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Insolvency Guardian Pty Ltd Jarrod Siercocki How Jarrod Sierocki Ruined My Life Beware of Jarrod Sierocki He is a Toxic Conman. Varsity Lakes, Intern
17th of Jan, 2013 by User577524
My name is Brent Thompson I need to tell my story so others don’t get burned and ripped off by Jarrod Sierocki like I have. I now realise that I am not the only personthat has been scammed by this smooth talking rip off con artist. There are countless numbers of people that have fallen victim to his conman ways and have all suffered at the hand of Jarrod Sirocki’s heartless conduct. Before this traumatic experience I did not really understand much about sociopaths and their toxic behaviour and the destruction that their selfishness lack of morals could cause. After doing some reading on the subject I can see that every experience I encounter in my future years I will have the most prime example of this type of person to gauge all others off of. I met Jarrod at a Birthday Party of a mutual friend, I stood at the edge of the gathering and causally chatted to people that came and talked to me, Not far from where I stood Jarrod Sirocki sat at a table and as I remember at the time thinking to myself that he either sounded like a really smart or arrogant person that seemed to be very sure of himself or was he just really smart as he had a comment and answer for everything. As a group of other guests that I knew really well started to talk with me about some of the struggles that I was going through I noticed Jarrod’s attention turn to my conversation very quickly and suddenly became the centre stage of my conversation. He seemed very interested in my life and was very attentive to my struggles and financial struggles. As he took total control of the conversation he very publicly said to me, listen to me Brent, do you want to own your own house one day? I shyly (mainly due to the audience of guests he had drawn in) said yes, I would like to own my own house one day. With that he loudly pronounced to Paul Klerck to bring me into his office and he will fix everything for me and give me a chance at life as if he had some type of almighty god like power. He looked at Paul and said to him, do you want to tell him or should I? Paul said tell him what, Sierocki said I am very connected at the highest levels. I am a Freemason of the highest level I have contacts everywhere, at the time I really did not know much about Freemasons but I thought it was meant to remain a secret between themselves, and was not meant to be discussed or announced like that. I discussed him with Paul Klerck and Paul said look mate he is okay he really is a great guy when you get to know him. I said to Paul are you sure that he has not conned you or brain washed you?. Paul replied, I build the websites and do the SEO and Jarrod does the rest, I am still getting to know him better, sure he comes over fairly aggressive but that's just his personality. The following week we had a meeting that was arranged at Jarrod Sirocki's small Insolvency Guardian office suite in Varsity Lakes. On arrival I thought to myself that the grand speech and all the bravado seemed a little over the top considering the shoebox sized office. He spoke like he was a king at the birthday party and could do anything but somehow this did not seem to gel or sit right especially with the tiny office suite that he ran his business Insolvency Guardian out of. When I sat at his desk to hear exactly how Jarrod was going to give me this great knew life and financial freedom that he painted and promised at Paul’s sons birthday party. I discovered that what I thought was arrogance at the birthday party was nothing in comparison to what was coming out of Jarrod’s mouth at this time. As he over powered my attempts to explain my actual situation as I tried to get across to him my real struggles that I discussed in front of him and everyone that day at the party were not my fault but occurred none the less from my responsibility within my family’s business. Trying to get this across to Jarrod in between Jarrod’s constant smug rants and raves and crazy loud fake laughs about him being a Freemason and the power that this status gave him. All my words were pointless as my words fell on deaf ears. He then proceeded to crack his knuckles and wave his hands in front of his computer screen and keyboard as if he was a magical wizard he began to chuckle out loudly and confidently at how easy it was to wipe my past and as he described give me a clean slate in life within twelve weeks via a Section 73 proposal. He scoffed at a judgement I had against me and claimed how easy it would be to have this removed from my Veda record. He then tapped on the glass partition between his office and the office next to his which I now know to be a completely different accounting company and he said could you print off an invoice for accounting services to be done for me in setting up a trust fund called the Aqua Therapy Trust. I had no idea what he was doing so I asked he said to me Brent don’t you worry about anything you will be able to earn $100k per week, per month or year without creditors or the tax department being able to touch it. I asked if it was legal he laughed it off and said yes don’t you worry about a that either let good old Jarrod take care of it all. Before I was able to remind him that I was on a carer’s pension for looking after my 90 year old grandmother the invoice was produced and in his hands. I was very unsure of what was happening and where I was positioned and looked to my friend Paul who was present in the office for some reassurance. Paul assured me everything was ok and then Jarrod for the first time requested that I put up the initial payment of $5000 to get the process started Paul stepped in and explained that he would make the first payment on my behalf on his credit card as I had no money and this was to be a favour for a close friend me as I am a close friend to Paul. Jarrod requested all in cash as he needed to pay the trustee cash and take care of some friendlies, whatever that meant. I again explained I don’t have that type of cash if I did I would not be in the sh*t financially. I left Insolvency Guardians office with an invoice for $10,000.00, $5000 paid by Paul and $50000 I did not know how I was going to come up with, but with Jarrod being such a powerful Freemason I naively hoped I was in good hands even though alarm bells were going off in my head. As I left the office of Insolvency Guardian that day I did not realise my Jarrod Sioricki nightmare had only just begun. All Jarrod Sierocki’s promises have never been followed through, all he has done is taken my $10,000 and bankrupted me. My credit file remains damaged. Despite many attempts to resolve this with Jarrod who will no longer talk with me as he claims he is to busy running his empire as the head of a National Insolvency practice that employs hundreds of people with offices all over Australia. He put me in contact with a Bernard Neville from Insolvency Guardian and what a joke he is. He is rude and very nasty and all my attempts to get a resolution have failed and have fallen on deaf ears. All Jarrod did was took $10,000 from me and lodged bankruptcy papers with Peter Dinoris of Vincents. Even all my attempts to contact Peter Dinoris my Trustee are impossible he will not take or return my calls. I then tried speaking with Vincents Nick Combis but still no resolve. I know Peter Denoris is a good friend of Jarrod’s because Jarrod told me that his mate from Vincents is the trustee and when he files my bankruptcy and Section 73 that I could still keep my passport and travel overseas if I wanted. I am now taking my case up with ITSA and A Current Affair. I feel that by making people aware of Jarrod Sierocki and the conman that he is, I may save some other people from being ripped off just like I was. After performing a lot of research on Jarrod Sierocki it has come to my attention that I am not his only victim that he has lied and ripped off so many people including Kurt Fraser, John Michael James, Danny McGee, Rick Halstead, Michael and Kerri-Anne Benton, Scott Donald, Some N Fishy or Something Fishy Take Away Helensvale, Maries Pizza and the list of victims goes on. I found outthat he even burned a professional dog trainer Scott Donald with the police because Scott Donald told him he was full of shit and a conman in his office one night after Sierocki tried to convince him that he was a Barrister, Doctorate of Law and Bond Uni lecturer of law. Scott left the office quite upset once Sierocki got Peter Dinoris from Vincents on the phone and got Peter to tell Scott that he needed to listen to him and Jarrod and file for bankruptcy. Scott asked for what purpose I came to you for company advice and now your trying to bankrupt me. Scott asked Sierocki if he was on drugs or just crazy. The next thing he was being wrongly arrested and interrogated by the police all because Jarrod Sierocki contacted one of his mates in the police force and made a false complaint that Scott had a pistol in his bag and was going to shoot his software developer. All lies of course. Whoever Jarrod comes in to contact with he poisons them and tries to convince them into scamming potential clients including ex employees. One of these ex employees Drew Hankin left a good job at Apple to work for Sierocki but after a few short months had to leave because he could no longer deal with Sierocki’s abusive manner towards him or Insolvency Guardian clients, Drew had enough when Sierocki demanded him to fraudulently sign client signatures on service agreements as this gave Sierocki full power of attorney of their affairs. Drew even felt sick in the guts when he found out about Sierocki’s extra marital affairs that he had on the side with a friend of his a young Russian lady Ksenia Chestakiva who managed the Tommy Hilfiger store at Marina Mirage. Sierocki would take her shopping on one occasion he even spent $1000 on a pure white Versace dress for the young lady he would then take her out for extended lunches a Versace that turned into full days staying at a Versace hotel suite whilst his wife and two young children remained at home. I also know for a fact that he maliciously damaged the front of Sass Design studio with red paint a little web and design studio next to his Varsity Lakes office located at 128 Varsity Parade, Varsity Lakes. Why would he do such a thing you might ask, I will tell you why, so he could scare them out of their office, so he could take it over cheap. My best advice to anyone that may be considering using Jarrod Sierocki from Insolvency Guardian is beware of him his lies and misconduct he is evil through and through. He has even started up a web deign company now under the he is claiming he can build professional websites and perform SEO etc the guy is total scammer. He also runs a safe work method statement site AUSSWMS mind you all the content for this website was also stolen by Jarrod from one of Rick Halstead’s mates. This guy has never created anything original in his life accept a toolbox on a hand trolley that he had to sell the patent desperately to Danny McGee when he had no money. Danny still scratches head and wonders why he allowed Jarrod to con him in to buying this piece of rubbish, as it is useless apparently. He has even stooped so low as to attacking his ex business partner Paul Klerck with online malicious lies and defamation about him under the blogger name Australian News and Media, seriously what a retard. Apparently Sierocki convinced Paul into building all the websites and doing all the SEO FOC for 50% of Insolvency Guardian but keep in mind Jarrod was getting paid a very healthy weekly wage from Danny McGee from Total Concept Group to perform as the companies GM. Danny eventually told Sierocki to get out of his office, life and business when he realised Sierocki was ripping him off by drawing a weekly wage and not doing any work for TCG just building up his Insolvency Business whilst Sierocki should have been doing quotes and work for Danny he was off ripping off small time husband and wife fish and chip shop owners at Helensvale. I believe that Jarrod also got even with Danny McGee from Total Concept Group by supplying
some very damaging documentation to ADCO that was all falsified by Sierocki to try and dis-credit Danny from getting any future contracts with ADCO, all because he was bitter with Danny after Danny tried so hard to help him out. But wait this gets even better, Danny only gave Jarrod a job because he felt sorry for Jarrod after he lost his job with Rick Halstead of Clipstar Plastering / ASAP Plastering. Because Jarrod was causing Rick all types of dramas and loss of business with building companies like Matrix. Because Jarrod was abusing their top dogs by creating legal claims and stat demands against them etc. Rick needed to execute full damage control and boot Sierocki out fast. Rick under estimated Sierocki because in a recent court battle that Rick won against Sierocki he really lost because Sierocki instigated one of Rick’s largest plaster supply companies to issue unwarranted stat demands on Rick’s companies and then Jarrod went and posted a whole lot of articles online on his media websites and in newspapers about Clipstar Plastering and ASAP Plastering. These articles stated that if you are owed money from these businesses he can help recover any money out by Clipstar or ASAP as you can see all he wanted to do was put fires around Rick. Obviously he set this up via another one of his aliases. I believe that Rick has nearly lost everything he has worked so hard for all his life because of this. So as you can see Sierocki is truly a toxic person, total evil black blood. Paul and I don’t talk that much these days because he feels somewhat partially responsible for my situation and I believe Paul is still trying to recover financially and mentally from his Sierocki dealings. Paul has had to install CCTV cameras around his home because he has had people knocking on his door at all hours of the day and night looking for Sierocki, some of which can get quite aggressive and abusive. I have tried to speak with Paul about all this but he declined to comment due to the fact that he has filed police complaints over this and against Jarrod Sierocki and all this will be going through the courts now because of the defamation of character Sierocki posted online about him. My name is Brent Thompson and you can contact me on Ph: +61 402 140 356 if you have been conned by Jarrod Sierocki and Insolvency Guardian. The more victims that step forward and speak up the faster we can stop his trail of terror and destruction.
3965 days ago by Avery Schlacter
I've had a lot of friends that have gone through similar problems. You really have to be careful with the people you trust. When it comes to con artist they can be very persuasive but you have to do a lot of background research to know what you're investing in. <a href='' > </a>
3494 days ago by DavidB123
It is funny when you read this, and other stories the this Jarrod Sierocki was found to by innocent but from all the research have done he fails to by the innocent one. I believe the courts may of got this wrong maybe a case this Siericki had a bigger budget to throw at this case than that of his victims after all they were bankrupt bankrupted by him.

I for one minute don't believe this Sierocki is 1, innocent nor the victim but the cause of so much grief and financial hardship for his victims from the reading and research I have done, it appears this guy has been scerwing people over for years because that his the type of scum he is.

I know for a fact that he is a wife basher and talks and treats his children like soldiers and god help them if they just try and be kids. If you knew the same Jarrod Sierocki that I know then the victims had it rift and the supreme court judge was a total idiot and made poor judgement decisions he was probably one of Jarrod Sierocki's Freemason mates they are all filthy and corrupt as well.

Name withheld out of own safety as Jarrod Sierocki is an unstable vial revengeful pig of a man.

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