scam |
28th of Sep, 2011 by davidgarcia | stole my credit card info and used it to process numerous fraudelent transactions. If you have purchased from this website, contact your credit card issuer to cancel your credit card immediately! THE FAKE WEBSITE: Basically, I was after a Sensormatic Hook, which is a product used to open ink tags (one was left on my piece of clothing by a retailer). So I went to this website after seeing a YouTube video. The website looked okay, and although I felt a little guilty purchasing the product, I went through with it - I guess this is how most people get scammed: Just like fake ID websites, they try to take advantage of people who are doing wrong by defrauding them! So anyway... the transaction posted to my account, and I got some sort of automated email and then waited for a week. When I didn't hear back, I contacted the guy, and he said although it states trackable delivery, tracking 'could not be provided for my country'! So yeah I was stuck with having to take his word for it, and then days turned into weeks and I still had not received anything. But it gets worse.... Two weeks after the original transaction, I suddenly started getting strange transactions on my credit card account. First for a small amount, then for amounts in the hundreds of dollars! I never used this card to purchase anything on the internet before. So either this guy STOLE my credit card details and went on a shopping spree, or he SOLD my details to somebody else. So yeah, no item as purchased, and my card had to be cancelled and I am now dealing with my credit card issuer to get the charges reversed. Damn! |
No se si evo trader ha hecho esas cosas con la tarjeta de este señor, a mi me pìdieron que les hiciera un ingreso en una cuenta y despues no me proporcionaron el numero de seguimiento, en teoria me enviaron un envio ordinario sin numero de seguimiento y al pasar unos dias y no recibirlo me puse en contacto con ellos, y lo que se le ocurrio decirme a este elemento es que no tenia por que creerme, que me podia haber llegado y estar mintiendole, asi de facil me quito de enmendio y se quedo tan ancho diciendome que comprara otro y me hacia un descuento ahi todo firme el hijodeputa este.
Como si la responsabilidad no fuera suya de que yo no recibiera el envio.
En fin, no me extrañaria que fuese haciendo este tipo de cosas pues este señor es un estafador de verdad. |
Si, a mi me hizo exactamente lo mismo, por eso no me queria enviar contrareembolso, pues lo planea asi, no le recomendaria a nadie que comprara en esta pagina ni que le diera datos de su tarjeta a esta pagina por que de cualquier cosa son capaces.
Mi mal fue menor pues solo perdi 30 euros, y a ver a quien le pides cuentas luego. |
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