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Open Book
Open Book Bar Prep Bobby Doustkam Absolutely fraudulent in both the course and methods. DO NOT SIGN A CONTRACT!!! Los Angeles, California
1st of Feb, 2011 by
This was the biggest sham in regards to both the advertising and overall services offered by the teacher/tutor Bobby Doustkam and his class Open Book Bar Prep.When I first enrolled Doustkam acted as if his class was going to be "packed" and I would lose my spot if I did not enroll for his Bar Prep class and assured that he was full proof.

Against my better judgment I enrolled in the class under the pretense that he was going to offer me a bar grader as promised, that he had a 100% bar passage rate and most importantly that his class was unique because of the attention each student was to receive. After coming to class the first day I noticed only two students, but he promised more were to come and immediately demanded payment.

After I paid him I received no invoice or indication that payment was made. I didn't think much of it because I was studying for the bar exam and I did not want to focus on such issues.

Once the class commenced I noticed I had made a serious mistake. Doustkam was never on time and failed to deliver on almost any promise. He acted more like a used car salesman then a instructor and before I could retract or rescind the contract it was too late. All other bar-prep courses had already started and it was impossible for me to enroll. And to make matters worse he had informed me in passing that non of his past students who took the bar examination passed. This was truly a nightmare like you would not believe. Not only was I enrolled in a terrible and extremely over priced class, but I had no way out.

Doustkam's entire course was based on what Barbri offers and is twice the price with non of the service. I am now in litigation with Doustkam to get my money back which I paid.

I strongly urge and advise any student who is even considering or contemplating taking this class to really take a better look at what he is offering. This class is nothing but a sham and an attempt for an attorney who could not make it in the real world to prey on law students insecurities. He is by and far one of the most unethical people I have ever come accross.

Every statement made by Doustkam in his marketing materials or otherwise have been entirely false and I feel ashamed that I did not think it through. Additionally, read the other post online they all say the same thing. STAY AWAY!


4959 days ago by Anaaryan
Surprised Doustkam would even sign a contract. I asked him to confirm somethings by email or contract, and he ditched. Then I email him and he says "yes" to stuff and later comes back saying what he meant was not "yes". The guy is all confusing and you cant trust 100%. He has on board a former bar grader who cared and was prepared with insightful tips and samples, but he treated the grader like a slave. Someone overheard them arguing money - its just like all the other posts says - He is out to make money and does not care to work for it himself and screws others who work for him, and the students who pay. If only the former bar grader was the real Bobby.
4809 days ago by Ripoffinformer
Do you really want to be tutored by a lawyer being sued for legal malpractice?

Case #: BC465950
Filing Date: 07/21/2011
Case Type: Legal Malpractice (General Jurisdiction)
Status: Pending

CASTILLO CARLOS F. - Plaintiff/Petitioner
DOUSTKAM & ASSOCIATES - Attorney for Defendant/Respondent
DOUSTKAM BABAK - Defendant/Respondent

Babak Doustkam charges poor law students $125/hour, but does he know what he’s teaching? Stay away from open book bar prep – Doustkam is greedy – all he wants is your money. And if you think your essays are graded by a former bar grader, think again. He’s charging $2500 but most of those papers are graded by himself.
4788 days ago by Enemey
Good luck with your litigation. Bobby is using cheap press releases to move up his SEO, and fake reviewers to post 5 star reviews on Open Book at trustlink. How coincidental "students" writing about Babak at the same time using the same tax services. The accounts are fakes and Doustkam is playing a game to make sure his fake reviews don't get removed. Someone ask the FTC to investigate. On top of this, Doustkam's outlines have legal errors so you end up studying the wrong rules.
4750 days ago by Stayaway
Bobby Doustkam is a bad experience. Stay away!
4687 days ago by Sham
If you think Babak "BobbY" Doustkam is a sham, contact Los Angeles District attorney. They need to put Babak away. Doustkam's vindictive unethical inhumane. His study materials are not his own hard work. They are from other bar prep and he copies from bar website student answers saying they are written by former bar graders then resells them overpriced. Bobby Doustkam preys on bar exam and law student insecurities. He says he has former bar graders, but then he does not give the graders everything to grade. You will not know what is graded by them or himself so none of your essays or not the amount you pay for could actaully be graded by a former bar grader. He could be charging you thousands, and maybe few essays graded by the former bar graders. He's a cheat to his own kind - Persians/'Iranians or Jewish - like how Madoff was. Don't let him cheat you into paying to use a desk. STAY AWAY.
4600 days ago by Seg_syed
When I failed the bar exam after taking BarBri, heard on the Persian radio about Open Book Bar Prep in Los Angeles. Bar tutor Bobby “Babak” Doustkam is by and far one of the most unethical people I have ever come accross. When I contacted Bobby Doustkam about signing up for his bar review, he said he had a bar grader. Then after paying him $5000, I find out Doustkam grades papers himself. The student homework are NOT graded by a former bar grader. I ask if the bar grader can help me grade some PTs, and he says they are not included in the price! And told me to pay another $50/PT! His advertising is misleading. Instead of paragraph-by-paragraph critique for every student by a bar grader, Doustkam puts comments similar to papers graded by BarBri. His scores are arbitrary – one day it is a pass next day it is a fail. You do not know how he comes up with the scores. I could not figure out from his critiques what I was doing wrong. On top of that, Bobby’s outlines are copied from Flemings or BarBri, and he copied the rules wrong! I was memorizing the wrong law! What a waste of money. He advertised he made materials simple, but I had to go back to my BarBri outlines to memorize the right rules. On top of that Doustkam does not teach, and wasted my time. He was reading from the outlines for 2 hours when I could have read them myself. I’m shocked Bobby Doustkam ever became a lawyer, much less a bar exam tutor. Doustkam has no secret tips except to scam people of their money. Maryam Abrishamcar, Director of Marketing and Operations at Open Book Bar Prep and Legal Assistant to Babak “Bobby” Doustkam is Doustkam’s partner of some sort, and she is sketchy too. A-SHAM posts fake testimonials all over the Internet. Yelp! Testimonial posted by Yasi G. aka Yasamin Givechi, on Nov. 16, 2011: “After taking BarBri, failing the Bar, I was so disappointed that I didn’t want to take it again. Then I found Open Book and that they give you one on one attention and show you where your weaknesses are. I wrote more essays in this course than I thought Possible! Thanks for helping me pass the Bar:)” Givechi turns out is family to A-sham. Yasamin Givechi’s LinkedIn doesn’t say she ever even attended law school:


I am a recent graduate of UC Davis looking to pursue a career in the healthcare field. I hope to obtain a position that utilizes my science background to engage in leadership responsibilities including problem solving, planning, organizing and creative input.


Sales Associate
Cranberry SF
November 2011 – January 2012 (3 months) San Francisco, CA

-Recommend, select, and help locate or obtain merchandise based on customer needs and desires.

Spreading Smiles
December 2010 – December 2010 (1 month) Costa Rica

Setup Dental Clinics.
Conducted Free Routine Cleanings.

Islamic Cultural Center of Northern California
January 1999 – August 2009 (10 years 8 months)

Running youth programs
Organizing events
Maintaining facility
Serving customers
Designing pamphlets and posters
Assisted the Food Bank for the Oakland Homeless Program

Crystal Springs Dental Care
August 2008 – January 2009 (6 months)

Filed charts
Filled envelopes
Answered phones
Sanitation of operation rooms
Observed cleanings and routine procedures
Dental assisting

Foster City Dental Care
February 2007 – March 2007 (2 months)

Filed charts
Filled envelopes
Answered phones
Sanitization of operation rooms
Observed cleanings and routine procedures

Sales Associate
Macys West
June 2006 – September 2006 (4 months)

Recommend, select, and help locate or obtain merchandise based on customer needs and desires.
Open and close cash registers, performing tasks such as counting money, separating charge slips, coupons, and vouchers, balancing cash drawers, and making deposits.
Watch for and recognize security risks and thefts, and know how to prevent or handle these situations.

University of California, Davis
BS, Biopsychology
2009 – 2011

Activities and Societies: Member of Spreading Smiles & Pre-Dental Club
Conducted dental assisting in Costa Rica

College of San Mateo
Activities and Societies: Science Club President
Deans List

San Mateo Middle College High School"
4583 days ago by Ripofftutoring
What’s shocking is bobby babak doustkam got Natan Davoodi to teach the bar prep classes in Los Angeles. Natan had failed the bar exam a few times, and Bobby collected $5000 from Natan. Bobby told Natan to get up and teach the Open Book Bar PRep students. The class was not 1:1 like advertised. It was in group setting not individual attention. Doustkam now has Natan working for Law Offices of Doustkam & Associates as a lawyer maybe getting paid $25 - $30/hr. or contingency? Poor Natan is a sucker. Imagine paying $5000 and not being able to find a job. Natan groveled with Doustkam to get his money back a little at a time like a slave with Doustkam pimping out Natan to the clients by overbilling Natan’s work as an associate. Pretty soon Natan will know Doustkam is a scam when he gets sued like Doustkam’s former partner with no malpractice coverage from Doustkam.
4583 days ago by Ripofftutoring
Open Book Bar PRep is Bar with Bobby. I spent lots of money at "Bar with Bobby." I paid over $6000! Bobby Doustkam was such a salesman. He didn't have his own materials and used barbri's outlines and sadly enough, he did not even know the law! He stated he was a bar grader but in reality "he knew people who graded for the bar!"

He wouldn't give me a refund after I found out!

Bar with Bobby is owned by a Persian man who has no remorse soliciting through the persian radio.

I passed but not because of this very lousy bar review course.
4583 days ago by Ripofftutoring
I've just had a look at "Bar With Bobby"

Come on. The man looks like a tool. His website confirms it. Open Book Bar Prep is a rip off. Bobby Doustkam did not know any former bar graders when you took the class in Los Angeles in 2009. Bobby Doustkam must have been hand grading the essays himself, and lies they are graded by a former bar grader. Buy a copy of the BarBri conviser because that's where his outlines are from.

After reading the comments I doubt very much that the State Bar would have much interest in investigating this Bar With Bobby fellow. But anyone who is being scammed should report Doustkam cause he's not ethical.
4575 days ago by Fraudreporter
Intentional Misrepresentation

Prima facie case: (1) misrepresentation of material fact, (2) scienter, (3) intent to induce an act in reliance upon misrepresentation, (4) causation, (5) justifiable reliance, and (6) damages.

In this case, Babak “Bobby” Doustkam aka Bobby “Babak” Doustkam, Maryam Abrishamcar, Yasi G. aka Yas G. aka Yasamin Givechi misrepresented the services of Open Book Bar Prep aka Bar with Bobby. Doustkam advertised on Persian Radio KIRN. Bobby Doustkam, a Los Angeles bar exam tutor, told students all simulated exams and practice essays and PTs would be graded by a former bar grader. Bobby knew or believed his statements were false because Doustkam graded student exams himself. Doustkam issued a press release with a statement of fact that a former bar grader would critique student exams paragraph-by-paragraph but Doustkam graded the exams himself. Students relied on Doustkam’s misrepresentations and paid for Doustkam Los Angeles bar exam and baby bar tutoring - some paid $5K, some paid $6K, some paid over $6K. Doustkam gave students outlines copied from BarBri and other bar prep classes. The rules in Bobby Doustkam’s outlines were wrong because he did not copy them correctly from other bar prep classes, and his students memorized the wrong law. Doustkam caused students to fail the bar exam and lose money. Maryam Abrishamcar, Director of Marketing and Operations for Open Book Bar Prep/Legal Assistant for Law Offices of Doustkam & Associates, with the knowledge of Bobby Doustkam, wrote and posted on the Internet fraud student testimonials. Example deceit testimonial law student Maryam Abrishamcar wrote and posted by Yasi G. now Yas G. aka Yasamin Givechi on Yelp! Nov. 16, 2011: “After taking BarBri, failing the Bar, I was so disappointed that I didn’t want to take it again. Then I found Open Book and that they give you one on one attention and show you where your weaknesses are. I wrote more essays in this course than I thought Possible! Thanks for helping me pass the Bar:)” Yasi G. aka Yas G. aka Yasamin Givechi never was a BarBri student. Yasamin Givechi of San Mateo and San Francisco was never a student of Open Book Bar Prep, or passed any bar exam. When Yasamin Givechi posted on Yelp! her fake review of Open Book Bar Prep, she knew her statement was false or there was no basis for her statement. Per Givechi’s LinkedIn profile, Yasamin Givechi never attended law school:


I am a recent graduate of UC Davis looking to pursue a career in the healthcare field. I hope to obtain a position that utilizes my science background to engage in leadership responsibilities including problem solving, planning, organizing and creative input.


Sales Associate
Cranberry SF
November 2011 – January 2012 (3 months) San Francisco, CA

-Recommend, select, and help locate or obtain merchandise based on customer needs and desires.

Spreading Smiles
December 2010 – December 2010 (1 month) Costa Rica

Setup Dental Clinics.
Conducted Free Routine Cleanings.

Islamic Cultural Center of Northern California
January 1999 – August 2009 (10 years 8 months)

Running youth programs
Organizing events
Maintaining facility
Serving customers
Designing pamphlets and posters
Assisted the Food Bank for the Oakland Homeless Program

Crystal Springs Dental Care
August 2008 – January 2009 (6 months)

Filed charts
Filled envelopes
Answered phones
Sanitation of operation rooms
Observed cleanings and routine procedures
Dental assisting

Foster City Dental Care
February 2007 – March 2007 (2 months)

Filed charts
Filled envelopes
Answered phones
Sanitization of operation rooms
Observed cleanings and routine procedures

Sales Associate
Macys West
June 2006 – September 2006 (4 months)

Recommend, select, and help locate or obtain merchandise based on customer needs and desires.
Open and close cash registers, performing tasks such as counting money, separating charge slips, coupons, and vouchers, balancing cash drawers, and making deposits.
Watch for and recognize security risks and thefts, and know how to prevent or handle these situations.



University of California, Davis
BS, Biopsychology
2009 – 2011
Activities and Societies: Member of Spreading Smiles & Pre-Dental Club
Conducted dental assisting in Costa Rica

College of San Mateo
Activities and Societies: Science Club President
Deans List

San Mateo Middle College High School”

In conclusion, there is a prima facie case against Babak “Bobby” Doustkam aka Bobby “Babak” Doustkam, Maryam Abrishamcar, Yasi G. aka Yas G. aka Yasamin Givechi for intentional misrepresentation.
4551 days ago by LALaw
I was a student who had the misfortune of learning that Bobby Doustkam and his "bar review course" are a complete rip off and sham. He did nothing to help me during my bar preparation, except for refer me to other commercial outlines for guidance. He made several promises and never followed through. After he was paid he basically diappeared!!! He even used Barbri's essay answers to grade my essays..didn't even grade them himself. No feedback, no critique...nothing. Myself and three other students were essentially left to learn on our own and when we approached him for help he was absolutely useless. I really don't know how he even maintans his law practice, much less the bar review course. Don't get sucked in...he's a very smooth talker and will try to sell you. The truth is that it's all a scam and I should have known better. Complete waste of time, energy and money!!! I should have retained an attorney and sued him, shame on me for ever trusting a word he said.
4388 days ago by DestroyedHealth
Proceed with caution using Open Book Bar Prep. According to Natan Davoodi, Bobby Doustkam had Davoodi doing 300 essays and 120 PTs:

“Here's a snapshot of what we were able to do:
One-on-One Tutorship Yes
MBE Accuracy 97%
Total Essays Done 300
Essays Graded by Bar Grader 300
Average Essay Grade 65-85
Total PTs Done 120
Total PTs Graded 120
Individual Feed-Back Yes
24 Hour Study Space Given Yes
Kitchen Yes
Follow-Up After BAR Yes
Help With Job Placement Yes”

Davoodi not once scored over 85 after all those papers. And this is not a typo. Davoodi posted the same testimonial on Google Reviews and While other bar prep courses prepare people well for the bar exam with fewer than 100 essays and 10 PTs, Bobby Doustkam burns his students financially, and then burns them out even before they take the exam. And Bobby Doustkam seems to encourage 24/7 studying with his learning center. Who knows the sleep deprivation medication Doustkam stocks his “kitchen.”

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