HUTCH DADDY DOLLA Shermaine L. Hutchins aka Hutch aka Hutch Daddy Dolla of The Bash At The Bay, Scam Artist Hutch Daddy Dolla, a Core |
11th of May, 2011 by User205799 |
SHERMAINE L. HUTCHINS AKA HUTCH DADDY DOLLA BRING FAKE YO GOTTI CONCERT & SCAMS THE CITY OF TOLEDO, OHIO (EXPOSEDIT) On Sunday, December 6th 2009 Shermaine L. Hutchins aka Hutch Daddy Dolla of The Core DJs and teamed up with his southern friends and family out of Mississippi to pull the biggest scam in the Northwest Ohio & Southeast Michigan area. The concert took place at The Zodiac located at 135 S. Byrne in Toledo, Ohio. During the release of the hottest urban single at the time 5 star Chick Hutch brought a FAKE YO GOTTI CONCERT to Toledo, OH. Hutch knew Yo Gotti was going to be in Cincinnati OH on Saturday, December 5th 2009, so he used his Core DJ Affiliation and his radio platform as a promotional leverage to book the act, sell VIP Passes, obtain discounted radio spots, and had his street team to help promote the event online (facebook & myspace) and in the field. To help cover some of the costs, Hutch Daddy Dolla went to a popular rap group in Toledo by the name of The 419ers and asked them to help invest in the concert. Hutch told them that they would received 40% of the door money and they get to get the chance to open up the show for Yo Gotti. In Addition, Hutch Daddy Dolla promised two popular club DJs a return on their money if they invested. Hutch received a large sum from DJ Big Lou The Mayor and then received another large sum of money from DJ Wreckless another DJ who Hutch Daddy Dolla has worked with in the past on different events. For the record this is not the first time these same DJs have gotten burned by Hutch Daddy Dolla. Once the street team went to the internet and hit the street and cars with their flyers, and Hutch put out radio commercials it took no time for the word to be all over the streets, after all Toledo, OH doesnt have the opportunity to see popular urban celebrities. The night of the show, the club filled up quickly everyone wanted to see Yo Gotti, this was the talk of the town. Keep in mind Yo Gottis performance fee wasnt what it normally is because he was already in the area; this gave Hutch Daddy Dolla and his comrades a bigger advantage. That night Hutch put his out of state friends and family to collect the door money. That way, no one could ask to get in for free or so if something went wrong, no one could identify the door person because they arent from Toledo. Hutch spent his first two hours holding his head down in VIP with a weird look on his face that night. His Bash At The Bay team members continuously asked was everything okay with him. Everyone knew something was wrong, everyone figured maybe he was just stressed because his staff assumed he was running the whole event by himself, as he lead everyone to believe. After Hutch Daddy Dolla left the VIP area he went over to the main stage to finally address the large crowd. Moments later the mic was given to TJ Caz of Green Team Promotions or (GTG). TJ Caz begin to MC the event and brought the unsigned artists out to open up the show, this included The 419ers. Following that, Hutch Daddy Dolla pulled a disappearing act, He vanished into the cool of the night as just like a villain. His staff assumed that he went to get Yo Gotti form the hotel but that simply wasnt the case. Two hours into the event T Page, former Publicist for The Bash At The Bay made numerous to calls Hutch Daddy Dolla because it was getting very close to show time, but conveniently Hutch Daddy Dolla turned off his phone. The apparent problem was that, Hutch Daddy Dolla didnt have the full amount for Yo Gottis performance fee; Hutch only could afford the deposit, which was half of the monies owed. Hutch Daddy Dolla left the venue once he realized he wasnt going to be able to come up with the other half of Yo Gottis payment and he couldnt explain that to a urban crowd of over 600 people. Shortly after Hutch Daddy Dolla left his own event, his friend and family who collected the door money ran into a all black van to took off. Conveniently, at that same time a small fight broke out inside and outside the club, just as if it was instructed or rehearsed. Toledo Police went into the venues and shut the club down. We believe Hutch had everything strategically planned, and pre- calculated on how he would come out on top. We believed Hutch Daddy Dolla knew that he would have to have a legally reasonable excuse to have the club shut down. We believe Hutch Daddy Dolla purposely had these small fights break out and the club shut down on purpose. For the record, Police dont just shut a club down for a small fight. But it all makes since. 1. A Fight breaks out 2. Someone calls the Police (I wonder who)The 3. Club gets shut down 4. The ARTIST (Yo Gotti) never has to make an appearance. (This is a typical scam tactical janky promoters use if they cant really afford to pay an artist) Meanwhile, after Toledo Police cleared out the club, about 7-event security was left unpaid for services rendered. DJ Big Lou The Mayor went into his own pockets and paid a few security guards out of his own personal money and said he would try to do what he could. The other remained security guards noticed Hutch Daddy Dollas vehicle, which was parked in front of the main entrance and took their SUVs and so they blocked Hutchs Daddy Dollas car in then waited for Hutch to return. A call was placed to Hutch notifying him of his car being blocked in, moments later Hutch was dropped off at the venue in a different vehicle. As Hutch walked near his car you could see the intense of angry security guards, it looked as if they were going to knock him out. There was a bunch of yelling etc, someone Hutch Daddy Dolla was able to manipulate and defuse the angry guards and told them he was there to pay him, Hutch took the guys to the side and paid each of the guards for their services. That night fans took to twitter and asked Yo Gotti why didnt he perform he stated, My people told me the promoter didnt have the bread. Despite Hutch Daddy Dolla scams he was the promoter for the concert, and that can be verified by Yo Gottis Road Manager Brandon Mimms The next day, on December 7th 2009 Hutch Daddy Dolla, took to the air waves at WJZE HOT 97.3 to make an attempt to clear his tarnished name, due to self inflictions. He made the announcement that was not my event, I was just hired to promote it, if you want to get a refund on call this number Hutch then begin to say Why would I scam Toledo and then do a The Bash At The Bay a free concert Nevertheless, the fans that went to the event never received a refund from Hutch Daddy Dolla. Regardless, of Hutch Daddy Dollas weak announcement some fans that paid their hard working dollars wanted to show Hutch Daddy Dolla a lesson for coming into Toledo and pulling a scam like this, but it was because T Page the former Publicist for The Bash At The Bay that, and the other loyal members of The Bash At The Bay, thats the reason why Hutch Daddy Dolla never got hurt. Meanwhile, on the other hand, The 419ers had to force their hand and assert their position to make Hutch pay them for taking their money and skipping out. Over a period of 7 motnhs Hutch begin to make small payments to The 419ers, DJ Wreckless, and DJ Big Lou The Mayor Shortly after the fake Yo Gotti Concert or No Gotti Concert as the City of Toledo calls itHutch Daddy Dolla was FIRED from HOT 97.3 In my conclusion, I want it to be made clear that everything in wrote in the letter are facts, and are based off real live events, and conversationa, nothing was altered and we are ready for any legal ramifications. Another fact is, Hutch Daddy Dolla aka Shermaine Hutchins created the flyer, my questions if this wasnt a scam why wouldnt he place his name on the flyer or why isnt the promoters name on the flyer? How can fans get their money back if the show was a flop? TAKE A LOOK AT THE FLYER FOR YOUR SELF & VIDEO FOR YOUR SELF FLYER & PROOF OF THE SCAM FLYER :: Sunday, December 6th 2009, Yo Gotti Concert (No Gotti Concert) VIDEO :: Sunday, December 6th 2009, Yo Gotti Concert (No Gotti Concert) |
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