Memory-of.com MediaBoost Ltd., fraud, memory, credit card, virus, trojan, robbed, emotional injury , Internet |
17th of Jan, 2013 by User565503 |
Tal Hart of MEMORY-OF.Com is deliberately ripping off hundreds of people every month. Suppossedly he 'bought' the Memory-of.com website several years ago. However, his linkedin profile and his facebook profile clainm that he is sole owner of I-MEDIA (www.imedia.co.il) - Israel largest Internet Advertising Network, Finder (www.finder.co.il) - One of Israel's largest web portals, with over 100,000 unique users per day, Zoogy (www.zoogy.co.il) - a Dating website for the Israeli market Memory-of.com - the worlds largest memorial website Celebration-of.com and a few others.Tal Hart has taken money from people inthe form of credit card, debit card and check and then shutting down people's memorial websites to their DEAD children and does not allow access to the said sites add to them. He also controls any access to your website and he knowingly allows people to use his webistes when the KNOWS there is a TORJAN or VIRUS attached to the pages. I think he is the one BEHIND all the viruses and he is infecting people's computer with SPYWARE and MALWARE. A woman wrote yesterday (RITA) saying her site was back up. It is NOT back up. NO ONE has any access totheir sites. You can see them online but BEWARE! because you will get a virus. This is Tal's way of stealing all your financial inofrmation. Memory-of.com is owned by Tal Hart of Sunnyvale, California and Tel Aviv, Isreal. I have contacted a lawyer to start a class action suit that will include people all the way back to 2008. Please contact me thorugh this website and I will forwward you the information. aGAIN, i MUST STRESS - MEMORY-OF.COM IS LOADED WITH MALWARE, VIRSUSES, SPYWARE AND WORSE. Do not use that site and do not visit anyone's webpage that has a memory-of tag attached to it. Your personal information WILL be stolen and you WILL download a virus. |
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