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Governor John Kasich Brad Reynolds are killing a woman physician by neglect to cover up the medical mistakes made in her care 20 years ago & the takin
3rd of Jan, 2012 by User439579
Ohio has no formal medical mistake laws, but should that legalize the 'killing' of women physicians who had mistakes made in their Ohio medical, and orthopedic, care so that no one is liable - the state, the hospital, her no-help medical colleagues? We have legalized abortion in Ohio, so maybe it was only a matter of time to then legalize the women MD no-care rule, or practice. Or allow the taking of her medical license for 'making too much of admittedly bad care,' to stop the improving of the aforementioned bad care by not allowing even a discussion of it? Most states have a non-punitive 'third pathway' for care standard improvements - and don't tax massage 'therapy.' This Ohio woman physician, and there probably is more than one woman MD misdiagnosed and without a medical license in Ohio just no one can get the statistics ('confidential'), is not allowed to say anything about the bad care, or get care of her 'serious' bone condition to stop the fractures - that doesn't exist. In Ohio medical mistakes, ie the bone condition that she has that is not supposed to be mentioned, are just 'psychiatric.' And this bone condition is not well characterized because even Dr. Angelo Licata (Cleveland Clinic Foundation) won't order the labs (bone markers) to characterize it - even though he authors & edits the literature on this - so she has an uncharacterized bone disorder that causes serious comminuted fractures with minor trauma. That's Ohio medicine. This Ohio MD's 'psychiatric' fracturing, and bone pains, just need a new sixth 'right' Ohio psychiatrist per Senator Tim Grendell - covering things up for his district. When the MDs can't get the diagnosis, they turn to Senator Grendell who can produce one for them by allowing the State Medical Board of Ohio to cheat and change the 'confidential' complaint - many times. Women are just crazy, they don't have real diagnoses, or need real treatment (casts, x-rays, reductions). Senator Tim Grendell has to cover for Dr. Tim Nice - two of a kind about the lying - and he can get Dr. Phillip Resnick to write anything to summarize succinctly. So the woman MD is dying in front of Governor Kasich who can't figure things out - because everything is 'confidential' at the State Medical Board of Ohio. This is not about her patient complaints or care - it's about disagreeing about her own medical care trying to save herself for 19 years. And of course she's not allowed to get married, have a child or a husband - and her medical school guy friends have bolted for the money & the job security - no one has an ounce of character in Ohio. And they are not even writing Girl with the Fractured Wrists books because of a guilty conscience - looking the other way is all too easy in Ohio. Because the State Medical Board - and a Governor who can't figure himself out - won't look at the care problems for women patients in Ohio - there's a woman MD who's literally just dying fracturing and unable to use her MD and education to save herself. Her medical license is suspended indefinitely until she lies a 'good' lie about what happened - changes her story as Dr. Fred Suppes threatened her - and admits boxes of lies that are still 'confidential.' How can one admit a case that is 'confidential?' Dr. Nice has threatened that she will never practice again in Ohio, or anywhere, for outing his problems; Dr. Nice can't cast a wrist fracture with the proper padding or in the correct alignment, can't measure the degrees of displacement, can't disimpact and straighten a wrist or anything else, and can't call for help from a colleague - and Dr. O'Day wouldn't recognize a correctly casted wrist fracture if she saw one. Dr. O'Day never finished a residency, but she spent her time on the State Medical Board undoing everyone else's careers. This woman MD had a Fellowship in Bone Metabolism, at St. Louis University, which was nixed by the State Medical Board of Ohio in 1992 - they just want women to fracture in Ohio - the orthopedics don't have enough to do and the women have to be stupid and fractured. You can have a MENSA IQ in Ohio, but you can't use it - too much competition for the coddled boys. And of course if that Fellowship was completed, she would have been competition for the talking-heads at Cleveland Clinic running the Bone Metabolism Department - a Bone Metabolism Department that won't treat her because they 'don't have to.' Carla O'Day MD wouldn't let anyone compete with Abby Abelson MD - just like those soccer Moms. So to cover everything up, because Hillcrest Hospital had to be sold to Cleveland Clinic at a bargain price (no liability - and there's a question that this would ever have cost the hospital 2 cents if the case was referred on time) - the case had to be covered up in 1992 - the woman's life destroyed. The woman MDs hospital privileges were taken for being bad PR - so that this would all never really be known - she's just 'impaired' without the criteria, and the public never questions the State Medical Board as to the impairment, ie trying to get the 'right' fracture care? Questioning the State Medical Board of Ohio is like questioning Bishop Lennon - no one does it because no one has the guts, not because they aren't wrong a good percentage of the time. No one should go to Hillcrest Hospital in Mayfield Heights for real fracture care - you may get a psychiatrist when the orthopedic can't cast. The woman MDs license & hospital privileges were taken for saying "No" to Dr. Nice and requesting proper care and referral - not for her patient care which was touted as 'brilliant' - because she could get the diagnoses that no one else could. Just she couldn't save herself as the hospital & orthopedics had goofed - by not calling the hand orthopedic at Hillcrest & Cleveland Clinic. Male physicians don't have to refer, consult, or be a part of Team Ohio; they don't call anyone unless a nurse can dial the number for them. Dr. Robert Botti could not call the hand orthopedic at University for her - he was too worried about his retirement package from Hillcrest - what Betty Botti is still worried about should this come out. The looks in St. Francis Church speak volumes - she thought she had won a sweepstakes picking up a Mrs. Doctor - and he wanted to be part of the Gates Mills crowd, not the Gates Mills Players. Betty should be worried about if she ever fractures a bone - because Dr. Botti can look the other way for that - without a qualm of conscience. Dr. Botti was informed that the woman MD looked close to passing out, and he did nothing except tell her to get counseling to get over things - the fracture was still uncasted after 3 weeks because everyone at Hillcrest looked the other way - like they did for an OR nurse's suicide at Hillcrest. Dr. Botti just mopped up the Hillcrest messes, and retired on it. And what is the Girl With the Dragon Tattoo about, but men looking the other way while women are abused - the author did that when he was 15 - he watched a gang rape instead of trying to stop it. So Dr. Botti watched a woman MD try to work with an uncasted fracture to prove he was 'one of the boys,' and deserved the Hillcrest package that Betty is living off of. A lot of people live off watching women in trouble try to endure the abuse. Leaving a woman's fracture uncasted, until she does 'personals' and referrals for Dr. Nice, is abuse. But only domestic abuse is recognized in Ohio - not medical colleague abuse - that's just perpetual hazing. The woman MD had to TRY to refer herself after the orthopedics, and Hillcrest Hospital, told other physicians that she didn't 'deserve' care - she finally got some care at Mayo Clinic after an 'experimental' cast at University. Ohio hospitals can't make splints in their OT departments that last longer than several hours - that is if the male MDs can take the time to write for a splint or physical therapy. The State Medical Board of Ohio has persistently denied that one year of every complication in the orthopedic fracture book was anything out of the ordinary - but an 'experimental' wrist fracture cast? That's not even in the book. The Hillcrest Hospital ER was run by a woman MD - Dr. Carla O'Day - who wasn't managing things very well - but she was on the State Medical Board managing things for the State. Only those that can't manage anything locally, or their marriages, are appointed to state office in Ohio = TRAKAS. And the orthopedics would want to use the ER as an office at Hillcrest - for the cast materials, the staff, and the food - but still leave out the padding, x-rays, and just go warm the pizza - eat in front of the patients & family members. Dr. Nice ate pizza when the fractured MD came to the ER; in front of the woman MD with a badly casted unx-rayed wrist fracture and her mother. When the cost of the Hillcrest charade was complained about, that was another point against the fractured MD at the State Medical Board. But to continue hiding the facts for 19 years, and not allow the woman physician real treatment? - that's a State Medical Board record of neglect. Some of the best bone metabolism physicians in the country at The Cleveland Clinic have decided not to allow this woman MD care - because it's not politically correct for them to do this care and have to disagree with the mistakes of the State Medical Board. In Ohio, despite all the new recommendations on admitting medical mistakes, you can't mention a medical mistake - it's the really BIG 'elephant' in the room. Dr. Chad Deal refused to look at the fractured women MDs blood work, or see her for an evaluation in 2000; he told her he would write what the Medical Board wanted him to regardless of the Fracture Index score - and this has cost her 4 more fractures that didn't have to happen. When her license was taken she lost the ability to write for her own labs, x-rays, and meds. So she's had to beg. Because Hillcrest knew there was a missed diagnosis, they had to stop her ordering trying to find the missed diagnosis as they knew she would find the answer eventually - and they needed the statute of limitations to expire. The only thing that Mr. Whitehouse talks about regarding this 'case' is the statute of limitations applying - so mistakes were made, they just can't be admitted or paid for in cash. Dr. Abby Goulder Abelson - a BFF of Carla O'Day MD- won't intervene - she watches the other woman MD - who was in the Medical School class behind her - fracture. How can you watch someone fracture and not feel bad - what kind of person is that? Dr. Abelson will watch someone slowly fracture multiple bones - her competition - and laugh about it - totally minus any ethics, common sense, or caring ability - she's got her Department Chairmanship. But Abby Abelson is so concerned that her mother fractured one bone - she has to take it to youtube? Maybe she should have done a workup on her mother, a bone density or a few labs; not a youtube expose? Abby Goulder-Abelson is Jewish, and only Jewish women physicians, and those who will lie for Carla O'Day MD, get care in Ohio = the dues. Abby gets the best of medical care for herself and her family, and her medical license will never be questioned after what she's done for Carla = not interfering. Tonya Heyman MD makes sure that she's on the 'right' side of things - and this fractured woman went to high school with her. Every Jewish woman in Beachwood is on some bone med, or several, and probably Abby because she has a family history, but Abby will watch this other non-Jewish woman fracture without a med or a bone lab on the chart - someone has to be a stat for the State Medical Board and it can't be a Jewish physician of course. The BAD MD has to be a Catholic girl who just wasn't 'easy' enough for Dr. Nice because she thought that maybe, just maybe, one David Walker MD might wake up in time - not a chance on that one either - NO TEBOW FAITH. Gotta give that TEBOW guy credit for stand up chutzpah and faith - the Broncos are in the playoffs - a true miracle. Miracles happen with FAITH. Dr. Angelo Licata - runs the National Osteoporosis Foundation educational programs - and along with Chad Deal MD collects the most drug company monies in the NE Ohio regional area - but he can't help this woman MD with a bone density order or any blood work - it's takes hours of begging to get him to write for an occasional vitamin D and maybe a yearly TSH - which isn't worth getting the blood drawn for. In the last 2 years, the ob-gyn ordered the bone density, and Dr. Licata ordered only a TSH - which the woman physician can't get drawn at Cleveland Clinic Main Campus Euclid Avenue, as the all-black staff can't draw her blood without puncturing her arm 4 times with hematomas - and even then they can't draw the blood. It's THE HELP getting back by messing up the white girl's arm - she doesn't need it to practice medicine and can't put s*** on it, but you can puncture it to hell and make her bleed. But regardless ONE lab is not going to make any difference - so the woman MD fractured her shoulder badly in May, 2011; because Deal, Abelson, and Licata can't do one thing to help her because it might have an effect on their medical licenses, their lives, they might have to tell the State Medical Board of Ohio that a mistake was made and that she really does have a serious bone condition. So like the physicians who prospered while Hitler was in power, they just do what is politically correct - even Dr. Licata who pretends to be Catholic and trained at Georgetown? And he teaches the Lerner medical students this - to abandon a patient if it's not politically in their best career interest - to draw only the labs that the State Medical Board wants to see - gotta keep that free office and staff, and the drug company monies? Dr. Licata can't check a blood calcium, phosphorus, PTH, or the numerical value of the level of anything for this woman MD - she could have normocalcemic hyperparathyroidism for all he knows, or doesn't know - he's never done any general screening blood work - and this is The Cleveland Clinic medicine. John Brems MD - Georgetown University trained - can't say an ethical word either, but can write in the chart that it's the Medical Board's fault - another no-brainer - and therefore he can't do anything? But at least he 'does believe' that the woman MD has a 'serious bone condition' - looking at the shoulder x-ray with a thousand points of bone fracture. And you do get fractures on the bone meds, but usually they are not comminuted. So the woman MD got a 30-year-old shoulder splint; nothing has changed at Cleveland Clinic in the last 30 years of treating shoulder fractures except for shoulder replacements. There was no attempt at disimpaction or straightening out of the shoulder fragments by traction - that would require an OR effort by the black help, and this woman MD isn't worth that. She's going to die anyways of fractures, and her medical license won't ever come back - because no one wants it to. It's God or nothing, for this woman MD - so that she dies faster - and God is co-operating. John Brems knew her from Georgetown undergrad - where he looked the other way when she needed college advice - too busy with his girlfriend who he couldn't be detached from for 5 minutes. When do men grow up and stand on their own, without a mother, girlfriend, wife, Parma Community Hospital, or Medical Board to hold their hand? Tebow is only such a phenomenon because the rest of men are compared to him, and the rest of men stand up for nothing, and won't kneel once in their lives to any higher power to pray for no one or no thing. Praying for football - could pick a better intention - but at least it's prayer. Rather adolescent prayer request, in the scheme of things, but at least it is 6'3" worth of prayer. And then Dr. Brems could only write for 2 weeks of pain meds - not a prayer of change there - because of the risk that he would be considered a 'pill-mill MD' under Governor Kasich's new rules for not giving fracture patients pain meds. In Ohio we have to make sure that women don't get addicted to pain meds, but are addicted to psych meds? And there isn't a chance that 2 weeks of pain meds will do anything, but relieve a part of the terrible pain of shoulder fractures. The pain meds will only change when Governor Kasich fractures something on the golf course or ski slope - he won't fracture anything working too hard at being Governor. It's such a bunch of self-serving people in Ohio, but to let someone die without a career, a family, medical care, or even a friendly phone call (David Walker MD) - is just so cruel that it's beyond words. Dave Walker could have said a word about my getting along with men, but that would require some 'stand-up' courage, and he's too worried about his perfect 'deal' at Parma Peds to say a word. When did Ohio men become such wimps that they would let a legislature vote to allow 'confidential' physician complaints - males in no other state go down to such a diminutive wussy level to allow this degree of insult to their abilities. In Ohio we don't allow physicians to defend themselves, to argue their points, to be men and women. Thankfully it will only take another shoulder fracture, and maybe one neglected hip fracture, to kill this woman MD who once had a promising career, but just wasn't allowed simple medical & fracture care because the physicians were too busy making mistakes, eating pizza, screwing the staff, being a pediatrician who can't talk to adult classmate anymore, or just shopping for polo ponies. And she won't be having any children to compete with Jewish prince & princesses of the Abelsons, Deals, Heymans and others. The names, and the many unmentioned - it's 2012 & all Ohio physicians need to wake up, and insist on decent laws at the State Medical Board level - laws that allow all physicians to have some dignity, to be able to make a mistake and deal with it in a professional manner, or to be able to non-punitively expose/report the mistake and get the woman physician treated.

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