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Linda Hood Sigmon
Linda Hood Sigmon false accusations and misleading stories and graphically enhanced false photographs to try and prove to myself and others that the
18th of Mar, 2011 by User804204
Linda Hood Sigmon has for years been preying on vulnerable fans of a deceased celebrity but now she has recently appeared on the internet to continue to defame the character of the said deceased celebrity, Elvis Presley. She is purposefully and intentionally misleading vulnerable fans into believing that Elvis Presley is very much alive and that she answers to him and that she is his only friend. Photographs on her website are graphically enhanced and the photo specifically of "Jesse" is NOT Elvis Presley but is rather an unidentified person. There has been a drug affiliation and court proceeding involving this person in the past. She has been posting information on her website about myself which is untrue and about her close relationship with a man who is deceased. The information is bogus, Elvis is not proven to be alive but he has, in fact, been proven to the world to have died. If Elvis was alive, why would he come out under the guise and auspices of a woman other than his own daughter? It would never happen. He would have relied on his own child before relying on a complete and total stranger to him. Elvis Presley is not a living person in public awareness. This woman is part of a scam operation trying to prove that Elvis is alive, literally a bounty having been placed on the man's head. It is all misleading and false information and should be sticken from the internet. Linda Hood Sigmon's website is based upon opinion and is fairly represented as such by law, however, she is claiming her information to be "the truth" which it is not proven to be, nor is it in any way credible. Again, Linda Hood Sigmon is misleading with wrongful information and defaming the character of a deceased celebrity, including being an accessory to someone who is impersonating a deceased celebrity, an actual "unknown entity" going by the name of "Jesse." Until such time as Elvis is proven alive and involved with any of this false information, which is not going to happen in either case, such a damaging website based upon insignificant, inconclusive, and false information should be removed from the internet immediately. Thank you for your time
4974 days ago by Linda Hood Sigmon
I am Linda Hood Sigmon and I invite everyone to visit my web site on which you will find a vast amount of documentation in handwriting, photos, YouTube videos, recorded songs, etc. The written material on my site is backed up with substantiating material. There are eyewitness accounts of those who have seen Elvis alive after 1977 and even spoken with him.

Barbara Lee Rowe who filed this complaint against me has no grounds whatsoever. She has been on a personal vendetta against me for over 2 years. She has a web page set up about me which contains nothing proving any of her comments about me and my web site. Her attacks upon me were a large part of the initial reason for the establishment of my own web site to refute her lies.

My web site now has 113, 948 visitors in just a little over 2 years.

Here is the link to my site in order that everyone may research my material for themselves.

Everyone is welcome to visit my site for FREE. There are no fees, no registration, no memberships, no tracking, nothing for sale...PERIOD.

4974 days ago by Bobbi
If what you state is correct, this website you are so concerned with is opinion based only. Everyone under law is given the freedom of opinion --including you. You have given your opinion and I for one just wish to ignore it as is MY right. You do not have the right to tell me what to think. While you state this whole site is lies and nothing has been proven, you have yet to PROVE anything she has written is a lie. So I guess we are back to square one. Why is it so hard for people of your GREAT intelligence to just stay away from something you claim is so bogus, lies and just not true? I don't understand. If the fans that follow Linda are being fooled and chose to I guess it is your opinion that we are way beyond stupid and can not be helped any way so why do you bother?
How much time do you devote to people who REALLY do damage to people in this world? Do you really think that people are damaged by entertaining the fact that Elvis is alive? How silly. I believe that there could be life on other planets, I believe In God and Jesus, among many other things. Things that can not be proven. My Choice--what is it to you or anyone else for that matter.
You have admitted to selling things and making money from your relationship (which I have seen no proof of by the way nor do I care to see any). Linda, makes nor asks for ANYTHING from anyone. So what scam is there.
How many conversations have you ever had with Elvis Presley to know or not know what he would think or do? I think that would be the same as me NONE. So your insight is the same as you claim Linda's to be --NONE.
Why can't you just leave the ones of us that want to believe ALONE. When you get that email from someone begging for your help to get away from Linda, because she has them tied down and is water boarding them into coming to her site or embracing her thoughts and she just won't leave them alone then help that person! For the rest of us who sit down at our computers and type in that web address or a site on Elvis being alive and there are many that have NOTHING to do with Linda we do so because we WANT to. Use all that intelligence doing good not evil and let us as some are so proud of saying "get what we deserve'.
Why do you care so much what others do.
Here's fair you maybe your correct in everything you say and Elvis may be deader than a door nail--now what? What's your fight about ---I don't get it. I will still believe Linda, think she is a wonderful person and be grateful to call her my friend forever.
I think you will find out that if you go on your merry way believing what you wish, doing what you wish without bringing Linda up or caring about the rest of us losers your name would never be mentioned.
Maybe in there lies the real problem. GREATNESS will not be ignored I guess lol.
4974 days ago by Loretta Ann Pereira
I think its wrong to base our facts 'only' on what the media has told us. It proclaims that Elvis Presley died on August 16th 1977. I will not argue that fact. I do believe that the' image' that Mr. Elvis Aron Presley 'created' for the public's entertainment and enjoyment DID indeed "DIE" (ie. was laid to rest, retired, no longer in commission..etc I believe too that because of the vast magnitude of his Fame, unlike any of that time period, I believe Mr. Presley felt is necessary, and felt perhaps it was the only way to have a normal private life...was to let go of his former self, so to speak, and in essence, 'die to self'...and become someone else and take on a new name, the new name being Jesse Presley. This is NOT a new concept by any means . Its actually biblical. Where a person, lets go of their former life, sins, etc, repents, and become a New Creature. They die to SELF, BUT ARE VERY MUCH ALIVE AND BREATHING.!!! And, its also Biblical that people are RE-NAMED. In The Bible, Saul after conversion became ...PAUL, etc. I acknowledge that I am looking at this from a Christian perspective, but just to show that THIS SPIRITUAL CONCEPT of dying to self, re-nameing one's self has been around 2000+ years, if not longer ...and its not seen in any way as weird or unethical. If this is what Mr. Presley chose to do, in his own way, to start a new life...then it was his decision to make and no one else's.

I think its sad that people attack Linda Hood Sigmon the way they do. I want to state that I find Linda Hood Sigmon to be a very kind, rational, thoughtful Human Being . She certainly does not deserve all the harassing and attacks that come her way, just because she has stated she is in contact with the Man whom the world all knew as Elvis Presley. I find that none of her accusers can disprove (beyond a shadow of a doubt ), that she isn't talking with the Man now know as Jesse (aka Elvis Presley ) None of her accusers are, I doubt, even close to her enough to know any of her private business. So, to me, it appears that her accusers and naysayers, continue to harass her out of sheer boredom in their own lives and probably jealousy too. It sad to see so many adults acting that way. I mean, you would think that people would be happy to know Elvis /Jesse is alive and well, and has reached out and is talking with Linda and is sharing bits and pieces of his life .And, that she is kindly sharing that part of her life with others. She does not have to do that..and I think its wonderful that she does !

I think that the proper thing to do here would be to just not read Linda's website if it personally bothers others too much. It amazes me how people will call Linda a liar and a fake...yet they return again and again OF THEIR OWN FREE WILL to read what she posts only to argue the SAME THING over and over again. Linda cannot change her position on the matter as she is telling the truth ! She does not owe anyone the burden of proof, as the internet and her website is NOT a court of Law.She is not on trial here. She has page after page of info. and facts, that hopefully people will take time out to read ..AND THEN MAKE UP THEIR OWN MINDS. If after having read everything Linda has to offer, and they still don't believe ? Then its time for them to move on quietly down the road, conduct themselves in an adult manner, and just believe whatsoever they wish to believe about the so called death of Elvis Presley.

Thank you for your time in allowing me to have my say on the matter.

Loretta Ann Pereira
4973 days ago by Pepper Ritter
It is easy for me to trust what Linda Hood Sigmon says on her site because she has no reason to lie and because she is sharing what she knows about Elvis/Jesse or at least some of what she knows. I have read every word on every page that she has shared with her readers and she has never once said she is Elvis/Jesse's only friend. If she even felt like she was why would she share her knowledge? She wouldn't even want to be his only friend. What kind of friend would that be? They both have scads of friends. And it doesn't make any difference to me if Elvis/Jesse considers me his friend. We have only met once, but had we never met wouldn't necessarily mean we weren't friends.It's all in the heart, and I know Linda, Elvis/Jesse, and me have big hearts and lots of compassion for others...we don't have to know or be a friend to someone to have these feelings for them.We wish nothing but good things to everyone, and we include everyone in our prayers...including the person who is talking so unkindly to Linda. I don't know why, but it appears you have a vendetta against Linda.Is it simply because she has told us that Elvis didn't die and has changed his name to Jesse, or is it more than that? Perhaps we could clear up this situation if it is a simple mis-understanding.Don't you think it would be worth the effort? Life is just too short to have ill feelings for anyone especially when it involves such a sweet, kind, loving spirit as Linda. I guess you haven't read that the one and only time I met Elvis was March 12, 1988.It was a major shock for me and I imagine a minor shock for Elvis. It was around 3:15 in the morning. He was so handsome. Was in great shape, and treated me like he was a true southern gentleman. I read the book he allowed Dr. Hinton to write and I knew then that he was still alive in 2001. I didn't hear about the book until last year. It was by reading the book that I heard about Linda Hood Sigmon (Shuma) and I wan't to get in contactt with her to tell her my story. It took a bunch of effort, but it happened.Next was reading all the fascinating information on her website. It realy is nothing but the truth. She spends lots of hours of her time to share all this with us...and for free.I am not scamming or being scammed...Linda is not scamming or being scammed and Elvis/Jesse is not scaming or being scammed. I just wish everyone could believe Elvis did sneak away from us and has used names other than Elvis Presley since August 16, 1977 and that now he uses the name, Jesse. I testify to anyone who is interested...MY WORDS ARE TRUE. Sincerely, Pepper Ritter
4973 days ago by Gracie
I'm also here to testify what an honorable, loving, good friend Linda has been to me for close to ten years now. Linda couldn not tell a lie if she had to. She has been honest. caring, a very good friend to Jesse, and has put her heart and soul into her website for Jesse's fans. She has endured hackers, defamation, unkind words from many people who don't even know her, yet she maintains her dignity and respect for Jesse and his fans at all costs. Linda and her husband, Tom, visited me and she brought with her many of the wonderful gifts Jesse has given to her throughout the years - rings that his Mother owned and Lisa Marie had given him, a California police badge, cuff links that Ann Margaret had given Elvis after filming Viva Las Vegas, and so much more - way too many things, precious items to mention. Linda is telling the truth. I have seen the evidence. What more can I say. Linda is a wonderful, caring person. Pat Yorg
4950 days ago by Clare Ann Simon
LINDA HOOD SIGMON > I just want to say something about this Wonderful Lady who has DEVOTED all her TIME to many ELVIS FANS. I have always BELIEVED that ELVIS was still ALIVE, long before I had found Linda's Website. Linda has gather many Pictures and Information that has been OUT there since AUGUST of 1977. She has also shown us Letters written by ELVIS after his DEATH and NUMEROUS other articles! I am so DELIGHTED with her WEBSITE each and every time I go on there. I am so Thankful to her for doing such an OUTSTANDING JOB and giving me such a joy. I am 59 yrs old and a RETIRED Phila. POLICE OFFICER. Linda hasn't SCAMMED me or anyone else by her WEBSITE at all. IT is FREE to go on her site and she doesn't force me to buy anything from her site and she doesn't SELL anything!!! So those who CHOOSE to go on her site do it WILLING and those who DO NOT like her site, PLEASE LEAVE US ALONE !!! Many of us ENJOY LINDA's WEBSITE. I am so HAPPY Elvis is still ALIVE and ENJOYING his NEW LIFE in PEACE and HAPPINESS! We the LOVING FANS of ELVIS PRESLEY will always WANT more from him and we can NEVER get Enough of ELVIS or be SATISFIED to what we have now! ELVIS has given his FANS so much and now we need to let him enjoy the RETIREMENT he truly Deserves. Would you agree on that statement? We all LOVE ELVIS VERY MUCH and Dream that one day he will come out to tell us himself that he NEEDED to do what he did because of the LIFESTYLE he was STUCK IN ! PEACE BE WITH YOU ELVIS!! Linda, I have never met you but I feel I have found a New FRIEND in you! God Bless you and PROTECT you. Linda, I want to Thank You from the bottom of my heart and please keep your WEBSITE rolling as you do. I must tell you that this past week I have been having some Difficulty getting on your website, I don't know what is happening but I hope to be back on your site as soon as possible! I try and check it out everyday but still as of June 30, 2011 not able to pull up your WEBSITE!. I hope you are ok! Sincerely, Clare Ann Simon
4231 days ago by MickeyMoran
I agree with some of the things mentioned on this page and I disagree with others. Nobody has ever proven that Elvis is dead. On the contrary, there is a lot more proof pointing toward him being alive. I agree that Jesse is not Elvis. I have never believed that story. Anyone can look at the picture of Jesse and see that it's not Elvis. I do believe that Elvis is alive. Here's my website:

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