Flight Attendant Express Wendy Stafford Horrible Program Orlando, Florida |
7th of Nov, 2011 by User610316 |
This program is horrible I have proof I attended it for all who want to see said proof and I am not a spy not that anyone needs to spy on her program. She herself lies and has nothing to offer you. DONT WASTE YOUR MONEY. If you are over the age of 21 and are able to travel and move away from home have no tie downs then apply yourself to the airlines dont use her. If your like me and just needed some interviewing skills take a college class somewhere near by you or look up a professional coach they will help you more then she can. THERE ARE NO INTERVIEWS, by defenition they give you PRESENTATIONS from the airlines not interviews. They do not have a 90% hiring rate. They lied to me about the class size as well and they do not do TRAINING at Jetblue they take you on a tour of there facility and thats all the do not give you and kind of training in their classes, they provide you is with meager interviewing skills which is them standing you up in front of your classmates critising you when you say what they tell you to say cause they say yes that sounds right but you cant say it cause you guys all sound the same well DUH! You tell us we say the wrong things if we didnt say what you said to say and then when we say what they said to say its still wrong cause we all sound rehersed and the same and airlines wont like that but since we never went to an airline interview or recieved one then it didnt matter that we practiced barely throughout the week cause it didnt matter. O by the way if you want to get a certificate from this course DONT they let people cheat they give thier students the answer and dont give a crap about the people like myself who studied really hard and passed with flying colors because they make sure YOU PASS. They cheat you out of your hard work and make sure those who didnt study pass they program as well. After 12 years of teaching you'd think they would know how to use a projector system and their own laptop but NO they dont even know how to use a USB they are idiots I spent more class time waiting and almost passing out from boredom waiting on them to finishing attempting to work their own equiptment. I've got more to tell for those who have any questions on this school. Please do not attend it its horrible it a waste of money, |
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