this is the email i received which is exactly like some other reports i have read.-
Linked Children's Foundation
150 Tunney's Pasture Driveway
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0T6
I got your resume and it has been reviewed, I did appreciate it, so I will give this a GO!
I'm looking for someone that can be trusted and reliable to work very well and with good understanding. This position is home-based for 2 weeks till I am back in town where am setting up an office in your area, I run a Children's Foundation, working with me is flexible and basically about instructions and following them, my only fear is that I may come at you impromptu sometimes, so I need someone who can be able to meet up with my irregular timings. As my Personal Assistant, your activities amongst other things will include;
*Running personal errands, supervisions and monitoring. Scheduling programmes, flights and keeping me up to date with them. Acting as an alternative telephone correspondence while I'm away. Making regular contacts and drop-offs on my behalf. Handling and monitoring some of my financial activities.
Basic wage is $600 weekly
I'm sure you'll understand I tend to have a very busy schedule at this point, as I am presently in Canada, I will be back in Three Weeks. I think you're the right person for this position, Please note that this position is not office based for now because of my frequent travels and tight schedules, it's a part-time work from home and the flexibility means that there will be busier weeks than others, so it's a little difficult judging the exact number of hours you'll be doing per week.
If you can manage your time properly, this job may even give you some extras while you do something else on the side. As I have said, I'd want us to get a head START with things as soon as possible. I do have lots of works piled up presently and a number of unattended chores which you can immediately assist me with, I hope we can meet up with the workload eventually. Permit me to use the coming week to test your efficiency and diligence towards all this, also to work out your time schedule and fit it to mine. I really need to find the perfect person for this job, I'm confident you can take up the challenge and on the long run we should have a relatively sound working relationship between us. I'm online most of the time as I am hard of hearing so I prefer we contact each other through E-mails, and SMS Messages but if there is need for me to call, I will be glad to do that. I am glad you are willing to work with me and I promise to be a good boss. I am also glad on the commitment in working. I have been
checking my files lately and what I would want you to do for me this week are to run some errands out to some of the orphanage home, which comes in every month. A DONATION payment in form of a Check or Money Order will be sent over to you this come in once or twice a month from one of our clients, the one for this month would be sent to you which would be your first assignment.. I will get you more information on that. If you are interested, I would want you to kindly fill your details below and send it to our company email at . So that we can get started as soon as possible.
Thank you. I will like you to get back to me with your Contact Details such as:
Personal Information
Full Name :
Address (Include Apt Number if Available):
Zip Code:
Residential Phone Number:
Email Address :
The employee, acknowledged the Detailed Job Description
And signed _______________
(First Name and Last Name of Employee)
Ensure you fill this form and send it to our company email . Completed employment forms sent here (into this box) would not be processed. All Completed Employment forms should be forward to The email above...
Once I have received your contact information, I will get back to you with the task for this week, Understand you will also be paid as well as its important for me to make the necessary steps before I get back from my business trip back to the states. Hope I am clear with that.
Get back as soon as possible.
Mrs. Wills