Consumer reviews and reports on scam companies, bad products and services
ITechline SCAM ! Beware of SCAM
19th of Aug, 2011 by lind frost
i had a similar experience with this company as maria and joe did.

i thought i was reaching acer customer support, explaining that my computer was still under warranty, etc. (which it turns out has absolutely nothing to do with this company, since they are not affiliated with acer) and explaining the computer problems i had been having.

they told me that while my hardware was still under warranty, my software was not, and that acer did not provide tech support for software issues. this was when i began to suspect that they were not acer, so i clarified, asking "so you're not acer, but you're affiliated with them, and they contract the technical support issues out to you?"

and they agreed that yes, this is what they did, but i think this is a lie. i don't think they have anything to do with acer whatsoever, or with any computer manufacturers. but they have misleading links such as: and

so when people search for "acer tech support" or "dell tech support" or whatever other company, their page comes up, as though it is affiliated.

anyway, they told me that i had major computer problems that were so serious that i was lucky that i hadn't lost all of my data already, and that if i didn't deal with it right away, then i could lose all of my data.

they offered me the option to pay $299 for one time service, or $139 for a full year of service, telling me that they were offering the lowest possible rate available.

i hesitated, especially because i have access to free tech support at my school. but they said "are you really still thinking about it? even after we have told you how serious the situation is?". they made it seem as though i was in extreme danger of losing all of my data at any possible moment -- that it was remarkable that i still had it at all, and that i had to act immediately if i wanted to save it.

they told me that they had to rebuild this and repair that, etc. in order for my computer to continue to work and for my data to be salvaged. so i agreed to this plan, and they worked on my computer remotely, mainly just running anti-virus scans, which i could have done myself for free or near-free, and definitely didn't seem worth $139.

but i thought that maybe this was just the initial step, before all of the major reconstructive surgery my computer supposedly needed to undergo...

so i was still thankful that my precious data was saved, and just accepted the loss of the money as necessary, and far preferable to losing all of my important data.

so i wasn't that suspicious til they sent me back to their site to do some further work, and i saw that there was an advertised special of $199.95 for pretty much the same service as i had paid nearly double for.

i called them, thinking that i could get them to honor this lower advertised rate, but this was completely pointless, because they refused, telling me that i wasn't eligible for that plan, and that plan was not for serious problems like mine, but only for minor "optimization" instead. of course, the website says nothing like that, only distinguishing between "personal", "personal plus" and different "business" plans. but then they assured me that this service is no longer available, and that i couldn't possibly have signed up for it. but when i clicked the link, it took me to a sign-up page.

so it obviously was available, and i pointed this out, but they kept assuring me that it was not, which i did not believe. they said that had yet to update their website, to reflect the accurate rates, since this lower rate was not available (though supposedly, it still was just 5 minutes before, but i was simply "ineligible" then *eye roll*).

i don't see any excuse for a tech support company to have an outdated webpage. but no matter what i said, the supervisor kept telling me that they do not lie (which i had never outright accused them of, so his insistence made me suspicious), and that i had payed the lowest available rate, and that they were a legitimate company that had done good work on my computer.

but unlike a legitimate company, they absolutely refused to refund the difference to match the lowest advertised rate, and told me that anyone else i spoke to there would tell me the same (by this point, the supervisor was nearly yelling at me).

in any case, it is clear that this company tries to gouge customers for basic services, by using high-pressure, disingenuous, and manipulative sales tactics. that's obviously how they make their money. i'm just thankful that, unlike maria, i didn't pay $500!

they might have done some good for my computer, i don't know. but i definitely believe that this company uses misleading and fear-mongering techniques for gaining sales, and i suggest that you steer far clear of them.

also, unlike the company's rebuttal to maria's report states,ITECHLINE did not use paypal to process my financial information, nor did they have a supervisor handle my information. they simply have the agents ask for it. so i am getting a new bank card issued, and my bank said that while it is too late to reverse the charges, they will file an affidavit against this company (though i have no idea whether this will be successful, since it is based out of india).

so don't make my mistake -- check ripoff report BEFORE getting sucked into this and losing your money.
4950 days ago by Frank.gallaro
Hi There,

I do not agree with your comment. I am a user of their services since last one month. I subscribed for the services on my two computers and for a laptop of my wife. First time when I called them I was receiving a popup on my screen "w32 blaster worm". They guys resolved my problems on all the three computers. Once I received a blue screen (this is what they call it) error, they worked on my computer (with me) for 5 hours in a row and resolved it. Recently my wife was not able to install iTune on Vista, they guys worked on her laptop and resolved it. So, I am very happy with their services.

-Frank Gallardo
4938 days ago by Linn Hammergren
Just had a similar experience as they claimed they were certified for McAfee service and of course preyed on my urgent need to get my anti-virus installed in two computers. Should have looked them up first, as they obviusly do this kind of thng all the time. And I still have no copy of whatever it is they sold me although I suspect the "service provided" to eliminate all kinds of scarey viruses was completely unnecessary. Anyone have any idea as to how to stop them in their tracks?

4936 days ago by ColinMcMahon
I had an old computer that hadn't been used in over a year. I called ITech and was totally satisfied with the service that I received. John Dykes rendered professional, courteous and friendly service and follow up and got this old computer working like new (almost:) I would recommend ITechline to all my friends.

-Mary Hicks
4936 days ago by ColinMcMahon
ITech line is a great company! they are helpful and they didn't just say I need to buy something, they explained the problems to me and told me what my problems were and how to fix them. My representative was calm and helped me stay calm when I was panicking. He was one of the only tech support calls I have aver actually enjoyed and found help full. I will be a customer for life!

Colin McMahon
4936 days ago by ColinMcMahon
Hi Everyone,

I wrote a new report for iTechline.

Please go to the link:

4922 days ago by Jellybean
If you 're in need of some comic relief, take a look at "Mr. ColinMcMahon's" NEW AND IMPROVED REPORT on apparently the new love of his life, a computer company ( iTechline) .. a remote internet con service based in India which he now seems to worship. But then, when he's raking in the kind of money he is (or they are), he can afford to sit back and waste his time writing glowing reports about the company he's no doubt affiliated with.

You may well be talented Mr. McMahon, or Alex or whatever alias you go by, but you haven't proved it by me.
I resent the fact that you took $99.00 from my struggling animal non-profit organization simply to install software which I could have obtained myself for free from the internet .. (had I needed it which I did not ) and oh, did I mention that you never fixed my CD/DVD drive which is why I contacted Microsoft (or ... unfortunately for me, iTechline ) to begin with. ( Is there anyone you're not linked to? )

The report by Lind Frost (above) and others are entirely accurate. I have yet to hear back from the "Supervisor" I requested to speak to regarding even a partial refund. ( I was actually willing, at the time, to split the difference). Now I will just attempt to see that Itechline is discredited as it should be! BEWARE

Diana Lynn
Upstate New York
4910 days ago by Sincere79
Itechline is a SCAM!!!

My name is J. Brown and I called your company(Itechline) on the 6th of October. I originally spoke to a woman named Janet who stated that you were affiliated with Dell(this I later found out to be a lie) and told her that I had a virus on my computer that was causing my system to move very slow. Janet told me that for $19.99 they would fix my issue within 40-50 minutes(our call started at about 9:00am Eastern Standard Time in the United States). After this Janet transferred me to a manager who tried to sneek pass me that the price was actually $99.99. The two of them went back and forth for a minute and then came to a final fact that it was $99.99(this should have been my clue to NOT use your company). I work from home and having a computer is vital, I just wanted the issue fixed and decide to proceed

I was told that after me and Janet hung up and technician would remotely access my computer and fix my issue. Within 5 minutes someone accessed my sytem remotely and began to erase alot of data. for about 10 minutes I watched him erase and scramble through my system. After this, the technician sent me a message letting me know that he would be restarting my computer. He restarted my computer and this would be the last time that my computer would have internet access. At first I thought it was a issue with my internet provider and called them to fix it. They rebooted my modem several times and then had me put some codes into run to see if my computer was connecting to the internet. After putting in these codes they came to the realization that my computer was the issue, NOT my internet access. I immediately called Itechline to let them know that whatever they erased from my computer is now casuing it NOT to access the internet.

When I called itechline back I was put on the phone with a technician who sat on he phone with me for about an hour and a half giving me different configurations trying to get my computer to access the internet. The technician who was on the phone with me had no idea of what he was doing and apparently this goes for the technician who originally accessed my computer and erased important data. This technican was speaking to 2 other what I assume to be technicians(I cant tell you what they were saying because they all spoke a different language) and none of them could remedy this situation I kept getteing Erronr 1075: The dependecy service does not exist or has been marked for deletion. He was tryingto get the DHCP Client Propeties to start and it would NOT. He then asked me if I had a repair disc and I stated no I did not. He stated he could not help me without a repair disc and this is when I got angry demaded a refund from your company and decided to go elsewhere(keep in mind that it is now 12:30 and this issue was suppose to be fixed in 40-50 minutes). I was transferred to another agent about my refund and she proceeded to ask me more questiosn about a repair disc. IF I HAD A REPAIR DISC, I WOULD CERTAINLY NOT BE ON THE PHONE WITH YOUR COMPANY. She stated that they didnt charge my account and that a refund would not be needed. I immediately checked my account and saw that a charge from itechline for $99.99 was processing, she then apologized and stated she would work on the refund( I finally stopped processing today and now have my money back, after almost a week).

I immediately took my computer to The Geek Squad at Best Buy. The technician there cleaned my computer completely and for almost 4 hours of repairing, restoring and rebooting he could not get my computer to access my computer. He was unclear of what your companyy erased or had done to my computer but he had tried everything he possibly could and could not get my computer back online.

I missed an entired day of work because of this issue and was not willing to miss another one. The next morning I purchased a new computer (my receipt is attached). I called your company back to let them know of this issue and I have gotten the run around since.

I went online and found out that your company was based in Bethesda MD, but everyone that I have spoken to is from India, I have asked several times to speak to someone in the home office, no one knows the phone number, I am transferred from person to person and I have been hung up on numerous times. I have spoken to Sam Franklin a couple of times, he told me someone would call me back from the Maryland office and this still has not happened. I have called everyday since this has happened an I am only given 3 numbers:

888-634-4288 (Customer Service in India)

888-866-2025 (Technicians in India)

888-296-5002 (Managers in India)

I have to explain my sitatuation to every agent I talk to at Itechline because they dont keep notes well. Today I spoke with Matt Warian who's real name is Avtar Singh, he told me that he was with the finance department last week, but today he told me he was a manger for the technicians. He stated that I need to send a email request for the phone number to the Maryland office (please consider this my request) and that he need a letter from the Geek Squad because how would they know if I'm not lying, even though my reciept for a new computer is clearly within 24 hours of talking to Itechline in which I had internet access at the time because they were able access my computer remotely(if I didnt have internet access they would not have been able to do this and would not have charged my account $99.99).

Matt Warian laughed and expalined that I would not be getting anything from there company, talked over me and interupted me several times. This has been the worst experience I have EVER had dealingwith a company.

I have been told so many lies from this company and no one seems to want to remedy my situation. I had to buy a new computer because of you, if I had went to the Geek Squad first my computer would have been fixed for $29.99 and I would not have had to spent more than $600.00 for a new computer.

I think your company should share in the cost of my new computer and I think the original technician who worked on my computer should be giving a training class because he/she does NOT know what he/she is doing.
4753 days ago by Miketa
My name is Michael A.I have the same problem with Itechline 2 days ago, they lied to me pretending that they are Norton tech support company, except, instead of charging $99.99 they asked $199.99 to fix the slow downloading problem, the reason they said. I have spyware wirus in my system bla bla bla bla, if I don’t fix now in 24 hr my computer may crash.
Wooooow scared me.

Well, I guess I don’t have choice than agree, better than I trash my computer, and I let them access remotely my comp. to fix, mean time, by advance they charge on my C/C $450.00 to clean my 3 computers.
The Dell computer was the main problem, the 2 others was working no problem, but they cautioned me to fix the others also, Anyway, they start working with several tech. personals 48 hrs and couldn’t find why the Dell laptop downloading is slow or not downloading Norton 131 mg upgrading program at all.

I gave up and asked them to stop everything as it is and notify them that, I will call Norton directly.
They panicked and start giving me nonsense excuses that, they spend lot of time and they can fix it if I give them more time. I insist to call Norton after I cut their access to my comp. called Norton official site, the Norton technician remotely accessed my comp. in 5 minutes they fixed the problem and start downloading 5mg per sec. instead of 30 kb. Per sec.

What happened $450 that they charged on my C/C?
I was goanna call Itechline for refund, but after I read Mr. Brown comments, I didn’t call them, I called my C/C company, and explained them by detail the situation, immediately they refund my full money.

Note: Do you guys know what is the hourly wage of the best computer tech. or web designers in India?
$ 2
In Us or Canada?
4750 days ago by Willywally5
Total scam ... my son contacted them (he is 12) not knowing he shouldn't do such things, Then he called me when it was time to pay. I'm like, why would we pay these people 149.99 for 'mcafee support' when we just purchased mcafee less than three months ago? The agent was very rude, argumentative and ended by saying that my son better not put any banking info on his computer as it's not secure ... yeah, cuz 12-year-olds have a LOT of 'banking info"! Makes me very nervous he was viewing my son's computer. He told me my mcafee was only appearing to be working because this awful 'infection' had already taken out mcafee. Further, his grammar and English was awful, which also should have been a clue. BEWARE
4735 days ago by Kenf
Had the same problem with Itech. they were to remove McAfee and trojan/viruses did nothing cost me $199.99. I'm currently disputing charge. Another Co. cleaned up everything and also reported what was not done by Itech.
4704 days ago by BullRhino
I called itechline because they advertized themselves as HP technical support. When I got the agent on the line I began to talk to him as if he was from HP because I thought he was. I told him the problems that I had been having getting through to them through the HP chat and HP telephone support, and still pretending to be with HP he told me he apologized but their support computers had been down for about 15 minutes. This sent up a little red flag because the problem with reaching them had actually been over an hour previously. When I explained the problem he immediately started telling me that I had a Trojan and how a Trojan overrides my virus program. After he I allowed him to remotely access my computer he confirmed that I had a Trojan and told me that he would scan for free but if he had to do removal there would be a cost. After speaking to him for a short time after that I got the strong feeling that there was something definitely wrong. I immediately started shutting down my computer, which he could see on his end since he was remotely connected, and as I was closing it down he tried to get me to stop closing it down and said "Thank you for wasting your time and mine." I later got hold of the real HP techs and spoke to them about what happened and they helped me remove the program the allowed itechline to access my computer. itechline is a lieing and cheating scam. I would bet a month's paycheck that every one of the "reviews" that say anything good about itechline is from someone who is somehow affiliated with them.
4688 days ago by Noni
Same thing here on Friday, May 18th, 2012. I thought I was calling Microsoft Publisher to get help getting the pin number to install Publisher on my 3 week old computer. They said they were support for Microsoft and then said they had to do a free scan first. Of course, they found all sorts of viruses on my new computer $199.
I was panicked and shaky and said ok. Then they said they needed to check my old computer which I wouldn't be using any longer and that would be $149. They also wanted me to allow access to my husband's computer and that's when it dawned on me and I googled & saw all of the spam alerts. I feel like an idiot. Ultimately they charged another $149. for nothing and my credit caught it all and blocked it, due to my alerts. I took my computers in to Geek Squad at Best Buy and they checked them out for me. They will work on viruses etc. on 3 computers for $299. for a whole year. Now itechline is calling on both of my phones, including 4:30 am. I am changing all of my passwords and getting new credit cards and my bank has been alerted. I just think it's criminal that they can hack into sites and say they are working for Microsoft, Acer, Macafee, Dell, HP etc.
4674 days ago by Janire2012
This is ridiculous at the complaints on this so called company. I just got scammed on June 1, 2012 just like the rest of you. Charged my account $149.99 and never touched the issue I had/have. I too thought I had the Acer company support line to now realize somehow these people get into everything. I am now wondering what all kind of damaged they have done to my computer. I guess I need my live American tech man to check it out for me after reading all the complaints. This is a brand new laptop computer I have only used a couple hours because of my problem, called them, and was told I had Trogans and hundreds of people trying to hack into my computer. I asked how in the world would a company sell a brand new computer full of crap. I have all the protection needed, but yet they said I had all that junk on it. Also was told how ugent it was to get it done asap and that no tech in the United States could fix my computer, only them. Was told if I did not let them fix it right then, my computer would be of no use and the only thing a tech around here could do is reinstall all the guts again. ON A NEW COMPUTER. My tech (local from United States with a college degree in repairs and security) told me this company had lied to me and were scammers. He said he could have fixed it and probably still can but I told him until I get the hard earned money that I really needed to get my insulin with, I could not pay again right now. I have filed a complaint with my bank because these jokers took no time in trying to get the money out. It is and has been in the pending state since June 1st. And get this, ITECHLINE sent me an email stating the money would be deducted in 3 days AFTER THE RESOLUTION OF MY PROBLEM. Duh, they have been trying to get it from day one but it is on hold with the bank right now while they investigate. I had to fill out surveys everytime they did anything (whatever that was) and I let them know each time how I felt and that my issue had not been taken care of. I sure hope my bank does not allow these people to take my hard earned money for a stupid mistake I made because we all are making the owner of the so called company rich. There aught to be some kind of international law to stop such trash but everything goes in this world today. You just don't know who to trust anymore. Learned my lesson on repairs, only my local tech born and raised here in the good ole USA will touch my computers anymore. I know he is highly trained and has always fixed my problems without charging an arm and a leg. If I should call the maker of my products anymore, they will have to prove to me they are truly the makers before I discuss the problem. Almost ready to send the computer back for a refund. COME ON EVERYONE, LET'S FILE EVERY COMPLAINT WE CAN. EVEN FILE ONE ON THE BBB which they are not a member of (of course not). I have seen some complaints on there, nothing resolved. Maybe contacting your state Attorney Generals Office might be a place to start. Who knows where to turn anymore.
4637 days ago by LLocke
I thought I was calling HP support on July 10, 2012 but ended up with itechline. I had a printer problem. I agreed to pay them $149 still thinking it was HP. I allowed them to take remote control of my computer. They did fix the problem. First they told me they inadvertently charged me $14939 during the remote chat session. Turns out they charged me $1493.99. They told me they reversed that charge (which they did not) and asked to re-charge me $149. The phone numbers all appear to be scams. No remote - no email - nothing. I have a struggling business and this charge really hurts. AG office here I come. I'm worried that they embedded something on my computer so now am heading out to get it checked out. More money. Complete scam.
4622 days ago by RR1
I recently had the same experience as these people have Itechline is a scam operating out of India. How I got connected to them is a mystery as i had called Mccafee from whom I had bort virus protection their sales agent told me that I can get tech support via Mccafee. I called Mccafee evening time USA on 6/3/12 and got connected to Itech line in India as soon as the agent heard my issue she remotely connected to my PC and things began rolling in RED which she stated was a major Virus and I was lucky not to have lost my data. The problem could be solved if I paid $ 199.99 which I did. The tech who was a level two or three tecchnician was to come on line and help me as the previous agent could only diagnose the problem and not solve it. In very basic english the guy took two minutes and said "can I close the ticket", I wanted to check if my PC was working fine the next day but he insisted that I should close the ticket right there and then to which I said ok. The next day the issue was glaring in my face and I had lost $199.99. So I called back to get a refund as I had to have kmy computer fixed here in the USA. The day I called there service was down (conveniently) and when I called back they said ok we will deduct $79.99 and refund the rest. I asked what are you cahrging me for to which a female agent said we are not charging you just deducting this amount as a one time charge for services rendered. To which I disagreed and she hung up on me . I called back same happened with a male agent who threatened me that I would be in great trouble if I did not agree to them. I asked for a supervisor to which I got a reply "Iam above a supervisor" if you do not listen to me I will hang up and he did. I called back nobody picked up. I called McAfee and gave them this information and they said they had nothing to do with Itech lines and the agent said she would take this up with her superiors. I have been given a case # which I have forwrded to my credit card company, will I get my money back I do not know, but BE AWARE ITECHLINES IS A BIGSCAM. RR WASHINGTON dc.
4616 days ago by Grammypam37
I had thought that ITECHLINE was part of HP. Sad suprise...$199.00 to "fix" my problem...when I realized it was another problem, no answer to my calls or emails. Am protesting the charge through my bank. Total scam and rip off...BEWARE!
4611 days ago by Zakasey
I was ripped as well from this company. I called Dell because of a virus in my computer. I was transferred to this ITECHLINE company. They told me I had a really bad virus and for 199.00 I can not onky get it fixed, but they will put a protection on ALL my computers and if I ever get a virus on any computer, it will be fixed for FREE. He told me my coputer was badly hacked. He fixed my computer by running a McAfee scan(which I already owned) and after he was done, I asked him to portect my other laptop. He said someone would call me back(no one ever did). Then he said it was only good for one computer. LIAR, LIAR. Oh, by the way, I had already paid Dell for extra virus protection coverage, which I also told him I had. THIS COMPANY IS THE BIGGEST RIPOFF..DENYING CHARGE ON MY CC..
4601 days ago by Hnshipman
Deleted drivers in my PC when I refused their services... is a complete SCAM and FRAUD
I went to Google in order to get a telephone number for HP Tech Support. I simply wanted help with resetting a password in order to set up HPePrint. The first Google response had the number: 1-888-401.5746. I called the number thinking I was going directly to HP Tech Support. I explained to the Agent-Tana, what I needed. She insisted she needed to connect to my PC to see what was going on, the reason I was not able to sign ito the HP ePrint Center. Thinking they were a trustworthy HP site, I granted permission. Tana went into my cmd window, and began scanning my system settings. At the end, she gave me the story that my PC was in danger, and that I needed to allow them to clean it for a fee of $199.99. I had not been having any problems with my PC up until this moment. I told Tana that I wanted to first see what I could do on my end first, and call them back if I needed help. As I hung up the phone, I could see Tana was still connected to my PC and things began to happen. I saw the PC go into the Safe Mode. At that moment, I began to disconnect the gotomyPC program. I immediately went to my Programs and deleted the gotomyPC program. I restarted my PC in order to try to get it to boot into the normal mode. I have not been able to access the normal mode with my PC since this experience. In the System-Service Control Manager I have error: 7026. Also warning SuperFetch is not running, and in the Event Log for the exact time I was online with itechline: The following boot-start or system-start drivers failed to loas: discache, MpFilter, spldr, and wanarpv6, which are all defined as Kernel Drivers. These files are labeled as: System Attribute Cache, Microsoft Malward Protection, Security Processor Loading Driver, and Remote Access IPv6 ARP Driver. It is very clear to me this company based in India is a malicious FRAUD.
I called the company and spoke with what was supposed to be a Manager named Jason. He insisted everything was a result of my PC having problems, which it did not have until his company connected with it. I think they are totally LIARS. They should be avoided, Google should take the responsibility of removing them from their site, as numerous complaints have been filed against them. HP should take action to insure they are not able to pretend they represent them, and any other company that they use to take advantage of unsuspecting clients with PC problems.
4581 days ago by Grigori Bunimovich
Today I had similar experience. I Tech Line passed themselves for technical support for a company where I recently bought a computer. This system had a minor problem. I called ITechLine number 1-888-634-4288 as this was popped up first in Google search. I granted their "technician" a remote access. After some manipulations with command prompt he declared that my computer had "severe problems with networking", which they could fix for $199. He asked my credit card number and home address (?). I asked they emailed me explaining in detail what for they were going to charge. He refused and passed me to a "manager" who requested again my credit card. Finally I realized who they are and turned the computer off the power. Run out of ITech Line. They seem to a complete scam.
4495 days ago by Deb2
Huge Scam! I am also a victim. Shame on me for letting them enter my PC. BIG MISTAKE! I'd tell my story, but that's a lot of typing!

If you've been scammed, my recommendation is that you log this with the website for cyber fraud. The more complaints they get, the more serious they may take this fleecing we are getting. I am also going to report it to Microsoft, because that is how I got their information. And, I am considering other avenues to pursue them. It is important to rebuke illigitimate claims even if it takes effort on our part. Good luck!

Too bad that iTechLline has to support a negative stereotype for Indians.

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