Internet Miniature Pinscher Service, Inc. IMPS Minature Pinscher rescue and adoption Internet |
11th of Oct, 2011 by User656131 |
In my situation dealing with IMPS, I had a verbal and contracted (written) agreement with the foster home and IMPS. The foster home contacted me before getting my puppy and said she thought it might be $100 more, when I got her the price had not changed from the original. After getting my puppy I was contacted and told that I owed $170 more than the original agreed and told it was a mistake made by the foster home. And why should I be held responsbile? After arguing back and forth with the foster home I reluctantly agreed to pay half the foster homes mistake. To add insult to injury, it has been two months and I still have not received the medical records that were promised to me. Odd considering they can take the time to call me and tell me I owe more money, they have time to deposit checks but they do not have time to send me my dogs medical records so that I can assure proper vet care! IMPS has no concept of business ethics, they are not professional and they could be leaning towards fraudulent! If I didn't love my dog so much I would completely wish I never heard of the company!! |
This IMPS service needs more investigation. I DID get two adorable Min Pins, but the smaller one, a bit over 7 pounds and about 5 years old, was never socialized, and had a severe urinary tract infection that only got worse after the adoption. Her spaying seemed to be botched too, since she was bleeding from the vagina as well as the urethra. She could barely pee for several days, ate ravenously, but drank very little since I adopted her. She was obviously used as a breeder, kept in a crate, never walked or exercised, and cringed when I tried to pet her. When I first got her and held her, she trembled violently and was beside herself for fear that I would hurt her. When I could pick her up and gave her affection, she trembled violently for nearly 10 minutes before she would settle down. She obviously was never loved because she's starved for affection, was clearly abused or treated harshly & would not come to me even when offered treats. She's better, but there's a possibility she has kidney stones and will die soon, despite surgery. The IMPS story, posted on their web site, was that she was found on a busy highway in Miami, and that IMPS paid to have her shipped to a foster home in Dunnellon, several hundred miles away. If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck...etc. This story is fishy from the get-go. The foster home clearly loved animals, they had about 10 Min-Pins and a couple of other dogs of different breeds. The foster house was filthy, my new dog's crate was filthy, and all her bedding, plus the whole house, reeked of cigarette smoke. I would not be surprised if THEY were in fact the back-alley puppy mill that this dog was "rescued" from. Something is fishy about the whole adoption. I paid $200 for this dog, allegedly for vet bills & transportation, plus another $200 for a chocolate Min Pin a "foster Dad" brought up from Port Richey, money well spent because Min Pins are special. But I suspect the "veternarian" papers are forgeries along with everything else. The chocolate Min-Pin was also a breeder, but is much more lovable, being starved for affection for the whole two years of her life. She is apparently healthy, but eats ravenously also. She smelled so bad when I got her, but I could not bathe her until I earned her trust, which took a lot of patience, affection and time. She whimpered during the bath, but was a good baby and let me rinse and dry her. She still smells bad, probably because of poor food, second-hand smoke, and God-only-knows. But I hope to have these two girls to love, spoil, and be loved by them for many years to come. Min Pins will adore you, trust you, play with you and stay close & loyal to you like no other dog. DO NOT LET THEM DOWN. Keep them in your site and NEVER let them out of the house unless they are on a leash, held firmly in your hand. You don't want to see your baby get run down in the street like I did, and have them die, suffering terribly, in your arms. |
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