Majestic Equine Rescue |
Majestic Equine Rescue Deanna Bishop I believe this web site is set up falsely in order to solicit donations for a rescue that is not really legit. We |
30th of Nov, 2010 by User430191 |
I was in contact with the person who set up this web site and over a period of time I was able to find discrepancies in what she claimed she did on her rescue horse farm. It became clear to me that she was wanting to pose to the public that she ran a quite extensive rescue and asked for donations even though she did not have the programs she listed on her site. I asked her to show me photos of her facilities and she was not able to do that. All the photos on her site are stock photos. She claimed she ran an equine therapy program, a riding program for the handicapped, horsemanship and horseback riding programs and kids horse camps but she has no images of her own to show any of this. |
she is sooo againest slaughter but yet she sent a horse back to a slaughter kill pen auction. she only has 2 horses and after veiwing thoughs video's i would have to say those horses will not work for children. she has no arena, no mounting stage or ramp . no handicap acceses. no bathroom just a porta potty and lives in a out buliding on the rented barn property. she did not get her state reg non profit until jan 2011 and she just now filed 2 - 3 weeks ago for her 501.c.3. so yes her web site and statements are lies and misleading. |
Recently one of the rescue's horses, and I use the term rescue lightly, stepped on her min pin and killed him. First that was not the horse's fault it was her's for having a small dog like that around horses. As a result, she treatened to take him and the other horses to Sugar Creek auction if someone didn't come and adopt them...of course for a fee.
Now she is getting a male and female minpin and is going to start breeding them, her first statement was there were not enough available and people wanted them, next she stated she was going to breed them and keep all the pups. Whatever. |
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