Luce Township Regional |
Luce Township Regional Sewer District Lied to the public, falsified documents to get government funding and state permits to put in a sewer project t |
21st of Dec, 2010 by User736934 |
I would like for you to do some investigation to what I
believe to be government fraud. Luce Township Regional Sewer Board, Spencer County Commissioners and Common Wealth Engineering have been falsifying documents to receive a $9 million dollar grant from OCRA and many other documents to get permits to force a sewer on us. Here is a list of the stuff that we have found to be going on and that tend to be illegal or unethical. I am a concerned citizen in Luce Township in Spencer County in the Southern part of Indiana. We have a sewer board that is doing many illegal things to force a $17 million C3 sewer system on the people of Luce Township. I am sending you a copy of some of the illegal activities that are going on with Luce Township Regional Sewer Board. I have been trying to get people involved with the Luce Township Regional Sewer District and am not having much luck. They have done many things that are illegal and no one will get involved. This past week IDEM has issued this sewer district a construction permit. There were many false things in the permit that I think IDEM should be aware of. Things that should halt the construction permit. On page six of eleven it has the French Island Marina in a flood plain. This is false. They are in a flood way and I know FEMA has bought property and paid for damages from the 1997 flood. I'm pretty sure that FEMA doesn't want anything else coming in to the flood way down there. Below, is a copy of what I've been sending out. I would like to talk to someone about OCRA (Office of Community and Rural Affairs) grant funding fraud. So far I haven't been able to find anyone to help the people of Luce Township in Indiana. We have had officials falsifying documents to get awarded a $9 million disaster relief grant to put in a sewer for certain officials to gain money from. This grant money came from Disaster Relief Funds. First we never had any disaster here, yet they got around that and somehow got this grant money to put in a sewer system that the majority of the people don't want. There was never a PER (Preliminary Engineering Report) meeting with the community, but they say there was. It never happened but OCRA is ok with that. The guidelines say they have to have all the easements before OCRA will award out the $9 million grant, to this date they have around 48%. This has been going on for 13 years. It also states that they have deadlines that they have to meet that has never happened but OCRA keeps moving the award date so they can try to get things done. SRF (State Revolving Fund) keeps giving the Luce Sewer Board money without checking things out first. They think money is no object. These government agencies just keep doing what they want with the government's money without anyone investigating. The Luce Sewer Board keeps pushing and pushing this C3 sewer system without giving some research into what they are really doing. There are just go go go, we will worry about the consequences later. That seems to be their attitude. WE the people of Luce Township need your help. WE have County Councilmen that called a special meeting to tell the other Councilmen, that they will vote in favor of them to keep forking out taxpayer's money to the Luce Sewer Board so they would be able to pay off the Freedom Bank loan of $800,000. One of the County Council members was on the board of directors at Freedom Bank. WE had the sewer board lawyer contact the County Councilmen's lawyer and met with him and 4 County Councilmen before the stated meeting to make sure they were all aboard on giving money to the Luce Sewer Board. The sewer board never voted to send their lawyer to talk to these people but yet he did it anyway. They have done this several times. They don't follow their by-laws. These 4 Councilmen pretty much run the council meeting. WE need to put a stop to this corrupt government activity. Also the Luce Sewer board refuses to record the easements that they have got signed at the courthouse. This way when people buy a house, the easement has been signed, but the buyer doesn't know about it. WE need your involvement here. Also we have had several people on the board that had conflicts of interest. WE have had sewer board members also sit on Freedom Bank's board. WE have had Rockport's Mayor sit on the sewer board. Now WE have a contractor of Rockport sit on our sewer board. WE also have a person on the sewer board that has done work for Rockport in cleaning of their treatment plant. WE have a person on the sewer board that works for a piping company that could sell us pipe for our sewer system, and there has been many more. Our sewer system ties into Rockport's under capacitated treatment plant. We have had county commissioners that sit on Region 15 board of directors. Region 15 is our grant facilitator. The rules to get the OCRA grant have been changed many times so the sewer board can receive the grant. WE fill like these government officials are lying and changing guidelines as they see fit. This isn't right. I have not been able to get anyone involved in this subject. Why should a local sewer board and County Commissioners be allowed to lie to get government money? We have many notaries that notarized easement signings with out the person being there or over the phone. Some were notarized by a notary and stamped by another notary. Some were notarized without anyone signing them. Some were notarized and a year later was signed. Many illegal notarizations in the range of a couple hundred. Also the sewer board had $5000 donated and another donation from a false company. I filed a complaint with the Attorney General about possible money laundering through this fake company. We don't know if the donor was bribing the board or what. State Board of Accounts told them to tell us who donated the money and they still refuse to let us know. All they would give us is a false company with a PO Box. We have had the sewer board lawyer holding secret meetings with certain sewer board members and pushing the sewer system without any approval from the whole board. We have lots of extortion involved. The sewer board has told many people that if they didn't sign their easements right away then they would charge them thousands of dollars extra to hook up. The sewer board has threatened to condemn houses if the homeowner didn't sign their easement. They have forced and scared people into signing their easements but has only 48% of the easements needed. The sewer board refuses to give the public information. Several complaints have been filed but no one will do anything to get us the information. We have had several people on the sewer board that had conflicts of interests but no one seems to care. WE also think there is several thousands of dollars that is missing but we can't get an audit from the government to check it out. A sewer board president has a wife that works for the State Board of Accounts and think that has something to do with the NO audit. I don't know. WE need this checked into. People on the sewer board are buying property so once they get this sewer forced on us then they will build subdivisions to try to get rich off of us. WE need help. The sewer board has a set of by-laws that they don't follow and they keep doing what they want. There and many other things we feel are illegal that you should check into. WE are tired of the scare tactics this Luce Sewer Board is giving us. Many people have signed their easements because of the scare tactics and lies they tell the homeowner. WE are tired of it and need your help. I still believe in a government that is for the people and not corrupt like we are seeing here in LuceTownship, in Spencer County and above. If we don't get someone involved right now to look into all of the illegal stuff that is going on it will be too late and they will have already started construction. We know they have falsified documents to get government disaster relief money. They have also got a donation from a fake company. WE don't know if they are money laundering through this fake company or what is going on. They are trying to start construction by December 31st. WE can't wait any longer. WE need something done now. Also this past week the lawyer for the Luce Sewer Board called the Richland town council lawyer and told them that we needed them to sign the permit so they could run the piping down the roads in our town. There was never a stated meeting and only certain town council members were called. This is illegal. They need to post it in the paper prior to any meetings and they didn't do it. This Luce Sewer board lawyer just does what he wants without anyone doing anything about it. We the people of Luce Township are sick and tired of this. Two weeks ago the Luce Sewer Board accepted a donation for a company called Management International with a P.O. Box and in Evansville, In. This is a fake company. I called Sec. of State and they told me that they had no records of this company. This has to be illegal to take donations from a fake company. P.S. This is just a sample of some of the stuff we have going on here. WE have filed a lawsuit against them and should stop the project. The construction permit shows that the project will have service to 245 single family homes in Division A, (Richland area). It also shows that the project will have 553 single family homes in Division B, (Hatfield, Eureka and French Island). That makes a total of 798 single family homes. In reality, we know that there are less than 479 easements signed and by the looks of things, the remaining easements will not be signed before construction. With only less than 60% of the easements signed and less than 60% users at this time, all of the flow data that was submitted with the construction application will not be reliable. There are several homes in the distric that have not been inhabited for many years and probably if a sewer bill results for them, they will be demolished. Those homes have easements but will not produce any sewage flow. That is another flaw in the design calculations. WE just recently found out that since they redrew the piping lines to go down the middle of our streets that there are probably 100 or more easements that are no longer any good. The sewer board is trying to call these people and get them to resign their easements but most are refusing. |
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