Consumer reviews and reports on scam companies, bad products and services
Gabrielle Llewellyn
Gabrielle llewellyn monarch media fund motive Scam, fraud, lie, collusion Marina Del Rey, California
14th of May, 2011 by User356509
Gabrielle Llewellyn of Monarch Media Fund/ Motive marketing is a major scam artist! I have had the same unfortunate dealings with her. Thousands of investment dollars with promises of returns that never came. Id like to speak with this investor who got scammed for $750,000, as for im sure I can shed light on things. Email me at
5030 days ago by User7890654
Unfortunately your email got deleted. Please post any information you can on this forum.
Thank you!
5030 days ago by Jaaaaa
this is total BS, not true and slander.
5029 days ago by Ricksheldon
Who is right? User356509 or Jaaaaa. User356509- Can you shed more light?
5027 days ago by Worldequity
Miss Gabrielle Llewellyn is among the lowest scum of the earth. She takes hard working peoples money who have great businesses and promises them the investment money they are looking for to grow their business or develop their project. She specifically looks for people who are looking for start up funds because they are the most vulnerable. She never plans on investing into your company, and could care less about what it is you are doing. Ask her a question about your business and she does not even know what the fuck she is talking about when it comes to discussing it. She is just planning how she can get the most money out of you and telling you what you want to hear.

She will provide you with what appears to be legit legal documents that state the terms of the money etc etc. She will even go as far as sending you falsified financial statements to make it seem like she has the money to invest into what you are doing. Ask her to provide you with references of people she has done business with and you will get a run around. If you push it she will not let you call them, she will tell you "i will have them contact you" and you will get contacted by some unknown person who will hardly give you any information. I can list facts all day long about this whole scam she is running.

Think about this, A person who is supposedly running fund which consists of hundreds of millions of dollars of investment capital doesn't even have an office? Doesn't have any people working for her (other then her other scam partners that just push her deals) Doesn't have an office number? 1149 3rd Street Santa Monica is Motive Entertainments offices NOT Monarch Media Fund, however that is where she will meet you if you must meet face to face. 14020 Old Harbor Lane Marina Del Rey is an apartment building where she has Monarch registered out of. I have spoken with private equity groups that do investments a quarter of the size of what Gabrielle states and they have a good 15-20 people working for them.

Take it from someone that has been through hell and back with this woman and the people she works with. I put in a substantial amount of money to do a deal I needed investment money for, signed all the documents, was promised the money in 30 days, and now 5 month later I am suing the bitch. Its all lies, and coverups. My advice is stay FAR FAR AWAY from this low life!! Gabrielle Llewellyn is a conniving, worthless piece of shit who will get whats coming to her.
5026 days ago by Justthefactsmam
If this is all true and factual, why are you posting and hiding your identity? More importantly, why would you be spamming instead of letting your attorney handle this? Sounds more like you made a business decision and now you decide you don't like the terms? If I'm wrong and this is legit, don't hide, give us details or at least your name.
5023 days ago by StopHer
To: justthefactsmam

You yourself are posting annoymous and you are defending a low life scam artist, so this could only be her or one of her affiliates that she pays (with the investors own money). Gabrielle hides behind attorneys most of whom aren't even aware of her dealings. The facts: she lies, lies, lies she uses false bank statements to get people to invest this is fraud and this is a fact! She also uses investor's money for her own purposes which is not in the contract or agreed. The FBI has been informed and the district attorney and police are next and that is a fact!
5022 days ago by Worldequity
Exactly, everyone who I have spoken to that had dealings with this woman has a nightmare or a story so the one person defending this scam artist (justthefactsmam) is either Gabrielle herself or one of her low life affiliates. The facts are very straight forward and clear. She lies. She manipulates facts to make things look legit. She sends false financial documents. She takes money from people and uses it for other things that have nothing to do with the contracted deal. Attorneys play no role in the situation because she will tell you they are busy working on other deals. I had at least 10 people email me telling me of similar dealings with her, as well as others asking me what they should do because they are considering going forward with sending money for a deal. The exact same paperwork I was scammed with. I can't wait for the day Gabrielle and all her affiliates are locked up and never seen again.
5021 days ago by User151515
Gabrielle Llewellyn will tell you to speak to her lawyers ( what a joke), one of which has not been active since 1994, the other one is from New Mexico and seems to know nothing about any deals with Monarch...
5021 days ago by User151515
Check out her Escrow accounts, BIG Problem!!!
5021 days ago by User151515
Her Great Lawyers, Yeah right!!!
5021 days ago by User151515
ask for proof of funds (fat chance)
ask for bank statements (keep dreaming)
ask for a closing date (you need a calendar that goes to the year 2900}
ask for you monies (you would have a better chance printing it yourself}
5021 days ago by User151515
Gabrielle Llewellyn Monarch Media Fund ponzi scheme Marina Del Rey, California Sooooooooooooooooooooooo TRUE
5011 days ago by User151515
Also watch out for Vincent Butta, he is trying to make deals with everyone.
5011 days ago by User151515
Gabrielle Llewellyn, recently reported to the FBI office in Los Angeles, is the worst scammer and fraud on the planet Earth to date. We believe that Gabrielle Llewellyn is trying very hard to leave the country with stolen investor funds. Gabrielle Llewellyn is a heartless person who organized a small-time crime syndicate to commit multiple wire frauds from many investors.

Gabrielle Llewellyn operates two companies. The first one is Monarch Media Fund, out of her condo in Marina Del Rey:
14020 Old Harbor Lane
102 Marina Del Rey, CA 90292-7502
Phone: (310) 306-1806
Gabrielle Llewellyn also operates some of her scams out of her Santa Monica Office, with her front company Motive Marketing located and protected by other scammers who act as a front for her, at
1149 Third Street
Suite 210
Santa Monica, CA, 90403
Phone: (310) 393-9102
Her site:
If you see Gabrielle Llewellyn, please report her immediately to the local police or FBI office in any of these cities. If you are a banker, we highly recommend cancelling her fraudulent accounts immediately, as she uses them for wire fraud and money laundering in large sums.

Gabrielle Llewellyn uses Commercial Escrow Services (, which is owned and operated by another scammer who works closely with her. Toni Hardstone, the principal of this company, is located at:

3478 Buskirk Ave.
Suite 242
Pleasant Hill, CA 94523
Telephone: (800) 279-2423
FAX: (925) 933-9965

Gabrielle Llewellyn uses an attorney in New Mexico:

Robert Singer, Esq.
The New Mexico Law Group, P.C.
6709 Academy NE, Suite A
Albuquerque, NM 87109
Phone: (505) 842-5500
Fax: (505) 247-3185
Cell (505) 991-9911
Email: [email protected]

She uses his services to shield herself from possible criminal and civil prosecution. He works for her and receives payments from her. Please write to the New Mexico Board of Law to report any behavior on his part that you know to be illegal.
Gabrielle Llewellyn often uses Ponzi schemes and lies to entrap her victims. She is also assisted by her own son, who operates and helps with some of her scams to defraud investors and their innocent families of everything they have got. Vincent Butta, who is based out of New York, helps her to find the investors to start the scam (at least two cases now).

Gabrielle Llewellyn also uses legitimate-seeming movie producers like Joe Pasterelli and Paul Pastarelli to lend a veneer of honesty to her criminal operations. Part of the next step in her swindle is to use a crooked escrow service. Gabrielle Llewellyn uses Toni Hardstone and Paul Hardstone, of Commercial Escrow Services, to commit both escrow and wire frauds. Commercial Escrow services and both Toni and Paul Hardstone are heavily involved in the wire and escrow fraud -- it may be that she has tricked them, but at this point, due to some very strange behavior on their part, it looks more likely that they are part of the scheme, too.
Gabrielle Llewellyn uses every trick in the game: wire fraud, escrow fraud, bank document fraud -- you name it! She has an extensive network of helpers and professionals and knows how to use them, so if she approaches you about out!

Here is just one of the stories that will tell you why and how Gabrielle Llewellyn scams and defrauds investors of their life savings.

She and her front organization found two investors (a man and his pregnant wife), and drafted an agreement for the investors to place their funds with Commercial Escrow Services (Toni Hardstone's company) in preparation for investment. Producers Vincent, Paul and Joe introduced the investors to Gabrielle Llewellyn and her companies: Motive Marketing and Monarch Media fund.

Little did the investors know what was coming. At this point we believe that the escrow company was also working with Llewellyn and was part of the scam. Gabrielle Llewellyn then used forged bank documents and a forged agreement to send 2 wires to escrow. Originally there were just one wire but then she decided to split it into two wires, thus committing -- with the help of the Escrow company -- 2 wire frauds for a total sum of $750, 000.00 dollars.

Gabrielle Llewellyn used all the lies she knew to trick the investor and his pregnant wife out of their life savings, and she did not care which means to use to scam this huge sum from this family.

After that, Gabrielle Llewellyn told the investor that she did not have the money and he would never get it back. She said to the investor and his pregnant wife to go scramble to take care of the baby without the money she now enjoys. The investors and their family are suffering from the fraud perpetrated by her.

Currently, the investors' only hope is that the FBI and local police can assemble enough evidence to put these criminals to prison for the rest of their life! These criminals were just reported, and all her victims are waiting for justice to be served. If you have also been swindled by Gabrielle Llewellyn and her cronies, we want to hear from you.

Please write us your story how Gabrielle Llewellyn defrauded you and be sure to report her to the authorities if you have been victimized as well. If she and those in her employ don't serve their time in prison, they'll just do it again to someone else.

Report to: [email protected]
5011 days ago by User151515
Gabrielle Llewellyn, is also the
Motive Productions
5010 days ago by LA Film Maker
I have read your postings and have also met the producers you refer to in your posting. I have found the producers to be totally legitimate and upstanding people who just might have been scammed as well. I have also found that many of the things you posted has some consisency to what I have seen as well so I am concerned as I have been thinking about working on a deal with Monarch Media Fund. Are there any other Lawyers that you have had contact with that represent her? are there any references you have been provided? I am curious as some of what you say does ring an alarming bell and other things that you have said I know to be factually not true. Thats not to say your experience is not legitimate as I can see the same signs of deception and want to know more about your experience. Im sure any others involved outside of her lawyers and the Escrow people are just being duped as well like you have been. What you have said particularly about the producers outside of Monarch I know are not true at all as I know and can vouch for these people and the 20 years I know them all. So it would be productive if you focused on the really bad people here and not soil actual legitimate and honest people along the way, although I understand your anger and frustration.
What I do want to know is who at the FBI did you contact so I can contact them as well to learn more? (what is the Agents name and number?) What other Monarch lawyers and bankers have you spoken with that might shed some light on this? and have you indeed filed a law suit against Monarch, and if so when and for what?
Im confused, and being cautious as your postings are alarming and if true terribly disturbing so any clarification you can make would be appreciated.
5010 days ago by Anonymous
Just stay away and watch them all fall one by one
5009 days ago by User151515
Associated Names:
Gab M Lauer
Gabrielle M Allen

Know Addresses
Marina Del Rey, CA
Culver City, CA
Los Angeles, CA
Glendale, CA
Honolulu, HI
Pacoima, CA
5004 days ago by User151515
Motive-Lexicon Entertainment, LLC has a location in Westlake Village, CA. Active officers include Paul Lauer, Marina Martins and Gabrielle Llewellyn. Motive-Lexicon Entertainment, LLC filed as a Domestic on Thursday, October 11, 2007 in the state of California and is currently active. Gabrielle Llewellyn serves as the registered agent for this organization.The company's line of business includes Develop, Produce, Finance, Commercialize.
4991 days ago by User151515
This is the escrow service that Gabrielle Llewellyn and Vincent Butta use for Monarch Media Funding

Toni Hardstone, is a fraudulent con artist and liar. This page will explain her FRAUD practices and to help other possible future victims and all the people she is dealing with presently.

I am a victim of Toni Hardstone and her Fraudulent Commercial Escrow Services Inc and as of today Toni Hardstone has managed to slip through the cracks of passing a background checks and is currently working with multiple banking institution that allows her transfer funds to newly formed bogus companies as LLC . Not good. Toni Hardstone has used multiple shell entities to commit escrow fraud. Having access to bank customer’s social securities, date of birth, addresses, account numbers, and other personal information is the key to Toni Hardstone’s success living the life of what she does best. Scams!

Toni Hardstone is a selfish, self centered, con artist, lying, scum. Or better put a piece of shit. If you encounter this human scum, do not do business with her. She’ll come across as a escrow officer /agent. Most companies are ghost companies (shells). Toni Hardstone is a phony and a fraud. She will defraud you, lie to you, and steal your escrow. To the Banking institution that use Go double check on the person you hired.
Toni Hardstone is a con-artist, identity crook, and runs scams.
Gabrielle Llewellyn, Toni Hardstone, Vincent Butta and Paul Hardstone with Commercial Escrow Services, recently reported to the FBI office in Los Angeles, is the worst scammer and fraud on the planet Earth to date. We believe that Gabrielle Llewellyn is trying very hard to leave the country with stolen investor funds. Gabrielle Llewellyn is a heartless person who organized a small-time crime syndicate to commit multiple wire frauds from many investors.

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