Gene Johnson from Kits Graphics threats from company even after I have several emails from Gene's co-workers justifying my claim Vancouver, British C |
22nd of Nov, 2011 by User512878 |
Here is a pleasant email I received from Gene at Kits Graphics. I am being charged hundreds of dollars from this company for their mistakes. I sent Gene an email from one of his co-workers and as you can see below.. it got his panties tied up in a knot. I DO NOT RECOMMEND THIS COMPANY! I'm going to repeat myself here. I advise you read my words carefully this time. You are not our customer. Macdonald Realty is our customer. If you have a bone to pick or an account to settle, please do so via Macdonald. If my message was lengthy and unnecessary, then why am I having to repeat myself again now? You seem to be wanting to squabble. I'm definitely not the guy you are gonna want to squabble with. And I'm also not the kind of guy that you "tell what to do". Anyone I know can guarantee for a fact that I do not take orders. I'll do just the opposite - out of spite. It's a bad personal characteristic, I agree. We will not be adjusting any accounting records for two reasons: 1.) there is no mistake and 2.) your approach sucks. Also, I think you are mixing information somehow to make your case (?). What ever that might be. You seem to want to put words in my mouth based on our discussion. To clarify, I did not say what you ordered or did not order. I said that we do that particular card as a minimum of 500 cards. There are no exceptions. So, by definition, that means you, too. I read your message below. Graham merely stated that the proof was attached. There is nothing mentioned or discussed or acknowledged or agreed between you and Graham about doing 250 cards (even though that's what your indicating). Graham would simply not have gotten into that discussion with you. He does not have time for such things. Again, you are not our customer and the arrangement we have is with Macdonald. Cathy Read certainly understands that we have a minimum. Graham interfaces with Cathy, not the individual realtors (largely because it's too time consuming). I don't even know what you're talking about with the free 500 card offer. That must be something between you and Macdonald, not us. Or something that Macdonald offers their realtors. Can't say. Don't contact us again about this. If there is some other way we can help you, we'd be happy to. But as of now, I assure you that we've spent as much time on this as we're going to and that we've washed our hands of this particular matter. Have a good evening, |
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