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Ingenio - Keen
Ingenio - Keen psychics online psychics KEEN PSYCHICS ARE SCAMMERS THEY SHARE INFORMATION Internet
11th of Jan, 2011 by User554668

4855 days ago by Hi There
I agree. I often see, in the feedback comments, where callers were told the same "predictions", and even where different psychics will read the same pre-formatted "prediction" to their callers - this is based on what callers note in the feedback sections, which is helpful to other callers before they even waste their time and money. Also, there are psychics on there with more than one alias, but posing as different people.

Regarding sharing information, this is also true. The psychics have the option to form and join groups, whereby they share information about callers. There is also a forum for psychics, although keen does not provide one for the callers. It is a shame, since a forum would be of great help, for keen as well as the callers, instead of callers having to turn to the wild, wild Internet to expose keen's unethical tactics, etc.

Sometimes, the psychics will blatantly give away the fact that they've been given information about you - I had one psychic say to me "you were born on a good day, lucky numbers", which is true, the numbers in my birth date and year are commonly considered to be lucky numbers - which I'd told to other psychics, but not her! And no, she wasn't being gifted, as the reading she told me was also read to other callers, as I learned from going over her feedback later. This woman also snickered to herself as we were getting off the phone - which other psychics had also done, in a way that indicated to me "you're so naive". (*BUT IT'S NOT JUST KEEN WHERE PSYCHICS SHARE INFORMATION ABOUT CALLERS - THEY ALSO DO IT ON CELEBRITYPSYCHIC.COM - where they have a small community of the same psychics over and over - some of them also read on Keen - AND PSYCHICPOWER.COM - BOTH RUN BY A COMPANY CALLED 'THE ZODIAC GROUP', and they are also pretty good about taking you as a joke).

The aforementioned keen psychic (who was given my birth date by another psychic or psychics) also tried to sell me some "spiritual work", which you will find often on keen. Just tell them you'll "pray about it" (unless they can prove they're able to help you better than God can!) and get back to them. And then never bother with them again.

I've even had a keen psychic TAKE A CALL ON ANOTHER PHONE while she was on the reading with me!

And beware when a psychic keeps you on the phone forever. Do not feel bad to simply hang up the phone on them. They are not trying to do you any favor by sucking up your funds until the "you have 1-minute remaining" indicator chimes in, so don't bother being "too polite" not to hang up or otherwise end the call with them. They are not concerned about you!

COPY AND PASTED this very truthful post from RIP-OFF REPORT.COM
[I belonged to a group which conducted many interviews over the past 2 years regarding psychics in general. They are popping up everywhere now because let's face it, we all need money. Keen is dangerous because anyone can proclaim themself a psychic. What I have learned is that very few actually have skills. The above mentioned I have talked to and none to anything except beg for more calls. 'DM' sends clients emails each and every day, talking of spirit and she knows, etc. She just wants the calls people, I've also conducted interviews with former psychics who have been very honest some told me their welfare checks did not cut it, it was easy to take advantage of people, they also told me that many on Keen are in the same position, they possess little or no education, can only do menial type work and will do whatever it takes to supplement their income. Those psychics who give false hope time and time again are more than likely on some kind of state aid, can't work, don't want to work and have learned at a very young age to scam. The best bet is to visit a psychic in person who has been recommended, not any of the above mentioned, please. One is extremely convincing but it is part of her scam, we could all be phone psychics tomorrow, hearing that they are not capable of working and contributing to society rang true, many of them only do readings for a living and they are the ones complaining about government while they are sucking the life out of it on welfare. But keep this in mind, if a psychic talks about a relationship over and over and tells you a fairytale over and over, that is not a psychic. That is a person desperate for your money.

The way they treat each other is disgusting as well. I'll bet if any of you calling every saw these people in person you would run. Please take the advice and do not call them unless it is for entertainment.

The worst ones who will tell you whatever you want to hear and keep you calling back are:

These were the worse, in one instance a woman was told her ex was coming back and he had passed away a year before, if the woman telling her was psychic, wouldn't she have known that?

These people will take and take, they are the takers of the world, they believe something or someone owes them and they do whatever it takes to get what they believe is their due.

Some of you calling may possess good educations and jobs, things these psychics can only dream of and feel justified that you can afford to pay them to listen to nonsense. I was told by a real psychic that one of the above mentioned actually does believe now that she is a psychic, she does not contribute to society except to sit on phones all day. Why then not do telemarketing? IF she cannot go out and work, she can certainly do a telemarketing job.

Because she doesn't collect money per minute, that is why. Please bear this stuff in mind, some of these people are immoral, unethical and have no regard for human life other than their own and their scams will have you believe they care, they are spiritual, they love you, etc. Especially if you get constant emails from them, telling you when they are on, or little supportive messages about sprits bringing you your dreams, forget it, don't listen. It is time you took back your own lives and let these people be responsible for theirs and go out and work for a living like everyone else.]

So while the joke may be on us (callers), when you really look at it, we do not have it so bad, after all, that we have to scam people for money. So let them laugh...and learn what you can from it.
4855 days ago by Hi There
Also worth mentioning is the blog "KEENBASHERS", run by a keen employee or psychic, which lists names of "undesirable" callers and details about how they rate the psychics on keen.
4585 days ago by AnnaMae
"...The psychics have the option to form and join groups, whereby they share information about callers. There is also a forum for psychics, although keen does not provide one for the callers. It is a shame, since a forum would be of great help, for keen as well as the callers, instead of callers having to turn to the wild, wild Internet to expose keen's unethical tactics,

As a former reader at Keen, I can tell you that the groups exist for promotional purposes: Someone starts a group, other people join, and the founder promotes them in exchange for a percentage of their group call revenue. That's all it is...there's no treehouse where they swap notes or bash callers. During my time there I never saw anything like this information sharing you speak of, and if it happens at all, it would have to be between readers who know each other off-Keen in the first place. As far as the forum goes, it's heavily moderated and there's no information allowed that could identify a client. 99% of the psts there are reports of site glitches and the rest are small talk and humorous anecdotes NOT involving callers.

"***** Also worth mentioning is the blog "KEENBASHERS", run by a keen employee or psychic, which lists names of "undesirable" callers and details about how they rate the psychics on keen. *****"

A small percentage of callers ARE "undesirable"...I've had perverts, stalkers and people who only stayed on long enough to say "hello" and then hung up and left nasty feedback. I wish that blog had existed when I was at Keen. You have this platform to vent about Keen...why shouldn't the readers there have a platform as well? Why one rule for them and another for everybody else?

"I've also conducted interviews with former psychics who have been very honest some told me their welfare checks did not cut it, it was easy to take advantage of people, they also told me that many on Keen are in the same position, they possess little or no education, can only do menial type work and will do whatever it takes to supplement their income. Those psychics who give false hope time and time again are more than likely on some kind of state aid, can't work, don't want to work and have learned at a very young age to scam...we could all be phone psychics tomorrow, hearing that they are not capable of working and contributing to society rang true, many of them only do readings for a living and they are the ones complaining about government while they are sucking the life out of it on welfare...Some of you calling may possess good educations and jobs, things these psychics can only dream of and feel justified that you can afford to pay them to listen to nonsense. "

They're not capable of working and they're on welfare but they can manipulate intelligent people out of thousands of dollars over the phone? Not sure where you're getting this "information" but it makes no sense whatsoever.

"I was told by a real psychic that one of the above mentioned actually does believe now that she is a psychic, she does not contribute to society except to sit on phones all day. Why then not do telemarketing? IF she cannot go out and work, she can certainly do a telemarketing job...It is time you took back your own lives and let these people be responsible for theirs and go out and work for a living like everyone else."

Who are you to decide what other people should be doing for work? And a phone psychic gig IS work, make no mistake about it. You have to study your craft for years, be it cards or whatever, and you're interrupted at odd times in your home by people with romantic obsessions towards other people who want nothing to do with them (but they don't want to actually HEAR that. Truth, no matter how tactful, will get you bad feedback here), women who want you to tell them if they're pregnant instead of buying a pregnancy test (in spite of the site rules about not giving medical advice), people who are stepping out on their spouse with their ex and want to know if either one is "cheating", the aforementioned perverts, stalkers, and malicious types, people who expect you to be an all-seeing God and say you're fake if you're not, and people who don't stay on long enough for you to get a sentence out (they'll blame you for that, too), and mentally disturbed people that you're really not in a position to help...just keep hotline numbers handy. The list goes on. It's not all of them, a lot of callers are great people and a joy to read for, but you get the idea. You have to be a bit of a psychologist and confessor-priest, stay on your toes...and develop a very thick skin. Try it if you doubt me.
4585 days ago by AnnaMae
I'm also not sure why you consider harassing people in their homes as a telemarketer a higher calling than being a fortune teller that people call of their own free will, at their convenience. But then your whole post reads like a hatchet job.

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