Other emails similar to it. I actually Googled DJR GROUP LLC and the drawdown came up with a lot of things just not the actual loan place that I was looking for. Here are the ones that are similar in m point of view. There are only a few by the way because I would have gone through them all we would have thousands of words on here and stupid emails address that may not even exist in the first place. So here they are.
1. .
4. or org. It didn't say, or it did but I couldn't see it. It was the end of the line. Try either or and see. It won't be hard.
6. (This is the only one that has that company's actual name in it). But I know for a fact these other ones are trying to cover up for the problem one. I don't know this is all I could fit on here. So Goodnight and I will be awaiting your responses (if we can and are allowed, to have or respond to others according to the sites rules. I don't know maybe this website is strictly for complaints and no chatting, or making friends or responding with advice to others. Maybe that is what it is only for. If that is the case never mind on the advice part. I will get help somewhere else if I can't get it here. THANKS!!
I am done for sure and not going to write as much as I did a little while ago only to have the whole like 15,000or more word count. I lost it all so Iam done right now. I will be back on here tomorrow and maybe have some responses, if I don't have any I will assume that this website is strictly for complaints only. Then I will back off. I love to make complaints especially about the companies who think they can get away with anything ans rip people off their whole lives. GET A JOB ANS EARN YOUR OWN WAY THROUGH THIS WORLD WHY DON'T YOU. GIVE ME A BREAK. I am not going to put any of my personal information, not my cell phonenumber, not my home phone number, not my address, and definitelynot anything that will put my credit and identity theft. I earn my own way so why do you scumbags do the same and quit living off of our income. i can barely survive because of you scandalouspeople and the behavior you show. I don't like it and next time I find out that someone is trying to steal from me with needing a debit or credit card number for extra fees and/or shipping and handling that will be it. I think I will lose it because words can't even express what and how I feel towards certain kinds and types of people. Most of them aren't even from the United States, unbelievable takes my breath away just thinking about it. It makes me so mad and my blood boils. Hopefully I can calm down and just try to ignore the callers and scammers by either hanging up or talking to them anyways and tell them that there is no interest for their services here at my house. No matter how many times I get my phone number changed (Which was twice this year by the way) there will always be creditors trying to get your money and account number, you have to be the strong one and stick upfor yourself and back it right on down. I am going to be like that from now on and I dont give two shits if people don't want to be my friend, or if they get their feelings hurt or even if they don't like the way that I am, or if they don't like my attitude. I don't care. That will actually prove who your true friends are and who isn't your friend because real true friends stick by each other through tought times, bad days, boyfriend troble or anything. If someone can't see that me sticking up for myself and making sure no one disrespects me or doesn't manipulate me. That happens and I usually let it slide so I have to stick to it and not give in because that would make me the more weaker one and the enemy the stronger one. Thanks again and Goodnight.
I mean thanks for letting me complain, it's cool that there is a webbsite dedicated to nothing but complaining. I should come on here more often, NOT!!!!!!!!!! Just this one thing is bothering me and no one else or no other company has made me not need or want to trust them. But I am still not giving my information online anymore. It sucks that I can't go shopping online anymore but it saves me once again from all that drama and negativity that is waiting. CYBER CRIME IS NOT COOL!!!!!!!!!! SO CUT IT OUT IF YOU ARE APART OF IT. YOU WILL EVENTUALLY GET CAUGHT SO YOU MAKE THE RIGHT CHOICE AND DECIDE IF YOU WANT TO BE A BAD GUY STILL OR A GOOD GUY FOR ONCE. But you have to stop the drama and manipulating people into giving their credit and debit card numbers and social security number or whatever it is. You don't need much nowadays to steal an identity so BE CAREFUL ALL WHO READ THIS!!!!!!!!!!
Well I just wrote about maybe a whole book but like 15000 words and it all of a sudden is gone and it didn't save.So you know what I am going to do I am just going to answer the first question earlier. It was about other names, or email addresses,or addresses or anything new. Also if it was different than the time I was on the website. I will tell you that they have called my house too and they would hang up. Not two seconds later would I call and their phone number would be disconnected. That is weird. Also when I actually got the loan money in my bank account, it's like they were waiting just for that only to delete their website too. I looked and looked for it all night and it is gone. Right after I confirmed it was me and E-signed and all that good stuff. All this weird shit happens. I don't know if I am the only one but I wonder how many other people would be as dumb as me. Let me know what I should do about that. Should I close my account and start fresh? Let my account now go in the negative? Or should I borrow money from someone and go open a brand spanking new one and start over? It is very very difficult to decide because I want to start fresh, but I definitely don't want my account to go negative ans it ending up effecting my credit and everything else. It's a difficult decision and I am hoping that any of you that read this can respond to me9 if we can get responses) and give the bestest advice ever. Thanks and have a wonderful night. I like this website. It's way too bad that I didn't know about it when all those loans tried to charge my credit account and debit card. I am glad that I am protected now and I have to be smart and not put any of my information ( including and even a phone number) someone can definitely get everything out of the littelest information. They are experts and I don't know how but it'd never going to happen again to me at least because I got smart after that happened to me. It was my very first time applying for a loan and using the internet and putting all of my information including my home or cell phone number or social security number, or my date of birth or anything that is protecting us, by proving to the people for US (as in our own little person inside) that we are citizens and that we have the right to be here, don't put it on display for everyone to see or on the internet even if it's send a private message to a family member or friend or whoever it might just not be them you never know about all the hackers nowadays. It's crazy. I was hacked for almost a year and really never knew about it until things were wrong on my pictures and wall and photos and everything. I don't trust no one when it comes to the internet, i also don't trust anyone at all because I have been screwed over so many times more now then ever it seems, and I can't allow myself to be walked on anymore, or manipulated against anymore. I am actually honestly the most gullible person in the world. I believe everything and anything that anyone tells me whether I think it's true or not. I have to change in order to step up for myself and stick it up. If I have to be mean ( which I hate more than anything is to be mean to anyone, even if they were mean first, I just can't do it) I can't be mean to people because I am afriad that they aren't going to be my friend anymore if I don't let them walk on me. But if I let them walk on me then they are my friends and they would still want to hang out, or that their feelings will get hurt. I am a kiss ass and will do anything for anyone even a stranger right off of the streets. If I could do it, or had the money then I would, and there would be no questions asked. In the beginning of this report was a continuance from the original report and it is going to consist ofthe same and similar email that are just like the one that I am having problems with and making a report on.