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Joellina Mini Ranch, JL Kune Kune PIgs, JL Nigerian Goats, Joel and Lina Haygood, Harassers, sick pigs, pig scams, internet
12th of Apr, 2013 by User655215
Please see my FaceBook page for more info @ Mini Ranch and JL Kune Kune Pigs, Owners: Lina Haygood and Joel Haygood 6 Blossom Hill Street Bastrop, TX. (512) 348-6438. I was contacted by many group members and non-group members who have had issues with this person. Both sides were asked to provide proof that what they were saying really happened. I received so much information in my inbox that I spent the last two days mainly reading this stuff. The accusations against her were as follows: 1. She and her husband harass anyone who disagrees with them, or asks questions about pigs they purchase from them, or ask to come to their ranch to see the pigs. That when she was blocked from the people she was harassing Facebook accounts, that she created other user accounts to continue to harass these people and they had to block those accounts as well. 2. She has rescued pigs and then sold them as breeders, even shipping them across state lines without microchips or health certificates as required by the USDA. She also misrepresented these pigs and did not disclose that they were rescues. 3. She has shipped pigs across state lines that were infected with lice (a common problem with pigs) but against USDA regulations to ship in that condition and that pigs were also sold and shipped with mange. 4. She sold a pig that she represented as being born at her ranch to her breeder pigs, but that really came from another ranch in Texas where she was purchasing the piglets she was selling. She refused to give the parent names or birthdate of the pig to the person who purchased the pig and also shipped this pig across state lines without health certificate or microchip, again this is against USDA regulations. 5. That her animals were living in unclean conditions. 6. That she feeds chicken scratch instead of proper pig diet to her pigs. That she is withholding food to keep the piglets small. 7. That she was previously using a local feed store as her address until she was called out on it and will not allow ranch visits. That she meets potential pet owners at Pet Smart and the feed store. 8. Pigs are being shipped under age. 9. That she took pictures from FB off other's pages and then text them terrible things about their pictures and even sent the picture around to other to make fun of and taunt the people she was harassing and their families. During my investigation I was provided with pictures of a ton of inbox messages from FB accounts and text messages that were harassing in nature and that were sent to multiple people by both Lina and her husband. I was provided with proof that some even spent money to block Lina and her husband from contacting them on their cell phones. MULTIPLE people blocked Lina, her husband, and all of her other FB identities from their FB accounts. I contacted Lina and she actually talked with me under several FB user names. In her defense, she did say, when I questioned this, that one account was personal for only friends and family. She never said what the other accounts were used for? She was given an exorbitant amount of time to tell her side of the story and provide proof to back up what she told me. I was never provided with one shred of proof by her. I kept putting off my report to try to give her the opportunity to provide the proof and all but begged her to provide it, yet as of the posting of this report, I still have not one shred of proof from her. My findings are as follow: 1. Lina provided names of references. The phone number to one of the references kept being busy and when I googled it, it was a fake identities web site. I googled the name of the reference myself and called them. It was the person's work apparently and I was told off by them and they refused to give me a reference on Lina and even hung up on me. This same lady was posting on Lina's page last evening and Lina said that was her neighbor. This lady was even posting that she hung up on me and told me off. Yet, she refused to give a reference on Lina. I was also accused of looking this ladies number up by Lina later, even though she provided the ladies name as a reference to me in writing. 2. Another reference, a local feed store, said they could not give me a reference on Lina but that she sure did talk a lot. They did verify that she does buy a lot of supplies there for her multitude of animals. 3. Another lady, who seems to be a friend on Lina's page reported that she has bought 12 pigs from Lina and has been to her ranch. She said she approves of Lina's ranch. I noticed this lady posting a lot on Lina's page too. This lady reports that Lina has been very helpful to her with the pigs she has purchased. 4. The husband, from the reference in #1 above, is a local animal control person. He was also given to me as a reference by Lina. I looked up the animal control phone number myself and called him. He is going to be at Lina's house today at 3. He did verify that there had been previous reports on Lina in the past, but thought her ranch had checked out. I felt he was very defensive toward me and seemed biased toward Lina, a little too much for me to believe he was not somehow connected and since it appears him and his wife are friends of Lina's (Lina even reported that they were her friend and I saw for myself his wife talking with Lina on her page last evening). But, I have to assume since he was in an official capacity when I spoke to him that he should have been honest about the animals well being. He did say he thought her ranch was fine. 5. Enough messages were provided to me that prove that Lina and her husband have harassed these people. Most people asked not to be named but they were willing to talk to me and provide proof. These people are a collection of pet owners, former clients of Lina's, breeders, and some were friends on FB of the people she was harassing. She harassed people with both FB and text messages. Some of the messages were very ugly and threatening in nature. All of the people asked her to stop prior to blocking her. In the messages from her husband he threatens that he is in law enforcement, yet I have no proof this is true. It was reported that he is security for Target, but I did not try to verify that information. She did taunt one lady saying she took her picture off FB and called her and her husband names. It was verified that she sent this picture around to at least several other people encouraging them to use it to harass and taunt. 6. The pictures of the pigs that are on her Joellina FB page show approximately 25 pigs living all together in a pen with very little grass and no shelter, food or water shown. There are pigs of all sizes and there is no way that she has a controlled breeding environment if this is her breeder pigs. I have not been to her ranch to see for myself and she refused to provide proof with other pictures that there was shelter. 7. At least one pig that she got from a petting zoo was sold to a breeder in California, shipped across state lines pregnant, with no USDA health certificate or microchip. The person buying the pig did not know the pig had been a rescue from a petting zoo. 8. Lina harassed the lady that wanted to know the birthdate of her pig that she purchased from Lina and this pig was not raised by Lina even though Lina represented the pig as one of her own stock. 9. Lina was contacting multiple breeders trying to start drama between the breeders. There was enough evidence of her messaging people to prove that she had some sort of motive and those that did not cooperate with her she began to harass and they too ended up blocking Lina from their FB or cell phone. 10. She has advised clients to feed chicken scratch and that is what she provided to new pig owners with their pig. 11. There were verified reports of people receiving pigs with lice but I could not find anyone to confirm that pigs had mange when received. In summation, I can not say that the reports of Lina abusing animals is true. One local animal control person, who Lina provided the name for and admitted is a personal friend to her and her husband, says her ranch has checked out in the past. The pictures on her FB page do not look like good conditions to me and many others but I can not say that animal abuse or starvation is taking place at her ranch. There is way too much proof of both her and her husband harassing many, many people that I have to conclude that this accusation to be 100% true and I believe may be the driving force behind a lot of the on going drama on FB that is currently taking place. By the end of my investigation I even ended up blocking Lina because she started trying to harass me. Lina herself told me that she does not have to follow USDA standards because she does not sell pigs for food. That is not my understanding of the USDA regulations so I do believe there is enough proof and by her own admission, to show that she is not following USDA regulations when pigs are being shipped across state lines. Pigs she has rescued have been sold as breeders, pigs she has sold and represented as pigs she has raised obviously came from another breeder. She did take FB pictures of another person and harass them with the pictures calling them and their family members names in text messages. There are many, many complaints about her and her farm on multiple company sites on the internet. Ripoff reports had multiple reports as well as two other sites. The reports do not look to be from the same person so I believe multiple people made the complaints. Lina also calls herself a HOBBY ranch and calls her animals her COLLECTION. If she is indeed a hobby ranch then she should not have any profit off of these animals yet she repeatedly told me that all these reports were hurting her business and means to make money. Conclusion: I would be very careful if I decided to purchase a pet from this person. You should check her out on the internet and insist on visiting her ranch. While her animals may or may not be healthy, you may not be assured you are getting a piglet from parents o her ranch or that she has any idea on their blood lines. It is guaranteed that if you cross her you will be harassed and she will not stop until you are forced to block her.

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