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Oakland County
Oakland County FOC Yeacher Argumentative, disruptive, unfair, unjust, unlicensed, corrupt, anti child, anti woman, bad news pontiac, Michigan
17th of Aug, 2011 by User976721
I'll make this brief and to the point! This man is a horrible person who is rude and plays God with the Oakland County FOC. He is rude and was horrible and condescending to me. He makes recomendations to fathers against children with no facts. Based on my experience he lied. Then he lied again on paper and wouldn't allow us to meet with the court. All in all he plays a game and has the "power" to work with the FOC administrator as a chief assistant. Says he has a social worker and counselor degree for the Friend of the Court in Oakland County, but in checking Michigan licenses could find none. Know other people who said he was not at all easty to work with. I recall the word "jerk" from one attorney that dealt with him. Another person knew him at Brandon Schools where he was apparently a track coach. Then at Oakland University. Somehow he became a family counselor affecting people's lives and their children. He doesn't appear to have any compassion. In my experience he has been mean, condescending and biased. He is only for the father regardless of the facts. I truly think he has destroyed my family and is continuing to do it! Could he hate women? Why would somebody working for our court system be in a position like this? And he appears to have the power to go and right orders and deny access to the judge! Who appointed him or elected him to dictate our children's lives. Please complain and research and let me know what you find! Rodney Yeacker....Oakland County, Michigan! Do you know of any Friend of the Court counselors that are destroying your life? Your childrens? Somebody you know?
4946 days ago by Investigatescumbaga
Rodney Yeacker with the Oakland County FOC is horrible! He should be fired!
4838 days ago by Jeramie
Anti woman ? Here's my experience with f.o.c in Oakland county with bill Berlin as my lawyer all 20 thousand of him.

Current mood:angry

Natasha was late or did not show up for Court on multiple occasions including a meeting with CPS concerning the best interests of the children.
(action taken by the Court and CPS) The Court set new court dates or had no action. CPS placed the children in both of our parents custody until the Court made a ruling on custody .The Court granted our request to have joint physical and legal custody.

She was arrested for drunk driving and possession of marijuana after work in Southfield Michigan.
(action) The judge said she was innocent until proven guilty and when she was found guilty the court didn’t take any action .

The court ordered us to take urine tests that she failed and I tested clean.
(action) The Court didn’t take any action.

Natasha was caught lying on more than one occasion to the Court .
(action) The court didn’t take any action.

Natasha disappeared with our children and I had no contact with them for 6 weeks .On several occasions I was told by her friend Tommy Richards that she was sleeping with men for money with my children in the other room.The only option the court gave me was to file for a divorce .
(action) The court didn’t take any action.

Natasha had 2 abortions during the court proceedings. (1) So she wouldn’t "get fat" so she could stay a stripper. (2) So she could receive her breast implants paid for by a man she had extra relations with after work .
(action taken by the court and CPS) The court or CPS didn’t take any action . All the facts I've displayed were irresponsible and disavowed by the court and child protective services .I do not believe neither were acting in the best interests of our children . I have not shown irresponsibility in any way .

Concerns and unacceptable conditions .
Me and Natasha were granted joint physical and legal custody and I have only been able to exorcize my parenting time on 10 documented occasions since February of 2008. I was in Arizona from October 2008 through March 2009 looking for work and have stayed in Michigan since my last court appearance in front of Hon. Arthur Spears and have only been allowed to exorcize my parenting time only once since then. I have called F.O.C on numerous occasions and filled out the forms on several occasions stating the facts. It was Court ordered that I am also supposed to receive a phone call from our children 4 days a week at 7pm and am denied my parenting time in this regard all but on average 2 phone calls a month.

I feel as if the way my custody of our children is being viewed is not in the best interest of our children. The blatant disregard of my right to be a father is shown in her actions by not giving me a chance to be a father to them as I see fit. I think I have a solution to this whole problem. I am residing at my Mothers house in New Baltimore Michigan, until I can find employment adequate to support my own household and bills, is willing to let me stay there with my children as long as it takes. So I propose to the court that it would be in the best interest of our children to split the parenting time as follows . 6 months residing with their Mother with me receiving parenting time on the weekends and 4 phone calls during the week and 6 months of our children residing with me at my Mothers with her having parenting time on the weekends and 4 phone calls a week until I have my own home.

My children have told me and my mother on every occasion that they’ve been with me, that Natasha, her Mother, and (her new husband) Mark tell them I don’t want to talk or see them and that I'm a bad father and that Mark is a better father than I am. I had a phone call from my children( parenting time) while they were at Natasha's mother's, in which Deavon 4, and his Grandmother were in a screaming match with her telling him I am a bad father while my son screamed back to her "he is a good father" while everyone in the background were laughing. I was told by Natasha's brother that she told him I didn’t want anything to do with them that’s why I haven't seen them .

This to me is mental abuse and has to be addressed in some way or I fear it will permanently damage our children .Before our divorce happened my boys thought of me as the strongest most caring and loving man on the planet and that is being tarnished and may be irreversible with my youngest son whom I did not get to form the bond that I have with my oldest son because of the time restrictions his Mother has put on our relationship since our divorce. I spent all the time I could with Deavon while he was growing up and couldn’t with Lucas. I loose sleep at night and cry frequently because of this and feel as if only an extended period of time with him will remedy the problem because I am getting no time at all with him due to his Mothers gross disregard for my rights as their father.

My son Deavon said he will be punished by his mother if he says the things outlined in paragraph 2 ever again. I asked him what things and he completely shut down . During my parenting time he is afraid he might say something they're going to punish him for and it seems to be putting a distance between us, so much so that every time I do get my parenting time I am struggling to mend the breach of trust he is loosing in me, just to have to do it all over again months later on my next parenting time visit .

This to me is more abuse. I feel as if my sons should feel free to tell me anything. I don’t corner them with questions about his mother and don’t insult his mother in front of them and don’t get the same respect from her and feel as if they're scared to talk to me, for fear they might say the wrong thing. Their mother has taught them to watch what they say to anyone including their teachers. I told them if they were scared to tell me things then tell their teacher at school. I went there one day after they told me about her shooting the gun and that Deavon was punished by his mother after I promised his teacher would do something about it and he shouldn’t get in trouble. His teacher completely blew off what he was telling her and there was no action taken .

Lucas came over to my mothers house for parenting time and he had scratches and cuts all over his face some of which were really deep and when I expressed my concern to his Mother when she called to check on them, she got mad and told me, without caring, and we have joint custody, my parenting time was over because I told her I wanted to go to their school the next day and express my concerns to Lucas's teacher . The teacher said she talked to Natasha weeks before about it and they were caused by a puppy she bought for them. On a later occasion I found that puppy was a pit-bull, and once again I expressed my concerns to his mother. The next time I talked to them on the phone and got no response, exept that their punishment was that they weren't allowed to see me.

On one occasion while watching the movie wolverine while exorcizing my parenting time. One of the actors pulled out a gun in the movie and my son (Deavon) told me his mother had one like that and he seen her shoot it in the backyard at night while he sat on the back porch. He said she had 2 guns a small shiny one and a large black one and they keep them in their closet. When I expressed my concerns to her about this issue she told me she owned a shot gun and denied having a small shiny one or shooting it at night. Then her husband (Mark) got on the phone and I expressed to him I do not want my children around guns and he told me, "I'm glad you don’t make the laws" then and hung up the phone on me. I called the Dearborn police during my parenting time because I didn’t feel safe dropping my children off there because of Natasha's history of irresponsibility and was told, I will get in trouble for not dropping them off on time if she makes a report of it and there's nothing I can do unless one of the children hurt themselves. So I dropped them off at 6:00 like planned and knocked on the door for 15 minutes because Natasha was sleeping .

This is all so unacceptable I don’t know how to describe it. I am their father and would like for you Katy Dopke to tell me specifically what I have the right to say my children can be around and cant be. In the past I've been told my children that they can be babysat by people who Natasha has known for only weeks and to me that was unacceptable and I would never leave our children with anyone whom I haven't known my whole life let alone a month or so .But there is no way you can tell me that the best interest of our children is being considered in this act by their mother and step father ! I don’t want my children around guns period ! I was mocked by her husband and my wishes as their father to not want them around guns with proven irresponsible people is not being considered .Do you know how hard it was to drop those babies off when I had to after being told I had to by the police I would get in trouble . Banging on her door to wake her up because she was asleep at 6:00 in the afternoon knowing once she let them in she went back to sleep and they know were they're gun is? I loose sleep all the time because of this issue and fear for my children's life every time I think of it and when they go a couple weeks without calling me I get scared thinking something happened to them .Please address this issue first.

My sons Deavon and Lucas have expressed concerns to me they're weren't allowed to celebrate their birthdays or Christmas because their mother said Jehovah (god) wouldn’t like them if they do. I haven't had them on any holiday since my mother had them on Christmas 2008. I am supposed to have them on every holiday and birthday. I was denied my parenting time on every holiday since I've moved back to Michigan because of this. Natasha hasn’t even told me what school they're going to or what day they start so I can see them and take pictures on their first day of school .

This issue is more for their happiness and not as big an issue as the other things I've said in this letter .But to me my children's happiness is everything and feel this issue needs to be addressed also .I don’t disrespect her religious belief's and like that my children are being tout about god in any fission but when they're telling them things like that it concerns me considering I'm supposed to have them on holidays and birthdays and am being denied parenting time for holidays so far and don’t want to be denied they're birthdays. I was tout we celebrate birthdays and would like my children to have the same joys I had while I was growing up ! Once again I ask you do I have that rite to celebrate with my babies the beginning of their lives and the happiest moments I have ever had seeing them for the first time and being the first one to hold them ?I compromised and tout the boys they're was no Santa clause and am teaching them the true meaning of Christmas (the birth of Jesus Christ) but Deavon argues with me that Santa is real.

My son Lucas has told me and my mother on several occasions he hates me because I owe him money. He has also told me Mark is better than me, stronger than me and can beat me up and he was told that by Mark and his Mother .

This is disgusting ! My son told me he hates me and I would like this issue addressed also .I don’t know why her family feels the need to teach my children to hate me but they obviously are and I think the only thing that will fix this is with a lot of time one on one with Lucas. Sure I do owe her money and have been trying diligently to remedy the situation to no avail but I'm persistent and will overcome the money problem I've encountered in life .But to teach my 3 year old son this is unacceptable and then when my mother told Zora (Natasha's mother )what he said she laughed.

Natasha took my tax exemption for Deavon in 2007 disregarding the agreement we made and it was accepted by the Court. Then she made a motion in February 2009 to amend the agreed tax exemption. The court agreed and the judge said she couldn’t take it till 2009 if my child support arrearage wasn’t at zero balance but she couldn’t take it for the tax year in 2008. She disregarded the courts ruling and took my exemption for Deavon in 2008 anyway.

This is a blatant disrespect for the court order and is putting money in her pocket that should be going toward my child support and I would like this addressed also .Natasha took 2 exemptions from me that were agreed that I would get one of the children as a tax exemption in our original agreement .with both returns going against my child support it would have paid half of my arrearages .My 08 return was taken against Judge Alexander's specific orders . He said she had to wait till 2009 tax time to have both kids exemption and could only take it if I didn’t have a zero balance of arrearage and she couldn’t take my 08 return .He specifically said that and she claimed both children anyway totally disregarding the judges orders and putting me in more debt.

Now, Natasha has filed a motion stating that I "repeatedly fail to follow the parenting time order by failing to return the minor children as required or failing to visit the minor children at all."

This is a blatant lie that was filed in a motion and would like you to address this yourself if you could on the 29th of sept. I have called you a million times regarding parenting time and have filed letters expressing concerns and my denial of parenting time and you know that because of our history.

My children have told me they're not to talk about me at home and are punished for even mentioning my name .

To me it seems like what I've been telling the court all along that the court said they will not let happen . I would like this issue addressed because my children should be able to talk about me and what they do freely and like to talk about me instead of being punished for it .

Anti woman ya rite :(

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