Consumer reviews and reports on scam companies, bad products and services
Lloyd Agencies
Lloyd Agencies Sabrina Lloyd, Liars, Thieves, Scam Artists...did I say Liars?! Schaumburg, Illinois
4th of May, 2011 by User762690
First of all, I would like to say that I have never completed any form of public complaint for an individual or corporation, however, The Lloyd Agency has taken it entirely too far. I am a very trustworthy, humble individual with a solid 20 year background in sales and customer service. This is why I feel it is necessary to warn ALL future and current insurance agents to stay FAR AWAY from Lloyd Agencies, Sabrina Lloyd, Mark Wyner and Karolina Debak. Don't just take my word for it, read the other reports from previous employee's before they came here to Chicago. The same type of unethical practices are happening all over again. They will lie to you from the very beginning and hold on to them until the bitter end, truely amazing. American Income Life is a superior Life Insurance Company with tremendous benefits for their clients and agents. This is why I can't understand why they would keep this agency open in Chicago. There is another very respectable office open in the Chicagoland area. It would be worth every penny you have to seek this one out instead of The Lloyd Agency. These people do not have any respect for their employees, clients or American Income Life itself. Very unethical, dishonest, and insulting to anyone simply seeking to better their own lives or careers. No need for details yet, just DON'T DO IT!!!! TRUST ME, these people will take advantage of you or your situation for their own financial gain. I don't want anything from you, just to know that you don't follow the path of near destruction like I did with Lloyd Agencies. American Income offers opportunities for you to have a very lucrative career, I understand this, just find another agency!Please spread the word.
4695 days ago by Merc
hey DonV, be honest and tell the truth.. ive worked their already so you cant fool me.. tell me how many months did you go without pay ?... how far have you travel to a client and he's not home ! how many time have your driven to chicago ( south side) all day without a sale ! did you had to use all your savings during all that time... does karolina or mark require you to sit and start calling clients and make appointments.. or give you other people resume and ask them to set up an interview... folks please remember.. sabrina thrives on your comissions.. when i called her for help, , she sounded like she was at a restaurant while it was 7pm for me and i was still tryin to make a sale..
Don, is she still making a " well drinking fountain" in Africa still, for poor people to drink clean water ?
folks this sabrina, looks like a model... drives a porche...and her skin is tone... and the most whitest teeth ever.. who gets rich by your hard work..
4668 days ago by Mponce
Basically, here's the scenario as I understand it. The folks making the calls are actual Life Insurance Agents trying to move up the ladder by increasing their downline of agents. The more agents you have under you making sales or increasing their downline, the bigger the possibility that you're making some money. It's all legit and stuff however where they break the confidence and trust in their company is by not being truthful about what the Job is and the potential for income. They want you to become an IBO (Independent Business Owner) which means you pay an application fee which may or may not be refunded to you once you receive your Life License and your first Life Insurance sale. It's difficult to get started however not impossible and it's also difficult to keep enough people under you who can generate sales and or increase your downline. This isn't for everyone but many people do shine. I am an IBO with Primerica so far for about 9 Months and yes, I've had my first sale and passed my Life Insurance License Exam. I am currently studying for my securities 6 exam so I can also sell Mutual Funds and Annuities. I can see why you would think the business is a scam because they lure you in with promises of an hourly/salaried job (Primerica doesn't follow that concept) and then throw IBO in your face and talk to you till your blue in the face and you oblivious pay the 100 fee and sign up.

I believe in the potential of being Self-Employed and you can do it part time if you wish to still find a paycheck type job. Use it as a suplement to your regular income if you must. Don't shy away from it though hehe.

God Bless you all (I just got a call myself from this company for an Interview lmbo, guess they don't know I'm already licensed and working as an IBO for Primerica Financial Services!).
4640 days ago by SonnieP
I got a call from a guy named Dan from Lloyd Agencies and I was very clear I wasnt interested in any Sales positions. He told me they hired for all types of union jobs. I asked him what position I was interviewing for and he kept saying a union job and wouldnt tell me what i would be doing or anything. He gave me an address in Schaumburg IL to come to which is far from my house. It seemed like a bunch of BS. So I doubt if im going to that mess.
4640 days ago by SonnieP
...And the good comments about Lloyd Agencies on here are people that work there lying saying they are people like us making good money.
4638 days ago by Chesieq
I knew it!! I am so happy I found this website. I kept looking everywhere to get some info on this " company" but couldnt find anything. Every review I found sounded forced or fraud, or too good to be true. I moved here not to long ago from Texas and have been desperately trying to find a job. I sumitted my resume two days ago to a Craigslist ad for an Admin Assistant position. 30 min later Mark called me and said he liked what he saw on my resume and would like for me to come in for interview. In my head I was thinking wow that was easy, probably too easy. Anyhow, I drive all the way out to Schaumburg, using my last bit of gas which i didnt have in the first place, only to find there was no interview. Only a room filled with about 25 people filling out paper work that ask questions like, " What makes a good leader", " Name 3 characteristics that describe you", and " How much money do you see yourself making in 1, 5, 10 years". After you fill out the form they have you turn it in with a copy of your resume. Then the 20-30 minute presentation begins. I do not remember the ladies name, but she looked like she was Indian, with long dark hair and brown skin. If you go on you tube and look at their videos on vacation shes in a lot of them. During this presentation she listed websites we could visit, and kept references to Warren Buffet and how he had investments in the "company". She also said that the reason their not known is because they don t spend a lot of money on public adverstising bc they dont have to basically bc their just that good. She also kept saying they were looking for people who have what it takes and they didnt have time to teach you character.She went on to say that she made 6 figures within her first year, bc she's a person who 'll out work everybody. Again Im thinking what kind of BS is this. What kind of Admin position is this? After the presentation you would think they would start the interviews right? WRONG! She politely tells you this will conclude the presentation and calls your name out to match you with your resume. Then she says thats it. If you get a call back from us, that means we want to interview you one on one! WTH???? Yes, yes, yes, ladies and gentlemen. That's right. Do not drive all the way out there waste your gas and time for a presentation. These people are very misleading.I do not appreciate it when people piss on my feet and tell me it's raining. I should have left when I saw what kind of building it was, and when I saw all the people packed in like cattle. Times are hard, but not that damn hard. Here's the kicker. Today Mark calls me at 7pm for the second interview. RED FLAG. I dont know any employer who calls that late for an interview. Professionals do not call after 5pm. I'm sorry. I will not be wasting my time or gas going back to Schaumburg.Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me. I feel so sorry for the guy who stayed there for 6 months and recieved not a red cent. And to the people on here trying to defend this buffonery; I'm going to tell you how we say it in the south: :" We all can't tell the same lie honey".
4638 days ago by Chesieq
Ok so I did some more research, and the person I was describing is Sabrina Lloyd herself. Also if you want to read more horror stories of people insurance agents who actually worked for her go to ripoff report .com. You'll be apalled.
4632 days ago by We Know You In NY
At DONV...speaking about judge and jury. The reason why Sabrina Lloyd run from NY and changed the name of the agency is because people employed by her caught up to her act and brought up group law suit. They got paid their money back, rightfully so.
4599 days ago by Bebop
I was also contacted by Karolina Debak and offered an interview for a "Management position."

I am familiar with this company. Basically, they sell ripoff whole life insurance to union members. The problem with this marketing strategy is that the level of loyalty among the unions membership is not the same today as it was decades ago.

Union leadership now are more concerned about political activism than their members welfare. These union members know that the majority of their union dues go to electing liberal Democrats and not protecting their jobs. Very few union workers today will blindly follow their union's recommendation and purchase the overpriced life insurance.
4591 days ago by Last Laugh LMAO
08 2012-- YUP i just left there after several month what a waste of my LIFE!! and 2 sales and they want you to stay! YA right! Anyhow they are a scam the girl just got a BLACK LAMBOURGINI or whatever the spelling is!!LOL! IF you don't sell after you tried and they say they give you good leads HMMM well ""UNOIN FOLKS BEWARE""!! They say they care?? NOT they only want $$ ANd they do ILLEGAL ORALS and Social Security Number that are not LEgit time to get the attorney general involved and send these folks back to NEW YORK !! SCAMMMEERRSS
Do a back ground check on these folks i found them after the fact! O well"

ALERT-------- Alert ------ALERt
SABRINA& HUSBAND-ROB> KAROLINA<MARK<MARIO<ANDY<and other polish illegals there!!<ALEX MIKE<< and a few others! WHAT A BUNCH OF JOKERS "P.S i have a relative who workds for ill att. general and they F-up with the wrong person!! hey Sabrina and other jack buts -I GET THE LAST LAUGH !!

4555 days ago by Dickd
I just received a call this morning and was invited for an "interview". I was told that there were several openings and during the interview that it would be determined which position would be the best fit. I was not given many specifics. It was just too easy. So I searched LLoyd Company and found this site. Sure happy that I did because I do not want to waste my time or gas chasing a lie. These people are preying on the desperation of those looking for honest, gainful employment. I am not even going to waste my time to cancel my "interview".
4555 days ago by Mimi869
Thanks for all the comments. I'm so glad I saw this because I had an interview scheduled for tomorrow for a Customer Service Admin position. The guy "Josh" who called me didn't sound to keen which is why I was leery about even making the appointment and now I am certain and without a doubt that I will be canceling my so-called interview. Boy, it's a shame companies like this exist because with so many people out of jobs, they prey on the weak. However, thank goodness for sites like this that keep people informed! Thanks all!
4541 days ago by 77312
Thanks for the heads up everybody. I thought something was fishy when I couldn't find any emails of me even submitting a resume to them. I put my resume out there online line and they must of jus found it some how. Glad my spidy sense told me to do a bit of research first, hence coming across this site and real people giving me the business. Thank you.
4528 days ago by Isa
Thank you for saving me time and gas to go interview. I went to the web site and it looked pretty unprofessional, so I decided to do a little research. lucky I found this blog..
4511 days ago by Chips
I just had a first interview with this Lloyd agency, and I have to agree with all those comments there is something fishy about them. My red flag was when Mario was finished with the interview he did not give me any materials to take home read about company and most o all he did it have a business card ?!?!?! I did not take this job. Too many red flags !!! NOT professional
4506 days ago by Quizatsaderach
Thanks to all, my daughter and I are at the library printing off a resume to bring to this bs company. 40 min away from our home, short on gas and didn't want to waste our time.
4500 days ago by Skeptical
Thanks everyone who has written in; you have saved me gas money, travel time, and personal time. Not to mention my blood pressure rising if I had sat through all this realizing I was truly suckered. This is the second time they contacted me, only a slightly different tactic. Wasn't sure whether to go the first time, and didn't, but wondered if I'd passed up an opportunity... This time I am so very positive they are taking advantage of those of us who truly are trying so hard to find employment and won't give a second thought to not going for my "interview" :) Unscammed :)
4497 days ago by Too Broke To Chance
I just had my one-on-one with Alex this morning. I must say the potential money that can be made is attractive in itself...
but I wasn't looking to go door to door to attempt sales of anything. I was told the sought position was in managment administration but there were a couple of sales positions open if I was interested. Well the interview seemed to be going good.. Evidentlly my responces to Alex's questions were favorable enough that I was an immeadieat hire...(my skeptical but wonderful wife told me to be gullible, "just be yourself" she said.)
When Alex asked for my SS# and credit card to pay for the licenesing etc. I suggested that I take time to discuss this oppertunity with my wife before committing. I got the feeling that Alex had never been faced with that type of responce and instantly became very frustrated and somewhat short. He also said " well I need the money...ahh ... the decision by 1:00 this afternoon". That was at 8:30 this morning. Now it's just after noon and having found this wonderful Info...thank you all for saving me and hopefully many other unemployed gullible people who just want to provide for their family's with out getting f--k ed .
4439 days ago by TimeIsPreciousDon'tWasteM
I was at American Income/Lloyd Agencies for a good 4 months. Now Before I express my frustration I do have to say that Sabrina Lloyd is an amazing person. The way this woman spoke at meetings reminded me of Ray Lewis in a huddle before game time. I left every meeting with her ready to tackle my leads and SELL insurance. Now I was a bit successful in making sales for those 4 months but I must say, some of the managers at this company are the most unprofessional managers I have ever seen. Unless you have a good amount of money in your bank account from your previous job and could deal with not seeing a paycheck for a month I would avoid LLOYD and COMPANY. This is my experience.

Now when I started I knew I wanted to do sales. So if you don't want to do sales, stay away from LLOYD and COMPANY. The training, I'll admit, was really good. The script that they give you is great and you really learn a ton about sales and how to close a sale. They do also make you pay a $50 fee for your temporary license which lasts 3 months. It was until after the initial training when I started seeing and for some reason ignoring the red flags the managers where throwing up. After I had to record myself memorizing a good part of the script, I went on a few ride alongs with the managers and they did not stick to the script what so ever. They chopped the hell out of the script and put their own style on it. I didn't call any of the managers out because I wanted to keep my job and I trusted them when they said "Stick to the script and show the videos and you'll be at the company convention in no time". My pride, desire to make that $100, 000 in one year and Sabrina Lloyd's motivational meetings kept me around. Then I got my leads and this is where all hell broke loose. It took me about a month to notice, but all the leads I was getting were located in the south side of Chicago. And all these leads were garbage and a waste of my time and gas( I didn't even have a release meeting yet and I was getting fed leads like I was) I would say it was very common to set up appointments with these individuals and they would never be home for the time of our appointment. Also if they did follow through with the appointment, I would then find out that they didn't have a bank account or enough money to even consider a policy. When I would tell my manager this they would just keep saying, "Its a numbers game, you book 6 appointments you'll get one sale." That's interesting because 1 ) Managers there made their agents write up policies for other agents so the numbers those managers sent to Sabrina of sales for the week would put a smile on her face (They probably loved her beautiful white teeth), and 2 ) my manager would have appointments in towns like Naperville and Downers Grove. I know that because my manager would make his agents set appointments for him, taking time from us to set up appointments. I can't help but say that my manager had a hidden agenda with his agents, only to benefit him in the long run. After weeks of this same story, I would occasionally see sales, but I'll admit I busted my butt in order to see that. My day would start at 8am and I wouldn't get home till 8pm. If I wasn't sitting inside on a kitchen table with a union member, I was doorknocking leads across the city of Chicago that didn't answer their phone. What really pushed me over the top was when an agent looked at a check that I received and then asked me how much ALP(annual life premium) my last sale was. The agent then told me that I was getting screwed out of my money and I should have been getting more.

If you are looking for a steady paycheck or unemployed prior to this opportunity I suggest to not waste your time and mileage on your vehicle. Some of these managers do not care about how well you know the script or how ready you are to go out on the field. They just want you to be out there so you could make them money. They'll lure you in by making it seem like you're doing better than they did when they first started, or they'll give you extra responsibilities to make it feel like you're moving up. They'll even take you to manager meetings to motivate you, when you don't even feel accomplished as an agent yet. Sabrina Lloyd needs to re-evaluate her managers and the way they train their agents. American Income has great life insurance products and I truly believe in them. I'm just grateful I was not killed around the south side of Chicago and I just wish I could have those 4 months back and all the money I put into this position.
4438 days ago by TimeIsPreciousDon'tWasteM
I was at American Income/Lloyd Agencies for a good 4 months. Now Before I express my frustration I do have to say that Sabrina Lloyd is an amazing person. The way this woman spoke at meetings reminded me of Ray Lewis in a huddle before game time. I left every meeting with her ready to tackle my leads and SELL insurance. Now I was a bit successful in making sales for those 4 months but I must say, some of the managers at this company are the most unprofessional managers I have ever seen. Unless you have a good amount of money in your bank account from your previous job and could deal with not seeing a paycheck for a month I would avoid LLOYD and COMPANY. This is my experience.

Now when I started I knew I wanted to do sales. So if you don't want to do sales, stay away from LLOYD and COMPANY. The training, I'll admit, was really good. The script that they give you is great and you really learn a ton about sales and how to close a sale. They do also make you pay a $50 fee for your temporary license which lasts 3 months. It was until after the initial training when I started seeing and for some reason ignoring the red flags the managers where throwing up. After I had to record myself memorizing a good part of the script, I went on a few ride alongs with the managers and they did not stick to the script what so ever. They chopped the hell out of the script and put their own style on it. I didn't call any of the managers out because I wanted to keep my job and I trusted them when they said "Stick to the script and show the videos and you'll be at the company convention in no time". My pride, desire to make that $100, 000 in one year and Sabrina Lloyd's motivational meetings kept me around. Then I got my leads and this is where all hell broke loose. It took me about a month to notice, but all the leads I was getting were located in the south side of Chicago. And all these leads were garbage and a waste of my time and gas( I didn't even have a release meeting yet and I was getting fed leads like I was) I would say it was very common to set up appointments with these individuals and they would never be home for the time of our appointment. Also if they did follow through with the appointment, I would then find out that they didn't have a bank account or enough money to even consider a policy. When I would tell my manager this they would just keep saying, "Its a numbers game, you book 6 appointments you'll get one sale." That's interesting because 1 ) Managers there made their agents write up policies for other agents so the numbers those managers sent to Sabrina of sales for the week would put a smile on her face (They probably loved her beautiful white teeth), and 2 ) my manager would have appointments in towns like Naperville and Downers Grove. I know that because my manager would make his agents set appointments for him, taking time from us to set up appointments. I can't help but say that my manager had a hidden agenda with his agents, only to benefit him in the long run. After weeks of this same story, I would occasionally see sales, but I'll admit I busted my butt in order to see that. My day would start at 8am and I wouldn't get home till 8pm. If I wasn't sitting inside on a kitchen table with a union member, I was doorknocking leads across the city of Chicago that didn't answer their phone. What really pushed me over the top was when an agent looked at a check that I received and then asked me how much ALP(annual life premium) my last sale was. The agent then told me that I was getting screwed out of my money and I should have been getting more.

If you are looking for a steady paycheck or unemployed prior to this opportunity I suggest to not waste your time and mileage on your vehicle. Some of these managers do not care about how well you know the script or how ready you are to go out on the field. They just want you to be out there so you could make them money. They'll lure you in by making it seem like you're doing better than they did when they first started, or they'll give you extra responsibilities to make it feel like you're moving up. They'll even take you to manager meetings to motivate you, when you don't even feel accomplished as an agent yet. Sabrina Lloyd needs to re-evaluate her managers and the way they train their agents. American Income has great life insurance products and I truly believe in them. I'm just grateful I was not killed around the south side of Chicago and I just wish I could have those 4 months back and all the money I put into this position.
4429 days ago by Tim8059
Yup, everything your reading here is true guys. I got a call from "Caren" who Im supposing is trying to change her name because she "insisted on spelling it for me, and after reading all this sounds like this Karolina character everyones talking about. Also got the email verification just like everone else said, and as well at a 12pm interview in which she told me to show up 15 minutes early with a notepad. Also theres a bogus youtube video you can find on them where a guy discusses the company AND you do see that black lamborghini double parked liek someone else said belongs to Sabrina suposidly!!! hahaha not even gonna show...

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