More mileage now and True West Media are combined companies . They promote a liquid additive product that acts like a foreign substance it decreases gas mileage on two tests i took. The first test on 900 miles it decrease my Mileage . I complained to Chris about it.
He said my fuel filter was plugged . I changed it at cost of $75.00 drove 1500 miles and I lost 2.2 miles to the gallon again . I feel adding water would no doubt get about equal results . The cost of the product is $75.00 per gallon . It should be forced off the market . It is completely worthless .
Ryan Dean from True west media said the way to make money selling this product was to advertise it on T. V . They would make the commercial and charge a Total of $3500.00 And place the advertising for me with T V markets .
After four months went bye he hadn't placed any advertising for me . After I ran the tests I realized this was a PHONY product . So i disputed the charges with chase credit card services and they turned me down two or three times . Since true west media never placed the advertising. I feel they broke the contract . I refuse to pay chase card . True west media has the system rigged so bad you can't get away from these CROOKS .
I will cut up my card and refuse to pay . True west media people are scum balls indeed. They need to quit stealing money from old retied people like me on a fixed income . This was suppose to be a money maker not a money taker .
They ripped off a 80 year man from Carolina also on a fixed income . These crooks don't care who they scam they just want your money and then not care about helping you get your money back .
i might add the T V commercial are of very poor quality . The man from Carolina had 24,000 hits and never made one sale.
This tells about how poor their commercials are . Worthless like the product.
This was a very bad experience for me and wish they had never made this unsolicited
phone call to me with their lies that their product different and that it worked .