Jason Goddard aka: Gary jackson, Gabriel Goodman, jason scott goddard, etc
Scam: Film UNPHAZED which he has been casting for since 2000 and never filmed any scenes.
Jason Goddard has been casting for a feature film in los angeles california for over 10 yrs. Claiming to vulnerable cast that he is the producer/director/writer via godspeedmotion2pics but the film has never been made.
He started this scam in 2000 on my space until myspace blocked him. Now he is on facebook promoting a fake feature film called UNPHAZED. He holds castings in old buildings, in hotel lobbies, over the internet, via skype or takes video tapes from youtube. Most people he just says call him and they get cast in the film without auditioning.
Once you are in the cast he calls you asking for you to wire him via western union money usually $100-$200 for things he says he needs like computer stuff. He may promise to mail you a t shirt or sweatshirt if you will send him money but after you wire him the money you never receive anything.
If you question him about a contract, promo pictures, or verification of filming that is being done or refuse to wire him money he will remove you from the cast.
He holds charity events for cancer, aultism, etc but will not invite the an actual charity chairperson to the event nor will he give you the exact name of the charity rather he requires all donations to be given to him via cash or made out to his name.
At one point jason was posting UNPHAZed SAG casting but it was not sag and he got in trouble for that and had to remove those casting fb pages from the internet for false representation.
Please remember a legit Film production will never ask cast or crew to put in money for a film you are cast in. If a producer claims to have sponsors and film crew but asks you for money like jason goddard does then it is a SCAM.
Also if the person hosting a charity event cant or wont tell you the actual name of the charity event and give you the chairperson name involved so you can verify rather than just a general "cancer charity benefit" then it is a scam.
Also never give cash or write a check to an individual hosting a charity event, rather write a check or give a cashier check to the name of the charity or chairperson of the charity.
Jason Goddard is a Scam Artist, a con, who is homeless, requires potential cast to give him money to stay in the film that has never been made and will threatena person if they act like they are going to report him.
He has "NO OFFICE" , will not provide a residential address, and does not have a driver's license. Always asks people to put storage units etc in their name so he can store his stuff rather since he doesnt have a perm. address.
Please be aware that UNPHAZED and Jason Goddard is a scam.