Consumer reviews and reports on scam companies, bad products and services
JT FOXX HUGE SCAM STAY AWAY JT FOXX Radio Horrible Coaching Program, No Results, All Talk No Action Las Vegas , Nati
30th of May, 2011 by User722320
I went to an event of Jt Foxx s several months ago and was initially impressed with the high level speakers he had there. What I found out was this was just a guise to build credibility to sell a high priced coaching program is a SCAM, a complete FRAUD. I'm sorry to admit that I was suckered into JT Foxx s program and paid $60,000 to be a part of it. I realized very shortly that all they wanted was my money and that the follow up was non existent. Emails and phone calls led to nothing. I went and did some research online and found a bunch of others who also felt scammed by him. Overall, I was disgusted that he has the balls to take tens of thousands of dollars from people and THEN not even follow up with what he said he's going to do. I am speaking for myself and the dozens (maybe hundreds) of others out there and am saying, "STAY AWAY!!" Don't allow him or his little evil minions in the back of the room take you for what he took me. You'll regret it for the rest of your life. If you got ripped off by him, you can complain at: 4381 Flamingo Road (Palms Place next to the Palms Casino)
Unit 15312
Las Vegas, Nevada 89103 Phone: 630 802 3699 Email: personal(AT)
4955 days ago by Office4321
One again another fake post by a competitor. Firstly I hate mountain due but I do drink monster energy drinks and yes I know they are bad for It's been years since I have drank a mountain due. This nothing more than a competitor trying to soil my my name and my Mega event which is a non pitch-a-thon event and is sold out with 700 people coming. The reason why every event is sold out is because we provide a WOW experience and my staff is about about building value and not selling. The concept and strategies that I teach cannot be found in any book and are based on things going on today's market. I am a full time investor and entrepreneur, my events are non pitch-a-thon. Our average students attends over 10 events of ours because they are content based.

Do you actually think a current employee would post something while still working for me... But don't worry my attorneys are going to court to get an injunction and get the exact IP address of this post so we can file a lawsuit. Our students are happy, just take a look at the legist posts that are posted at Here are some of those reviews. They are 110 % Legit and you can call my office we will show you the originals.


P.S. I pay my employees double then the industry standard FYI.

P.P.S. Here are some real reviews of what people think of me. I have over 2000 of them. At every event we have them fill it out.

If you aspire to be your best – you need a coach.

I have had JT Coaching as my #1 Coach for some time now. JT has helped me to focus my business and marketing efforts and learn to use my assets effectively to create the business and life I want. JT brings his coaches and mentors to me so that I can benefit directly from him and from his coaches and mentors. I have learned that experience is a lot more expensive than coaching by someone who has been there and done that. Everyone who aspires to do their best needs coaches and JT is one of the best

Tom S

JT’s coaching is inspirational

JT as a coach has been an inspiration in my life. The energy that he brings to the table just electrifies me and kick starts my own energy taking it to levels I have not had before. The most exiting coach I have ever been with. His knowledge is incredible, he shows you how, why, and you will not believe how much JT can teach you


Coaching me to success JT Coaching:

He is quick on the fly, willing to come up with the perfect help/name for your business, to help maximize your business venture. He is straight forward and to the point, which is what I like and need because of my military background. I need to see and hear it like it is – then me personally will act on it. I know with the right coach and information I will act on it because he has the experience and success. I will succeed thanks to his recommendations and coaching.

Michael C

Coaching has shown me a whole different world of Business

JT and his progams have taken me out of my comfort zone and brought me into a new world of Business relationships I could never have accessed prior

JT Mega Event – top event for business growth

Times have been lean and we’ve had to work on reinventing ourselves and our business model. This year we decided to cut back on travel/education expenses for our business, but the one event we decided we weren’t going to miss was the Mega Event!

This will be the 3rd time we have gone to and each time we have connected with sharp business-minded, entrepreneurial-spirited people. What we like about Mega Partnering is that it is a chance to listen to successful business people and not be constantly pitched to. JT and his staff put a lot of effort in packing the day full of content and yet leaving enough time to network with others in the crowd. This is the one event we couldn’t afford to miss.

Lisa, Anchorage, AK
4952 days ago by Anonymous
a coupla guys who know how to get people to wave their hands in the air and run to the back of the room with their credit cards. nothing of substance really comes out of their events other than lighter in the pockets and a head filled with nonsense. the only real harm foxx and aaron do is to people's self-esteem and bank account. but i think people wise up sooner or later and see them 4 what they are. its an expen$ive lesson in learning that nothing replaces hard work, not seminars or mentors screaming at you or more credit debt. some people learn from them most do not. this is a buyer beware situation.
4951 days ago by Office7654321
This is J.T. Foxx. A recent post an online report alleging that my coaching program has no follow through or value. This report is silly and unfounded and posted by our competitor. The hundreds of successful business people and real estate estate investor who have been coached by me or my staff and have grown their companies to new heights of extraordinary achievements testify to the value and the sustainability of our coaching. I won’t even try to “defend” the statements placed in this post because our record speaks for itself and our on-going growth bespeaks of our long list of satisfied clients. But our clients, partners, family members and friends desperately want me to set the record straight. So in the interest of exposing the real truth please find the detailed answer below.

Firstly this report also posted my personal information including my private home address and phone number. We have reason to believe that this post was authored by a competitor in the industry, not a student, evidenced not only by the sheer inaccuracy of the post, but also in that the author included an email address which has never been communicated to my coaching students. Furthermore, this address has been inactive for the past 3 years yet this post claims that they signed up for my program 2 months ago. In fact this email was only given to fellow speakers as way to communicate and build relationships. Regardless of its source, this gives me an opportunity to take a moment to reach out to you.

Instead of focusing on this libelous and defamatory post, I would prefer to focus on my coaching students. Students like Carmen, who I have been personally coaching for two years and we have been able to triple her hardwood floor business and build up a very profitable, complimentary mini real estate business to go along with it.

Another student of mine, Chuck, came to me as a “yellow flyer We Buy Houses” investor struggling with results. Three years after, starting the coaching program, he is now one of the top investors in the ChicagoLand area. I am so proud of him!

Gary, whose body shop business was stagnating, with my help, and that of my other coaches, was able to increase his business from $15K a month to $47K this month. He was scared of change and had no processes or systems to make the necessary. That soon changed as my coaches worked with him to set him up with a business and marketing blue print.

Doug and Peter, who had both bought every coaching program out there it seems, were still stuck in their lack luster business. I personally went out to visit them, and together, we developed their strategic thinking processes. They have since exploded into top entrepreneurs in the United States. In fact, they spoke at my last big event alongside the likes of Gene Simmons, Kevin Harrington, Bruce Buffer, Wayne Palmer and my coaches. Not bad for two guys who, at the beginning of my coaching program, were struggling to get on top.

In New Zealand, Catherine, an inspiring student to coach, has implemented every strategic business idea I have brought her. Because of our coaching, she is now one of the top female entrepreneurs in New Zealand, was featured in a newspaper article, flew all the way to New York City to meet Trump’s right hand man George Ross, and got a powerful YouTube video because of it.

Rachel is an Australian student of mine. She is in the Children’s Education business, but hand no brand to speak of. With my help, and a few other coaches, we gave her a branding makeover and helped design a powerful converting website and internet marketing campaign. The results have been so impressive that she actually renewed her coaching agreement with us for the third time!

In a business where the average coaching program renewal rate is less than one percent, we pride ourselves on having the best and highest renewal rate in the business. Why? We hire the best coaches and rely on the long term relationship with our coaching clients and their successes. Our Company motto – “We are powered by our students’ success”.

I personally have five coaches, and without them I wouldn’t be where I am today or writing you this letter. We value individual coaching, learning about the needs, wants, and desires of our students. The vast majority of our students succeed because they are not treated as customers, but rather as family. We go that extra mile and have seen many of our students go on to amazing success. They stay on board with us because they implement the fundamentals we teach.

We are not perfect. We can't please them all. Some come with unrealistic expectations, some have hidden agendas and personal vendettas. Our focus is on helping each client to achieve their goals and having them live out the life they choose to have.

Thank for all you who have emailed us outraged at this post and the callous nature of it. As much my coaches say “the higher you climb up the tree the more you are exposed”.

As long as my students are happy and successful, that’s all that is important to me and my team. To everyone else reading this. don’t believe everything read. To all my coachings students all over the world never stop acheiving your goals and dream.

Reach for the Stars

J.T. Foxx
4951 days ago by Office7654321
This is J.T. Foxx. A recent post an online report alleging that my coaching program has no follow through or value. This report is silly and unfounded and posted by our competitor. The hundreds of successful business people and real estate estate investor who have been coached by me or my staff and have grown their companies to new heights of extraordinary achievements testify to the value and the sustainability of our coaching. I won’t even try to “defend” the statements placed in this post because our record speaks for itself and our on-going growth bespeaks of our long list of satisfied clients. But our clients, partners, family members and friends desperately want me to set the record straight. So in the interest of exposing the real truth please find the detailed answer below.

Firstly this report also posted my personal information including my private home address and phone number. We have reason to believe that this post was authored by a competitor in the industry, not a student, evidenced not only by the sheer inaccuracy of the post, but also in that the author included an email address which has never been communicated to my coaching students. Furthermore, this address has been inactive for the past 3 years yet this post claims that they signed up for my program 2 months ago. In fact this email was only given to fellow speakers as way to communicate and build relationships. Regardless of its source, this gives me an opportunity to take a moment to reach out to you.

Instead of focusing on this libelous and defamatory post, I would prefer to focus on my coaching students. Students like Carmen, who I have been personally coaching for two years and we have been able to triple her hardwood floor business and build up a very profitable, complimentary mini real estate business to go along with it.

Another student of mine, Chuck, came to me as a “yellow flyer We Buy Houses” investor struggling with results. Three years after, starting the coaching program, he is now one of the top investors in the ChicagoLand area. I am so proud of him!

Gary, whose body shop business was stagnating, with my help, and that of my other coaches, was able to increase his business from $15K a month to $47K this month. He was scared of change and had no processes or systems to make the necessary. That soon changed as my coaches worked with him to set him up with a business and marketing blue print.

Doug and Peter, who had both bought every coaching program out there it seems, were still stuck in their lack luster business. I personally went out to visit them, and together, we developed their strategic thinking processes. They have since exploded into top entrepreneurs in the United States. In fact, they spoke at my last big event alongside the likes of Gene Simmons, Kevin Harrington, Bruce Buffer, Wayne Palmer and my coaches. Not bad for two guys who, at the beginning of my coaching program, were struggling to get on top.

In New Zealand, Catherine, an inspiring student to coach, has implemented every strategic business idea I have brought her. Because of our coaching, she is now one of the top female entrepreneurs in New Zealand, was featured in a newspaper article, flew all the way to New York City to meet Trump’s right hand man George Ross, and got a powerful YouTube video because of it.

Rachel is an Australian student of mine. She is in the Children’s Education business, but hand no brand to speak of. With my help, and a few other coaches, we gave her a branding makeover and helped design a powerful converting website and internet marketing campaign. The results have been so impressive that she actually renewed her coaching agreement with us for the third time!

In a business where the average coaching program renewal rate is less than one percent, we pride ourselves on having the best and highest renewal rate in the business. Why? We hire the best coaches and rely on the long term relationship with our coaching clients and their successes. Our Company motto – “We are powered by our students’ success”.

I personally have five coaches, and without them I wouldn’t be where I am today or writing you this letter. We value individual coaching, learning about the needs, wants, and desires of our students. The vast majority of our students succeed because they are not treated as customers, but rather as family. We go that extra mile and have seen many of our students go on to amazing success. They stay on board with us because they implement the fundamentals we teach.

We are not perfect. We can't please them all. Some come with unrealistic expectations, some have hidden agendas and personal vendettas. Our focus is on helping each client to achieve their goals and having them live out the life they choose to have.

Thank for all you who have emailed us outraged at this post and the callous nature of it. As much my coaches say “the higher you climb up the tree the more you are exposed”.

As long as my students are happy and successful, that’s all that is important to me and my team. To everyone else reading this. don’t believe everything read. To all my coachings students all over the world never stop acheiving your goals and dream.

Reach for the Stars

J.T. Foxx
4945 days ago by Ascaminformer
no matter how many times you post your long b.s.defense post here jtfoxx, there is a little thing called a scroll down wheel on most peoples mouse so good try distracting the "dumb" people who you swindle from reading anything truthful about your methods and tactics...

...and while were at it who would buy the domain "jtfoxxscam" other than a crafty slithering snake that wants to head off web traffic to such a concept lest it expose him...

jt foxx crafty crook...
4928 days ago by [email protected]
I recently went to a seminar (not a JT Foxx seminar) and was unintentionally introduced to JT Foxx. I did not engage, and will NEVER engage, with him or his "organization." if you are considering joining his "organization" then I HIGHLY recommend doing EXTENSIVE research on JT Foxx and his company.
4928 days ago by [email protected]
I went to a seminar (not a JT Foxx seminar) and was unintentionally introduced to JT Foxx. I did not engage, and will NEVER engage, with his "organization." If you are considering joining his "organization" then I HIGHLY recommend performing DUE DILIGENCE and EXTENSIVE RESEARCH on JT Foxx and his company.
4928 days ago by [email protected]
I went to a seminar (not a JT Foxx seminar) and was unintentionally introduced to JT Foxx. I did not engage, and will NEVER engage, with his "organization." If you are considering joining his "organization" then I HIGHLY recommend performing DUE DILIGENCE and EXTENSIVE RESEARCH on JT Foxx and his company.
4926 days ago by Wayne.rer
Thanks Upsetmonkey,

The two day session you described is exactly what I went through in Toronto.

The 2 day session is really a sales pitch for JT Foxx to sell his mentoring services. You get "selected" to talk to one of his specially trained coaches. They ask you what your company does and then they tell you that for thousands upon thousands, they can coach you to success. When you ask for more details or evidence of their success, things get testy.

My special coach got up when I started asking too many questions and brought JT Foxx to sit with us. I think the goal was to get me "awe-struck" that JT would spend time with me personally. For me, it was eerily similar to when you are negotiating a new car and the salesmen says he has to get the manager to approve the deal. JT looked at the prices I was quoted for mentorship and then offered to lower them if I signed on, on the spot. I said no. JT then promised to put me on his radio show if I signed on the spot. That is when I knew something was a miss. In my opinion, this whole setup is to generate funds for JT to place down payments on real estate.

Walk away...I see him as a less polished Anthony Robbins.
4912 days ago by Rock86
I too was scammed by JT Foxx. He promised to come up with a brand for our company, and promised one on one sessions. Niether of these happend he kept pushing it off until finally we relized he was not going to keep his promise. He is very misleading, became very unprofessional from his intial front, and he will lie to the end. Do not let JT Foxx take your money and leave you with nothing!!!
4911 days ago by Bf3
J.T. Foxx is a lying worthless excuse for a person. He tells nothing but made up stories, brags, drops names and tries to dress in expensive clothes. He worms his way into organizations or with people with good reputations and tries to leach off of their credibility. If you are unfortunate enough to believe him you will part with thousands of dollars only to find out that he isn't even 1/16th the person he pretends to be. He will continue to try to sucker you to attend more functions where you learn absolutely nothing. His "coaching" sessions - when you actually get one - are a joke. He is rude, distracted, and then has to go. He haws ABSOLUTELY no follow up. Does not return calls, emails, missed coaching sessions. His record keeping is non existent, his "employees" don't have a clue what one another or he does or has said. It is usually total chaos. He is one of the most immature people I have met in a long time. Basically everything he pretends to be he is not, he is actually the complete opposite. He should be in jail for the lying, cheating, and money he has flat stolen.
4911 days ago by Bf3
J.T. Foxx is a lying worthless excuse for a person. He tells nothing but made up stories, brags, drops names and tries to dress in expensive clothes. He worms his way into organizations or with people with good reputations and tries to leach off of their credibility. If you are unfortunate enough to believe him you will part with thousands of dollars only to find out that he isn't even 1/16th the person he pretends to be. He will continue to try to sucker you to attend more functions where you learn absolutely nothing. His "coaching" sessions - when you actually get one - are a joke. He is rude, distracted, and then has to go. He haws ABSOLUTELY no follow up. Does not return calls, emails, missed coaching sessions. His record keeping is non existent, his "employees" don't have a clue what one another or he does or has said. It is usually total chaos. He is one of the most immature people I have met in a long time. Basically everything he pretends to be he is not, he is actually the complete opposite. He should be in jail for the lying, cheating, and money he has flat stolen.
4903 days ago by Xavier71
Note the pattern - every time someone complains about JT, he posts over and over to bury all further comments. He calls every complaint a "competitor", even if they are a customer.
4892 days ago by Mikekaiser
This is Mike Kaiser from Phoenix, AZ. I have been to a few events of JT Foxx's ( 3 total ) and have gotten some really great ideas and info from them, and I have meet two of his coachs in person, George Ross (Donald Trump's right hand man) and Jay Abraham which are highly respectible men. I just got back from JT's Mega Partnering IV event in Chicago and this is one of the best informational packed events I have ever been too. Some my not like him because he says it like it is and hurts your feelings... but maybe they like working 9-5 for a paycheck, but many will love him for kicking their butts and changing their lives. I have a great gut feeling for him and his group of peolpe.
I have owned a very successful car dealership business for over 10 years and have done a little realestate in the past, and have just started to get into realestate full time, just going to a few of his events has changed my mindset on partners and how to raise capital, and since have done just that! I think anyone who is wanting to take your business and self to the next level just needs to get out there and make some connections, learn how to follow up and follow through, and change your mindset. After this last Mega Partnering, and seeing the high level of A players there I personal meet, I'm looking forward to see what they can bring to the table for the next one in Texas in May 2012
Regards, Mike Kaiser

P.S. If anyone wants to ask me any Q's here is my contact info [email protected] or my cell
4892 days ago by Mikekaiser
This is Mike Kaiser from Phoenix, AZ. I have been to a few events of JT Foxx's ( 3 total ) and have gotten some really great ideas and info from them, and I have meet two of his coachs in person, George Ross (Donald Trump's right hand man) and Jay Abraham which are highly respectible men. I just got back from JT's Mega Partnering IV event in Chicago and this is one of the best informational packed events I have ever been too. Some my not like him because he says it like it is and hurts your feelings... but maybe they like working 9-5 for a paycheck, but many will love him for kicking their butts and changing their lives. I have a great gut feeling for him and his group of peolpe.
I have owned a very successful car dealership business for over 10 years and have done a little realestate in the past, and have just started to get into realestate full time, just going to a few of his events has changed my mindset on partners and how to raise capital, and since have done just that! I think anyone who is wanting to take your business and self to the next level just needs to get out there and make some connections, learn how to follow up and follow through, and change your mindset. After this last Mega Partnering, and seeing the high level of A players there I personal meet, I'm looking forward to see what they can bring to the table for the next one in Texas in May 2012
Regards, Mike Kaiser

P.S. If anyone wants to ask me any Q's here is my contact info [email protected] or my cell
4889 days ago by Rock86
J.T. FOXX JT FOXX J.T. Foxx Scam!!! internet, Nationwide
J.T. Foxx is a lying worthless excuse for a person. He tells nothing but made up stories, brags, drops names and tries to dress in expensive clothes. He worms his way into organizations or with people with good reputations and tries to leach off of their credibility. If you are unfortunate enough to believe him you will part with thousands of dollars only to find out that he isn't even 1/16th the person he pretends to be. He will continue to try to sucker you to attend more functions where you learn absolutely nothing. His "coaching" sessions - when you actually get one - are a joke. He is rude, distracted, and then has to go. He has ABSOLUTELY no follow up. Does not return calls, emails, missed coaching sessions. His record keeping is non existent, his "employees" don't have a clue what one another or he does or has said. It is usually total chaos. He is one of the most immature people I have met in a long time. Basically everything he pretends to be he is not, he is actually the complete opposite. He should be in jail for the lying, cheating, and money he has flat stolen.
4889 days ago by Rock86
J.T. FOXX JT FOXX J.T. Foxx Scam!!! internet, Nationwide
J.T. Foxx is a lying worthless excuse for a person. He tells nothing but made up stories, brags, drops names and tries to dress in expensive clothes. He worms his way into organizations or with people with good reputations and tries to leach off of their credibility. If you are unfortunate enough to believe him you will part with thousands of dollars only to find out that he isn't even 1/16th the person he pretends to be. He will continue to try to sucker you to attend more functions where you learn absolutely nothing. His "coaching" sessions - when you actually get one - are a joke. He is rude, distracted, and then has to go. He has ABSOLUTELY no follow up. Does not return calls, emails, missed coaching sessions. His record keeping is non existent, his "employees" don't have a clue what one another or he does or has said. It is usually total chaos. He is one of the most immature people I have met in a long time. Basically everything he pretends to be he is not, he is actually the complete opposite. He should be in jail for the lying, cheating, and money he has flat stolen.
4631 days ago by Mike427copo
***Just a note from a Muscle Car Dealer and Real-Estate investor in Arizona.***
I can speak for myself and tell you JT Foxx is a great guy, speaker, coach and business man. I have had the chance to meet him personally, have dinner with him, listen to him speak, he has coached me on some very large business deals, and was able to look over a real-estate deal with one of his top guys. Be careful of some of this B.S. people post here looking to tear someone down, you can give people the tools but they have too take action! If you do ever get a chance to hear JT Foxx speak, like at his Mega Partnering, you will be blown away, this guy knows his stuff! That being said, I suggest you try to hear him speak sometime or try to get your hands on some of his CD's or coaching calls and see for yourself... JT is really out there making it happen!

Best Regards,
Mike Kaiser, Phoenix, AZ

P.S. Feel free to give me a call with any questions regarding my successful coaching.

My contact info is cell 602-540-3073 or email [email protected]
4631 days ago by Mike427copo
***Just a note from a Muscle Car Dealer and Real-Estate investor in Arizona.***
I can speak for myself and tell you JT Foxx is a great guy, speaker, coach and business man. I have had the chance to meet him personally, have dinner with him, listen to him speak, he has coached me on some very large business deals, and was able to look over a real-estate deal with one of his top guys. Be careful of some of this B.S. people post here looking to tear someone down, you can give people the tools but they have too take action! If you do ever get a chance to hear JT Foxx speak, like at his Mega Partnering, you will be blown away, this guy knows his stuff! That being said, I suggest you try to hear him speak sometime or try to get your hands on some of his CD's or coaching calls and see for yourself... JT is really out there making it happen!

Best Regards,
Mike Kaiser, Phoenix, AZ

P.S. Feel free to give me a call with any questions regarding my successful coaching.

My contact info is cell 602-540-3073 or email [email protected]
4308 days ago by Officereply2
The Canadian Takeover!

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