Ed Quinteros is a very smooth talking, calm CON artist. He is very good at what he does. Do not underestimate him. He advertises frequently on Craig's List as a supplier of office copy machines mainly Toshiba. My report is the second report. Look for a previous report where Ed Quinteros has provided unsatisfactory service to another person.
Ed advertised on Craig's List for someone to help him and his company get credit so he could grow his company for a fee. I responded, as I try to help different people get their companies and dreams off the ground. Ed responded with a simple request. If I could temporarily put my name on his company charter, International Office Solutions, LLC he could apply for a loan and then expand his business. He put me in contact with his co-CON man Rafael Barraza of First American Financial Services (First American Trading.com).
Ed Quinteros explained at length that the company would be responsible for all payments. Rafael Barraza never answers any questions directly. If you ask Rafael a questions like who is responsible for making the payments? Rafael responds with "you should have Ed make automatic payments from his bank account." And " if Ed defaults, you can take him to court to collect."
I was never told that these were loans (credit cards) that I would be personally responsible for if Ed Quinteros decided on a whim to stop paying. Ed knew what he was doing from day 1 as he maxed out 4 credit cards to $47,000 and occasionally made minimum payments when he felt like it. He was just buying time until he decided it was the right time to "escape".
Please do yourself a favor, do not do business with Ed Quinteros of International Office Solutions or Rafael Barraza of First American financial Services (FirstAmericanTraders.com) because there is a high probability that you will lose and lose big. I would love to share information with you if you can contact me at .
My personal attorney said he could not believe I fell for this simple SCAM. I am an experienced real estate agent and I have done many real estate loans in the past. This is an exception to the rule. I never sign a credit card application, a regular loan application, or even any loan application but I got BURNED TO THE TUNE OF $47,000. Apparently, "professional" credit arrangers like Rafael Barraza of First American Financial Services does not have to conform to the strict FEDERAL type regulations that home loan agents have to abide by. Another one of those f++ ++++ conservative Republican deregulation results.
No joke, Ed Quinteros and Rafael Barraza will cost you serious money and they will stand there and watch you bleed to death without emotion.