I have recently had a very unpleasant experience with Nichebot keyword finding tools on the Internet. When I tried to cancel my account and the obtain a refund might request was intercepted by Mary in their customer service department. I talked with bad service reps before but she is the worst.
The service was recommended by owner of video robot a program which allows you to convert articles into a video. Since I was quite happy video robot I felt his recommendation would be worth looking into. And researching next by I googled their guarantee policy and pulled out a page which indicated that customers had one full year to make their decision on the service. If in that time they were dissatisfied they would receive a complete refund payments made.
But I found out that this companies deceptive practices was to advertise one policy to outsiders but once you were in and have paid your monthly premium they pointed out their "secret policy"I call it secret because it's buried with a number of other items at the bottom of their page in four point type. That says that the refund is only during the promotional period. That is the first two weeks where they charge you one dollar for access. So if you're not happy with the service within two weeks date will give you your dollar back.
But the tools and programs itself are very convoluted and take time to understand that is the parts of the system that is working. I found on four or five visits that some things would be working and some things wouldn't it would be a menu of what was working and what wasn't that change with each visit.
After working and going to the training two times I threw my hands up in frustration and and decided this program wasn't for me. That's when Mary stepped in with their condescending and arrogant attitude about how I should have been a smarter consumer when I made the decision to try the service.
They cut off my paid subcription portion when I compained to the company. They simply converted my payment for their gain and did not render any service for the fees already paid So anyone thinking about keyword search should think twice before trying out Nichebot |