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Matthew Olyphant, Matt Olyphant, Above The Rest Fences and Decks
2nd of Oct, 2012 by fightingmad
Matthew Olyphant is only interested in having relationships with women in the sex industry so save yourself time and energy and ignore all advances. He tries to pick up every woman he meets and he is a scam artist who will convince you he likes you, your beautiful, and just what the doctor ordered but he is one sick person who is only able to have relationships with porn actresses, hookers, strippers, or a mix of all 3. He married a stripper/hooker/BDSM provider so that should tell you all you need to know. His recent "girlfriend" for lack of a better term because he does not consider a girlfriend what a normal person does is pictured below and goes by Candystriper but her profile has suddenly disappeared!! I think I can find a way to bring it back and post it so her friends and family can see who she really is. If all of your women are known by fake names then you are doing something wrong because they are probably porn actresses, strippers, or hookers. They also gravitate to names with eee sound, like Nicky, Candy, Bambi, Bebe, Mimi, you can see the pattern of dumb. What a great guy that Matthew Olyphant is.


4541 days ago by Brainzyy
Yes, please post some proof here. Ooops, shit, you don't have any. LOL

Go puke up your last meal you sad loser and stop harrassing innocent people.

You're the only one who is judgemental to everybody, no one in your eyes are good enough, that's why all you can do is to sit day and night on the computer creating fake reports against innoncent people.

The person who posted the original thread is named Diana Jo Prause who works at Dell computers, Cedar Park, Texas. She's been slandering her ex boyfriends through the Internet continuously for a very long time.
Nothing she says is true, she never even once provided proof of anything she says.

She wanted to use her last boyfriend named Matthew Olyphant because he has famous connections. In the meanwhile she screwed a married guy who gave her sexually transmitted diseases.
4541 days ago by Madgirl
You need to post the birth certificate for this one because I am so so so sure she was born a he. It is the manliest looking thing I have ever seen. At least Matthew's ex wife looks like a woman but this one must be some side show tranny "escort" or some in between sex type. His ex wife's fake boobs are ridiculous and funny to laugh at, but at least she has them and there's no doubt she's a female. I'm more of a natural breast type myself but sometimes you see these pitiful types like this one and think, Get a BOOB JOB!!! I mean really, there's nothing there and you already look like a man so fix something. She must only "date" funny men with odd secret desires because a regular man would not go there for fear of becoming gay. Must be why Matthew liked her. Even his own ex wife thought he was gay so there must be something to it. Wouldn't you say?
4541 days ago by Jong
Madgirl is also known as Diana Jo Prause who works at Dell Computer's, Cedar Park Texas's alter ego. She keeps insulting people and making up fake lies, so in return she will receive the same treatment, but unfortunately in her case the insults are real and true.

Diana, you got two saggy bags on your chest, you're a fat ho and a sad MF. Now go eat some poop. How 'bout that?

Who cares who is gay, who got fake boobs and who does what? Only you, you judgemental fool.

Go suck a cow's dick, cause that's all you'll get, no man wants you, you're the most rotten person to have ever walked this earth and your face looks like a horse's face, so I think the cow may kick the living daylights out of you when you approach.
4541 days ago by Madgirl
Welcome Matthew "Jong" Olyphant. I bet all the Justified fans out there who tune in every week to watch your sexy gorgeous brother show he's not gay might think it's funny to know what a pathetic piece you are. You must belong to the mailman. Anyone who knows your family realizes that you fall for lowlife women in the sex industry because they are weak like your mom was when you were a child. That's why you are stuck where you are in development. You gravitate toward the weak pathetic women but you also hate them for runing your life just like mama. But daddy, you love him so finding a man just like him who will take and leave you stranded is your real desire. You are afraid of strong successful women. It is all so obvious your entire family must see it. Look at how much more successful your brothers are in life and their marriages. Get therapy and maybe you can save the next generation.
4541 days ago by Oliveriscute
You are all effing crazy and all of you make me sick. Here's an idea, purchase a giant commune toss a coin to decide if it will be in California or Texas or wherever the thumbtack lands on the map. Pack all you crazy stuff into your crazy boxes and luggage and get in your crazy cars and drive your crazy selves there. Stay there together until the end. ALL OF YOU BELONG TOGETHER and perhaps you can all provide each other therapy and mistreat one another all day long and that will be fun for you. Whatever you do never ask how the other one is doing because that's going too far and take care of your own problems even if you have no idea where to start, are marginalized, and periodically blamed just because your nice and nice people are easy targets. This should be a fun life for ALL of you whose dark lives and hidden compartments are endless. One more thing, make sure you regularly accuse each other of being liars and come up with weird lies to accuse each other of telling. You might also want to alert authorities that the other one is a big fat liar even if they aren't and work hard to marginalize them while you're at it. All of this may help cause them more problems because their life is too easy and you hate them for an easy life and nice attitude and honesty. Damn them for being nice.
4541 days ago by Jong
Oliveriscute, why ya here if we make you sick? Go away, cause we'll keep going at Diana forever untill she finally provide some proof. We're having lots of fun slinging insults left and right, don't we Diana?

But I like the idea to meet on a battle field, I would suggest to Diana to bring a good load of barf bags.

Ciao babes, untill next time.
4541 days ago by Innis
Diana, may we remind you that your campaign started out with lashing out lies about Matthew's brother and when no one paid you attention, you hooked to Matthew because people are responding.

You wrote exactly the same lie stories about his brother, about the Herpes and how ugly his wife supposedly is and now you are just repeating the same stories about Matthew.

Now you're telling the whole world Matthew got Herpes and all his girlfriends are ugly. You're so transparent and people have actually commented on message boards back when you started your campaign that they can see it was all written by someone with a weird kind of problem and people immediately realised that all the Twitter accounts you were using were just one person, not many.

The same way everyone can see that all of the multiple accounts you have created is just one person:
Diana Jo Prause who works for Dell computers, Cedar Park Texas.

We all understand from your writings you wanted to get your claws into Matthew's brother. You thought Matthew was stupid and you screwed a married guy while dating Matthew, when he found the pictures on your phone he broke off the relationship.

You are now forevermore angry, cause your chance to hang out with Hollywood stars are forever gone.

We're having a decent belly laugh about all of your writings.
4541 days ago by Oliveriscute
Your fun might be at somebody's expense. I loathe when people use the expression ciao and when they couple it with babe...well...its cheesy proportions become ginormous. I would love for nothing more then to go away. Wish I had never arrived at all but unfortunately I did. I'm so happy you are having such a blast here. Enjoy your virtual battle but consider some people whose real names and lives continue to be published might prefer silence once and for all so that this thing will starve. Keep feeding it and it will keep coming back like a stray animal. Finally, there was never a first time so there will most certainly NEVER be a next time.
4541 days ago by Innis
Wait now, let me see. What you are suggesting, Oliveriscute is to just shut the f**k up while Diana Prause writes hundreds of false reports? Never to put the truth out there so that people will forever wonder... could it be true?

No, the truth has to be repeated and any weapons necessary to get the message load and clear that what she writes all over the Internet is not true to be stated.
4541 days ago by Innis
Taking it lying down ain't happening.
4541 days ago by Oliveriscute
Unfortunately, an approach of you're mean to me, so I'm meaner to you so you're meaner to mean so I become even meaner still to you is at the base of all conflicts and it drives all wars so that nobody wins. If that's the plan then you'll stay on that sickening merry-go-around forever until you step off it. Diana may keep riding the wheel of suffering when no one else is even present (telling herself the same old sad story again and again), but you do not have to assist it. The moment you tolerate meanness in yourself and others you are aiding i wrongdoing. Let it keep spinning its tales but it will stop and in the meantime it will not have the satisfaction of thinking it brought everyone into its sickening merry-go-around from hell.

Do want you want. You made your point. Enjoy.
4541 days ago by Madgirl
He does have herpes and his girlfriends are all ugly. They are also cheap and pathetic like he is. Women who work in the sex industry have no self esteem or confidence and they think they can only have power with what is between their legs or in his ex wife's case the giant liquid filled funbags she spent money on that should have been spent on her children. I see there is a rift between Matthew and one of his sex workers and I love it. Gives us all a change to see what a tool he is and how he only wants ego strokers around him because he lacks confidence and needs those around him to provide it. I have seen him in action and it's shameless. I have watched him spend an entire night talking and never really saying anything about himself only about all his famous friends and the many stories he has about his life with the rich and famous. This gives him meaning. Keep dating your sex workers and treating your herpes. I'm not surprised your brother has herpes to since he cheats on his ugly wife. Runs in the family.
4540 days ago by Innis
When you don't respond with the truth to Diana's bullshit, she creates hundreds of accounts and agrees with herself several times in each thread and it's been going on for months against Matthew and infact, more than a year since she started out by targeting his brother, she created multiple Twitter accounts and tweeted things and then tweeted and retweeted and agreed with herself.
4540 days ago by Innis
Diana, what you're missing here is that, Matthew happenes to know a lot of rich and famous people, and because he knows them and not commoners, those are the people he will be talking about.

It is so strange to me that when people are friends with rich and famous people and talks about them everyone says they are namedropping, yet when people are friends with commoners and talks about them, then it's all fine.
People often tend to talk about their friends and it just so happens Matthews friends are rich and famous.

And another things which you don't seem to get is people in the sex industry are attractive, that is the reason people want to have sex with them. People don't pay for sex with unattractive people, then they may as well have sex with anyone.

The most important thing is you may want to reconsider your story about all Matthew's girlfriends are ugly, because... you were also his girlfriend, so that basically means you think you are ugly.
4540 days ago by Frightenedman
She's not missing it, she's just jealous like she has been forever. She is broken and wants to be certain she can enjoy lots of company in her world of misery. She lies about everything. She creates complete lies about Matthew and a woman he dated who she went nuts about and came at from every angle with every possible tactic to destroy. Funny thing is she thinks she destroy it but the laughs on her. It's just a matter of protecting privacy so she cannot see anything about the two. She also attacks his family because she has a sick obsession with his brother and fame. Matthew isn't preoccupiied with his brother's fame :) or famous people he happens to know...she's the one who wants the attention and went around telling EVERYBODY she was dating someone with a famous brother and friends with Metallica and on and on...Matthew is super sweet and innocent and she is not. The fact of the matter is his girlfriend is not involved in the sex industry and neither is his ex wife she created all of that and attached their name to cause harm. Knowing people would see the post and little more. They are both busy employed women who have professions other than she stated. Again, stating details is not appropriate because she doesn't need to know where anybody works because she would target that place as she has done in the past. Nothing is off limits. It's also funny that she tried desperately to make friends with his ex wife who she now makes up lies about. His ex wife is smarter than Diana Prause though so her plan backfired. She writes posts about women Matthew knows and says he is dating them and he isn't has never. He does not date around. He is a stable man and father and he wants a stable life around himself and his son. Diana was not stable and now she is pissed at her own sorry self and takking it out on others. Sorry but some women are stable, and beautiful on the inside and outside. And the size of a woman's breasts has nothing to do with Matthew's feelings or attraction. You, Diana are the one obsessed with breast size, not Matthew. He is not shallow, you are. He is focused on having healthy and kind people in his life who he can trust. Loyalty goes far. Oh, and it also is the case that his girlfriend is gorgeous, kind, loyal, and smart. So sorry about your luck. Maybe you can eat that and barf it up. Is that possible? Try it...let us know.
4540 days ago by Frightenedman
She's not missing it, she's just jealous like she has been forever. She is broken and wants to be certain she can enjoy lots of company in her world of misery. She lies about everything. She creates complete lies about Matthew and a woman he dated who she went nuts about and came at from every angle with every possible tactic to destroy. Funny thing is she thinks she destroy it but the laughs on her. It's just a matter of protecting privacy so she cannot see anything about the two. She also attacks his family because she has a sick obsession with his brother and fame. Matthew isn't preoccupiied with his brother's fame :) or famous people he happens to know...she's the one who wants the attention and went around telling EVERYBODY she was dating someone with a famous brother and friends with Metallica and on and on...Matthew is super sweet and innocent and she is not. The fact of the matter is his girlfriend is not involved in the sex industry and neither is his ex wife she created all of that and attached their name to cause harm. Knowing people would see the post and little more. They are both busy employed women who have professions other than she stated. Again, stating details is not appropriate because she doesn't need to know where anybody works because she would target that place as she has done in the past. Nothing is off limits. It's also funny that she tried desperately to make friends with his ex wife who she now makes up lies about. His ex wife is smarter than Diana Prause though so her plan backfired. She writes posts about women Matthew knows and says he is dating them and he isn't has never. He does not date around. He is a stable man and father and he wants a stable life around himself and his son. Diana was not stable and now she is pissed at her own sorry self and takking it out on others. Sorry but some women are stable, and beautiful on the inside and outside. And the size of a woman's breasts has nothing to do with Matthew's feelings or attraction. You, Diana are the one obsessed with breast size, not Matthew. He is not shallow, you are. He is focused on having healthy and kind people in his life who he can trust. Loyalty goes far. Oh, and it also is the case that his girlfriend is gorgeous, kind, loyal, and smart. So sorry about your luck. Maybe you can eat that and barf it up. Is that possible? Try it...let us know.
4540 days ago by Frightenedman
She's not missing it, she's just jealous like she has been forever. She is broken and wants to be certain she can enjoy lots of company in her world of misery. She lies about everything. She creates complete lies about Matthew and a woman he dated who she went nuts about and came at from every angle with every possible tactic to destroy. Funny thing is she thinks she destroy it but the laughs on her. It's just a matter of protecting privacy so she cannot see anything about the two. She also attacks his family because she has a sick obsession with his brother and fame. Matthew isn't preoccupiied with his brother's fame :) or famous people he happens to know...she's the one who wants the attention and went around telling EVERYBODY she was dating someone with a famous brother and friends with Metallica and on and on...Matthew is super sweet and innocent and she is not. The fact of the matter is his girlfriend is not involved in the sex industry and neither is his ex wife she created all of that and attached their name to cause harm. Knowing people would see the post and little more. They are both busy employed women who have professions other than she stated. Again, stating details is not appropriate because she doesn't need to know where anybody works because she would target that place as she has done in the past. Nothing is off limits. It's also funny that she tried desperately to make friends with his ex wife who she now makes up lies about. His ex wife is smarter than Diana Prause though so her plan backfired. She writes posts about women Matthew knows and says he is dating them and he isn't has never. He does not date around. He is a stable man and father and he wants a stable life around himself and his son. Diana was not stable and now she is pissed at her own sorry self and takking it out on others. Sorry but some women are stable, and beautiful on the inside and outside. And the size of a woman's breasts has nothing to do with Matthew's feelings or attraction. You, Diana are the one obsessed with breast size, not Matthew. He is not shallow, you are. He is focused on having healthy and kind people in his life who he can trust. Loyalty goes far. Oh, and it also is the case that his girlfriend is gorgeous, kind, loyal, and smart. So sorry about your luck. Maybe you can eat that and barf it up. Is that possible? Try it...let us know.
4540 days ago by Clumpystool
What a mess, this Diana woman who makes false reports against her ex sounds like a very evil person.

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