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Nathan Reardon Repairs
Nathan Reardon Repairs on us performance auto and diesal Liar Crook Cheat and General Scumbag west palm beach, Florida
25th of Dec, 2010 by User813582
Nathan Reardon Is a Liar Cheat and a Scumbag he tried to commit frued on ups for an accident in maine there is a lot on bad press on the internet on him in maine now he is florida. Up to his old tricks and bad habits. I worked for him for approx. 2 months from oct 2010-dec 2010 In that time there was high employee turnover. his prices are outragous and he is doing work that does not need to be done he suckers everyone in with a cheap oil change then hands them estimutes for 200-300 dollars worth of work that does not need to be done after his so called safety check. As an employee i was threatened with my job if i didnt find things wrong with cars or go along with his hairbrain schemes. For example he was taking in alignments and didnt even have an alignment machine. Telling customers he was using top brand oil and really using the cheap stuff from walmart for all the top level oil changes For us employees we had to go along with this while having to deal with angry customers and using unsafe shop equipment While i was there the name changed from Best Ever to Repairs on us Because he started this new program thats a total scam called Peace of Mind which for most people its going to cost you thousands of dollars in repairs before you will be covered. As for me he still owes me my last paycheck which i will probably never see .

I am sure he is just going to bad mouth me like he does to everyone else to try and take attention off what a scumbag he is

5018 days ago by Performance
As anyone can see check this individuals record. He is a raging alcoholic and I fired him because he said he was a technician but proved many times he has no idea what he is doing. After multiple combacks he left for lunch and got arrested by the palm beach sherriffs offics for dui (again). He said he had a suspended liscence but left out the fact that he was drinking on lunch and that was what he was arrested for. He is getting everything in his life repossesed because he cant pay his bills because he is an alcoholic.

He has no freinds and his wife is leaving him very soon. He has nothing but failed jobs and relationships and cant blame anyone BUT himself. He called OSHA about all of his "CLAIMS" but OSHA checked it out and found out he is a liar. I have an alignment machine and seth used it so not sure why he is going to continue to lie about things he knows are false.

This final straw was he called me at my house and said he had diareaha and had messed his pants and had to go home to change ( similar to a 3 year old ) and he was over 2 hours gone. Suprise suprise he was drunk... AGAIN... ( i know it seems a bit redundant)

He drinks himself into a stuper and then wanders around accusing everyone else and blaming them for his own issues created by himself. Quite sad really. To have addictions control your life so badly you lose it all... including respect and reputation.

Check the facts plain and simple. Look at his record and really look at mine( not slander on the internet with no proof to back it up ). I have been in business for over 12 years. I have proof against all the trash he choses to sling to try and take the limelight off of his failures and my sucess. Its a sad Day for Seth Lopato.
5018 days ago by Performance
I have a certified letter reciept on his payroll he said he never got paid. Also the reciept with the money order he got paid with and proof it was cashed. And we also have proof on the oil we use it is semi synthetic and is a good oil. We do oil changes for 19.99 so its not 7 dollar a quart premium oil but it is good quality and you can upgrade if you choose to. No one tells you its premium and if we did for $19.99 I think you would know we were lying... unless your a drunk maybee? I have found that customers got angry with Seth only because he lack social graces and tact from being a raging alcoholic. As for me and my other staff we dont have to deal with angry customers because we dont do things to make them angry.

Last time i checked all garages look for problems with vehicles and advise customers of it. I guess our misguided drunk here thinks it would be wise to not advise a customer there brakes are going to fail or the oil leak will catch on fire. Acooding to his under educated comment we should not advise customers of such issues because it makes us scammers?

So if you doctor tells you that you have high blood pressure and you need meds is he a scammer as well? really Seth you need to go to rehab AGAIN and get your life in order. Learn some personal hygene and how to speak to people. Also if you do want to become a mechanic for a living you should go to school and get trained so you dont make it unsafe for those u worked on there cars. Thank God you were here short term and I saw your lack of skill early. It only cost me a few hundered in damages you did to cars with your total lack of mechanical qualifications.

I really hope you find the help you need before you hit rock bottom and kill yourself or someone elses child while driving drunk. Constantly breaking the laws is not a good thing and your traveling a dangerous path that ends badly. Please stop drinking and driving and stop making it an unsafe workplace for those who can stay sober. Make it easier on employers so they dont have to constantly fire you. You were out of work for 9 months before you came here and wasted my time and money. Get into rehab and stop your unfounded rants against honest businessmen that tried to give you a shot and you blew it... again.

The only sucker here was me for hiring such a bottom feeder with no qualifications. I need to be more dilligent on my pre-screening. Obviously.
5018 days ago by Performance

copy and paste link.

drug addict alcoholic and liar. Not to be trusted!
4997 days ago by Lopato76
still a liar and a scumbag still trying to dodge the real issue and i see the shop is closed so whos the bullshit artist now
4997 days ago by Lopato76
Brewer father and son are charged with failure to pay a variety of taxes
By Betty Adams [email protected]
Staff Writer

AUGUSTA -- A father and son who ran automotive accessory businesses in Brewer have pleaded not guilty to a series of charges they failed to pay state sales, withholding and income taxes.

Arthur Reardon, 55, of Brewer, was indicted last week by a grand jury in Kennebec County on three counts of theft by misapplication of sales and income withholding taxes, three counts of failure to collect, account for or pay over tax, and three counts of failure to pay Maine income tax.

Nathan Reardon, 33, of Lake Worth, Fla., was indicted by the same grand jury on two counts of theft by misapplication of sales and withholding tax, two counts of failure to collect, account for or pay over tax, two counts of failure to pay Maine Income tax and two counts of failure to make and file Maine State tax returns.

Both Reardons were arraigned Tuesday in Kennebec County Superior Court, where they entered their not guilty pleas to all the charges.

Arthur Reardon, who is free on personal recognizance bail, said they had yet to retain attorneys.

He also said he did not understand why both were indicted at the same time because the two men's businesses were not connected.

"There were two different locations, two different companies and two different times, " he said.

City of Brewer records show that Arthur Reardon operated Performance Auto and Diesel, which did retail sales of auto speed and performance parts, accessories and audio, at 17 North Main St., for several years. Later another business by the same name operated briefly at 541 Wilson St. It was owned by Performance Equity Inc.

Assistant Attorney General Gregg Bernstein, the prosecutor in the case, said the charges were brought in Augusta because the Maine State Tax Assessor is based there.

Bernstein declined to make any other comment about the Reardons.

Arthur Reardon is accused of failing to collect and forward to the state more than $10, 000 worth of sales tax revenue from customers of Auto and Diesel Performance between April 16, 2005, and Jan. 15, 2007, and failing to forward more than $10, 000 of tax withheld from employees between April 16, 2005, and May 1, 2007.

He also is accused of failing to pay state income tax for 2007, 2008 and 2009.

Nathan Reardon is accused of failing to pay more than $10, 000 in sales tax revenue he got from customers of Performance Auto and Diesel between April 17, 2007, and Oct. 15, 2008. He also is accused of failing to forward more than $1, 000 in employee withholding taxes between Aug. 1, 2007, and Nov. 1, 2008.

The remainder of the charges accuse him of failing to file 2007 and 2008 income tax returns and failing to pay taxes in those years.

so whos the liar and a cheat and was arrested
4997 days ago by Lopato76
Case Style: Nathan Reardon v. Jonathan Larkin

Case Number: 2010 ME 86

Judge: Saufley

Court: Supreme Court of Maine on appeal from the Superior Court, Penobscot County

Plaintiff's Attorney: Tim Zerillo, Zerillo Law, L.L.C., Portland, Maine

Defendant's Attorney: Tom Getchell, Troubh Heisler, Portland, Maine

Description: [¶1] Following an automobile collision, the parties stipulated to liability and presented their dispute over damages to a jury. The jury awarded no damages to the plaintiff, Nathan Reardon. Reardon asks us to determine that the failure to award damages in the face of stipulated liability must reflect jury bias or other unlawful basis for the decision. We decline his invitation and affirm the judgment.

[¶2] Specifically, Reardon appeals from the judgment of the Superior Court (Penobscot County, Murphy, J.) denying his motions for additur and for a new trial or to amend the judgment, pursuant to M.R. Civ. P. 59(a) and (e), after the jury returned a verdict in favor of Jonathan Larkin and United Parcel Service of America, Inc. (UPS). Reardon argues that the court should have ordered additur or 2 granted a new trial on damages because the jury acted with bias or prejudice when it awarded him no damages.1


[¶3] On November 14, 2003, Reardon was driving on Oak Street in Bangor when a UPS van, driven by Larkin, collided with his car. Reardon sued Larkin and UPS, and, at trial, the parties stipulated that the accident was caused by Larkin’s negligence and that Larkin and UPS were liable for any damages proximately caused by the accident. The jury was asked to determine the extent of Reardon’s damages. It concluded that the collision did not cause Reardon any damages. Reardon argues that a rational jury could not have reached that conclusion.

[¶4] Viewing the evidence in the light most favorable to the jury’s verdict, the jury could have found the following facts. Provencher v. Faucher, 2006 ME 59, ¶¶ 2, 6, 898 A.2d 404, 405, 406. Two weeks before the accident, Reardon had been diagnosed with diabetes. Reardon’s physician agreed with an endocrinologist’s opinion that the accident did not cause the diabetes. 1 Contrary to Reardon’s additional claims, the court did not abuse its discretion when it excluded an automobile crash safety report from evidence because it contained opinions and conclusions, see M.R. Evid. 803(8); Tiemann v. Santarelli Enters., Inc., 486 A.2d 126, 131 n.9 (Me. 1984); State v. Chase, 330 A.2d 909, 912 (Me. 1975), and on the summary judgment record, Reardon failed to establish a prima facie case that Larkin or UPS acted with actual or implied malice that would justify an award of punitive damages, see M.R. Civ. P. 56(c), (e), (h)(4); Tri-Town Marine, Inc. v. J.C. Milliken Agency, Inc., 2007 ME 67, ¶¶ 7, 11, 924 A.2d 1066, 1069, 1070; Tuttle v. Raymond, 494 A.2d 1353, 1354, 1361, 1362 (Me. 1985). We do not address these arguments further. 3

[¶5] The police officer who responded to the accident reported that no one was injured. After the accident, Reardon drove his damaged car to the automotive repair shop that he owned and then visited the emergency room. At the emergency room, Reardon stated that he had mild left-side neck discomfort and some mild muscle discomfort. The treating physician found no other acute symptoms and advised him to follow up with his primary care physician. Since the accident, Reardon has received chiropractic treatments for lower back pain and physical therapy for lower back and hip pain, and he has incurred medical bills for those treatments.

[¶6] Four days after the accident, Reardon visited his physician, who noted that Reardon had no radiculopathy—that is, nerve damage related to a back injury that causes pain, numbness, or weakness in the legs. In December 2003, an MRI showed that Reardon had a minimal grade spondylolisthesis2 but no compression of nerves that would cause radiculopathy. A doctor who treated Reardon for low back and leg pain opined that Reardon’s spondylolisthesis was caused by either a congenital abnormality that predisposed him to this condition or by major trauma or repetitive microtrauma to that area, but he could not determine whether the 2 Spondylolisthesis is a condition of the spine where one of the spinal vertebra has slipped out of alignment with a lower vertebra. 4 spondylolisthesis was caused by the accident. An orthopedic surgeon opined that Reardon’s spondylolisthesis was not caused by the accident.

[¶7] Ten days after the accident, Reardon coughed to clear his throat and felt an unusual movement in his groin. He had not complained of groin pain at earlier doctor visits. In January 2004, exploratory surgery confirmed that Reardon had an inguinal hernia, which was repaired during a second surgery in February. An infection developed, requiring a third surgery in March. In his physician’s opinion, Reardon’s hernia was probably caused by his cough because he had no previous groin pain.

[¶8] A week after the accident, Reardon closed his automotive repair shop because he could not be there to run it due to his health problems. He reopened the shop in October 2004. Reardon has never reported a profit or personal income from the business.

[¶9] Since the accident, Reardon has participated in a number of physical activities including scuba diving, bowling, performing doughnuts and wheelies on an all-terrain vehicle, and helping to catch alligators in Florida. He has taken vacations to Pennsylvania, New York, and Florida, during which he drove his car and walked for extended periods of time without showing signs of back pain. He has also packed and moved equipment from his shop, carried scuba equipment, loaded doors purchased from Home Depot, and installed a portable air conditioner. 5

[¶10] Shortly after the accident, Reardon told a friend that a UPS driver had hit him and that he “now had UPS by the balls.” On several occasions, he reported that he must refrain from carrying things because “UPS might be watching.” Reardon also asked his physician, in light of his current litigation, to change his medical records regarding when he was diagnosed with diabetes.

[¶11] The court gave the jury a special verdict form that itemized Reardon’s damages according to medical bills, lost earnings and earning capacity, pain, suffering, loss of enjoyment of life, and permanent impairment. The jury returned a verdict of zero damages for each of the categories on the verdict form.

[¶12] Reardon moved to amend the judgment or for a new trial on the issue of damages pursuant to M.R. Civ. P. 59(a) and (e), and for additur in the amount of $600, 000. The court denied the motions, and Reardon appealed. II. DISCUSSION

[¶13] Reardon contends that the court abused its discretion when it denied his motions for additur and for a new trial because, unless the jury acted with bias or prejudice, it could not have rationally returned a verdict of no damages when liability was stipulated and evidence related to injuries and medical bills was uncontroverted.

[¶14] “We review the trial court’s denial of a motion for a new trial and/or additur for a clear and manifest abuse of discretion, reviewing the evidence in the 6 light most favorable to the verdict.” Provencher, 2006 ME 59, ¶ 6, 898 A.2d at 406 (quotation marks omitted). “We will not set verdicts aside on the ground that damages are . . . inadequate unless it is apparent that the jury acted under some bias, prejudice or improper influence, or [has] made some mistake of fact or law because assessment of damages is the sole province of the jury.” Id. ¶ 6, 898 A.2d at 406-07 (alteration in original) (quotation marks omitted); see also Ma v. Bryan, 2010 ME 55, ¶¶ 10-11, --- A.2d ---, ---.

[¶15] Although Larkin and UPS stipulated to liability, Reardon had the burden of proving the extent of his damages that were proximately caused by the accident. See Foss v. Ingeneri, 561 A.2d 498, 499 (Me. 1989); see also Reardon v. Lovely Dev., Inc., 2004 ME 74, ¶ 9, 852 A.2d 66, 69. On appeal, he must demonstrate that, on this record, the jury was compelled to find that he proved the elements of causation and damages. See Ma, 2010 ME 55, ¶ 6, --- A.2d at ---.

[¶16] The jury could have been, and apparently was, unpersuaded by Reardon’s evidence—even to the extent that it was uncontroverted. See id. Specifically, the jury was not required to credit Reardon’s evidence regarding the source of his back and leg pain. Furthermore, the jury could have found Reardon not to be credible based on his demeanor at trial and the evidence of his participation in many physical activities, his attempt to change his medical records related to the time of his diabetes diagnosis, and his references to UPS. At the 7 same time, the jury could have believed that Reardon’s hernia was caused by his coughing instead of the accident, that his diabetes was diagnosed before the accident, and that his spondylolisthesis was a congenital condition that was not caused or aggravated by the accident.

[¶17] Reardon asserts that jury bias—not his lack of credibility—generated the verdict in this case. He has not, however, demonstrated “serious allegations of juror bias in the context of juror dishonesty” or “verifiable external manifestations of such impropriety.” See id. ¶¶ 9, 10, --- A.2d at --- (quotation marks omitted). Nor is the verdict so “manifestly and clearly wrong” that bias or prejudice can be inferred. See id. ¶ 11, --- A.2d at --- (quotation marks omitted). The court did not abuse its discretion when it decided that the jury acted rationally and without bias, prejudice, or improper influence, and accordingly denied Reardon’s motions for a new trial and/or additur. See Provencher, 2006 ME 59, ¶ 10, 898 A.2d at 407-08.

* * *


Outcome: Judgment affirmd.

Plaintiff's Experts:

Defendant's Experts:

Comments: Editor's Note: This case is but another example of how the jury pool in almost every county in the United States has been propagandized to believe that our court system does not work and that people who sue for compensation for the injuries and they have sustained often get nothing.

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3433 days ago by Masterbater
I worked for Nathan. Biggest mistake I ever made. He is a major scammer, a skilled liar, Not a real american.

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