Governor John Kasich |
Governor John Kasich State Medical Board of Ohio Imports every FMG that applies with free VISAs & relocation monies while taking the licenses of Ohio- |
23rd of Jun, 2011 by User363827 |
Governor Kasich has recently touted 'Ohio medical care' - which in 2011 is really world imported medical care at this point - as something to 'crow' about and 'sell' to the world. And the world isn't buying it back, calling The Cleveland Clinic for a plastic surgery appointment - you can get it tomorrow. Well, Ohio physicians are what the world has sold to Ohio - free VISAs, rural relocation in Ohio to any FMG. And these FMGs don't stay in rural Ohio, they get loans on cars, real estate, and import their families to the urban areas after 3 years - they aren't interested in Ohio or Ohio care. Meanwhile, Ohio-trained physicians are either disciplined for not going along with bad care - and no pain meds to fracture patients is bad care Governor Kasich - or trying to leave Ohio practices. Ohio has the worst State Medical Board in the US for physician abuses - false complaints & charges that go on for years - and cost huge legal monies because the complaints are 'confidential.' One woman has had her licensed taken for 19 years and the Board is still 'trying to find a case' against her - no patient complaints, but she wouldn't do things for Dr. Nice & refer to him. It's cost over $300,000 to the family, and probably over $1M to the State of Ohio; state legal costs are usually doubled as no one does any pro bona for the Ohio State Medical Board. Kasich is on the 'greens' with Obama - and the money is evaporating fast. The State Medical Board, while easily granting licenses to FMGs of every training & background, heavily restricts Ohio-trained physicians when they balk on doing things 'for the boys' - or the OSMB makes them accept the wrong care and no blood work until the Ohio-trained physician is really sick - women MDs especially are targeted by the Rick & the boys for these punitive measures. Trying to reach them on the phone - you get a Whitehouse assistand who says nothing. Previous to Mr. Whitehouse, Mr. Dilling thought it adequate in 2005, that one woman MD got a few blood tests out-of-state in 1991 - all the blood work that she needed for 15 years of her license being taken for objecting - her sex life has been discussed in two Hearings - it doesn't exst but it is written up in pages of fiction that are in public records. Women MDs have to let their fractures 'ripen to excrescence' as in Vietnam, or not have blood work as in Thailand/Philippines, before their licenses are taken in a kanagaroo court of 'peers' and woman attorneys who are talking-heads. Then five evaluations later 'for not going along' - not 'liking' her Ohio MDs - this woman physician has fractured her fifth bone because she has not been allowed to prescribe herself the blood work that she needs (since 1991) or a bone strengthening med - and the Cleveland Clinic won't help her as the State Medical Board wants her dead - easier to import someone who will say 'yes' to everything. Ohio just disciplines Ohio physicians and gets a 'replacement' from the Internet VISA market - easy stats. Governor Kasich is just 'on the links,' while it is business as usual for Rick Whitehouse ( ). In Columbus, off the links, there is a stack of false Ohio physician 'disciplines' that permit this 'mass' relocalization of FMGs in Ohio. At one point in the 1990s, the number of FMGs licensed in Ohio outdistanced the Ohio medical school graduates - and probably still in 2011 there are more licensed FMGs in Ohio than US-trained physicians. Certainly the Medical Board has a different 'face' these days, and different standard for Ohio physicians vs FMGs. The 'confidential' files need to be opened at the State Medical Board of Ohio. Rural areas do not need to accept FMGs if there is an Ohio-trained MD who can't get her licensed cleared because she won't play along (sleep with Dr. Nice - now divorced/separated - and promise to send him patients) - just request the Ohio-trained MD and that the State Medical Board clear her license and let her get medical care to function and work. The rural areas are accepting MDs that they don't need to accept. Ohio-trained MDs should be able to work in Ohio without being left to rot from no medical care and having to endure the 'boys' in Columbus. |
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