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Loomis Leadership Houston, Texas
4th of Jun, 2011 by User753101
Dear Mr. Jarl Dahlfors: A Loomis ship is sinking in Michigan. When branch managers in the Loomis organization run amuck, one would think the leadership would take notice. The Loomis employees of Michigan are committed to maintain the highest level of executive confidence, which begins with strong leadership, something Michigan lacks. With anger as a prelude to courage, the employees in Michigan are angered that Loomis executives has allowed blatant acts of management deception and employee disrespect to remain prevalent. But, they have the courage to speak up and unveil the wrongness. The ASTs of Michigan ask Loomis executives to please come, come quickly, and come with a directional change. Loomis executives must conduct a top-to-bottom review of the way Michigan branch managers operate the Loomis armored transportation business. Branch managers must be held responsible and accountable for the safety and well-being of the company, and the safety and well-being of all employees and their families. The Michigan employees of Loomis work diligently every day to run the safest armored transportation system in the world. The employees hope Loomis will continue to make whatever changes are necessary to ensure everyone concentrates on keeping the company profitable. Over the past year, ASTs have seen examples of unprofessional conduct on the part of managers and supervisors that have rightly caused ASTs to question branch managements ability to ensure their safety, their families safety, and their families well-being. Blatant acts of company deception, employee disrespect, and unprofessional conduct from branch management must be stop immediately. If Loomis cannot stop branch managements defiant behavior and employee disrespect then any business in America who has empathy for their companiess survivability should rethink their relationship with Loomis and obtain a respectable armored carrier to handle their risk management concerns. There is one branch manager in Michigan who is not an honest person and should be removed. A thorough investigation should be launched into his dealings of company policy and employee misconduct. This branch manager has a serious deficiency in judgment. He has become very disrespectful and defiant towards Loomis, Loomis customers, and Loomis employees. He is a master of deception and denial of wrongdoing, but his actions proven otherwise. This person has stripped employees of their dignity to properly perform their jobs and provide for their families. He has displayed antisocial behavior since his appointment as branch manager, and displayed complete disregard to all employees, employee problems, and employees concerns. The following are just few examples of his misconduct, but by no means are these claims an exhausted list. In one case he told a female employee he was not interested in hearing about her ailing mother. He would not allow the employee to reschedule route duties to tend her mother. Another case involved an employee who has a special-need child. This time the branch manager told the employee is was not interested in hearing anything about family issues or problems. What kind of man does Loomis have managing their affairs in Michigan? Michigan employees are not paid every well to start with. Employees have not been able to provide adequate care for their families due to the drastic reduction in pay and in hours. Many families could not pay for home heating during winter months, other families have not been able to provide food for their children, and families have lost their homes, vehicles, phone services, and resorted to bankruptcy to maintain a proper living. How can Loomis allow such blatant disrespect to continue? Furthermore, this manager may be in violation of all Loomis policies to include embezzlement of company funds. This being a corporate crime deployed to increase short-term profits, which ultimately leads to higher bonuses, has been prevalent for a couple of years or more. However, this act of deception does not lead to long-term strategy and stability of Loomis. It is difficult to believe the executive branch has allowed this manager to degrade the company by not ensuring adherence to the values and code of conduct of Loomis, and adherence to the welfare of employees and their families. No business can operate at their peak with unhappy employees. This manager has reduced the hours of employees, training requirements, maintenance to building and equipment, and morale building activities just to show higher short-term profits for his own self-greed. This branch manager has defeated his subordinates, his supervisors, and district loss prevention managers, but hopefully he has not been able to defeat you. He has been able to deceive you, and continues to devise ways to cheat you. He has the smile of deception, knowledge to deceive, and desire for mischief. He will continue to rein with defiance until you come and remove him. If any of this seems unreal, you are welcome to come to Michigan and see for yourself. If you cannot come, please do not send any goofballs who will provide a white-wash examination; send some very intelligent executives who can spot deception when its staring at them. The ASTs wish you Godspeed and good sailing. Our families depend on your judgment.

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