Jio Lucci Jivanni Lucci Coach Jio Lucci Quarterback Conman Beverly Hills, California , California |
8th of Dec, 2011 by User510335 |
Curiously, Jio Lucci the Quarterback Conman complains how he's been wronged but doesn't address the issues of rent evasion $2,199.00 and the $1,700 of missing items post his rental, porn pay view movies, utility bills and the filth he left behind when he ran out on his lease. He spouts he's "Playoff Ready" what he really means he's scam Ready. He owes a lot of money I'll post the lease next week; The week after that I'll post his emails; The week after that his text messages; We'll see how the cry baby conman responds. The week after we'll post the civil complaint, and eventually a video where he's served with the complaint; We'll also publish his written threats. Its important to expose him for what he really is Jio Lucci the Quarter Back Conman. We'll keep this in the public eye and publish regular reports of how the case is proceedings. If you've been ripped off by Jio Lucci too please let us know. |
Dec 10 2011
Jio Lucci / jio lucci is a VICTIM AGAIN. Google has been notified and the internet authority will order these people or persons to STOP. STOP the malicious False posts. These person (s) are trying to extort money from Coach Lucci, threaten to post FALSE DOCUMENTS and False REPORTS. They used a Company, paid for it to SLANDER.
United States Section Code 230 intent to reckless disregard : Definition: SLANDER.
Coach Lucci has no recourse but let the Law handle it. It is Ironic that very positive news came out last week on Jio Lucci, and now someone is trying to destroy that.
These predators hurt peoples families also. Coach Lucci is a family man and his wife is very ill and this harassment from these persons just make it worse. They hide behind the internet to hurt.
These DISPICIBLE people will do ANYTHING to harm a persons reputation. The Post False Documents, Phony Doctured Documents, false e mails. They are basically sick people but hard to catch.
Jio Lucci 12-10-2011 Victim of Internet Identity theft: These people STOLE COACH LUCCIs Identity and are USING IT on the internet.
Peter F. Internet Authority /
Jio lucci : VICTIM
Coach Lucci family is under a lot of stress due to this person who has a vendaetta, trying to extort money for Coach Lucci,
Going to post more malicious content
Authorities say even if there was a problem of a dispute, this person has gone way “BEYOND THE REALM” of the dispute to try and SLANDER Coach Lucci.
Its wrong, its sick, its unethical, : They paid a company to CONTINUOUSLY post and paid them to do it. Paid them to post derogatory remarks.
Coach Luccis family member is very ill that had 2 strokes and these “vultures” do not stop. They are basically sick people.
They will do anything to make them look correct and try to attempt to defame and defraud a reputable person. Their posts are so childess, it really reflects that they are some very sick person |
THE PERSON WHO IS POSTING THESE MALICIOUS POSTS AGAINST JIO LUCCI is basiclly a SICK Mental person most likely to have come out of a Mental Hospital or psychiatric ward. They Are Direct TV Con artists and piracy masters that are sick
Jio Lucci is a victim
No one cares of you 2100 dollar enquirer garbage: Get A Life you sick person:
get A life |
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