Consumer reviews and reports on scam companies, bad products and services
IMG Group Co.Ltd
IMG Group Co.Ltd Rachel or Mary, whoever is giving every excuse as to why they have not provided their service Fraud and Scammers - Excuses are their
11th of May, 2011 by User472776
This company has given me more excuses than I can keep track of. Today, they showed me the gold that they had. Their only goal is to get me to drop the dispute. They only had to hit a button and I would drop it. Instead, they require me to drop my complaint. I was told that its their policy that the dispute is dropped first. Unfortunately for them, I have already seen what the produces, which is nothing. (search for complaint on them from December 2010.) At least I saw the gold, and I can continue to file complaints EVERYWHERE about this FRAUDULENT company. NEVER close your complaint until its resolved. These people only try to get the complaint closed so you go away. Not that paypal will do anything but at least I can get my moneys worth by continually posting this! Here was todays session with Rachel: If the operators are all busy and you can't get response for a long time, you can contact us by phone or email.
Phone number:xxx-xxxxxxxx
E_mail:[email protected] rachel 05-12 08:19:39 hi welcome to our live chat,what can i do for u ?^^ You 05-12 08:19:52
G1052011423775048 order from three weeks ago rachel 05-12 08:20:00 ok checking rachel 05-12 08:21:59 plz close the dispute then we will give you gold You 05-12 08:22:34
no, i won't close the dispute....when i get the gold, i will close it. Otherwise, at least I can continue to post negative remarks about your service, which still goes unfulfilled [System message] 05-12 08:23:25 Thank you for your patient waiting!I am typing ,answering your quesiton now,please do not leave. rachel 05-12 08:23:48 plz close the dispute then we will give you gold rachel 05-12 08:23:52 it is our rule You 05-12 08:25:48
sorry.....its my rule to not close a dispute unless services have been provided. So far, all i have gotten from your service is multiple excuses and multiple promises that it will be coming. At least if I don't get the gold as ordered, I can continue to post everywhere of what your company has done to me. Just as the others who have posted before me. Your December client closed the dispute and never got his gold.That mistake wont happen with me. You 05-12 08:26:17
I will eventually get my moneys worth..... rachel 05-12 08:26:28 plz close the dispute then we will give you gold You 05-12 08:26:46
ok, back to my postings..... I think today I will post one with google [System message] 05-12 08:27:36 Thank you for your patient waiting!I am typing ,answering your quesiton now,please do not leave. rachel 05-12 08:27:52 plz close the dispute then we will give you gold You 05-12 08:27:59
no rachel 05-12 08:28:03 i just want to help you You 05-12 08:29:14
you can help me by providing the gold....ONLY then will i close the dispute. So far, I have had 5 excuses about mules, and 4 we are working on it, and 2 we are arranging for it so stay by the phone. At this point, you can help by providing the service you sell. rachel 05-12 08:29:23 you can log in game now rachel 05-12 08:29:36 you will see your gold rachel 05-12 08:29:53 then you will believe me rachel 05-12 08:31:55 if you see your gold is ready then plz close your dispute after we will give you all gold rachel 05-12 08:36:22 plz close it then i will give you gold it is easy You 05-12 08:38:58
that didnt happen. I won't close the dispute until i receive it. I took a snap shot of my acct before opening the trade window and one right afterwards. Still no gold rachel 05-12 08:39:21 if you see your gold is ready then plz close your dispute after we will give you all gold You 05-12 08:41:42
not going to happen. A dispute gets closed when its resolved. Just seeing the gold means nothing. Once again, at least I get the opportunity to post my dispute on as many places as I can find, and as often as I wish. I can't believe three weeks have gone by. UNREAL given your claim of "Avoid being cheated by frauding " rachel 05-12 08:42:25 i just told you truth you can choose You 05-12 08:42:50
not the first time this has happened to a customer. It must be worth it to you to cheat your customers....i choose to continue my complaint and post it everywhere. Thanks for not helping me for three weeks now [System message] 05-12 08:43:41 Thank you for your patient waiting!I am typing ,answering your quesiton now,please do not leave. rachel 05-12 08:44:06 i am not interested in cheating you You 05-12 08:45:12
yeah, three weeks. its real simple, give me what I paid for and I will cancel it.Otherwise, I will just make sure to keep posting and get my moneys worth that way. so much for the 15 minutes to an hour.....WOW [System message] 05-12 08:46:04 Thank you for your patient waiting!I am typing ,answering your quesiton now,please do not leave. rachel 05-12 08:46:54 if you see your gold is ready then plz close your dispute after we will give you all gold You 05-12 08:46:59
i see you have an new complaint online......starting to rack them up
5041 days ago by Kcomplain
I too have had poor experience with IMG Group Co. Ltd. On 17 May 2011 at approx 07:30 CDT, I ordered WoW (World of Warcraft) gold from IMG for delivery on line. Their advertisement promised "prompt" delivery. While I have been on line playing my character everyday I have yet to hear from them. I have sent E-Mails to their address each day asking when I should expect delivery and I have yet to get any response from any of them. I called PayPal and was told I had to wait 7 days before they would accept a formal complaint. My dissatification with PayPal's complaint policy nearly rivals my dissatification with IMG Group. Prompt delivery for other companies is measured in minutes from the time they receive the PayPal payment. Since IMG failed to delivery promptly I think PayPal should have acted immediately.
IMG group is obviously a scam organization. I would strongly recommend that NO ONE have any dealings with this sham company.
5028 days ago by Tanker
Welcome ! If you have any questions or suggestions about our products and services, please feel free to tell us anytime!
Our operators will help your through the live chat or email.

If the operators are all busy and you can't get response for a long time, you can contact us by phone or email.
Phone number:xxx-xxxxxxxx
E_mail:[email protected]

rose 06-01 23:53:28
hi, welcome to our live chat, what can i do for u ?^^

You 06-01 23:53:59
If I purchase 20K gold for echo isles alliance, how long?

rose 06-01 23:54:08

ok checking stock

You 06-01 23:58:46
40k gold

rose 06-01 23:59:07

yes we have now if you buy now hold on chat

You 06-01 23:59:16

rose 06-01 23:59:24


You 06-01 23:59:46
So can I take 30k to an alliance char and 10k to a horde char?

rose 06-02 00:00:27

sorry you cant because you ordered in alloance thank you

You 06-02 00:00:38
okay 1 sec

rose 06-02 00:00:59

ok after you pay it tell me your charac name

You 06-02 00:02:36
How would Blizzard find out if I bought gold?

rose 06-02 00:03:03

we have many orders a day we are safe thank you

You 06-02 00:04:46

Transaction ID: 2LF25247E1720180E

You 06-02 00:05:04
Let me know when you want me to log in

rose 06-02 00:05:13

charac name

You 06-02 00:05:17

[System message] 06-02 00:06:09

Thank you for your patient waiting!I am typing, answering your quesiton now, please do not leave.

rose 06-02 00:06:56

In order to confirm your order, plz send your order message to [email protected] . Thank you !
just an eamil you got from payple

You 06-02 00:07:53

[System message] 06-02 00:08:45

Thank you for your patient waiting!I am typing, answering your quesiton now, please do not leave.

[System message] 06-02 00:11:58

Did not receive your message for a long time, are you beside your computer?

You 06-02 00:12:34
Orderid: G105201161234070

rose 06-02 00:13:15

send it ?

You 06-02 00:13:18

rose 06-02 00:13:44

ok check

You 06-02 00:13:54
check what?

rose 06-02 00:14:19

you send your eamil ?

You 06-02 00:14:49
I sent my email, I copied and pasted my receipt from paypal, and emailed it to you

rose 06-02 00:15:39

but we dont receive it

You 06-02 00:16:34
I copied and pasted your email address to the (To) line, there was no errors on my end

rose 06-02 00:16:40

In order to confirm your order, plz send your order message to [email protected] . Thank you !
just an eamil you got from payple

rose 06-02 00:16:42

In order to confirm your order, plz send your order message to [email protected] . Thank you !
just an eamil you got from payple

You 06-02 00:18:07

Transaction ID: 2LF25247E1720180E
Hello Brad Chown,

You sent a payment of $56.50 USD to IMG Group Co.Ltd ([email protected])

It may take a few moments for this transaction to appear in your account.
IMG Group Co.Ltd
[email protected]
Instructions to merchant
You haven't entered any instructions.
Shipping address - confirmed
Brad Chown
45 Lambert Crescent
St.Albert Alberta T8N1M3
Shipping details
The seller hasn’t provided any shipping details yet.
Description Unit price Qty Amount
World of Warcraft US - (Echo Isles-Alliance) - (40000 Gold)
Item# G105201161234070 $56.50 USD 1 $56.50 USD
Subtotal $56.50 USD
Total $56.50 USD
Payment $56.50 USD
Charge will appear on your credit card statement as "PAYPAL *IMGGROUPCOL"
Payment sent to [email protected]
From amount $56.45 CAD
To amount $56.50 USD
Exchange rate: 1 Canadian Dollar = 1.00088 U.S. Dollars

Issues with this transaction?
You have 45 days from the date of the transaction to open a dispute in the Resolution Center.

Questions? Go to the Help Center at:

Get verified – Pay from your bank account and you're 100% protected against unauthorized payments sent from your PayPal account. Log in and click the Unverified link below your name.

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Copyright © 1999-2011 PayPal. All rights reserved.

PayPal Email ID PP120

[System message] 06-02 00:18:59

Thank you for your patient waiting!I am typing, answering your quesiton now, please do not leave.

rose 06-02 00:19:15

G105201161234070 checking

You 06-02 00:22:42
I'm in game now

[System message] 06-02 00:23:35

Thank you for your patient waiting!I am typing, answering your quesiton now, please do not leave.

rose 06-02 00:23:42
log on game plz, farmer will give u gold soon .

[System message] 06-02 00:28:43

Did not receive your message for a long time, are you beside your computer?

You 06-02 00:29:59
Need me in Stormwind?

rose 06-02 00:30:27

log in game he will talk to you

[System message] 06-02 00:35:29

Did not receive your message for a long time, are you beside your computer?

You 06-02 00:37:31
I've been logged in for 20m now and still nothing

rose 06-02 00:38:11

sorry he is so busy so many orders plz wait plz

You 06-02 00:40:16
You only have 1 guy on deliveries?

You 06-02 00:40:55
I deal with a different gold site and get to wait. lol

rose 06-02 00:41:14

plz wait on the way

[System message] 06-02 00:46:15

Did not receive your message for a long time, are you beside your computer?

You 06-02 00:46:51
3500 recieved

rose 06-02 00:47:02

ok wait

[System message] 06-02 00:52:04

Did not receive your message for a long time, are you beside your computer?

You 06-02 00:53:41
I need a time frame, this getting ridiculous

rose 06-02 00:54:02
hello sir .soooo sry .. for some reason .now our webiste is in a 2h game maintenance .if u have some problem .pls send us an email, and we will solve ur problem asap, apologize for all the trouble !!!

[System message] 06-02 00:59:02

Did not receive your message for a long time, are you beside your computer?

You 06-02 01:07:18
No problems here, just waiting on 36, 500 gold

rose 06-02 01:07:28

ok thank you

[System message] 06-02 01:12:30

Did not receive your message for a long time, are you beside your computer?

[System message] 06-02 01:22:28

Did not receive your message for a long time, are you still beside your computer?if you donot have anyother questions, system will end this dialog automatically.
If you have any questions, please enquire me again, have a nice day!bye for now.

You 06-02 01:23:33
If you guys don't get back online before I go, can you mail it to my toon?

[System message] 06-02 01:24:24

Thank you for your patient waiting!I am typing, answering your quesiton now, please do not leave.

rose 06-02 01:24:45

sorry we cant we trade face to face in game it is more safer

rose 06-02 01:25:22

but you can come when you are free we will eamil you asap

You 06-02 01:25:48
Once I go offline, I won't be back till roughly the same time

rose 06-02 01:26:32

ok we will eamil you asap we will save your gold ok ?

You 06-02 01:27:18

rose 06-02 01:27:50

ok thank you of your kind good night byebye

You 06-02 01:28:25
I could always send you the gold back and cancel the order, right? The guy I usually deal with is lots faster and about 5 dollars more

[System message] 06-02 01:29:16

Thank you for your patient waiting!I am typing, answering your quesiton now, please do not leave.

rose 06-02 01:29:36

we will give you 50k for your waiting

You 06-02 01:29:53

rose 06-02 01:30:22

ok thank you

[System message] 06-02 01:35:22

Did not receive your message for a long time, are you beside your computer?

[System message] 06-02 01:45:23

Did not receive your message for a long time, are you still beside your computer?if you donot have anyother questions, system will end this dialog automatically.
If you have any questions, please enquire me again, have a nice day!bye for now.

You can "save" or "print" this dialog by clicking on the icons below.

Welcome ! If you have any questions or suggestions about our products and services, please feel free to tell us anytime!
Our operators will help your through the live chat or email.

If the operators are all busy and you can't get response for a long time, you can contact us by phone or email.
Phone number:xxx-xxxxxxxx
E_mail:[email protected]

mary 06-02 09:29:34
Hello, may I help you

You 06-02 09:29:57
I was wondering if we could finish the process now?

[System message] 06-02 09:30:47

Thank you for your patient waiting!I am typing, answering your quesiton now, please do not leave.

mary 06-02 09:30:54

char name plz

You 06-02 09:31:06

mary 06-02 09:31:51


mary 06-02 09:33:45

ur gold is ready now

You 06-02 09:34:02
Log in now?

[System message] 06-02 09:34:54

Thank you for your patient waiting!I am typing, answering your quesiton now, please do not leave.

mary 06-02 09:35:25

plz wait a min

mary 06-02 09:37:02

sorry, sir, the guys in charge of collecting golds in the server which you chose told me we don't have gold temporarily.

You 06-02 09:38:29
So last night when I talked to Rose before I ordered the gold, she was unsure when she told me you guys had it?

[System message] 06-02 09:39:20

Thank you for your patient waiting!I am typing, answering your quesiton now, please do not leave.

You 06-02 09:40:36
That explains why she said your server went into 2hr maintenance

[System message] 06-02 09:41:28

Thank you for your patient waiting!I am typing, answering your quesiton now, please do not leave.

[System message] 06-02 09:42:04

Did not receive your message for a long time, are you beside your computer?

You 06-02 09:42:56
How can I cancel this order?

[System message] 06-02 09:43:47

Thank you for your patient waiting!I am typing, answering your quesiton now, please do not leave.

You 06-02 09:48:59
Are you there?

[System message] 06-02 09:49:51

Thank you for your patient waiting!I am typing, answering your quesiton now, please do not leave

Welcome ! If you have any questions or suggestions about our products and services, please feel free to tell us anytime!
Our operators will help your through the live chat or email.

If the operators are all busy and you can't get response for a long time, you can contact us by phone or email.
Phone number:xxx-xxxxxxxx
E_mail:[email protected]

rose 06-02 19:31:51
hi, welcome to our live chat, what can i do for u ?^^

You 06-02 19:32:09
Hey Rose, sorry for earlier. I'm ready now.

You 06-02 19:32:49

rose 06-02 19:33:06
hold on plz, checking:)

[System message] 06-02 19:38:07

Did not receive your message for a long time, are you beside your computer?

rose 06-02 19:38:21
really sorry we have always been letting the gold agent collecting for u, even staying up, to say nothing of daytime .but it is a little difficult to collect all the gold.we will do our best to accompolish your order as soon as we can. so please wait patiently and set your mind at ease when we preprae the gold for u we will call u thank you.

You 06-02 19:41:33
I don't want a phone call

rose 06-02 19:41:54

then email

You 06-02 19:46:02
Can you guys give any at all now?

rose 06-02 19:46:24

not now

[System message] 06-02 19:51:25

Did not receive your message for a long time, are you beside your computer?

You 06-02 20:00:53

You 06-02 20:01:18
so it's going to be a few days then?

[System message] 06-02 20:01:24

Did not receive your message for a long time, are you still beside your computer?if you donot have anyother questions, system will end this dialog automatically.
If you have any questions, please enquire me again, have a nice day!bye for now.

rose 06-02 20:01:35

1 day

You 06-02 20:02:30
It's been a day just about since I placed the order

rose 06-02 20:02:57

so sorry

You 06-02 20:03:07
Can we just cancel it all?

You 06-02 20:03:43
I sent an email to you guys in regards to this and no one responded.

rose 06-02 20:03:46

plz give us one last chance

You 06-02 20:04:52
I find it a bit ridiculous that the other company I deal with gets it to me within 20minutes of my order. I tried you guys because it saved me roughly $5.00

[System message] 06-02 20:05:43

Thank you for your patient waiting!I am typing, answering your quesiton now, please do not leave.

You 06-02 20:05:50
You told me last night that you would have it to me as soon as you guys could get back on the server

[System message] 06-02 20:06:41

Thank you for your patient waiting!I am typing, answering your quesiton now, please do not leave.

[System message] 06-02 20:08:47

Did not receive your message for a long time, are you beside your computer?

You 06-02 20:10:31
If you would have told me last night, you didn't have the gold, before I made the purchase, I would've had it through someone else and I wouldn't be talking to your automatic response

You 06-02 20:11:17
I'm on paypal's website now. Going to file a complaint

rose 06-02 20:11:54

i said more time

rose 06-02 20:11:57

dont push me

You 06-02 20:13:37
I sent an email to you guys. I have saved all the messages in regards to this. They were in that email. I have received no response from any of you. I would gladly take my money elsewhere, but you're not leaving me any options.

[System message] 06-02 20:14:27

Thank you for your patient waiting!I am typing, answering your quesiton now, please do not leave.

[System message] 06-02 20:16:59

Did not receive your message for a long time, are you beside your computer?

You 06-02 20:24:51
I've opened a dispute with paypal over this.

June 2011
5028 days ago by Tanker
whoops...think I pasted too much info
5009 days ago by Zz00d
I don't believe ANYONE has got their gold - this 'company' is just a scam web site. I just got ripped off. I asked them beforehand if they could deliver the gold and 'Mary' said yes no problem. Right after I paid they said their WoW account had been closed, and to wait 5-6hrs for an email. I saved the transcripted, opened a Paypal dispute.

But from what I've heard after you wait a week with your Paypal dispute so you can escalate it, Paypal sides with THEM. I'm guessing they give Paypal enough business by doing so many scams, that Paypal allows them to keep operating their illegal business. There's no other reason I can think of.
4958 days ago by Crappygoldsellers
Ordered from them, checked stock first. They said they had "a lot in stock" pretty quickly, so I was a bit suspicious. I figured a deal might be worth it since their website was a dollar cheaper than the other ones, big mistake. I waited 30 minutes in game for my gold, and then I asked them what the hold up was. They said they were checking, and then not even a minute later they tell me their main account was banned and it would take them a day to get me the gold. I knew this was just some BS so I immediately opened a dispute to show them I wasn't playing around.

A few days later someone replies to the dispute and they say they will call me when the gold arrives.

Two more days later someone who barely speaks english calls me on the phone at 8 in the fucking morning (good thing I have a terrible sleeping schedule, so I was already awake) to pick up my gold. Even before giving me the gold, they insisted I closed the dispute. Obviously I declined.

I'd also like to add that the mule in the game kept trying to trade me the gold directly instead of buying from my store (probably trying to get me associated with the mule, to get me banned). They kept refusing to buy from my store even though it costed them NOTHING at all, and they kept trying to trade me face to face. 10 more minutes of arguing and I finally had it my way, and not even the full amount.

I will never ever ever ever order from here again, I've had better luck at more reputable websites.

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