14th of Apr, 2011 by User778157 |
On Saturday Jan. 29th 2011 we called on a 2005 Pontiac Grand Prix with 93000 mls. Following the phone conversation we headed to the lot to buy the car on the note that it was priced to sale for $8,000. Test drove the car and decided to buy after assuming everything was in proper working condition. A down payment of $1, 200. was required for the loan but we decided to put $2,000 down to make our payment lower. (witch it did not) After the filling out of the paper work they presented to us to sign the loan amount stated we were being financed for over $12, 000. They said the reason being was they had to add additional fees to get us approved for the loan. In desperate need of a car we decided to sign. (big mistake) Apon signing of the paperwork they stated that they were going to take the car to clean up and wash and vaccum the inside. After waiting a half hour my husband walked back to the clean up area and discovered they were putting a GPS Tracking device on the car and never washed or vaccumed the inside. On the following day we drove the car into town and discovered that the transmission was shitfing hard on several occations, and the key fob was not working properly. being that it was a sunday we could not call the dealership and notify them of the problem. On Moday morning we called and explained to them the issue we were having, thay asked us to bring the car up and leave it so that they could check it out. Tuesday we received a call stating that they found nothing wrong with the car but offered us a FREE warranty any future problems we may have with it. They stated they would mail us warranty paper work and that we may take it to any GMC Certified dealership to get it looked at. After returning back to the lot and picking up our car we returned home and realized they failed to tell us what they were going to do about the broken keyfob, they stated they they had one there they would mail us in replace of the one that wasnt working, I asked if we could just come back up to the dealership and pick it up and he sais no he already mailed it and if we didnt get it by the following Tuesday to call him back. Wednesday the 9th I called to notify them that we had not received the keyfob, They then explained to me that it was on his desk but was to a 2004 Chevrolet and didnt know if it would work with our car (so basicly he lied about mailing it in the first place) That evening we went to the dealership and picked up the keyfob and he stated thet if we couldnt get it to work to let them know and they would order another one. After trying to program the new keyfob we discovered that it would not work with our car so we called the dealership back to notify them. They explained they would order another one. Two weeks had passed bye and in the mean time the ignition where the key goes went bad, was hard for us to even place in the key to start the car, also no warranty paper work had been obtained by us in the mail, Nor a phone call was recieved by us on the new keyfob. Once again I notified the dealership. This time they stated they new noting about the keyfob yet and that they werent mailing us any warranty paperwork, they were just keeping it on file at their business and that we may not take it to any GMC Certified dealership, we were to bring it to them for repairs. At the same time the Transmission was once again shifting hard. After weeks of arguing with them we finally called the finance company and notified them of the dealerships neglagence to keep their work on fixing the problems and asked if they could give us any advice on what to do to get this taken care of. that the payments were suppose to be set up for the 15th and werent but had worked it out with the finance company. In the mean time the finance company also contacted them to find out the situation on the repairs for the car. They straight lied to the finance company and said they NEVER offered us a warrany to fix the car. The finance company convinced them to let us drop it off at the dealership to have it looked at again. We dropped the car off on Monday April 11th Wednesday we called again and thay ststed that were ordering a new part for the ignition and replacing it. We did not here anything back Wednesday evening after ststing they would call us back, Nor Thursday. Finally after calling on Friday the 15th (the day our payment was due) they notified us that they were not gonna fix it for free and that thwy would not release us our car because we hadnt made the payment yet even though we had made the arrangements with the finance company. So after immedietly making the payment we got in the car only to discover that there were no more miles put on my car then when we dropped it off and my personal items in the car had been messed with and throen everywhere. This is not even the worst part ! After returning home with my car the dealership calls and informs us that they have our license plate off my car and that we needed to come back in get it! When asked why they took the plate off in the first palce they implied that it was for liability purposes. All in all if you put two and two togather the dealership only asked us to bring the car in for the repairs as a scam to reposess the car after not making the payment on the 31st even after making arrangements with the finance company to make it on the 15th (the day this is all going on) They cleaned out the car and took off the plate thinking we were not going to pay and come back for the car, proceeded to just throw my personal things back in the car and forgot to put the license plate back on! Im am writing this ststement today April 15th so this issue is oviously far from being resolved, But I am hoping that in doing so I may receive assistance in resolving this very aggervating and stressful matter. My husband and I would just like the dealership to make this right to us and we also hope that no one else in unfortunate enough to be taken advantage of like we are. Signed, Very Discusted |
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