Julian Franck Rouas |
Julian Franck Rouas Julian Rouas Paris Int. Investment Scam - Ponzi Scheme - Perfume Fraud - Las Vegas, Nevada |
20th of Mar, 2011 by User318043 |
French Perfume Ordeal - There is a laundry list of claims against Julian Franck Rouas including fraud throughout the Los Angeles County. PONZI SCHEME - Julian Franck Rouas is a world-Class bullshit artist from France who will do anything to make a quick buck. He can charm anybody out of anything and likes to steal himself a living. He operates profitably under his eponymous company 'Julian Rouas Paris'. Julian Franck Rouas is going through an elaborate charade to pass himself off as a Perfume Designer. In reality, this wily con-artist is only interested in scamming you out of your money, and it's amazing the lengths that he'll go to achieve it. By all accounts, Julian Franck Rouas is emotionally disturbed, and should check himself into a mental ward . The momentum seems to be shifting against him; the FBI is watching his every move. Undeterred, or simply unable to read the handwriting on the wall, this 'biped' continues his downward spiral by ripping people off with impunity, thus, adding more nails to his coffin. Interestingly, in his own mind, Julian Rouas is absolutely justified, he sees himself on the side of justice and dismisses his victims as "collateral damage" . Many hapless investors are still trying in vain to figure out what went wrong and where did their money go, while the ignominious Julian Rouas, desperately seeking fame, is dancing and singing "On Broadway". Ladies, beware, this low life criminal is continually pulling off tricks that would make Houdini blush, he loves to exploit women! Extremely conniving and crafty, yet he steals indiscriminately, by first scamming the people closest to him. Many of Julian Rouas' s victims are so infuriated that they want to see him dangling from a noose, it's a miracle he is still alive!! As far as the Jackson-Rouas partnership is concerned, Julian Franck Rouas is not a benevolent benefactor; no charities will ever see a dime. In fact, the contrary certainly appeared to be the case!! - TheTomahawk Man - http://hubpages.com/hub/Scam-Artist-Julian-Rouas-Head-On-A-Pike PIC 1 - Moronic Julian Franck Rouas wants to know what really happens when the shit hits the fan. PIC 2 - Constantly pushing the envelope, this scam-artist has Perfume Scam down to a science PIC 3 - Julian Franck Rouas is conducting his racket with a business-as-usual attitude. PIC 4 & 5- Julian Franck Rouas' s fitting end... The Julien Gallows!!
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