions they promised to be
The answer was here all the time, not to pick up the phone
I hate you and hope you stop calling me me

Don't cry for me Paradise Canyon Vacation

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- E.T. Phone Home Lyrics

Performed by S.P.O.C.K and on
guitar Dave-Noel's right hand man
who sometimes uses his left

E.t. Phone Home

This was not really meant to be
but some things in the night were frightening me
I hid behind a tree, hoped the things would go away

My friends got worried, they were waiting for me
because we had to leave now - EMERGENCY
I was still behind the tree
and they just couldn't stay
I'm all alone - E.T. phone home
now I'm on my own - E.T. phone home

Please, I don't want to stay
don't leave me here, take me away
let me make one more call
I saw my ship lift from the ground
I heard shouting voices all around
so I didn't make a sound
and the things went away

So here I am and I don't know what to do
should I try to contact someone like you?
I'm all alone - E.T. phone home
now I'm on my own - E.T. phone home

Please, I don't want to stay
don't leave me here, take me away
let me make one more call

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- Employee asleep on toilet

Employee asleep for two days on call center toilet

Published: 2011 Oct 06 7:26pm

A 47-year-old man was asleep on Paradise Canyon Vacation call center toilet

for one and a half days before being discovered by staff, it has emerged.

The man had been hired as a casual tele marketer 26th October 2011, suffering

from pains in the chest and abdomen from stressful calls. Co workers gave him samples

of thier calls, and decided he be ok for the rest of the night.

But Noel came to his desk at 7:30pm to give him his booking results, his chair was empty

and the worker had disappeared.

Staff searched for the man in the immediate vicinity of the the call center, but did not find him.

Supervisors assumed that the man had left the call center, so Noel discharged him. It was only

nearly two days later that the man was found in a toilet

adjacent to Noel's office. He appeared to have gone there on his own, locked himself in the

toilet and fell aleep.

"He had been there for one and a half days," said Dave, Noel's right hand man who sometimes

uses his left acting as a spokesman to The Local.

Franzén said she could not reveal whether doctors had considered the man's condition to be

life-threatening, but she did say that he had not been confused.

"If a tele marketer is in a confused state then we keep an eye on them, but that was

not judged to be the case here."

Dave said that a more thorough search of the call center for the man had not been

judged necessary.

"We are a very big call center, and it's not unusual for workers to just leave.

We didn't look for him because he was not confused."

The call center said in the future that bathroom passes will be assigned.

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- Employee Theft

Paradise canyon Vacation tele marketers are very good in convincing you
that the presentation is free and leave your money at home, and if you
Haven’t guess by now, it is a scam. The membership is $10,000 to $15,000
but they don’t tell you that till the salesman/woman comes to your home.
Theft is a daily thing at Paradise Canyon Vacation call centre, people
having cell phones stolen is very popular, that is because everyone is on
their cell phones surfing the internet playing games, so there is plenty
of cell phones to be stolen. One person even had his bicycle seat stolen
from his very desk, you can’t leave anything down. The manager Noel
actually encourages stealing among his employees, when questioned about
Loren selling stolen Xbox, play station pc games and DVD movies, Noel's
reply was that is ok as long as employees get good prices, and Dave,
Noels right hand man who sometimes uses his left is Loren's best
customer, we all also have Rob selling stolen $200 sports jerseys for
$40, and his biggest buyer is Ozzie a tall skinny black man from Mts
on Osbourne in Winnipeg, buying a jersey a week, now we also have shady
crooked Mts employees trying to scam you out of $10,000.

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- Employees selling and buying stolen goods

Paradise Canyon Vacation employees for years have been enjoying
the benefits of buying stolen goods during work time on
company property. When Noel the manager was approached about
Loren selling Xbox, play station, pc games and blue ray movies,
Noel said it was ok as long as employees got good prices.

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- Selling stolen laptop for $100

Where else but at Paradise Canyon Vacation call centre can you buy a
brand new stolen laptop for $100 still in the box. It happened with
a tele marketer called Sega, who used to come in everyday dressed
like she was a model walking down the runway. Rather than going to
the store to buy a new laptop she took advantage of Paradise Canyon
vacation employee benefits, and purchased a brand new stolen laptop
for $100, off one of the tele marketers, a big fat guy who was going
to the gym everyday so said Dave, Noel's right hand man who sometimes
uses his left. When Noel the manager was confronted about Loren selling
stolen Xbox and DVD movies, Noel said it was ok as long as employees got
good prices Not only can Sega buy stolen brand new laptops still in
the box, she can also buy Xbox, play station, pc games and DVD movies from
Loren, are his stolen movies any good, ask Dave Noel's right hand man who
sometimes uses his left, Dave is Loren's biggest customer. Stolen laptops
Xbox games and movies is not all that Paradise Canyon Employees benefits
entitles them too, they can also purchase stolen $200 sports jerseys from
Rob for $40, ask Ozzie an Mts Osbourne Winnipeg call centre employee,
he's been buying stolen sports jerseys one of every week for months, and
wears his stolen jerseys with pride. You too can receive employee benefits
and buy stolen laptops, Xbox games, DVD movies and stolen sports jerseys,
all you need is a desire to lie to people about free presentations and
scam people out of $10,000 for memberships.

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- Selling stolen sports jerseys

Along with scamming people out of $10,000 and lying
about free presentations and 2 free gifts. Paradise
Canyon Vacation tele-marketers can get sports jerseys
valued at $200 for $40 to $60, thanks to Rob a tele
marketer in the call centre who has been for years
moon lighting selling stolen jerseys. Is the quality
good? Well just ask Ozzie a tall black man from Mts
on Osbourne in Winnipeg, Noels pet tele marketer
who along with Tyler also gets very easy expo sheets
while the rest of the workers have calls 5 times as
hard. Ozzie has been buying stolen jerseys at the rate
of 1 a week and is very proud to wear his hot jerseys,
Ozzie can afford to buy one very week because he brags
how he's making $20 an hour and his girlfriend is
making $35, you think with that kind of money he would
buy store bought sport jerseys. Just goes to show where
your money goes when you pay your Mts bill. As for Paradise
Canyon Vacation, they give it the thumbs up, because when
Noel was approached about the situation he said it was ok
that Loren sells stolen Xbox, placation, pc games and movies
as long as the employees get good prices. Is this where the
$10,000 membership fee goes, to pay crooked employees. Dave,
Noels right hand man who sometimes uses his left is
Loren's best customer. If this is the how the call centre
is running I hate to see the 1 hour presentations.

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- Selling stolen Xbox games

Along with scamming people out of $10,000 and lying
about free presentations and 2 free gifts. Paradise
Canyon Vacation tele-marketers can get net prices
on all their favorite Xbox, play station and wi games,
not to mention DVD HD and blue ray movies. All thanks to
Loren one of their top bookers. When Loren is not
behind bars and at work, he is selling Xbox games and pc
games to his top buyer, Dave who is Noels right hand man
and sometimes he uses his left. Paradise Canyon gives
all this the thumbs up, because when Noel was approached
concerning the situation he said "it's ok as long as
employees get good prices", now would you join and
pay $10,000 membership if the employees and right hand
man are all buying stolen DVDs. They should be offering
these DVD movies and Xbox games at the presentations at
employee prices, along with the dinner for 2 and the 2
free hotel night stay.

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- Enormous Upfront Fee

New Member

Joined: Oct 2010
Posts: 1
drunk, slobering Dave unable to walk straight
tripping and falling going after the kids trying to capture ET.
Eventually ET makes it to his space saucer and tells his little people
how Noel used and mistreated him, the leader then flies the space
ship over the Paradise Canyon Vacation call center and blows up the
building. From there they go to Noel's home and capture Noel, his wife
and 12 children and bring them all back to their planet, and open a
petting zoo with Noel, his wife and 12 kids as the zoo's occupants.
Lets just pray that they don't make a sequel "Escape From Paradise
Canyon Vacation"

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Default Re: Paradise Canyon Vacations...
My friends just recently purchased a membership with Paradise Canyon Vacations,
so I thought I would check them out.

This Travel Club sounds the same as every other club out there..... enormous
upfront fee and monthly charges for services that are offered on the internet
for free. I cannot believe that there are still Travel Clubs out there with
the introduction of the internet.

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- charge up to $15k

el richo
That's what she said!!!

Joined: Jan 2009
Location: Oobie doobie doobie, oobie doobie doobie, woop man, woop man, nick knack noo.

So they offer discounts on holidays, yet charge you up to $15k for the privilege? Sounds

I'll lend you my bargepole if you pay $4k for postage.

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- ET don't call Paradise Canyon Vacation

In our previous post we mentioned Noel his wife and his
12 children taking over Disneyland in "Mickey Mouse "Watch Out"
where Mickey Mouse was scammed into buying a $10,000 travel
membership. Poor Mickey ending up selling his home and moving
into Minnie Mouse's house.
At Disneyland Anaheim California Noel bumped into Steven
Spielberg and conned him into doing a remake of ET. Inside
sources got a hold of the script.
The story is based on ET landing into Winnipeg in Noel's
backyard where Noel is barbecuing squirrels he ran over on
his way home from work. Noel's 12 children capture and tie
up ET and bring him into the house. Rather than chopping up
ET for stew meat, Noel has a change of heart and lets his 12
kids keep ET as a pet, since security was too tight at
Disneyland to abduct Mickey or Minnie mouse.
Noel being the mean ruthless manager of Paradise Canyon Vacation
is not satisfied with ET just doing the dishes, mowing the lawn,
scrubbing the floors and calling 1-900 sex lines for him after 10pm.
Like the Grinch, Noel gets a brillant idea to use ET as a salesman
for the presentation. For months the presentations are booked solid
and many people paying $10,000 to $15,000 to join a travel service
and have nothing more to show than a membership with prices just
as cheap or cheaper if they shopped around.
Till one night Wendy the Horrible books a family with 4 kids to the
presentation without Noel's knowledge because Noel hates children
he says that they disrupt the presentations, but yet he wants the
parents $10,000. At the presentation the kids decide to lure ET home
since their mom and dad are allergic to cats and dogs. After the
presentation the kids lure ET to come to their house promising
ET a cheque for $10,000 from their mom and dad to join.
This is where the adventure begins, ET at the kids house calls home
and is told by the leader that Paradise Canyon Vacation is a scam
and that Noel has been using ET just to sell timeshares. When
Noel discovers ET missing he sends out Dave, his right hand man who
sometimes uses his left with his prison tattoos to bring ET back.
To ensure that Dave does the job right Noel gives Dave a case of 24,
from there on we see a drunk, slobering Dave unable to walk straight
tripping and falling going after the kids trying to capture ET.
Eventually ET makes it to his space saucer and tells his little people
how Noel used and mistreated him, the leader then flies the space
ship over the Paradise Canyon Vacation call center and blows up the
building. From there they go to Noel's home and capture Noel, his wife
and 12 children and bring them all back to their planet, and open a
petting zoo with Noel, his wife and 12 kids as the zoo's occupants.
Lets just pray that they don't make a sequel "Escape From Paradise
Canyon Vacation"

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- Female Tele marketer f-a-r-t-s like an elephant

Tele Marketer Wendy Suspended For Passing Gas

Girl's Family Says Punishment Too Steep

Winnipeg, Manitoba -- A chubby 300 pound female tele marketer has been suspended
from work because she intentionally passed gas and refused to stop eating refried
beans and drinking beer in the lunch room, according to Paradise Canyon Vacation
management. Wendy was also seeen bringing to work "balut" by the dozen which is
chicks still inside the egg shell for snacks, we beleive that this is how she won
Ozzie over by sharing her "balut" with Ozzie, later that week co workers said that
they saw Wendy's phone number next to Ozzie's coffee cup, Ozzie being a married man
began playing hard to get and this is when Wendy began passing gas to win him over.
This was the first time we ever seen a black skinny anorexic man from the MTS call
centre in Osbourne in a stolen sports Jersey bought from Rob clasping a stolen xbox
game purchased from Loren whom Noel said it was ok to sell stolen goods as long as
employees got good prices turn blue all 6ft and 88 pounds of him.
Noel reported that Wendy a veteran short 300 pound tele marketer was suspended from
Paradise canyon Vacation call center under a company rule against disruptive behavior
and eating beans and drinking beer in the lunchroom and eating "balut" grossing out
the other co workers by pulling the whole chicks out of the egg shell before eating them.
Supervisors and co workers said Wendy repeatedly passed gas to make Ozzie laugh, but
instead Ozzie passed out from the stench and collapsed. Emergency paramedics had to be
called in to bring in smelling salt and oxygen mask to revieve Ozzie. Dave, Noel's right
hand man who sometimes uses his left in the mean time till the ambulance arrived didn't
hesitate to volunteer with a big fat grin on his face and huge lump in his pants to give
Ozzie mouth to mouth resuscitation with an occasional slip of the tongue.
They said the smell also made it difficult to breathe making the other tele marketers
and co workers turn blue in the face and gasping for air.
Noel said that when he heard Wendy f-a-r-t-i-n-g it was music to his ears like a wild
herd of elephants trumping and blowing their trunks.
Wendy's family said their daughter isn't perfect and they're appealing the suspension,
saying the manager Noel went too far with its punishment. Noel did say that he enjoyed
the smell of Wendy's passing gas and that it reminded of being back home in the Filipines
when he lived in tents and everyone used to poop in the corner of the tent.
On the brighter side Noel just announced that Wendy will be re instated for training purposes
and will be allowed to eat all the deep fried beans and drink all the cpold beer she wants at
work and that all tele markers with less than 12 leads an hour will be sitting next to Wendy
till their production improves.
Smelling salt and oxygen masks will now be supplied in the emergency kit next to the band aids,
which for some strange reason Dave, Noel's right hand man who sometimes uses his left has been
going through a box of band aids every other day, Dave claims its from wood splinters chopping
wood on his uncle's farm, but we found out that his uncle sold the farm 10 years ago, we always
wondered what a right hand man who sometimes uses his left does with his right hand.

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- Fifty ways to leave your lover

50 Ways to Leave your Lover or lose $10,000

Paradise Canyon Vacation campaign song

-performed by Dave Simon, Noel's right
hand man who sometimes uses his left.

The problem with traveling is
all inside your head
Noel said to me
The $10,000 answer is easy if you
Write out a cheque logically
I'd like to help you in your struggle
To be free of your timeshare membership
There must be fifty ways
To leave $10,000

Noel said it's really not my habit
To intrude with free gifts
for attending the 1 hour presentation
Furthermore, I hope my meaning
Won't be lost or misconstrued
that is why we ask you to bring
your spouse or a travel partner
But I'll repeat myself
"because that is what we do"
At the risk of being crude
There must be fifty ways
To leave $10,000
Fifty ways to lose $10,000

You Just slip out the back
door of the presentation, Jack
Make a new plan
go to a movie instead, Stan
You don't need to be coy, Roy
hang up the phone when
Paradise Canyon Vacation calls
Just get yourself free
Hop on the bus, Gus
and bring your wallet with you
You don't need to discuss much
tell the salesman no
Just drop off the key, Lee
there are no free gifts to win
And get yourself free

Noel said it grieves me so
To see your wallet empty in such pain
I wish there was something I could do
like rip up your 20 year contract
To make you smile again
I said Noel I appreciate that
And would you please explain
About the fifty ways
To leave $10,000

Noel said why don't we both
Just attend a presentation tonight
And I believe in the morning
You'll begin to be conned
to see the light
And write out that cheque for $10,000
And then Noel kissed me
And I realized he probably was right
There must be fifty ways
To leave $10,000
Fifty ways to lose $10,000

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- 50 Ways to Leave your Lover, or to Lose your members

-performed by Dave Simon, Noel's right
hand man who sometimes uses his left.

The problem is all inside your service
and the $3,500 non refundable initial fee
I said to Noel
The $10,000 answer is listening if you
Ask them to Take out their cheque book logically
I’d like to help you in your struggle
To scam callers, sorry To make a profit
There must be fifty ways
To lose your members

I told Noel it’s really not in
my job description
To advise or ask you to tell
members that the contract
is $40 t0 $60 a month for 20 years
Furthermore, I hope my meaning
Won’t get me fired or written up
But I’ll repeat myself
At the risk of being cool
There must be fifty ways
To lose your members
Fifty ways to lose your members

Just stab them in the back, Jack
Make a big scam, Stan
You don’t need more employees, Roy
Just streamline your staff.
Make a big fuss, Gus
You don’t need to discuss much
Just tack on a fee, Lee
And file for Chapter 11

I said to Noel it grieves me so
To see your empty presentations
I wish there was something I could do
To make you hire more tele marketers
Noel said I appreciate that
And would you please explain
About the fifty ways

I said why don’t we both
Just review your company's motto tonight
And I believe in the morning
You’ll begin to see the light
And then told Noel to treat
tele marketers with respect and give
them more than 1/4% commission
And Noel realized I probably was right
There must be fifty ways
To lose your members
Fifty ways to lose your members

Just stab them in the back, Jack
Make a big scam, Stan
You don’t need more employees, Roy
Just streamline your staff.
Make a big fuss, Gus
You don’t need to discuss much
Just tack on a fee, Lee
And file for Chapter 11

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- Free gifts when donkeys fly

I have worked at Paradise canyon Vacation for a year. Paradise Canyon Vacation will
call you and offer you 2 free gifts to attend their 1 hour presentation. They will
offer you a 2 free night stay in a hotel, and a free dinner for 2 at a local
restaurant. The whole year I have been at Paradise canyon Vacation taking calls
I have only spoke to one lady who got the free 2 night hotel stay and she was
mad as hell. She was in Alberta and the free 2 night hotel stay was in Florida;
it seems you can't chose where you want to stay, and this lady would have had to
spend hundreds if not thousands of dollars to use her free 2 night hotel gift.
Lots of people we called never received their free 2 gifts, and were very upset.
One night i had a lady on the line for 30 minutes who didn't get her 2 free gifts,
Noel the manager didn't even give a damn or care in the least bit, I asked Noel to
please come talk to the lady, but he refused to come talk to her on the phone,
gave some excuse that she didn't fill out the profile information. That is the
excuse the manager uses when people don't get their 2 free promised gifts for
attneding the free presentation. Rod , Noel's boss calls people roaches for
coming to the presentations to recive their free gifts, and Noel also calls
people coming for the 2 free gifts roaches also. But they want people to spend
$10,000 to $15,000 for a travel membership with prices just as expensive as
other travel services, your getting nothing but a membership. They don't tell you
its $10,000 to $15,000 and $3,500 non refundable and $40 to $60 a month for 20 years
till the salesman arrives at your home, completely different from what is said in the
presentation. If your spouse or travel partner can't make it to the presentation
you get no free gifts. Think twice next time you receive a tele marketer call
from this organization.

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- Gaga aka Sega has crabs or is that dinner for 2

Now that the truth comes out about Paradise Canyon Vacation
employees selling stolen Xbox, play station pc games and
blue ray movies, the employees like Gaga aka Sega come out
of the wood word to protect their jobs, Gaga aka Sega you
can go and eat the shit out of Paradise Canyon toilets call
centre, because you’re a piece of shit like the rest of
them, I sat next to this person you’re trying to slander
and he was a perfect gentleman, and even though he rode
to work, he changed his clothes and brought spare clothes,
as for mental the only mental people is you for protecting
Paradise Canyon Vacation it's funny Gaga aka Sega yes you
Sega you big fat cow coming to work everyday in tight
clothes like a wanna be model you need to lose 200 pounds
to be a model you over weight bimbo. Funny Sega how you
didn’t mention the stolen sports jerseys and stolen Xbox
games and blue ray movies and when our cousin's bike seat
was stolen he mentioned to Noel about Loren selling stolen
movies and Xbox games and Noel the manager told our cousin
it was ok as long as employees got good prices, Gaga aka
Sega why did you leave out employees selling and buying
stolen goods Gaga aka Sega how much did Noel pay you to
slander our cousin, Gaga aka Sega lose 200 pounds than
you can talk shit about other people, with your big fat
spider ass or is Gaga really Noel impersonating a female
employee to try and save his company and sales Gaga aka
Sega you can lick my ass and let me crap in your mouth,
look at you trying to scam innocent people out of $10,000
dollars, next time you’re on the phone, just tell the truth
and tell the people its $3,500 down not refundable, and
$50 a month for 20 years oh and don't forgot the lengthy
contract they got to sign, when you can do this, then you
can talk shit about people, till then keep licking the
urinals at Paradise Canyon Vacation call centre. You
didn’t quit gaga Noel fired your ass because you couldn’t
produce bookings, you were too busy flirting with the 300
pound over weight guy who sold you the stolen laptop for
$100 and Gaga aka Sega those ants in the ladies bathroom
floor, those are not ants, those were your crabs, were
those crabs the free dinner for two you were offering
callers on the phone to attend the free presentation,
Gaga aka Sega go see a doctor you skank, and that
stolen laptop you got for $100 Gaga aka Sega, how many
pairs of knee pads did you have to got through, no guy
just sells a brand new laptop with the origianl box for
$100 you filthy dirty skank.

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- Give me Noel NOW!!!

When Paradise Canyon Vacation calls, demand to speak to
Noel, he is the manager, and do not take no for an answer.
They can call and harass people during supper every night
with promises of supposedly free gifts. As for the do not
call list won't do nothing, because the tele marketers
dial all the numbers by hand. The call list may never even
be handed in since people come and go daily. When you speak
to Noel tell Noel you know that the membership is $10,000
to $15,000 and that you will not give him $3,500 down non
refundable and then another $40 to $60 a month for the next
20 years. Noel and his boss Rod at the Calgary office hate
people coming to the presentation just for the free gifts,
they call them "roaches". Noel even fires his own people
Filipinos if they don't give him enough leads, even Brian a
Filipino who was with Noel for 4 years. The man is mean,
heartless and cares only about money, and we think he cares
about Edna a short Filipino we call Snooki who has been with
him for years, and is given special rebook sheets and has
Debbie and Catherine wiping her ass finishing up her calls
with confirmation leads. Noel back stabs his own Filipino
people but kisses Tylers and Ozzzie's asses, one night Noel
gave Ozzie 2 expo sheets while other workers had to do all
the hard calls, and Tyler gets expo sheets every night, we
wonder whose nose is browner Noels, Tyler's or Ozzie's. How
can you trust a company whose manager turns on his own people
in the name of greed and money.

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- Guinness Book Of World Records

It is now official Paradise Canyon Vacations has been entered in
The Guinnes Book Of World Records for the company with the most
negative posts on line, with over 500 pages of complaints from
travel members who were scammed $10,000 to $15,000 and people
who didn't receive their free gifts. This is not including
almost 200 pages deleted from, and the 80
some posts deleted from It is surely a great honour
to be in the Guiness Book Of World Records, our thanks go to
Noel the manager of the Winnipeg call center for cleaning house
every weekend and firing 1/2 the population of Winnipeg, Noel
has to import workers from the Filipines becuase nobody else
will work for him, except of course for Dave his right hand man
who sometimes uses his left. We mustn't forget Abby from the Winnipeg
Minor Volleyball Association, Lukes right hand girl who sometimes
also uses her left it sounds like Abby and Dave were meant for each
other, like Dave, Abby also likes to show off her tattoo but hers
were not home made from prison. Soon Paradise Canyon Vacation may
break another record , the most members lost in a month when 5,000
plus members start asking themselves "why am I paying $40 to $60
a month for 20 years for travel prices I can get just as cheap or
cheaper if i shop around" , thats right all those poor scammed
members have nothing to show but a useless membership which would
be like trying to sell timeshare and we all know what a joke that is. will be awarding Paradise Canyon Vacation the scam
of the decade award for the company with most complaints with more
than 40 complaints they are proud to say that it's companies like
this that keeps their website in business

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- Harasses Seniors

Paradise Canyon Vacations is harassing seniors
trying to make them come to a supposedly free
presentation with 2 free gifts which no one
ever receives, they tell seniors it is
information only, leave your money at home,
when in reality the membership is $10,000
to $15,000, $3,500 down and $40 to $60 per
month for the next 20 years, one night Wendy
the Horrible told Noel, "shes a senior 85
and dont travel", the Noel told her to
sell to her just the same.
Paradise Canyon Vacations just wants your
$10,000 even if you have 1 foot in the grave.
They have no compassion or morals, and should
be respecting seniors instead of conning them
and trying to make them come out to a
presentation to con them out of their retirement

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- Bullies Employees

Paradise Canyon Vacation advertises $15 an hour
for 24 hours per week, but it is in reality only
$10 an hour for 20 hours, and only $15 an hour
if you can get 10 leads that night which is next
to impossible. There is a lot of favoritism and
those favored employees are given much easier
call list to work on, while others have to work
5 times harder, and if you don’t produce enough
you are brought into the presentation room and
given warnings, special employees are protected
with very easy call sheets, Paradise Canyon
don't care about its employee’s only money,
and the $10,000 to $15,000 membership fee they
can get for their supposedly free presentations
from people believing they will receive 2 free
gifts, and Noel the manager and Rod the owner
call people attending the presentations for the
free gifts roaches.

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- Hat Trick

A hat trick in sports is when a player gets 3 goals in a game
at Paradise Canyon Vacation a hat trick is when you get called
3 times in the same night. Promising you gifts to attend the
presentation and reassuring you that its not time share and
free when the membership is $10,000 to $15,000 and $3,500 down
not refundable and yes the best part $40 t0 $60 a month for
20 years. Don't let Ozzie, Wendy and Edna get the poweplay on
you. save your $10,000 and put them in the penalty box where
these scamers belong.

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Paradise Canyon Vacation and The Wizard of Ozzie Osbourne

Paradise Canyon Vacation has an MTS employee,from the Osbourne call centre
location in Winnipeg who calls himself ozzie, a tall skinny black anorexic
man who is making $20 an hour, and his girlfriend $35 an hour so he brags
at the Paradise canyon Vacation Call Centre, yet he comes to Paradise Canyon
for minimum wage to scam people for $10,000, this is evil greed $55 an
hour between them both and he needs to come scam innocent people and lie
to them, we beleive that Noel is paying Ozzie under the table because on
several occasions we have seen Noel give Ozzie several $20, Ozzie claims
that its his pay and that he has no bus money to get home, really he's
making $20 an hour from MTS and his girlfriend $35 working with xrays and
Ozzie has no bus money to get home, maybe if Ozzie wouldn't buy so many
stolen nba and hockey jerseys from Rob, Ozzie may just have bus money to
get home. Rob has been selling stolen sports jerseys at the Paradise Canyon
Vacation Winnipeg all on company time and property call centre for years,
but since Ozzie has arrived business has been booming, and what does Noel
say about all this, when Noel was approached about Loren selling stolen
xbox, playstation pc games and blu ray movies, Noel the manager said it
was ok as long as employees get good prices. When Mts was called they
said that they didn't care what their employees did off company time,
and no supervisor even called back.Yet Mts wants us to give our personal
information to their employees buying stolen sports jerseys at the rate
of 1 per week. Now you know where your money goes when you pay your MTS
bill it goes to employees like Ozzie buying stolen sports jerseys so how
can you trust a company who hires shady MTS employees and people selling
stolen sports jerseys, and not to mention Loren selling his stolen Xbox,
play station pc games and blue ray movies so when you join Paradise Canyon
Vacation and pay $10,000 membership fee, now you know where your money is
going, membership does have its privileges but only for employees of
Paradise Canyon Vacation call center.

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- Wendy the Horrible

Beware of Wendy the Horrible; she is Paradise Canyon Vacation's top
con artist and don’t care how many people she scams out of $10,000,
regardless of age. All she is after is commission and inviting people
to the supposedly free presentations. She is constantly crying and
complaining when not enough people show up for the presentations so she
can make her commission. One night Wendy had a fight with the matriarch
of the Catherine clan, and verified her own lead, this lead to a fight
with Noel, Wendy was so horrible she told Noel the manager "you need me
more than I need you", not only is Wendy horrible but she is stingy and
all talk no action, next night she came back to work on her knees begging
Noel for her job back. She has a very horrible high pitched voice and when
she is working she is the only person you can hear in the room. Her voice
is so shrill that she can awaken the dead,. Be very aware when Wendy calls,
she is very cunning and manipulative and is very good at conning people to
come to the presentation. Paradise Canyon tele marketers don’t have a heart,
all they want is to con you so they can get their commission.

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- the 3 faces of Eve now adding Brittney

Paradise Canyon Vacation is so shady that even their tele marketers
are liars and dishonest. If you get a call from a woman claiming to
be Jenna or Ella, her real name is Edna, all the same person using 3
names to try to fool people and rob them out of $10,000, telling them
the presentation is free and will receive 2 free gifts, only 1 woman
in over a year said she received the free hotel stay, but had travel
to Florida, from central Canada to the other side of the USA, and had
to pay the airfare, you can’t pick and choose where to stay, a free hotel
stay may cost thousands of dollars in air fare, but Jenna, Ella or
Edna all the same person won’t tell you this, she is greedy and wants
you to go to the so called free presentation and be conned out of
$10,000 she is a good con artist so be very aware. Update now it seems
that Edna aka Eve has added a new name she is now going by Britney
so now when Ella, Jenna or Britney calls you, it is really Edna.
A short Filipino lady trying to sound like a jersey shore poser,
everybody just calls her Snooki.

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- Hates children

Paradise Canyon Vacation hates when people attending the presentations
bring their children, yet they want to charge $10,000 to $15,000 for
a travel membership and a lot families travel with children, and they
don't even tell you its $10,000 till the salesman arrives at your house.
Contradictory to what is said at the presentation. Paradise Canyon
vacation should at least make accommodations for the children, rent a
room for them supervised with an adult. They want the children’s moms
and dads to fork over $10,000 but don't care about the children. Noel
the manager says that the children disrupt the presentations and the
salesmen can’t do their jobs. Do you really want to hand over $10,000
to $15,000 to travel company that hates children, $3,500 down and $40
to $60 a month for the next 20 years. Do you really want to pass down
the membership fees down to your children when they grow up?

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- He Shoots! He Scams!!!

Paradise Canyon Vacation tele marketers love to call
Oops, scam people during hockey games. Because they
know that everyone will be at home watching the game.
Especially Wendy the Horrible who is very good at
scamming people and even called Noel the manager
to brag how she got 14 leads the night of a major
hockey game. Don't be fooled or scammed the
membership is $10,000 to $15,000. $3,500 down not
refundable and $40 to $60 a month for $20 years, if
that is not timeshare then tell me what is. Tell those
tele marketers from Paradise Canyon you don't need
their 2 free night hotel stay and dinner for 2, and
that $1,000 gift voucher. Don't let Paradise Canyon
Vacation get the power play on you.
Put Noel and Dave his right hand man and who sometimes
he uses his left in the penalty box, remember all they
want is to lure you to the supposedly free presentation
to scam you out of $10,000, don't sign any contracts
or let Paradise Canyon sales people into your home.

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- How Noel stole Christmas

In DR. Seuss classic tale How The Grinch Stole Christmas there
is a short chubby green furry creature that looks alot like Wendy
at the Paradise Canyon Vacation call center out to destroy and
ruin peoples lives at chritmas time in the tiny town of whoville.
In the little town of Winnipeg we also have a short not as furry
creature called the THE Noel. Like the Grinch this creature
was also not well liked in his home town of the Filipines, and
came to Winnipeg to take out his hatred on innocent people.
The Grinch had a little helper a small dog, and so does The
Noel I guess you can say Dave is also a dog, but he is The Noel's
right hand man who sometimes uses his left.
From what we gather by the story the Grinch would slide down
people's chimneys and steal their gifts. The Noel did the opposite
he would his tele marketers call people during siupper and offer
people 2 free gifts to attend a free presentation then he would
send his hitmen who he calls salesmen to their houses to steal and
scam $10,000 to $15,000 for nothing more than a useless membership
with travel prices just as expensive and sometimes even way more
expensive if they shopped around.
Unlike The Noel the Grinch had a change of heart and returned all the
gifts and presents. Noel is so mean and greedy he even fires his own
Filipino people if they can not get him enough people to scam $10,000.
Sad to say that Noel and Paradise Canyon Vacation will be stealing
christmas from alot of innocent people by scamming them $10,000, so
they won't be able to get presents. There is still hope maybe
immigration may deport The Noel back to the Filipines, if not all we
can do is warn others of this mean little creature we call The Noel
and warn others about Paradise Canyon Vacation like Robin Hood they
too had their band of merry men whom they tele marketers that came
out at night during supper time but that's another story.

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- I have a dream

Like Martin Luther King, Noel the manager of Paradise
Canyon Vacation also has a dream, to one day own a part
of this rci time share company which he is disguising as
an $10,000 to $15,000 travel memebership club.
Noel you should have thought about your dream before
back stabbing our cousin and trying to steal his anti virus
software, and where is the sterling silver bracelet he asked
you to return so he could have bought food since you left him
unemployed because of your selfish greed. Noel do you remeber
when our cousin asked you about Loren selling stolen xbox games
and blue ray movies during work how you said it was ok as long
as employees got good prices. For every $10,000 membership you
will be denied after the people see the truth about Paradise
Canyon vacation will represent one of the many thousands of
people you fired including your very own Filipino people.
Innocent people will begin to open their eyes and see
how you lie to them on the phones during supper time. How you
hold back information not telling the people that it is
$10,000 to $15,000 till the salesman arrives at their home.
Abby from the Winnipeg Minor Volleyball Association told us how
you plan to change the name of the business because of people
finding out the truth about your crooked corporation, and how
Dave your right hand man who sometimes uses his left is
threatening to visit our cosuin at home carrying a case of 24 to
scare him with his prison tattoos.
Noel your dream may never come true remeber the last words you
told our cousin "it's not enough", remember those words when
you file for bankruptcy, think about those words when your up at
night having nigtmares of losing $10,000 memberships and empty
presentations by people not receiving their 2 free promised gifts.
We have a dream , a dream that people will start seeing the light
and realize that Paradise canyon vacation is a scam holding back
inforamtion, people realizing and seeing that they can get prices
just as cheaper or even cheaper if they just shop around. Here are 2
posts from britishexpat and tripadvisor 2 very reliable trusted sites
by members who been ripped off by your crooked organization

- Yes, it is a scam.

New Member

Joined: May 2010
Posts: 1

Yes, it is a scam. We attended the presentation, which sounded
somewhat legitimate, so we tried the follow-up one-to-one.
The latter was with "Jack", the worst salesperson on earth.
He was rude, evasive, and condescending. He would not directly
answer our questions. I could go on and on. But in short: Run for
the hills, folks. And yes, they DO sell your private information.
I've already received junk mail for more "exciting presentations",
addressed directly to me. Since they are a member of the Better
Business Bureau (4 complaints in the year since they became
members should be a tip-off), I might be the 5th complainant
if the junk mail doesn't stop or if I start receiving calls.

- Yes It Is A SCAM!!!

Posts: 1

31 March 2011, 1:24

I got suckered and yes it is a scam! Paradise Canyon
Vacations "deals" are no better then anywhere else and
in some cases we found Paradise Canyon Vacation trips
to be more expensive then our friends who would just
book through a travel agent.
At the Paradise Canyon Vacation SCAM presentation
they constantly tell you how you can get great rates
(like $200/wk) at great places all over the world
without blackout dates. Using this company I've
never paid less then $1300/wk!! The best times to
travel are ALWAYS BLACKED OUT at Paradise
Canyon Vacations!
I travel a lot and I save VERY little using
Paradise Canyon Vacations
kerisosh's plug is a direct quote from the sales pitch!
It's all bulls**t and it's bad for you!!

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- I need a hero

Don't we all wish that there was someone who could make
Paradise canyon vacation stop calling during supper so
we can enjoy our dinners. We need a hero especially during
Hockey Night In Canada when those pesky Paradise Canyon
Vacation tele marketers just won't stop dialing our numbers
on Sunday night. It's going to take a superman to fly down to
that Winnipeg call centre and disconnect those entire phone

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- Justice League

By now you probably realized that a group of men and women in
spandex tights are trying to take down the Cold Warriors a group
of ice themed super villains salesmen and tele marketers working
under Paradise Canyon Vacation, and in so doing making people
aware what is going inside Paradise Canyon Vacation with the
inside scoop, and what really happens at the presentations,
with testimonials from people who have been scammed. The
management of paradise Canyon Vacation don't want you the public
to know, that the membership fee is actually $10,000 to $15,000
with $3,500 down non refundable and $40 to $60 a month for 20
years. They have tele markers call you and swear till they are blue
in the face that the presentation is free and that you can’t buy
nothing and leave your money at home. This is all a scam the same
scam used by tele solutions when selling magazines, they will call
and tell you 'I’m not calling to sell you anything" but then pass
you on to their supervisor who will try and scam you for over $1000
in magazines. "I’m not calling

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