ITT Technical Institute ESI 46000 for a Useless Education Internet, Internet |
7th of Sep, 2011 by User405388 |
I enrolled at ITT TECH in Norfolk, Va in September of 2009. I just completed my so called education with the school and I graduate with a 4.0 GPA on September 27, 2011. When I went through the tour with the recruiter, I was told that ITT was a Nationally Accredited College and I specifically asked if my credits were transferable to a University and I was told yes. Around my 6th semester out of 8 semesters, I started researching which college I wanted to transfer to, so I could get my Bachelors in Architecture and to my dismay, no college with the exception of Devry University would accept my credits. ITT is not a Nationally Accredited college as they lead you to believe. I have been searching for a job for 2 years since I started at this place and I am still unemployed. Their degrees are useless except to local companies that they have built relationships with and basically if you don't kiss your chair's ass and the career services rep's ass, then you have no chance at all to get into these companies. My chair was one of the most useless people I have ever met, who ran around school chasing the skirts and if you didn't have a set of breasts, then you were nothing to him. Now you would think someone who graduates with a 4.0GPA and Highest Honors would be so proud of the education that he is receiving, but honestly I dont feel proud of this education, even though I worked hard to maintain the 4.0GPA. I cant continue my education unless I start from scratch and the ass kicker here is I am 43 years old. I wasted 2 years of my life, caused problems in my marriage and now I am left with a useless piece of paper and no wife. I cant spend another 4 years trying to get the degree that I should have received from this useless school. Whoever is reading this.....I am not the only one from my school. There are plenty of students who learned late in their education that they just wasted alot of money for nothing. I would NEVER recommend going to ITT Tech and paying that kind of money for a education that will not allow you to expand on, unless you go back to one of their schools. It's pitiful that our government still allows this to take place. I was ripped off for 46000 and I still have to pay this money back and I have no recourse against ITT to recoup any of my monies. Another thing, I found out late in my education is that a normal college will allow you to receive your loan monies and scholarship monies and you pay the school directly, but not ITT. You have no choice but to sign your rights over to them so they receive your monies directly. And if you ever were to receive a credit back, you have to go through hell and high water to get it back. People with the GI bill are supposed to receive their Pell grants and they have to basically beg to receive this grant fromt he school. I am not one of the fortuante ones to have the GI Bill but if I had the GI Bill and this happened I would be contacting the federal government and filing complaints against them so they stop allowing them to take advantage of these students who our taxpayers are paying to go to a worthless school. This is a school that should be shutdown for unfair recruiting practices. One good thing I can say about the school is a few of the isntructors in there were at least in the field that I was studying so real life could be applied to the learning experience. I did learn some things from ITT, but certianly not 46000 worth of learning. STAY AWAY! |
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